OAF Sample Code




Get the VO from the AM

OAViewObject objAssessmentVO = (OAViewObject)yourAM.findViewObject("yourVO");

  MtlLotNumbersVOImpl vo= (MtlLotNumbersVOImpl)findViewObject("MtlLotNumbersVO1");  MtlLotNumbersVORowImpl voi=(MtlLotNumbersVORowImpl)(vo.getCurrentRow());  mLotDetailValuesHT.put("StatusId",voi.getStatusId());

First get the AM where your VO is attached, then get the VO from that AM.Get the RootAM and get all the VOs under that AM, using

writeLog(pageContext, "Room AM"+ pageContext.getRootApplicationModule());String[] rootViewNames = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getViewObjectNames();writeLog(pageContext," Length of the VOs from Rootm AM "+rootViewNames.length);for (int j =0 ;j<rootViewNames.length ;j++ ){pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this, j +" Value "+rootViewNames[j]);}If your VO is not available in that AM, get the nested AM and then check for your VO inside that AM,Use the below code to get the AM if your AM is not root AM,public OAApplicationModule getRequestedAM(OAPageContext pageContext, String requestedAMName){writeLog(pageContext,"Requested AM called to check the AM "+requestedAMName );String amName = "";String objectivesAMName = requestedAMName;//"ObjectivesAM";String nestedAMArray[] = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getApplicationModuleNames();pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Root AM=>"+pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().getName() + " Child AMs=>"+ nestedAMArray.length,1);OAApplicationModule currentAM = null;currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getRootApplicationModule();for(int i = 0; i < nestedAMArray.length; i++){amName = nestedAMArray;pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Name=>"+amName + "and amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName) "+amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName),1);currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().findApplicationModule(amName);//Get the view namesString[] viewNames = currentAM.getViewObjectNames();for (int i =0 ;i<viewNames.length ;i++ ){writeLog(pageContext,i +" Value "+viewNames);}if(!(amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName)==-1)){pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Found Handle to My Nested AM " + amName ,1);break;}}return currentAM;}

Getting & Setting Value,Capturing the value from VO and setting Explictiy in EO

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow;public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean){   super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);OAViewObject oaviewobject1 =(OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("NewEmployeeVO1");if (oaviewobject1 != null){System.out.println("Inside");oaviewobject1.reset(); //New line addedoaviewobject1.next(); //new line addedOARow row = (OARow)oaviewobject1.getCurrentRow();String fullName = (String)row.getAttribute("FullName");OAViewObject vo1 = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("EmployeeEOVO1");vo1.reset();if (vo1 != null){do{if(!vo1.hasNext())break;vo1.next();EmployeeEOVORowImpl lcerl = (EmployeeEOVORowImpl)vo1.getCurrentRow();lcerl.setFullName(fullName);}while(true);}}


      MtlLotNumbersVOImpl lotVO = this.getMtlLotNumbersVO1();      lotVO.initQuery(organizationId,inventoryItemId,lotNumber);      MtlLotNumbersVORowImpl row1 = (MtlLotNumbersVORowImpl)lotVO.first();


在VOimpl里中增加方法:import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;...  public void initQuery(String employeeNumber)  {     if ((employeeNumber != null) &&         (!("".equals(employeeNumber.trim()))))     {       // Do the following conversion for type consistency.       Number empNum = null;         try       {         empNum = new Number(employeeNumber);       }       catch(Exception e)       {         throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_INVALID_EMP_NUMBER");       }       setWhereClause("EMPLOYEE_ID = :1");       setWhereClauseParams(null); // Always reset       setWhereClauseParam(0, empNum);       executeQuery();       }   } // end initQuery()在AM建立方法,进行VO查询的调用import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;  import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;  ...     /*****************************************************************************    * Initializes the detail employee query.    *****************************************************************************    */    public void initDetails(String employeeNumber)    {      EmpfullVOImpl vo = getEmpfullVO1();      if (vo == null)      {        MessageToken[] errTokens = { new MessageToken("OBJECT_NAME", "EmployeeFullVO1")};        throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", errTokens);      }       vo.initQuery(employeeNumber);         } // end initDetails() 页面被调用时,CO执行下面代码,对前面函数进行调用和执行(调用之前,传入变量的参数..这个不能忘记)  public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)  {    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);    // Get the employeeNumber parameter from the URL        String employeeNumber = pageContext.getParameter("employeeNumber");              // Now we want to initialize the query for our single employee        // with all of its details.         OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);        Serializable[] parameters = { employeeNumber };        am.invokeMethod("initDetails", parameters);  }

设置窗口的title 和 message的使用

String employeeName = pageContext.getParameter("employeeName");        // Always use a translated value from Message Dictionary when setting        // strings in your controllers.        // Instantiate an array of message tokens and set the value for the        // EMP_NAME token.        MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("EMP_NAME", employeeName)};        // Now, get the translated message text including the token value.        String pageHeaderText =          pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_HEADER_TEXT", tokens);        // Set the employee-specific page title (which also appears in        // the breadcrumbs).  Note that we know this controller is        // associated with the pageLayout region, which is why we cast the        // webBean to an OAPageLayoutBean before calling setTitle.                      ((OAPageLayoutBean)webBean).setTitle(pageHeaderText);

Create 基本程序

在AM中,VO实例化代码  public void createEmployee()  {    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getEmpfullVO1();    // Per the coding standards, this is the proper way to initialize a       // VO that is used for both inserts and queries.  See View Objects       // in Detail in the Developer's Guide for additional information.         if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())    {      vo.executeQuery();    }    Row row = vo.createRow();    vo.insertRow(row);    // Required per OA Framework Model Coding Standard M69    row.setNewRowState(Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED);  } // end createEmployee() 

CO 的processRequest中增加 VO实例化调用


    if (!pageContext.isFormSubmission())    {      OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);      am.invokeMethod("createEmployee", null);    }


CO 的processFormRequest中增加对按钮"Apply"的处理


    if (pageContext.getParameter("Apply") != null)    {      // Generally in the tutorial application and the labs, we've illustrated      // all BC4J interaction on the server (except for the AMs, of course). Here,      // we're dealing with the VO directly so the comments about the reasons      // why we're obtaining values from the VO and not the request make sense      // in context.       OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("EmpfullVO1");


      // Note that we have to get this value from the VO because the EO will      // assemble it during its validation cycle.      // For performance reasons, we should generally be calling getEmployeeName()      // on the EmployeeFullVORowImpl object, but we don't want to do this      // on the client so we're illustrating the interface-appropriate call. If      // we implemented this code in the AM where it belongs, we would use the      // other approach.      String employeeName =         (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("FullName");      // We need to get a String so we can pass it to the MessageToken array below. Note      // that we are getting this value from the VO (we could also get it from      // the Bean as shown in the Drilldown to Details lab) because the item style is messageStyledText,       // so the value isn't put on the request like a messaqeTextInput value is.      Number employeeNumber =         (Number)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("EmployeeId");      String employeeNum = String.valueOf(employeeNumber.intValue());      // Simply telling the transaction to commit will cause all the Entity Object validation      // to fire.      //      // Note: there's no reason for a developer to perform a rollback. This is handled    by      // the framework if errors are encountered.




      // Assuming the "commit" succeeds, navigate back to the "Search" page with       // the user's search criteria intact and display a "Confirmation" message      // at the top of the page.


      MessageToken[] tokens =      { new MessageToken("EMP_NAME", employeeName),         new MessageToken("EMP_NUMBER", employeeNum) };      OAException confirmMessage =         new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_CREATE_CONFIRM", tokens,                         OAException.CONFIRMATION, null);      // Per the UI guidelines, we want to add the confirmation message at the       // top of the search/results page and we want the old search criteria and      // results to display.


      pageContext.putDialogMessage(confirmMessage); // retain AM        pageContext.forwardImmediately("OA.jsp?page=/lyf4/oracle/apps/ak/emp/webui/EmpSearchPG",                                        null,                                        OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT,                                        null, null, true,                                        OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO);    }






   public void apply()   {   // 这里只有一个事务吗?     getTransaction().commit();   }


      pageContext.setForwardURL("OA.jsp?page=/lyf4/oracle/apps/ak/emp/webui/EmployeePG",                                    null,                                    OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT,                                    null,                                    null,                                    true, // Retain AM                                    OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES,                                    OAWebBeanConstants.IGNORE_MESSAGES);

处理back button




  public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    if (!pageContext.isBackNavigationFired(false))
      TransactionUnitHelper.startTransactionUnit(pageContext, "empCreateTxn");


      if (!pageContext.isFormSubmission())
        OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
        am.invokeMethod("createEmployee", null);
    } else
      if (!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext,
        // We got here through some use of the browser "Back" button, so we   
        // want to display a stale data error and disallow access to the page.
        // If this were a real application, we would probably display a more
        // context-specific message telling the user she can't use the browser
        // "Back" button and the "Create" page. Instead, we wanted to illustrate
        // how to display the Applications standard NAVIGATION ERROR message.


        OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(NAVIGATION_ERROR);






  public void rollbackEmployee()
    Transaction txn = getTransaction();
    // This small optimization ensures that we don't perform a rollback
    // if we don't have to.
    if (txn.isDirty())
  } // end rollbackEmployee()




if (TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "empCreateTxn", false
     TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, "empCreateTxn");




    if (value != null)
      OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
      Object[] employeeKey =
      { value };
      EntityDefImpl empDefinition = empEOImpl.getDefinitionObject();
      empEOImpl employee =
                                                  new Key(employeeKey));


//findByPrimaryKey 函数会先检查缓存,然后检查数据库


      if (employee != null)
        throw // EO name
          // EO PK
          // Attribute Name
          // Attribute value
          // Message product short name
          new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
                                 getEntityDef().getFullName(), getPrimaryKey(),
                                 "EmployeeId", value, "AK",
                                 "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_ID_UNIQUE"); // Message name






  public void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
    Number employeeId = transaction.getSequenceValue("FWK_TBX_EMPLOYEES_S");






  protected void validateStartDate(Date value)


    if (value != null)


      OADBTransaction transaction = getOADBTransaction();
      long sysdate = transaction.getCurrentDBDate().dateValue().getTime();
      long startDate = value.dateValue().getTime();


      if (startDate < sysdate)
        throw // EO name
          // EO PK
          // Attribute Name
          // Attribute value
          // Message product short name
          new OAAttrValException(OAException.TYP_ENTITY_OBJECT,
                                 getEntityDef().getFullName(), getPrimaryKey(),
                                 "StartDate", value, "AK",
                                 "FWK_TBX_T_START_DATE_PAST"); // Message name








   public void deleteEmployee(String employeeNumber)
      // First, we need to find the selected employee in our VO.
      // When we find it, we call remove( ) on the row which in turn
      // calls remove on the associated EmployeeEOImpl object.
      int empToDelete = Integer.parseInt(employeeNumber);


      OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getempVO1();
      empVORowImpl row = null;


      // This tells us the number of rows that have been fetched in the
      // row set, and will not pull additional rows in like some of the
      // other "get count" methods.
      int fetchedRowCount = vo.getFetchedRowCount();


      // We use a separate iterator -- even though we could step through the
      // rows without it -- because we don't want to affect row currency.
      RowSetIterator deleteIter = vo.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
      if (fetchedRowCount > 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < fetchedRowCount; i++)
          row = (empVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);


          // For performance reasons, we generate ViewRowImpls for all
          // View Objects. When we need to obtain an attribute value,
          // we use the named accessors instead of a generic String lookup.
          // Number primaryKey = (Number)row.getAttribute("EmployeeId");
          Number primaryKey = row.getEmployeeId();
          if (primaryKey.compareTo(empToDelete) == 0)
            // This performs the actual delete.
            break; // only one possible selected row in this case
      // Always close the iterator when you're done.




    else if ("delete".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          // The user has clicked a "Delete" icon so we want to display a "Warning"
          // dialog asking if she really wants to delete the employee. Note that we
          // configure the dialog so that pressing the "Yes" button submits to
          // this page so we can handle the action in this processFormRequest( ) method.


          String employeeNumber = pageContext.getParameter("empNum");
          String employeeName = pageContext.getParameter("empName");


          MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("EMP_NAME", employeeName)};
          OAException mainMessage = new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_DELETE_WARN", tokens);


          // Note that even though we're going to make our Yes/No buttons submit a
          // form, we still need some non-null value in the constructor's Yes/No
          // URL parameters for the buttons to render, so we just pass empty
          // Strings for this.
          OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING,
            mainMessage, null, "", "");


          // Always use Message Dictionary for any Strings you want to display.
          String yes = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_YES", null);
          String no = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_NO", null);


          // We set this value so the code that handles this button press is
          // descriptive.


          // The following configures the Yes/No buttons to be submit buttons,
          // and makes sure that we handle the form submit in the originating
          // page (the "Employee" summary) so we can handle the "Yes"
          // button selection in this controller.


          // Now set our Yes/No labels instead of the default OK/Cancel.


          // We need to keep hold of the employeeNumber and employeeName.
          // The OADialogPage gives us a convenient means
          // of doing this. Note that the use of the Hashtable is 
          // most appropriate for passing multiple parameters. See the OADialogPage
          // javadoc for an alternative when dealing with a single parameter.
          java.util.Hashtable formParams = new java.util.Hashtable(1);
          formParams.put("empNum", employeeNumber);
          formParams.put("empName", employeeName);



      else if (pageContext.getParameter("DeleteYesButton") != null)
          // User has confirmed that she wants to delete this employee.
          // Invoke a method on the AM to set the current row in the VO and
          // call remove() on this row.
          String employeeNumber = pageContext.getParameter("empNum");
          String employeeName = pageContext.getParameter("empName");
          Serializable[] parameters = { employeeNumber };
          OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

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