Milestone 系统架构 及产品白皮书

White paper


Milestone InterconnectTM


Prepared by:


John Rasmussen, Senior Technical ProductManager, Corporate Business Unit,

John Rasmussen,高级技术产品经理,企业业务部,

Milestone Systems


Date: May 29, 2015


Milestone Systems


White paper – Milestone Interconnect


1      Table of Contents内容目录

1.1    Introduction(入门)

Milestone Interconnect is a unique systemconcept that allows all of Milestone’s video management software (VMS) productsto be interconnected with Milestone’s premium software XProtect Corporate. Thisallows the design of a large-scale and geographically dispersed videosurveillance system where each independent surveillance system can be chosenwith the required functionality and price in mind, while still offering thebenefits of a centralized surveillance system.


Milestone Interconnect is in some aspectssimilar to Milestone Federated ArchitectureTM, however the system architectureis different and it supports a wider selection of Milestone’s VMS productswhile also offering several advanced features:


n  Support for using low maintenance and footprint XProtect products ondedicated hardware in e.g. vehicles.


n  Cost-efficient deployment by interconnecting Milestone productsdesigned for the SMB market which are easy to install in addition to supportingsystem configuration cloning


n  Retrieval of video and audio recordings from interconnectedsystems-eventually over an intermittent network connection – to a remote or thecentral XProtect Corporate system

从互联的视频和音频记录的检索系统,最终通过一个间歇性的网络连接 - 在远程或中央XProtect运营系统

n  Direct playback of the remote system’s recording


n  Scheduled, event or user-activated retrieval of remote system’srecordings to the central XProtect Corporate system


n  Short and consistent login times regardless of the number ofinterconnected systems, remote system response time or network connection state


n  Full XProtect Corporate camera rights for the interconnected cameras


n  Remote Management of the interconnected systems



Due to its unique features, MilestoneInterconnect is especially suited for specific verticals such as:


n  Retail chains


n  Transportation installations


n  Companies offering surveillance services


n  City surveillance.


1.2    Purpose and target audience目的和目标受众

The purpose of this white paper is toprovide a general overview of Milestone Interconnect and:


n  The concept behind


n  The technical implementation


n  The benefits


n  The problems it solves



This white paper’s target audiences mightinclude (but are not limited to) the following audiences:


n  Surveillance system architects and designers


n  Large-scale surveillance project consultants


n  Companies, Organizations, Universities and Governments withdistributed surveillance projects or installations.



This white paper should enable the readerto understand the architecture and technology behind Milestone Interconnect, aswell as how to design and implement a distributed surveillance system byutilizing Milestone Interconnect.


It is assumed that the reader has a generalunderstanding of Milestone XProtect Corporate, its Management Client andXProtect® Smart Client and the other XProtect VMS products as well as a generalunderstanding of network infrastructure.

假定读者具有里程碑XProtect运营,其管理客户端和XProtect®智能客户端和其他的XProtect VMS产品有全面的了解,以及网络基础设施的一般理解。

1.3    The concept behind MilestoneInterconnect里程碑互连背后的概念

With Milestone Interconnect, multipleremote sites running different XProtect products can be linked with a centralXProtect Corporate site. This includes the total product range from theembedded Milestone Arcus to the Milestone XProtect Enterprise and Corporatesystems.

随着里程碑互连,运行不同的XProtect产品多个远程站点可以与中心XProtect运营的网站链接。这包括从嵌入式里程碑的Arcus的里程碑的XProtect Enterprise和公司系统总的产品范围。


This offers central XProtect Corporatesystem users seamless access to live and recorded video and audio regardless ifit is recorded at a remote site, in the central XProtect Corporate system orboth.


Furthermore, it offers the central XProtectCorporate users advanced functions for all the interconnected products whenaccessed through the central XProtect Corporate system such as:


n  Advanced rules


n  Recording retrieval functionality


n  Time based access rights


n  System status and monitoring


n  Bookmarks


n  Alarm management



This capability works regardless if theremote site’s VMS offers the advanced functions or not.


If users need to access the remote systemdirectly, they can do it as usual for these products and they can use thestandard functions the specific product offer.


1.4    Technical overview技术概述

The actual connection between the centralXProtect Corporate site and the remote site is established through an XProtectCorporate recording server via a driver, exactly as connecting to a camera or avideo encoder.


The following diagram shows how the centralXProtect Corporate site and the remote site are interconnected via a dedicateddevice driver on the recording server.


Since the remote site is interconnected viathe recording server, the remote system will in essence appear on the centralXProtect Corporate site as a “multi-channel video encoder” with edge storagesupport.



All cameras on the interconnected remotesites will appear as any other camera connected directly into the centralXProtect Corporate system. This allow them to be used and administrated in theXProtect Corporate system in the same way as any camera connected directly tothe system. The only exception is changing the actual image settings for thecamera. This is controlled by the remote system.



The main advantages of interconnectingremote sites via the XProtect Corporate recording servers are:


n  Short and consistent login time for clients regardless of number ofinterconnected systems and remote sites response time or online status



n  Support for remote sites that are not online all the time, forinstance surveillance systems in vehicles


n  Ability to transfer recordings from remote sites to the centralXProtect Corporate site



n  Capacity to play back recordings directly from the remote site



n  Full XProtect Corporate camera rights including time limited accessrights



n  Full MIP-SDK support via XProtect Corporate for the cameras on theremote site




Recording and storage wise there are threedifferent ways this can be done; each having their own advantages and usage.



Option 1:

Recordingonly takes place in the remote interconnected system


With this option all recording and playbackis done locally in the interconnected system. Recording will be switched offcompletely in the central XProtect Corporate system and the recording serverswill only function as a gateway to live and recorded audio and video from theremote system.



n  Users accessing the interconnected system directly can view live andrecorded video and audio



n  Users accessing the interconnected system via the central XProtectCorporate system can view live and recorded video and audio and use theadvanced XProtect Corporate features



Option 2:

Recordingonly takes place in the central XProtect Corporate system


With this option, recording is switched offin the remote interconnected system. All video is streamed to the centralXProtect Corporate system and is recorded based on XProtect Corporates motiondetection, events or schedule.



n  Users accessing the interconnected system directly can only viewlive video and audio, but they cannot play back recordings



n  Users accessing the interconnected system via the central XProtectCorporate system can view live and recorded audio and video and use theadvanced XProtect Corporate features



Option3:Recording is done in both systems


With this option, recording and playback isdone both at remote sites and at the central XProtect Corporate system.Recordings can furthermore on schedule, event or user request be transferred(copied) from the interconnected system to the central XProtect Corporatesystem. This makes it possible to transfer all or selected recordings from theinterconnected system at a later time when bandwidth or connection is availableor only transfer certain sequences requested by a user.



n  Users accessing the interconnected system directly can view live andrecorded video and audio




n  Users accessing the interconnected system via the central XProtectCorporate system can view live and recorded video and audio as well as use theadvanced XProtect Corporate features. Furthermore, they also have access torequesting recordings not present in the central XProtect Corporate system tobe transferred to it from the remote system.



1.5    Applied use of MilestoneInterconnect里程碑互连的应用

1.5.1  Retail零售

Retail chains with individual shops oftenneed video surveillance in each shop for employee security and to counter theftand control internal fraud. However, retail chains also have a wish to link theindependent surveillance system in each shop with the headquarters centralsystem to form a large centralized surveillance system. This lowers operationalcosts and optimize administration, monitoring and fraud investigation.



Linking multiple surveillance systems isoften not possible when using a simple or cheap solution, and using advancedsurveillance systems across multiple sites can be quite expensive. Anadditional challenge is that the bandwidth between the shops and theheadquarter often are limited and may be used for business data during opening hours.



Milestone Interconnect offers an idealsolution for installations that cover multiple sites dispersed geographically,as the individual surveillance systems can be made-tomeasure to satisfy thecustomer’s needs. They are typically:



1. Price: The surveillance system for theindividual retail shops needs to be costefficient and simple since many localshops just require a few cameras and a basic functionality


2. Connection: Limited bandwidth to thedifferent shops and bandwidth may be used for business data during openinghours


3. Internal revision: Central access to theremote site for internal fraud investigation and evidence creating in the formof video and audio exports


4. Deployment: Easy deployment of thesurveillance system on the remote sites with support for system cloning



5. Management: Central access to systemadministration and status monitoring




The retail needs are addressed by variousfeatures in the Milestone Interconnect system:


1. With Milestone Interconnect, retailchains can build a cost-effective and geographically dispersed surveillanceinstallation. Different sites can use different XProtect products designed forsmall or medium businesses while still obtaining a centralized surveillancesystem.



2. Milestone Interconnect offers flexiblecontrol of bandwidth usage when retrieving recordings from the remote sites. Itfeatures two settings that allow control of when recordings can be retrievedfrom the remote site and the maximum bandwidth that may be used.



3. Since all remote sites are linked withthe central XProtect Corporate site, any fraud investigation can be done fromthe headquarters. If there are any bandwidth limitations, investigators canrequest recording sequences to be transferred to the central XProtect Corporatesite with a limited bandwidth or during off-peak hours. Once the video istransferred, it can be played back without bandwidth limitations.


4. Milestone Interconnect offers integratedaccess to remotely manage interconnected systems via a built-in remotemanagement function.



1.5.2  Transportation交通运输

Transportation companies needs an extremelyreliable and flexible solution that combines a standard surveillanceinstallation on train stations, bus terminals, ferry terminals or any otherbuildings with an on-board vehicle surveillance system that only is connectedto the surveillance network during certain times.



Mobile surveillance systems are generally achallenge since there needs to be either permanent high-speed wireless accessto the vehicles at all times which is expensive,or a manual procedure tophysically extract the recordings from the vehicle’s on-board surveillancesystem, which is slow and cumbersome.


Milestone Interconnect offers an idealsolution for transportation companies with distributed surveillance systems inbuildings and vehicles since it addresses the central challenges with videosurveillance in vehicles:


1. Connection: It does not require apermanent high-speed wireless connection.


2. Incident investigation: There is no needfor a manually process to physically retrieve recordings. Investigators canrequest transferal of recordings from the vehicles surveillance systems nomatter if they are online or offline. They are then transferred once thevehicle is within network reach, for instance at a station, bus stop, ferryterminal, etc.


3. Deployment: It offers easy deployment ofsurveillance systems on remote sites with support for system cloning.


4. Management: When mobile systems areonline, they can be accessed and administered centrally.


5. Combined surveillance: Mobile on boardsurveillance systems can be combined with the stationary surveillance in acohesive security solution.


The above needs are addressed by variousfeatures in Milestone Interconnect:


1. With Milestone Interconnect, there is noneed to have a permanent high-speed connection as long as the vehicle hasaccess to wireless hotspots at places such as bus or train stations, ferryterminals, etc.


2. Security operators can request thatspecific recordings are transferred from the vehicles to the centralsurveillance system even when the vehicle is offline. Once the vehicle comesonline at a hotspot, the requested recordings are copied to the central system.Furthermore, this can be automated based on events or software integration viathe MIP SDK.

2。安全运营商可以要求特定的录音是从车辆转移到中央监控系统,即使当车辆是离线。一旦车辆在一个热点线上,所请求的记录被复制到中央系统。此外,这可以自动根据事件或软件集成通过MIP SDK。

3. Maintenance of the vehicles surveillancesystems can be done remotely when the vehicle is online reducing the need forphysical in-vehicle maintenance.


1.5.3  Companies offering centrally managed video surveillance提供中央管理的视频监控的公司

Companies offering onsite security, videosurveillance and alarm services require a solution that gives them thepossibility to satisfy their customers’ needs by customizing a fully integratedsystem managed by a centralized monitoring and alarm system.


The surveillance solution must address alltypes of installations, from small surveillance systems with just a few camerasand no local monitoring to customers with several hundred cameras and staffdedicated to proactively monitor their installation.



Milestone Interconnect offers an idealsolution for security companies as it addresses the challenges for centrallymanaged video surveillance solutions.


1. Products: It supports a broad range ofMilestone products from a simple installation with just a few cameras to moreadvanced solutions with an unlimited amount of cameras.


2. Authentication: Milestone Interconnectcan be linked to remote systems using any type of Milestone XProtect userauthentication for example: basic users, local Windows users or Windows ActiveDirectory users. This makes the solution independent on creating AD trusts betweenthe security company’s central domain and the customer’s local domain.


3. Monitoring and Management: Securitycompanies can centrally monitor their customers’ systems and quickly addressany issues. There is no need to physically visit a customer’s location or usenon-integrated third-party solutions.


4. Alarms: Security companies can offertheir customers an alarm functionality with integrated video surveillance,which increases situational awareness, reduces response times and identifiesfalse alarms.


5. Connection: Milestone Interconnect workswith intermittent connections, low bandwidth connections or connections where acertain percentage of the bandwidth is reserved for other purposes, by allowinga scheduled and robust retrieval functionality with bandwidth throttling.



1.5.4  City surveillance城市监控

Large and distributed surveillance systemsin for instance cities require a flexible and price-conscious solution thatcovers their needs in a highly fragmented and distributed surveillanceenvironment consisting of systems owned and managed by different entitiesranging from “single cameras on a pole” over small or medium-sizedinstallations to high-security installations with thousands of cameras.


XProtect Corporate supports severaltechnologies that address different types of installations.


1. Single camera: Remote Connect Servicesoffers a simple solution for deploying cameras (Axis) on locations without adedicated surveillance network infrastructure. The cameras can essentially“phone-home” over the public internet and create a secure and encryptedcommunication channel, even through unmanaged routers or firewalls.


2. Milestone Interconnect: Can be used toconnect multiple Milestone XProtect systems to a central XProtect Corporatesite without requiring administrator rights or AD trusts on the remote system.


3. Milestone Federated Architecture: Offersa solution to link a 1000+ camera high-end XProtect Corporate or XProtectExpert installation with a central XProtect Corporate site.

三.里程碑:联邦体系结构提供了一个解决与中央的XProtect公司网站1000 +高端相机的XProtect公司或XProtect专家安装环节。

Each of these three technologies boastsspecific strengths, features and uses. In addition to the information found onthis Milestone Interconnect white paper, more information about Remote ConnectServices and Milestone Federated Architecture can be found in the followinglinks:


Remote Connect Services



Milestone Federated Architecture



With these three different technologies,all installation types and sizes can be linked into one large central XProtectCorporate installation offering a unified city-wide surveillance solution.


1.6    Milestone InterconnectManagement互连管理里程碑[A1] 

1.6.1  Prerequisites先决条件

There are four basic prerequisites to useMilestone Interconnect:


n  An installed and operational XProtect Corporate 2013 system or newer


n  An XProtect Corporate license including the total number ofMilestone Interconnect camera licenses required


n  A configured and working remote system including a user account(basic users,local Windows user or Windows Active Directory user) with rightsfor the devices that the central XProtect Corporate system should access

配置和远程系统包括一个用户帐户(基本用户,本地Windows用户或Windows Active Directory用户)权利,为中央XProtect运营系统应接入设备

n  Network connection between the central XProtect Corporate system andthe remote systems with access or port forwarding to the ports used on theremote system



Note: The central XProtect Corporate system can only see and accessdevices the specified user account has access to. This allows local systemadministrators to control which devices that are made available to the centralXProtect Corporate system and its users.


1.6.2  Adding remote sites添加远程站点

Remote sites are added to the centralXProtect Corporate site via the XProtect Corporate recording servers in thesame way cameras and video encoders are added by using the Add Hardware wizard.


Note: Remote sites can only be added via the Address range scanning andManual options.


Like when adding cameras the following mustbe specified in the wizard for it to detect the remote system: Address - oraddress scan range, driver (e.g. Milestone SMB XProtect VMS Products andXProtect Enterprise) – or alternatively select autodetect and the user accountto connect with.

当添加相机以下必须要远程检测系统在向导中指定:地址或地址范围扫描,驱动程序(如里程碑的XProtect VMS产品和SMB的XProtect企业)–或者选择自动和用户帐户连接。

The user account with access rights todevices must be predefined on the remote system. Users can be either a basicuser or a Windows user defined on the local Windows server/PC or a Windows userdefined in a domain.

对设备的访问权限的用户帐户必须在远程系统上进行预定义。用户可以是一个基本的用户或在本地的窗口服务器/ PC或在域中定义的一个窗口用户定义的一个窗口用户。

The Add Hardware wizard will run throughthe normal steps for detecting remote systems as it does when detectingstandard cameras.


On the wizard’s step (5) where the detecteddevices can be named, the wizard uses by default the remote system’s server anddevice names.


These auto assigned names can be changed inthe central XProtect Corporate system as for normal cameras. Doing so will notchange the names on the remote system. In this way you can ensure, that eachcamera will have a unique name in the central system, even though cameras usesthe same names in several interconnected shops.


If it is necessary to see the originalnames of the remote system’s devices, they can be seen on the device’s Settingstab.


Once the remote systems have been added tothe recording server, they will be listed the same way as standard cameras andvideo encoders.


The central XProtect Corporate site willhave access to cameras, microphones, speakers and their functionalities (live,playback, PTZ, talk to speaker etc.) as specified for the user on the remotesystem. This means that if a user’s account only grants access to a subset ofcameras or functions, only these will be listed or allowed.


Access to devices and functions arecontrolled with standard user accounts on the remote systems; therefore, it ispossible for the remote system administrator to control which cameras andfunctions the central XProtect Corporate site has access to.


This ensures that the local administratorhas full control of access rights to the local system and do not have to relyon that the central site can access the local system more than agreed.


1.6.3  Settings – remote systems and devices设置远程系统和设备

The interconnected remote system has acouple of tabs dedicated to display system information and for configuringevents and remote recording retrieval settings.


The Info tab displays certain details ofthe interconnected remote systems like: Product, Version, Software License Code(SLC), etc.


Furthermore, it gives access to manage theremote system via built-in remote desktop support.


This requires that a Windows account forthe remote system is specified and remote desktop connections are enabled onthe server/PC running the remote system.

这就要求在服务器/ PC上运行远程系统时,指定和远程系统的远程桌面连接的指定和远程桌面连接的功能。

Note: The user account required to open a remote desktop session to theremote system is the Windows user account for the server - not the user accountused to interconnect the remote system with the central XProtect Corporatesite.


If the device name has been changed in thecentral XProtect Corporate system, the Settings tab will display the remotesystem’s original name.


The Events tab gives access to selectevents from the remote system that should be usable in the central XProtectCorporate system.


The list of supported events depends onwhat the interconnected remote system supports.



See the supported products section fordetails.


The Remote Retrieval tab gives access toset the maximum bandwidth that remote recordings can be retrieved with in totalfor all devices retrieved in parallel (default 4).


Furthermore, the time interval to retrieverecordings in can be specified.


Finally, the number of devices to retrieverecordings from in parallel can also be set here. The default is four devicesin parallel, but can be increased to utilize the bandwidth better if there is alot of bandwidth available – for instance ~20 40Mbit/s or more.

最后,从并行检索的设备的数量也可以设置在这里。默认是四平行装置,但可以增加带宽的利用更好的如果有很多比如~ 20 40mbit /秒或更多的可用带宽–。

Note: The Remote retrieval settings onlyapplies to retrieval of recordings from the remote system’s database to thecentral XProtect Corporate site’s recording server’s database. They do notapply in case the remote system is configured for direct playback. In thatcase, remote recordings played back in the clients will be retrieved as fast aspossible to give a smooth and responsive experience in the clients.


1.6.4  Updating remote site devices更新远程站点设备

If the configuration of an interconnected system has beenchanged, for instance, by adding or removing cameras or events, theconfiguration in the central XProtect Corporate system needs to be updated toreflect the actual configuration of the interconnected system.


The update must be done manually by right-clicking the hardwaredevice representing the remote system and selecting Update Hardware. This willopen a dialog that lists a summary of detected changes.


1.6.5  Remote recording and direct playback configuration远程记录和直接播放配置

Recording in the central XProtect Corporate site


When selecting a camera, microphone or speaker it is possible toselect if the device should be recorded in the central XProtect Corporatesystem, or if the device should be recorded and played back directly from theremote system.


Note: Configuration of the remote system’s recording settingsmust be done directly in the remote system.


When a remote system is initiallyinterconnected to the central XProtect Corporate site, the default setting forits devices is to record and playback video and audio on the central XProtectCorporate system.


When recordings are set to be done in thecentral XProtect Corporate system, the standard XProtect Corporate recordingsettings (including the Automatically retrieve remote recordings whenconnection is restored setting) can be used as for any standard cameras withEdge Storage support. This also applies for creating rules controlling whenvideo is recorded.


In addition to recording in the centralXProtect Corporate system, the remote system can be used as a kind of “edgestorage” device for recovering missing recordings should there have been anetwork or server issue. The missing recordings can be retrieved automaticallyif the connection is lost to the remote system; this is enabled by checking theAutomatically retrieve remote recordings when connection is restored checkbox.


If live video or audio is not needed in thecentral XProtect Corporate system or only needed when someone monitors it, therule system can be configured not to start the live stream or to start it uponrequest only.


Furthermore, setting audio and video to berecorded in the central XProtect Corporate system in addition to the remotesystem, makes it possible to utilize the function to transfer recordings fromthe remote system to the central XProtect Corporate system. The transfer ofrecordings can be initiated by manual request from a Smart Client operator, onsystem or device events, on schedule or any combination of these.


With this configuration, the timeline forthe central site operator will not be the same as for an operator on the remotesystem. This is due to the fact that each system records by its own rules andbecause recordings can be retrieved from the remote system.


Directremote system playback


Selecting to playback recordings directlyfrom the remote system can be done from the device’s Record tab, by checkingthe Play back recordings from remote system checkbox. This will also disablerecording of the device in the central XProtect Corporate site’s recordingserver.


Clients requesting recorded audio and videofor playback will in this case still send the request to the central XProtectCorporate site’s recording server; nevertheless, the recording server willinstead of fetching them from its own recording database retrieve them from theinterconnected remote system’s recording database.


With this configuration, the timeline forthe central site operator will be the same as for an operator on the remotesystem. Furthermore, there are no recording databases for the camera in the centralsite; therefore, remote recordings can only be played back from the remote siteand not be retrieved and stored in the central site.


1.6.6  User rights in XProtect Corporate XProtect公司用户权利

Configuration of user rights for theinterconnected cameras are done in the same way as for regular cameras, bycreating a “Role“ and assigning this role access to functions on the cameras.


The bookmark function also works oninterconnected cameras; consequently, access rights to this function can be setalso. The same applies to time-limited access to live and playback. This alsoworks on interconnected cameras even though the interconnected remote systemitself does not support time-limited access rights.


In addition to the standard device rightsdescribed above, the interconnected devices also have a dedicated tab calledRemote Recordings. On this tab the rights to retrieve remote recordings can beset allowing users of the clients to create remote recordings retrieval jobsfor the selected cameras.


1.6.7  Rules 规则

For interconnected cameras configured torecord in the central XProtect Corporate system, the rule system can be used toretrieve recordings from the remote system on events and/or a time schedule.


When retrieving remote recordings, it ispossible to select to retrieve recordings from a specific time interval or aset time before an event or schedule occurred.


The setup of the rules are done in theXProtect Management Client using the Manage Rule wizard. Here are two examplesof rules that respectively retrieve the last hour of recordings (left) andretrieve recordings between 07.00 and 20.00 (right) from a group of cameras onan event.


If the recordings needs to be retrievedafter a specific schedule, the rules can beconfigured to to start on a standardXProtect Corporate time profile.


1.7    Milestone Interconnect andXProtect SmartClient Operation里程碑的XProtect系统互连和操作

1.7.1  Setup安装程序

Interconnected cameras appear in theXProtect Smart Client’s list of cameras as any other standard cameras; theyhave the same properties and are added to views in the same way.


1.7.2  Live 直播

Interconnected cameras are displayed livein the views in the exact same way as regular cameras and have the samefunctions on the camera toolbar as regular cameras.



Below is an interconnected camera in theXProtect Smart Client’s live mode showing the camera toolbar with availablefunctions.


1.7.3  Playback remote recordings远程录音回放

When interconnected cameras are configuredto playback recordings directly from the remote system, they will appear in theXProtect Smart Client like any other camera and show the timeline from theremote system.


When interconnected cameras are configured tobe played back directly from the remote system the recordings are retrieveddirectly from the remote system’s database as described in the below drawing.


With this configuration, the timeline forthe central site operator will be the same as for an operator on the remotesystem. Furthermore, there is not a recording database for the camera in thecentral site. As a result, remote recordings can only be played back from theremote site and not retrieved and stored in the central site.


Playback of the remote recordings willoverride any set remote recording retrieval bandwidth limits or timerestrictions. If these limitations should apply, it requires that theinterconnected camera is set up to be played back from the central system’sdatabase. The limitations will then apply to scheduled, event or manualretrieval of remote recordings.


Note: Direct playback of remote recordingsrequires the remote system to be online.If the remote system is offline, theclient will report an error for the cameras.


1.7.4  Playback recordings from central site and retrieval of remoterecordings从中心站点的回放录音和远程录音的检索

When interconnected cameras are configuredto record and playback recordings in the central XProtect Corporate system, thecamera will appear in the XProtect Smart Client like any regular camera.However, if the XProtect Smart Client operator has user rights to retrieveremote recordings, the camera timeline will display additional information andoffer a function to retrieve the remote recordings. This is indicated by a greypattern in the normally black space between recordings to indicate there mightbe recordings on the remote system that can be retrieved by the XProtect SmartClient operator.


For these interconnected cameras where theoperator has Retrieve remote recordings user rights, the remote recordings canbe retrived. Selecting the time period and the cameras to retrieve recordingsfor is selected in the same way as when selecting video to export. Either –Click the  buttonand select the desired timespan graphically on the timeline…


…or by clicking the  buttonand entering the desired timespan directly.


Once the time span has been set, thecameras to retrieve recordings from can be selected by clicking on thecheckboxes displayed for each camera (the current camera is checked bydefault).


Once the timespan and cameras have beenselected the retrieval job can be created by clicking the Retrieve button. Thiswill open the Retrieval dialog where additional cameras also can be selected.


Clicking the Start Retrieval button willcreate a retrieval job.


Once a remote recording retrieval job hasbeen created it will be indicated on thetimeline by a lighter grey pattern asshown below.


Sequence requested:


Sequence retrieved:


As shown above, when the retrieval job iscomplete, the timeline will show theretrieved recordings with the standard redcolor and areas that didn’t have any recordings on the remote system by showingthese segments with the standard black unpatterned background.


The drawing below displays the central andremote system streams as well as the remote recordings retrieval connection forinterconnected cameras that are set up to be recorded and played back in thecentral XProtect Corporate site.



As shown, it is a much more complex flowthan the direct remote site playback set up,since there are recording databasesin both the central and remote systems and because there is support forretrieving recordings from the remote site.


With this configuration, the timeline forthe central site operator will not be the same as for an operator on the remotesystem. This is because each system records by its own rules and becauserecordings can be retrieved from the remote system.


IfRemote Retrieval limitations have been set for the remote system in theManagement Client the remote recordings will be retrieved when the retrievaltimewindow allows it and with the maximum bandwidth specified. If theselimitations have not been set, the recordings will be retrieved immediately andat the highest possible speed.




When a retrieval job is created, it willdisplay its progress in the top of the XProtect Smart Client in the same way asexport jobs.


You can hide all shown jobs by clicking onthe button or the button for individual jobs.


For a complete overview of all jobs,pending, in progress, stopped or completed, the Jobs overview can be used. It is found by opening the Status dialog and selecting the Jobstab.

对于所有工作的一个完整的概述,等待,在进度,停止或完成后,作业概述可以使用。它是通过打开状态对话框和选择Jobs tab发现的。

If necessary, the ongoing or pendingretrieval jobs can be cancelled by clicking on the Stop button.


Users will be prompted to confirm that theretrieval should be stopped. Note: If an ongoing retrieval job is stopped, therecordings that have been already retrieved will not be deleted from thecentral system’s video database.


If the operator wants to view the retrievedrecordings, this can be done by clicking the View button.


Once clicked, a floating playback windowwill open showing the camera at the start of the retrieved period of time. Theoperator can now easily playback the recordings or export them for otherpurposes.


1.8    Milestone Interconnect incomparison to Edge里程碑互连在比较边缘



Cameras with Edge Storage have built-instorage or storage directly associated with the cameras, where the camera storethe video recordings. When a Milestone surveillance system is interconnected,the complete remote surveillance system including cameras and video databasescan be seen as a kind of “multi-channel video encoder” with Edge Storagesupport from the central XProtect Corporate system.


Since Milestone Interconnect is implementedin the same principal way as Edge


Storage on cameras, it offers the samebasic functions and benefits as Edge Storage.More advanced functions likedirect playback from the remote system, system events, status monitoring andalarms are also added in this way.


1.9    Milestone Interconnect incomparison to Milestone Federated Architecture里程碑联合体系结构相比中的里程碑互连

Milestone Interconnect and MilestoneFederated Architecture may be seen as two different solutions to achieve thesame functionality. Even though they offer the same basic functionality ofbuilding a large centralized system constituted by multiple systems, theyactually complement each other in different ways and they each have theirspecific strengths and uses.


The connections in Milestone Interconnectare made through a dedicated driver in the central XProtect Corporate site’srecording server. This enables the interconnected cameras to appear as a kindof Edge Storage camera connected to the central XProtect Corporate system,offering users of the Smart Client the functionality to playback or retrieverecordings from the remote systems.


Milestone Interconnect has the benefit ofhaving the recording server handling the connection and authentication on theinterconnected systems. Therefore, clients do not have to connect andauthenticate on multiple systems when they login.


Additionally it is also possible to set upconnections to remote sites running on other domains than the central XProtectCorporate site or remote systems that are not permanently online. Moreover, andmost importantly it offers the functionality to transfer recordings from aremote system to the central XProtect Corporate system or playback therecordings from the remote systems directly.


Milestone Federated Architecture allowsmultiple individual XProtect Corporate systems to be interconnected in aparent/child hierarchy of federated sites.


Each individual site in the federatedhierarchy is a standard XProtect Corporate or XProtect Expert system, completewith management server, SQL server,recording server(s), failover server(s), anda number of cameras.



When the individual systems are added to afederated hierarchy, they appear as one complete system to administrators andusers, while still being as manageable as independent XProtect Corporate orXProtect Expert systems.


Milestone Federated Architecture isconnected via the XProtect Corporate management servers in a so-calledfederated hierarchy. The connection between different sites in the federatedhierarchy is not a permanent connection, but a link to the other sites. In thisway, clients that logs in know there are more sites in thishierarchy, whichthey should connect to and authenticate on.


This means that even though the system fromthe operator’s point of view in the clients appears as one large system, theclients actually authenticate and retrieve the configuration from each systemindividually. Furthermore, live and recorded audio and video is retrieveddirectly from the recording servers on each site.


Milestone Federated Architecture requiresall sites to be online when the clients log in and authenticate. Otherwise, theclients will experience a longer log in time as connections to the notresponding sites must first timeout before login is completed.



After log in, the client cannot establish aconnection automatically to the sites that did not respond, as they only arecontacted during login. The operator in the client will therefore manually haveto log out and retry login to get access to the sites that wasnot responding.


For more information on Milestone FederatedArchitecture:




1.10       System implementationconsiderations系统实施的思考

In the scenarios where recordings areplayed back directly from the remote site or transferred to the central XProtectCorporate system, there are a number of things to consider for optimalperformance and user experience.



Transfer recordings from remote sites witha permanent network connection


In for example the retail scenario on page9, the challenges with this configuration would be to:


 Limit the bandwidth use from theinterconnected system when nobody views the cameras


 Limit the CPU load on the central systemsrecording server


 Ensure there is enough time and bandwidthto transfer the recordings in a timely fashion.In order to address theseconcerns the following is recommended:


 Disable the live-feed rule for theinterconnected cameras in the central XProtect Corporate system. If this is notdone, the XProtect Corporate system will connect to the interconnected systemand continuously retrieve a live video stream, using bandwidth for no reason


 If users in the central XProtectCorporate system needs to view live video from


the interconnected cameras a rule can becreated that starts the live video feed when a user in a client requests livevideo


 Disable the built-in motion detection inthe central XProtect Corporate system to reduce CPU load


 Disable recording to minimize disk load,it is still possible to retrieve recordings


 Ensure the retrieval bandwidth limit andretrieval time period settings on the interconnected system are configured withenough bandwidth and long enough time to allow the remote recordings to betransferred in a proper timeframe. Otherwise, the system will build up a longerand longer queue of remote retrieval jobs. Alternatively, if there are nobandwidth concerns leave the two settings disabled


A remote recordings retrieval job that hasalready started will continue until it is completed, even if it goes beyond theconfigured time for transferring the recordings. If it is critical that thesejobs do not continue into a period where the bandwidth is needed for othertraffic (e.g. no more retrieval after 8.00 am), the retrieval time windowshould be set so that the active job can be completed before this time (e.g.end the transfer time window at 6.00 am – allowing 2 hours for completingongoing jobs)


 In the central XProtect Corporate systemthe recording retention on the interconnected cameras must be set long enoughto allow further playback or investigation. To avoid concerns about disk usagecombined with keeping the transferred recordings as long as possible, therecording storage container can be set to 365 days (or more) with a set sizelimit – e.g. 200 GB. In this way, the system will try to keep the recordingsfor at least a year, but still automatically delete the oldest recordings ifthe 200 GB limit is reached.

在中央的XProtect公司系统互联相机记录保留必须设置足够长的时间以便进一步播放或调查。为了避免对磁盘使用的关注,结合保持传输的录音尽可能长的时间,记录存储容器可以设置为365天(或更多)与一个设置大小的限制,例如200 GB。这样,该系统将尝试保持至少一年的录音,但仍然自动删除最古老的录音,如果达到200个国标的限制。

Following the above recommendation, therecording server requirements can be kept low requiring only enough CPU andnetwork bandwidth to act as a gateway for live viewing and retrievingrecordings from the interconnected system.


As recordings from the remote site perdefault are transferred for 4 devices in parallel (per interconnected site) thedisk system can be any standard disk system consisting of single disks or adisk array configured with any type of RAID configuration.



Transferrecordings from remote sites over a network connection with large bandwidth



When the vehicle or vessel that are used inthe transportation scenario on page 11 arrives at its garage or harbor atnight, there are enough bandwidth available to transfer the recordings oftoday's service from the remote system on the vehicle/vessel to the disks atthe central system.


If it is experienced that the fullbandwidth is not utilized fully, we recommend that you raise the number ofparallel transmissions from the default 4 to for instance 10. By increasing thenumber, the bandwidth will be utilized better ensuring a faster transmission ofrecordings.


However, it comes with the price of ahigher load on both the remote system finding and transferring the recordingsand the central system that are receiving the recordings and need to store themwhile both systems potentially still are recording from other cameras.


The challenges with this configurationwould be:


n  While the disks at the remote system are busy finding andtransferring requested recordings and the disks at the central system is busystoring the transferred recordings, there are a potential risk that new livevideo from the connected cameras on both systems will not be recorded. Thishappens if the disk systems at the respective systems are not fast enough.


In order to address these concerns thefollowing is recommended:


n  Ensure that the disk dimensions in both ends can cope with thisload.


n  To split the storage definition and recording in the central systemover more disks and "storage containers" so that: o One is used forthe live recording of any other cameras potentially running on the centralrecording server and o Another for the remote cameras. Be aware, this requiresthat you never record the remote cameras live in the central system also.


n  To find a balance between utilizing the network bandwidth (which waswhy the number of parallel transmissions were increased) and ensuring that allvideo is recorded, by reducing the number of devices retrieved in parallel.



While the recording of new video from theconnected cameras might be at stake, there are no risk on loosing any of thetransferred recordings. The transfer is done as fast as the recordings can beread in the remote system and stored in the central system.


Transferrecordings from remote sites without a permanent network connection


In for example the transportation scenarioon page 11, the challenge with this configuration is to:


n  Limit the bandwidth use from the interconnected system


n  Limit the CPU load on the central system recording server


n  Ensure that there are enough time and bandwidth to transfer therecordings in a timely fashion when the vehicle or vessel are within reach of aconnection point to the central system


n  Ensure the recordings on the interconnected system are not deletedbefore there has been enough time to transfer them to the central XProtectCorporate system.


In order to address these concerns thefollowing is recommended:


n  Disable the live-feed rule for the interconnected cameras in thecentral XProtect Corporate system. If this is not done, the XProtect Corporatesystem will connect to the interconnected system as soon as there is a networkconnection and retrieving a live video stream from the remote site, usingbandwidth unnecessarily


n  Disable the built-in motion detection in the central XProtectCorporate system to reduce CPU load


n  Recording retention on the interconnected cameras in the centralXProtect Corporate system must be set long enough to allow for playback orinvestigation to be done. If there are concerns about disk usage or if there isa wish to keep the transferred recordings as long as possible the recordingstorage container can be set to 365 days (or more) with a set size limit –e.g.200 GB. In this way, the system will try to keep the recordings for atleast a year, but still automatically delete the oldest recordings if the 200GB limit is reached

记录保留在中央的XProtect公司系统互联相机必须设置足够长的时间来允许播放或调查要做。如果有关于磁盘使用或如果有希望保持转移记录尽可能长的录音存储容器可以设置为365天(或更多)的关注与一组大小限制–e.g.200 GB。这样,该系统将尝试保持至少一年的录音,但仍然自动删除最古老的录音,如果达到200个国标的限制

n  Recording retention and disk space on the remote interconnectedsystem must be large enough to allow the recordings to be requested andtransferred to the central XProtect Corporate system before they are deletedfrom the remote system. For example, if the remote system can only store therecordings for one day there is a risk that they are deleted before they have achange to be transferred to the central XProtect Corporate system


n  There should be calculated and allocated enough time and bandwidthon the network hotspots to allow the requested recordings to be transferredfrom the different vehicles to the central XProtect Corporate system. If thereis not enough time and bandwidth to transfer the recordings from the remotesite, the retrieval jobs will simply queue up and the system will ultimatelydelete the recordings before they get a change to be transferred.



Following the above recommendations, therecording server requirements can be kept low requiring only enough CPU andnetwork bandwidth to retrieve recordings from the interconnected system.


As the recordings from the remote site aretransferred one camera at a time (per interconnected site), the disk system canbe any standard disk system consisting of single disks or a disk arrayconfigured with any type of RAID configuration.



Playbackrecordings directly from interconnected remote sites



In for example the city surveillancescenarios on page 14, the challenge with this configuration is to:


n  Ensure there is enough bandwidth to playback the recordings directlyfrom the remote system


n  Limit and distribute the network and CPU load across multiplerecording servers


n  Limit the disk requirements on the central XProtect Corporatesystem.



In order to address these concerns, werecommend the following:


n  Disable the built-in motion detection in the central XProtectCorporate system to reduce CPU load


n  Ensure there is enough downstream bandwidth available in the centralXProtect Corporate site for live viewing and playing back the required amountof remote interconnected cameras


n  Ensure there is enough upstream bandwidth available on theinterconnected site for live viewing and playing back the required amount ofinterconnected cameras from this site


n  Consider connecting to remote sites via multiple XProtect Corporaterecording servers to distribute the network and CPU load


n  As the remote interconnected cameras record and playback directlyfrom the remote system, there is no need for high performance recording disksin the central XProtect Corporate recording server. If the central XProtectCorporate recording server is not used for recording of any regular cameras theOS system disk can be configured as the default-recording disk for therecording server as nothing will be recorded on it.



Following the above recommendations, therecording server requirements can be kept to a bare minimum requiring onlyenough CPU and network bandwidth to act as a gateway for live viewing andplayback recordings from the interconnected system.


As the central XProtect Corporate systemdoes not record at all there are no disk requirements other than a disk for theWindows OS.


Recordinginterconnected cameras in the central XProtect Corporate system


If the system is configured to record allinterconnected cameras in the central XProtect Corporate system, the samerecording server requirements and configuration guidelines apply as forrecording standard cameras.


1.11       Supported products产品支持

Milestone XProtect Corporate supports thefollowing products:

Milestone XProtect公司支持以下产品:

n  XProtect® Corporate 2013 or newer


n  XProtect® Expert 2013 or newer


n  XProtect® Enterprise 8.0, or newer


n  XProtect® Professional 8.0, or newer


n  XProtect® Express 1.0, or newer


n  XProtect® Essential 2.0, or newer


n  XProtect® NVR SE 1.0, or newer

XProtect®NVR SE 1,或更新

n  Milestone HuskyTM M10 1.4, or newer

里程碑huskytm M10 1.4或更新版本

n  Milestone HuskyTM M30 2013, or newer

里程碑huskytm M30 2013或更新版本

n  Milestone HuskyTM M50 2013, or newer

里程碑huskytm M50 2013或更新版本

n  Milestone ArcusTM 1.4

里程碑ARCUSTM 1.4

Later releases or service packs may addsupport for additional products.


The current list of supported products,versions and features supported can be seen here:


1.12       Licensing许可

Milestone Interconnect are licenseddifferently than the standard hardware devices which require a hardware devicelicense per IP device/video encoder/camera For more information on standardlicenses: With Milestone Interconnect a“Milestone Interconnect Camera license” is required per interconnected andenabled camera on the Central XProtect Corporate system. As this is per camerait means that a license isn’t necessarily needed for all cameras present on theinterconnected remote system. Only cameras that the central XProtect Corporatesystem have access permissions to and that are enabled in the central XProtectCorporate site needs a Milestone Interconnect Camera license


Interconnected remote systems themselves donot require additional licenses. Milestone Interconnect support is included inthe standard license; this also includes products purchased before MilestoneInterconnect was introduced.


The Milestone Interconnect camera licensesare purchased the same way as regular hardware device licenses and they areincluded in the standard license file used for the XProtect Corporate system.


The Management Client’s license page givesan overview of the purchased and activated camera licenses for regular hardwaredevices and interconnected cameras.


For all device types, it will also provideinformation about temporary new nonactivated cameras, expired and missinglicenses. License overview in the Management Client:


1.13       Benefits and summary效益和总结

Milestone Interconnect is a unique systemconcept that allows most Milestone video management software (VMS) to beinterconnected with Milestone’s premium software XProtect Corporate. Itprovides the possibility to deploy central surveillance across geographicallydispersed sites in a flexible way, by combining cost-efficient remote MilestoneVMS solutions with the advanced surveillance functions of XProtect Corporate inone cohesive and powerful security solution.


Milestone Interconnect complements theMilestone Federated Architecture concept and both concepts are modeled to excelin their respective application areas. For instance, Milestone FederatedArchitecture is designed primarily for tight connection of fewer, but largersites, while Milestone Interconnect is optimized to connect smaller distributedsites connected through low-bandwidth or intermittent connections.


Milestone Interconnect offers a number ofpowerful capabilities, such as:


Supports most Milestonevideo management software (VMS)


Allows customers to select the mostefficient VMS solution for local sites with the possibility to mix differentproducts and meet the specific needs of each site


Cost-efficient multi-sitedeployment


This is made possible with the easy toinstall XProtect VMS products and the ability to clone and reuse standardsystem configurations across multiple sites. Furthermore, MilestoneInterconnect does not require common or trusted domains between the centralsystem and its remote sites

这是可能的和易于安装的XProtect VMS产品在多个网站的克隆和利用标准体系结构的能力。此外,里程碑互连不需要中央系统和它的远程站点之间的公共或受信任的域

Intelligent video storagemanagement


Enables optimal use of remote and centralvideo storage and available network bandwidth with a choice to store videorecordings remotely, centrally or combined with flexible retrieval of theremotely stored video


Flexible retrieval


Optimizes the use of available networkbandwidth, by controlling the maximum


allowed bandwidth usage and by schedulingthe retrieval to preserve bandwidth for critical business systems


Remote management ofinterconnected systems


Reduces the need for costly onsite visitsby technicians and service personnel


Proactive systemmonitoring


The central system receives notificationswhen there are issues in any of the connected systems. This way, systemadministrators can identify errors proactively and ensure a problem-free andstable operation.




Thanks to its built-in flexibility,Milestone Interconnect can be used in a number of different verticals andcontexts. Although Milestone Interconnect can be used in any business ororganization with the need to optimize its surveillance operations acrossmultiple sites or locations, Milestone Interconnect is particularly relevantto:


n  Retail – Interconnecting different stores and branches in to acommon system enabling cost-efficient 24/7 monitoring and centralized evidencemanagement

零售-互连不同的商店和分支机构,以一个共同的系统,使成本效益的24 / 7监控和集中的证据管理

n  Transportation – where remote systems are installed onboard vehiclesenabling continuous fleet monitoring, efficient evidence handling andseamlessly correlated surveillance with stationary surveillance installationsat stations, writing areas, etc.


n  Alarm Centers and Monitoring Stations – can use MilestoneInterconnect to offer video monitoring as a service to their clients


n  City surveillance – interconnecting different geographic areas andorganizational units in to a common surveillance system.




The underlying drivers for any business ororganization deploying Milestone Interconnect is a wish to reduce the cost ofthe initial investment, optimize security operations and increase the securitylevel with fewer resources, reduced operational and system maintenance costs.








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