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原创 How to check if data has been changed

There is a system variable SY-DATAR. If any value is changed in the screen it will have 'X'.Otherwise it will be initial.SY-DATAR is to be used along with a flag.In PAI set flag using SY-DATA...

2014-08-04 16:07:08 166

原创 DISABLE button(FCODE) from the GUI-Status

1. Goto-> Attributes->Pushbutton assignment[img]http://dl2.iteye.com/upload/attachment/0099/8090/03b926a8-e306-382b-b2c2-23d027d3f6fc.png[/img]2. select 'Display All' for inactive function

2014-08-04 15:54:01 193

原创 Handy SAP function module to automate user events

*Begin-Auto triggers ENTER command CALL FUNCTION 'SAPGUI_SET_FUNCTIONCODE' EXPORTING functioncode = 'ENTER' EXCEPTIONS function_not_s...

2013-11-28 09:49:24 130

原创 How to list subclass?

You may have a look at class CL_OO_CLASS (method GET_SUBCLASSES).It may be necessary to call this method recursively.refer: http://scn.sap.com/thread/1437718

2013-11-26 16:21:27 91

原创 Move task from transport request

Please, goto transaction SE09, select your task and follow the menu path Utilities->Reorganize->Reassign Task

2013-11-20 13:57:48 116

原创 How to read the component information

Example from a PI 7.10 system:SAP_XIESR 1000. - not relevant7.10 - this is the NetWeaver release of the PI system7 - this is the SP version of the system14 -...

2013-04-18 15:19:17 107

原创 set Billing block to blank for Sals Order


2013-04-17 15:16:47 132

原创 set Billing block to blank for Sals Order


2013-04-17 15:16:45 103

原创 Distrubute Category & Hierarchy

Implement Note: 692034The note can only be imported via Support Package. The following changes were made:1.Generation of the Message Interfaces ProductCategoryHierarchySetIn and ProductCategoryH...

2013-04-10 14:41:40 125

原创 Note 1669957 - Authorization to change OS commands in File adapter

Assign role SAP_XI_CONFIG_FILE_OS_CMD_J2EE to the user

2013-03-20 16:46:27 254

原创 Note 1695521 - Download location of secure connectivity add-on on SMP

You can download the PI secure connectivity add on 1.0 at http://service.sap.com/swdc > Installation and Upgrades > Browse our Download Catalog > SAP NetWeaver and complementary products > PI SFTP PGP...

2013-03-11 09:41:35 124

原创 PI:currently being edited by user

Open the browser and enter:http://:/rep/support/public/LockAdminServiceAnd press remove locked objects button

2013-02-22 18:01:46 618

原创 PI:currently being edited by user

Open the browser and enter:http://:/rep/support/public/LockAdminServiceAnd press remove locked objects button

2013-02-22 18:01:44 389

原创 Unpermitted combination of business object BUS2032 and sales doc. category H

Q: create New Sales Order using BAPI: BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2, but get the error message:Unpermitted combination of business object BUS2032 and sales doc. category H.A:This is a shortcoming...

2013-01-25 14:20:59 1318

原创 Function Module: get all users who have specific role

CALL FUNCTION 'RSRA_USERS_OF_AGR_GET' EXPORTING i_agr_name = role TABLES activity_groups_users = lt_agr_users EXCEPTIONS no_user_availabl...

2013-01-25 14:16:31 77

原创 Configuring Acknowledgment Requests

Use You use this function to define for a particular sender port and client which acknowledgments are requested from the sender.Procedure 1. In the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38...

2012-08-17 09:13:09 114

原创 Business transaction type Opportunity Default is blocked for further business tr

to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive: 1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transac...

2012-08-15 10:35:01 96

原创 Communication channel Data Provider not registered for theAdapter Engine

Steps1. Navigate to the Operations tab in NWA and then navigate to the sub tab Systems under the Operations tab.2. Choose Start&Stop and navigate to the Java Applications tab.3. Select the ap...

2012-08-08 12:25:49 91

原创 503 You have requested an application that is currently stopped

Steps:1. Navigate to the Operations tab in NWA and then navigate to the sub tab Systems under the Operations tab.2. Choose Start&Stop and navigate to the Java Applications tab.3. Select th...

2012-08-08 11:36:57 184

原创 Error: SRT_CORE255

use report(SRT_ADMIN_CHECK)to Check Administration Environment of SOAP Runtime.Configure the bgRFC Supervisor Destination You configure a supervisor destination for the bgRFC to receive the...

2012-07-11 16:00:15 327

原创 Distributing Master Data using SAP standard transactions

source:http://www.erpgenie.com/sap-technical/ale-edi-b2b/distributing-master-data-using-sap-standard-transactionsThere are different ways to distribute master data between SAP systems. For example...

2012-05-24 14:17:36 85

原创 Errors in RFC sender Adapter

source:http://scn.sap.com/thread/1634124Q:senderAgreement not found: lookup of binding via CPA-cache failed forA:PI creates channels and sender agreement always with party = '*'.This works w...

2012-05-22 15:54:33 235

原创 How to activate WebGUI on SAP Server

source:http://basishowto.blogspot.de/2011/07/how-to-activate-webgui-on-sap-server.html Please follow Steps to Activate Web GUI for SAP:1)verify if the ICM is working correctly. Transaction SMI...

2012-05-18 15:22:14 102

原创 Alerts to external mail

1. In SU01 -- Assign the Email ID for the Recipient of the ALERT. 2. In , RWB>ALERT INBOX> PERSONALIZATION--> Time Independent Delivery and Email are selected. 3. Finally, SCOT needs to be set...

2012-05-16 16:51:55 86

原创 Problems with alert subscription and ALERTPERSONALIZE_RULES

source:http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/Problems+with+alert+subscription+and+ALERTPERSONALIZE_RULESWhen the BSP "Subscription to Alerts" (ALERTSUBSCRIPTION) or "Personalization" (ALERTPERSO...

2012-05-16 16:19:06 96

原创 Calling the alert configuration or alert inbox returns the error

Note:750287Check the following property under "Runtime Workbench" in the exchange profile: com.sap.aii.rwb.server.centralmonitoring.httpport and, if necessary, set it to the value that the ICM mo...

2012-05-16 13:31:38 89

原创 Messages struck in queue

Q:messages are struck in the queue and the status shown in SXMB_MONI is "Message waiting in queue"A:register the queues:transaction [b]SXMB_ADM[/b]

2012-05-11 13:46:41 69

原创 no permissions to use Web Service Navigator

assigne the group SAP_J2EE_ADMIN in identity management(http://:port/useradmin)

2012-05-10 18:21:50 68

原创 Could not establish connection to Services Registry

refer to the note:1267817 Procedure 1. To start SAP NetWeaver Administrator, enter the following address in a web browser:http://:/nwa 2. Choose SOA Management -> Busin...

2012-05-10 17:46:09 154

原创 How to Upload Files to PI App Server

source:http://sapgeeksclub.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:how-to-upload-files-to-pi-app-server&catid=44:advanced-pi-topics&Itemid=57We need to upload files on PI Applicat...

2012-05-07 23:41:12 96

原创 Creating a Connection Between Selected Actions

PrerequisitesYou have opened a Process Integration scenario. The Process Integration Scenario contains at least two actions.There are three different situations where you require a connection betw...

2012-05-03 16:35:06 87

原创 PI:Object Process Integration Scenario currently being edited by user

source:http://scn.sap.com/thread/1727843Go to administration - Select appropriate option out of these - > repository/ Directory now select LOCK OVERVIEW. now you will get all the locked obje...

2012-05-02 13:36:08 335

原创 Maintaining Table T000

1. Start transaction SM312. In the Table/View field, enter T000.3. Choose Maintain.4. In the Change View “Clients”: Overview screen, select the relevant client and choose .5. In the Restricti...

2012-04-19 13:39:10 276

原创 Create a SELECT-OPTIONS in a module pool screen

source:http://abap-explorer.blogspot.com/2008/08/create-select-options-in-module-pool.htmlCreate a SELECT-OPTIONS in module pool screen using two methods as shown.Method 1a) Create a subsc...

2012-03-07 15:35:20 79

原创 Converting OTF data from script to Spool Request

source: http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1856305Q:Is there any way to convert OTF data into Spool Request. A:Print the OTF data using FM PRINT_OTF. You will get the Spool Id from...

2012-03-06 17:32:47 66

原创 Calculate the days, months and years between 2 dates.

[code="java"]FORM compute_2date_diff. DATA: lv_date1 LIKE sy-datum, lv_date2 LIKE sy-datum, lv_month TYPE pea_scrmm, lv_days TYPE pea_scrdd.*lv_date1 must be greater t...

2012-02-21 16:14:42 112

原创 Untick 'Always use selected format'

To get the selection back just Right Mouse-click in any Cell of the list and select Spreadsheet, select the format you want and continue. This will uncheck "Always Use selected Format", or you can a...

2012-02-17 16:09:47 198

原创 SAP ECC/ABAP Enhancement Technique- BDT

source:http://www.architectsap.com/blog/sap/sap-eccabap-enhancement-technique-bdt/Business data toolset is a new functionality provided by SAP to modify screen i.e. standard screens.BDT is helpful...

2012-02-17 09:51:45 223

原创 Retrieving Domain fixed values

source:http://www.saptechnical.com/Tips/ABAP/Domain/FixedValues.htmThe F4 for screen field can be fetched either through value table, explicit F4 help or through fixed values associated with the d...

2012-02-16 11:13:08 107

原创 If 1 equals 2, what’s the purpose?

source:http://sapport.blogspot.com/2010/03/if-1-equals-2-whats-purpose.htmlWhile debugging standard SAP ABAP code you might find for first look very strange code like following: If 1 EQ 2.ME...

2012-02-16 10:59:48 115




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