如何开始 ‘深度学习’ 项目

如何开始 ‘深度学习’项目






At SVDS, our R&D team has been investigating different deep learning technologies, from recognizing images of trains to speech recognition. We needed to build a pipeline for ingesting data, creating a model, and evaluating the model performance. However, when we researched what technologies were available, we could not find a concise summary document to reference for starting a new deep learning project.



One way to give back to the open source community that provides us with tools is to help others evaluate and choose those tools in a way that takes advantage of our experience. We offer the chart below, along with explanations of the various criteria upon which we based our decisions.




These rankings are a combination of our subjective experiences with image and speech recognition applications for these technologies, as well as publicly available benchmarking studies. We explain our scoring below:


Languages: When getting started with deep learning, it is best to use a framework that supports a language you are familiar with. For instance, Caffe (C++) and Torch (Lua) have Python bindings for its codebase (with PyTorch being released in January 2017), but we would recommend that you are proficient with C++ or Lua respectively if you would like to use those technologies. In comparison, TensorFlow and MXNet have great multi language support that make it possible to utilize the technology even if you are not proficient with C++.


如果开始一项深度学习,那最好使用一个支持你最熟悉的语言的框架。例如,Caffe(C ++)和Torch(Lua)的代码库可以和Python进行交互绑定迁移(PyTorch 于2017年1月发布),但是如果您想使用这些技术,我们建议您熟练使用C ++或Lua。相比之下,TensorFlow和MXNet可以支持多种编程语言,即使您不熟练使用C ++,也可以使用该框架。


Tutorials and Training Materials: Deep learning technologies vary dramatically in the quality and quantity of tutorials and getting started materials. Theano, TensorFlow, Torch, and MXNet have well documented tutorials that are easy to understand and implement. While Microsoft’s CNTK and Intel’s Nervana Neon are powerful tools, we struggled to find beginner-level materials. Additionally, we’ve found that the engagement of the GitHub community is a strong indicator of not only a tool’s future development, but also a measure of how likely/fast an issue or bug can be solved through searching StackOverflow or the repo’s Git Issues. It is important to note that TensorFlow is the 800-pound Gorilla in the room in regards to quantity of tutorials, training materials, and community of developers and users.


有关深度学习的资料在质量和数量上有很大的不同。Theano,TensorFlow,Torch和MXNet有很好的资料,并且容易理解和实践。虽然微软的CNTK和英特尔的Nervana Neon是强大的工具,但我们需要花费更多的时间去寻找教程。此外,我们在GitHub社区中发现到的参与某个工具的研究也会作为此项指标,并且还有通过StackOverflow或repo上发出的问题,回复问题的质量与速度来进一步衡量。重要的是,TensorFlow工具,有一帮超级牛逼的人们在同你一起学习,分享资料,教程等。

CNN Modeling Capability: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used for image recognition, recommendation engines, and natural language processing. A CNN is composed of a set of distinct layers that transform the initial data volume into output scores of predefined class scores (For more information, check out Eugenio Culurciello’s overview of Neural Network architectures). CNN’s can also be used for regression analysis, such as models that output of steering angles in autonomous vehicles. We consider a technology’s CNN modeling capability to include several features. These features include the opportunity space to define models, the availability of prebuilt layers, and the tools and functions available to connect these layers. We’ve seen that Theano, Caffe, and MXNet all have great CNN modeling capabilities. That said, TensorFlow’s easy ability to build upon it’s InceptionV3 model and Torch’s great CNN resources including easy-to-use temporal convolution set these two technologies apart for CNN modeling capability.


CNN在图像识别,推送引擎和自然语言中比较好。CNN由一系列不同的层组成,将初始的数据量转换为预定义类别的可用分数(有关更多信息,请参阅Eugenio Culurciello 对神经网络架构的概述)。CNN也可以用于回归分析,例如在自主车辆中输出转向角来建模。我们认为CNN建模能力包含许多特性。这些包括定义空间模型,预置层的可用性,以及可用于连接这些层的工具和功能。

RNN Modeling Capability: Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used for speech recognition, time series prediction, image captioning, and other tasks that require processing sequential information. As prebuilt RNN models are not as numerous as CNNs, it is therefore important if you have a RNN deep learning project that you consider what RNN models have been previously implemented and open sourced for a specific technology. For instance, Caffe has minimal RNN resources, while Microsoft’s CNTK and Torch have ample RNN tutorials and prebuilt models. While vanilla TensorFlow has some RNN materials, TFLearn and Keras include many more RNN examples that utilize TensorFlow.



Architecture: In order to create and train new models in a particular framework, it is critical to have an easy to use and modular front end. TensorFlow, Torch, and MXNet have a straightforward, modular architecture that makes development straightforward. In comparison, frameworks such as Caffe require significant amount of work to create a new layer. We’ve found that TensorFlow in particular is easy to debug and monitor during and after training, as the TensorBoard web GUI application is included.


为了在特定框架中创建和训练新模型,那么具备易于使用和便于模块化则显得更加重要。TensorFlow,Torch和MXNet有一个明确的模块化架构,它使开发更简单。相比之下,许多Caffe的框架需要大量的工作才能创建一个新层。我们已经发现,TensorFlow特别容易在训练中和训练后进行调试和监视,因为它包含TensorBoard web GUI应用程序。

Speed:Torch and Nervana have the best documented performance for open source convolutional neural network benchmarking tests. TensorFlow performance was comparable for most tests, while Caffe and Theano lagged behind. Microsoft’s CNTK claims to have some of the fastest RNN training time. Another study comparing Theano, Torch, and TensorFlow directly for RNN showed that Theano performs the best of the three.



Multiple GPU Support: Most deep learning applications require an outstanding number of floating point operations (FLOPs). For example, Baidu’s DeepSpeech recognition models take 10s of ExaFLOPs to train. That is >10e18 calculations! As leading Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) such as NVIDIA’s Pascal TitanX can execute 11e9 FLOPs a second, it would take over a week to train a new model on a sufficiently large dataset. In order to decrease the time it takes to build a model, multiple GPUs over multiple machines are needed. Luckily, most of the technologies outlined above offer this support. In particular, MXNet is reported to have one the most optimized multi-GPU engine.


大多数深度学习应用程序需要解决大量的浮点运算(FLOP)。例如,百度的DeepSpeech识别模型需要在10s内完成ExaFLOP的训练。这是> 10e18计算量!由于诸如NVIDIA公司的Pascal TitanX等领先的图形处理单元(GPU)可以每秒执行11e9 浮点运算,因此在足够大的数据集上训练一个新模型需要一个星期。为了减少构建模型的时间,那需要在多个机器上使用多个GPU。幸运的是,上述大部分技术都提供这种支持。尤其是MXNet被认为是具有对多GPU支持的最优的引擎。

Keras Compatible: Keras is a high level library for doing fast deep learning prototyping. We’ve found that it is a great tool for getting data scientists comfortable with deep learning. Keras currently supports two back ends, TensorFlow and Theano, and will be gaining official support in TensorFlow in the future. Keras is also a good choice for a high-level library when considering that its author recently expressed that Keras will continue to exist as a front end that can be used with multiple back ends.



If you are interested in getting started with deep learning, I would recommend evaluating your own team’s skills and your project needs first. For instance, for an image recognition application with a Python-centric team we would recommend TensorFlow given its ample documentation, decent performance, and great prototyping tools. For scaling up an RNN to production with a Lua competent client team, we would recommend Torch for its superior speed and RNN modeling capabilities.



In the future we will discuss some of our challenges in scaling up our models. These challenges include optimizing GPU usage over multiple machines and adapting open source libraries like CMU Sphinx and Kaldi for our deep learning pipeline.

在将来,我们继续讨论扩大我们的学习模型来迎接更多的挑战。这些挑战包括优化多个机器上的GPU支持以及适应更多的开源库,如CMU Sphinx和Kaldi,将此用于我们的深度学习中。

课程导语:    人工智能可谓是现阶段最火的行业,在资本和技术协同支持下正在进入高速发展期。当今全球市值前五大公司都指向同一发展目标:人工智能。近几年,人工智能逐渐从理论科学落地到现实中,与生活越来越息息相关,相关的各种职位炙手可热,而深度学习更是人工智能无法绕开的重要一环。 从AlphaGo打败李世石开始,深度学习技术越来越引起社会各界的广泛关注。不只学术界,甚至在工业界也取得了重大突破和广泛应用。其中应用最广的研究领域就是图像处理和自然语言处理。而要入门深度学习,CNN和RNN作为最常用的两种神经网络是必学的。网上关于深度学习的资料很多,但大多知识点分散、内容不系统,或者以理论为主、代码实操少,造成学员学习成本高。本门课程将从最基础的神经元出发,对深度学习的基础知识进行全面讲解,帮助大家迅速成为人工智能领域的入门者,是进阶人工智能深层领域的基石。 讲师简介:赵辛,人工智能算法科学家。2019年福布斯科技榜U30,深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀人才)。澳大利亚新南威尔士大学全奖博士,SCI收录其发表过的10篇国际期刊学术文章。曾任深圳市微埃智能科技有限公司联合创始人。CSDN人工智能机器学习、深度学习方向满分级精英讲师。授课风格逻辑严谨、条理清晰、循序渐进、循循善诱,化枯燥为如沐春风,所教学生人数过万。 课程设计: 本课程分为5大模块,19小节,共计540时长(约9小时): 第一部分,课程介绍、目标与内容概览。主要学习人工智能深度学习应用场景;熟悉深度学习主流技术;掌握使用keras解决深度学习主要问题(神经网络、卷积神经网络、循环神经网络),以及深度学习主要内容:神经网络、卷积神经网络、循环神经网络;案例简介。 第二部分,深度学习之多层感知器(MLP)。主要学习多层感知器(MLP);MLP实现非线性分类;深度学习实战准备;Python调用keras实现MLP。 MLP技术点实战案例:第三部分,深度学习之卷积神经网络(CNN)。主要学习卷积神经网络 ; CNN模型分析;主流CNN模型; Python调用keras实现CNN; CNN技术点实战案例:第四部分,深度学习之循环神经网络(RNN)。主要学习循环神经网络;RNN模型分析;Python调用keras实现RNN。 RNN技术点实战案例: 第五部分,综合提升。主要进行迁移学习;混合模型;实战准备+综合实战,以及最后进行课程内容总结。 混合模型技术点实战案例




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