


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using SOACore2._0;
using SOACommon;

namespace SOAGroup
    /// <summary>
    /// 获取门户注册协议
    /// </summary>
    public class GetAgreement : SOACommandHandler
        /// <summary>
        /// 实现抽象方法Handle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">协议参数集合</param>
        public override string Handle(ParamentsCollection pc, ResHeader resheader)
                if (!pc.ContainsKey("group"))
                    return resheader.ReSetResHeader(600, "缺少group参数:门户名称不能为空!");
                if (!pc.ContainsKey("projecttype"))
                    return resheader.ReSetResHeader(600, "缺少projecttype参数:项目类型不能为空!");
                if (!RHTools.RHUiti.RHCheckFormat.IsInt(pc["projecttype"]))
                    return resheader.ReSetResHeader(601, "projecttype参数:必须是数字!");

                ZSMembership.Entities.Agreement agr=ZSMembership.Process.GetAgreement(RHTools.RHUiti.RHTypeParse.StrToInt(pc["projecttype"], 0),pc["group"]);

                return this.OjbectToStrXml(agr);
            catch (Exception exp)
                RHTools.RHDebug.ThrowExcetpion(exp, "SetAgreement:设置门户注册协议失败!");

                return resheader.ReSetResHeader(700, "服务业务操作失败!");

        private string OjbectToStrXml(ZSMembership.Entities.Agreement agr)
            StringBuilder strBuid = new StringBuilder();


            return strBuid.ToString(); 


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml;

using RHTools.RHUiti;
using RHTools.RHData;
using ZSMembership.Entities;

namespace ZSMembership {
    public class Process {

        public static string BuildMemberRoleXml(List<Role> roles) {
            string xml = null;
            if (roles.Count > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Role role in roles) {
                    sb.AppendFormat("<row roleid='{0}' expired='{1}'", role.RoleID, role.Expired.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (role.RegDate > DateTime.MinValue)
                        sb.Append(" regdate='" + role.RegDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
                    sb.Append(" />");
                xml = sb.ToString();
            return xml;

        #region Club
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加门户
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>-1 有重名, 0 未执行插入, >0 插入成功;</returns>
        public static int ClubRegister(Club club) {
            int clubId = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(club.ClubName))
                clubId = DataProvider.ClubInsert(club.Project, club.ClubType, club.Expired, club.ClubName, club.Owner);
            return clubId;

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据修改门户过期时间及户主
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>失败=0, >0 成功 + RoleList</returns>
        public static List<Role> ClubChange(Club club, out int result) {
            result = 0;
            List<Role> list = null;
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.ClubChange(club.ClubID, club.Project, club.ClubName, club.ClubType, club.Expired, club.Owner);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                result = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0], 0);
                if (ds.Tables.Count >= 2) {
                    list = new List<Role>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows) {
                        Role r = new Role();
                        r.RoleID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(RHDataCommon.GetValueFromDataRow(row, "RoleID"), 0);
                        r.LinkID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(RHDataCommon.GetValueFromDataRow(row, "LinkID"), 0);
                        r.RoleType = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(RHDataCommon.GetValueFromDataRow(row, "RoleType"), 0);
                        r.UserMark = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(RHDataCommon.GetValueFromDataRow(row, "UserMark"), 0);
                        r.RoleName = RHDataCommon.GetValueFromDataRow(row, "RoleName");

            return list;

        public static void ClubDelete(Club club) {
            DataProvider.ClubDelete(club.ClubID, club.Project, club.ClubName);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据project, club查询门户
        /// </summary>
        public static Club GetClub(Club club) {
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetClub(club.Project, club.ClubName);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                club = Common.MakeClub(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            return club;

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据project, club查询门户
        /// </summary>
        public static Club GetOwnerClub(int project, string owner) {
            Club club = new Club();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetOwnerClub(project, owner);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                club = Common.MakeClub(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            return club;
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据igid查询所属门户
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Club> GetClubList(string igid) {
            return GetClubList(0, String.Empty, -1, igid);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据igid查询所属门户
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Club> GetClubList(int project, string club, string igid) {
            return GetClubList(project, club, -1, igid);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据igid查询所属门户
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Club> GetClubList(int project, string clubname, int clubtype, string igid) {
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetMemberClubs(project, clubname, clubtype, igid);
            List<Club> list = new List<Club>();
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                list = Common.MakeClubList(ds.Tables[0]);
                if (ds.Tables.Count == 2) {
                    DataTable tabrole = ds.Tables[1];
                    foreach (Club club in list) {
                        Member member = new Member();
                        member.IGID = igid;
                        DataRow[] rows = tabrole.Select("ClubID=" + club.ClubID.ToString());
                        foreach (DataRow row in rows) {
                            // m.MemberID, m.ClubID, m.IGID, m.RoleType, m.RoleID, m.RegDate, m.Expired
                            Role role = new Role();
                            role.RoleID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleID"], 0);
                            role.RoleType = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleType"], 0);
                            role.RegDate  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["RegDate"].ToString());
                            role.Expired  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["Expired"].ToString());
                            role.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
            return list;

        #region ClubRole
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加门户角色
        /// </summary>
        public static int ClubRoleAdd(Club club, Role role) {
            int roleId = DataProvider.ClubRoleInsert(club.ClubID, club.Project, club.ClubName, role.AuditType, role.LinkID, role.RoleType, role.UserMark, role.RoleName, role.AuditorsToString());
            return roleId;

        /// <summary>
        /// 修改门户角色
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClubRoleSet(Role role) {
            if (role.RoleID > 0)
                DataProvider.ClubRoleModify(role.RoleID, role.AuditType, role.LinkID, role.RoleType, role.RoleName);

        /// <summary>
        /// 删除门户角色
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClubRoleDel(List<Role> roles) {
            if (roles.Count > 0) {
                List<string> list = new List<string>();
                foreach (Role role in roles)
                string ids = String.Join(",", list.ToArray());

        /// <summary>
        /// 冻结、解冻门户角色
        /// disable = 0 解冻
        /// disable = 1 冻结
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClubRoleDisable(int disable, int[] roles) {
            if (roles.Length > 0) {
                DataProvider.ClubRoleDisable(disable, String.Join(",", Common.Int2StrArray(roles)));

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据roleid获取角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> GetRoles(int[] roles) {
            string rolelist = String.Join(",", Common.Int2StrArray(roles));
            List<Role> list = new List<Role>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rolelist)) {
                DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetRoles(rolelist);
                if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                    list = Common.MakeRoleList(ds.Tables[0]);
            return list;

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据roleName获取角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> GetRoles(int project, string clubname, string rolename) {
            List<Role> list = new List<Role>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clubname) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(rolename)) {
                DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetRole(project, clubname, rolename);
                if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                    list = Common.MakeRoleList(ds.Tables[0]);
            return list;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户下所有角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> GetIGIDRoles(int project, string igid) {
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetIGIDRoles(project, igid);
            List<Role> list = new List<Role>();
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                list = Common.MakeRoleList(ds.Tables[0]);
            return list;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户下所有角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> GetClubRoles(int project, string club) {
            return GetClubRoles(project, club, -1);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户某角色类型下所有角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> GetClubRoles(int project, string club, int roletype) {
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetClubRoles(project, club, roletype);
            List<Role> list = new List<Role>();
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                list = Common.MakeRoleList(ds.Tables[0]);
            return list;

        #region Member
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断是否为户主
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>0=否,1=是</returns>
        public static int CheckOwner(Member mem) {
            return DataProvider.CheckOwner(mem.Project, mem.IGID);

        /// <summary>
        /// 插入用户
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>-1 有重名, 0 未执行插入, >0 插入成功;</returns>
        public static int MemberRegister(Member member) {
            int memberId = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(member.ClubName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(member.IGID)) {
                string rolexml = null;
                if (member.RoleList.Count > 0)
                    rolexml = BuildMemberRoleXml(member.RoleList);
                memberId = DataProvider.MemberInsert(member.Project, member.ClubName, 2, member.IGID, rolexml);

            return memberId;

        /// <summary>
        /// 用户删除
        /// </summary>
        public static void MemberDel(int project, string club, string[] members) {
            if (members.Length > 0) {
                DataProvider.MemberDelete(project, club, String.Join(",", members));

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询用户所在门户MemberType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">项目类型</param>
        /// <param name="club">门户词</param>
        /// <param name="igid">igid</param>
        /// <returns>0=不存在,1=户主,2=用户;</returns>
        public static int MemberGetType(int project, string club, string igid) {
            return DataProvider.MemberGetType(0, project, club, igid);

        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int project, string club, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetMemberList(0, project, club, 0, -1, String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, pi, ps, out count);

        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int project, string club, short roletype, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetMemberList(0, project, club, 0, roletype, String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, pi, ps, out count);

        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int project, string club, int roleid, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetMemberList(0, project, club, roleid, -1, String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户club下会员igid的会员及其类型
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="members">igid,igid</param>
        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int project, string club, string[] members) {
            int pi = 0;
            int ps = members.Length;
            int count = 0;
            return GetMemberList(0, project, club, 0, 0, String.Join(",", members), String.Empty, 0, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询用户及其角色
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int clubid, int project, string club, int roleid, short roletype, string members, string igid, int sorttype, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            count = 0;
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetMembers(clubid, project, club, roleid, roletype, -1, members, igid, sorttype, pi, ps);
            List<Member> list = new List<Member>();
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                count = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(ds.Tables[ds.Tables.Count - 1].Rows[0][0], 0);
                list = Common.MakeMemberList(ds.Tables[0]);
                foreach (Member member in list) {
                    DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[1].Select("MemberID=" + member.MemberID.ToString());
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows) {
                        //Role role = Common.MakeRole(row);
                        //m.MemberID, m.IGID, m.RoleType, m.RoleID, m.RegDate, m.Expired
                        Role role = new Role();
                        role.RoleID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleID"], 0);
                        role.RoleType = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleType"], 0);
                        role.RegDate  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["RegDate"].ToString());
                        role.Expired  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["Expired"].ToString());
                        role.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
            return list;

        /// <summary>
        /// B2B查询用户及其角色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validity">是否有效, -1=全部,0=失效,1=有效</param>
        public static List<Member> GetMemberList(int project, string club, int roleid, int validity, string igid, int sorttype, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            count = 0;
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetMembers(0, project, club, roleid, -1, validity, String.Empty, igid, sorttype, pi, ps);
            List<Member> list = new List<Member>();
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                count = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(ds.Tables[ds.Tables.Count - 1].Rows[0][0], 0);
                list = Common.MakeMemberList(ds.Tables[0]);
                foreach (Member member in list) {
                    DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[1].Select("MemberID=" + member.MemberID.ToString());
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows) {
                        //Role role = Common.MakeRole(row);
                        //m.MemberID, m.IGID, m.RoleType, m.RoleID, m.RegDate, m.Expired
                        Role role = new Role();
                        role.RoleID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleID"], 0);
                        role.RoleType = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleType"], 0);
                        role.RegDate  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["RegDate"].ToString());
                        role.Expired  = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["Expired"].ToString());
                        role.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
            return list;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取用户加入门户时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="members">igid,igid</param>
        public static DateTime GetClubMemberRegDate(int project, string club, string igid) {
            DataSet dst = DataProvider.GetMemberRegDate(project, club, igid);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(dst)) {
                return RHData.DataRowGetDateTime(dst.Tables[0].Rows[0], 0, DateTime.MinValue);
            else {
                return DateTime.MinValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户会员数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="members">igid,igid</param>
        public static int GetClubMemberCount(int project, string club) {
            DataSet dst = DataProvider.GetMemberCount(project, club);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(dst)) {
                return RHData.DataRowGetInt32(dst.Tables[0].Rows[0], 0, 0);
            else {
                return 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门户会员数量
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Role> TotalClubRoleMembers(int project, string club) {
            List<Role> list = new List<Role>();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.TotalClubRoleMembers(project, club);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                // r.ClubID, r.RoleID, r.RoleName, r.RoleType, ISNULL(m.MCount, 0) AS MCount
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
                    Role role = new Role();
                    role.ClubID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["ClubID"], 0);
                    role.RoleID   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleID"], 0);
                    role.RoleType = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["RoleType"], 0);
                    role.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
                    role.MCount   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["MCount"], 0);
            return list;


        #region Auditor
        public static void AuditorSet(int roleid, string[] auditors) {
            DataProvider.AuditorInsert(roleid, String.Join(",", auditors));

        public static void AuditorDel(int roleid, string[] auditors) {
            DataProvider.AuditorDelete(roleid, String.Join(",", auditors));

        #region MemberRole

        /// <summary>
        /// 用户角色申请
        /// applyId =  1 成功;
        /// applyId =  0 失败;
        /// applyId = -1 已申请;
        /// </summary>
        public static int MemberApply(Apply apply) {
            int applyId = 0;
            applyId = DataProvider.RoleApply(apply.RoleID, apply.IGID, apply.Expired, apply.Info);
            return applyId;

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取申请列表
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Applicant> GetApplicant(int project, string club, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetApplicant(project, club, String.Empty, String.Empty, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取申请列表
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Applicant> GetApplicant(int project, string club, string igid, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetApplicant(project, club, igid, String.Empty, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取申请列表
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Applicant> GetApplicant(int project, string club, int roleid, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return GetApplicant(project, club, String.Empty, roleid.ToString(), pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取申请列表
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Applicant> GetApplicant(int project, string club, string igid, string roles, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            List<Applicant> list = new List<Applicant>();
            count = 0;
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.GetApplicant(project, club, igid, roles, pi, ps);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                count = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(ds.Tables[ds.Tables.Count - 1].Rows[0][0], 0);
                list = Common.MakeApplicantList(ds.Tables[0]);
                foreach (Applicant applicant in list) {
                    DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[1].Select("ApplyID=" + applicant.ApplyID.ToString());
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows) {
                        Auditor audit = Common.MakeAudit(row);
            return list;

        public static void MemberAudit(int state, string igid, string[] applylist, string info) {
            DataProvider.RoleAudit(state, igid, String.Join(",", applylist), info);

        public static void MemberRoleSet(Member member) {
            if (member.RoleList.Count > 0) {
                string rolexml = BuildMemberRoleXml(member.RoleList);
                DataProvider.MemberRoleInsert(member.Project, member.ClubName, member.IGID, rolexml);

        public static void MemberRoleChange(int project, string club, List<Member> delete, List<Member> insert) {
            string delxml = String.Empty;
            StringBuilder sb = null;
            if (delete.Count > 0) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Member mem in delete) {
                    foreach (Role role in mem.RoleList)
                        sb.AppendFormat("<row igid='{0}' roleid='{1}' />", mem.IGID, role.RoleID);
                delxml = sb.ToString();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(delxml))
                delxml = "<root>" + delxml + "</root>";
            string insxml = String.Empty;
            if (insert.Count > 0) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Member mem in insert) {
                    foreach (Role role in mem.RoleList) {
                        sb.AppendFormat("<row igid='{0}' roleid='{1}' roletype='{2}'", mem.IGID, role.RoleID, role.RoleType);
                        if (role.Expired > DateTime.MinValue)
                            sb.Append(" expired='" + role.Expired.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
                        if (role.RegDate > DateTime.MinValue)
                            sb.Append(" regdate='" + role.RegDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
                        sb.Append(" />");
                insxml = sb.ToString();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(insxml))
                insxml = "<root>" + insxml + "</root>";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(delxml) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(insxml))
                DataProvider.MemberRoleChange(project, club, delxml, insxml);

        public static void MemberRoleDel(int project, string club, string igid, int[] roles) {
            if (roles.Length > 0) {
                string list = String.Join(",", Common.Int2StrArray(roles));
                DataProvider.MemberRoleDelete(project, club, igid, list);

        public static void MemberRoleReExpired(MemberRole role) {
            DataProvider.MemberRoleReExpired(role.Project, role.ClubName, role.RoleID, role.IGID, role.Expired);


        #region Regest
        public static int RegestInfoExSet(int project, string clubname, string igid, int roleid, List<RegestInfoEx> list) {
            string xml = String.Empty;
            int result = 0;
            if (list.Count > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (RegestInfoEx ex in list) {
                    sb.AppendFormat("<row ename='{0}' etext='{1}' />", ex.EName, ex.EText);
                xml = sb.ToString();
                result = DataProvider.RegestInfoExSet(project, 0, clubname, igid, roleid, xml);

            return result;

        public static void RegestInfoExDel(int exId) {
            DataProvider.RegestInfoExDel(exId, 0, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty);

        public static void RegestInfoExDel(int project, string clubname, int roleid, string igid) {
            DataProvider.RegestInfoExDel(0, project, clubname, roleid, igid);

        public static List<RegestInfoEx> GetRegestInfoExList(int project, string clubname, int roleid, string igid) {
            List<RegestInfoEx> list = new List<RegestInfoEx>();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.RegestInfoExGet(project, clubname, roleid, igid);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                list = Common.MakeRegestInfoExList(ds.Tables[0]);

            return list;

        public static int RegestEntrySet(RegestEntry regest) {
            return DataProvider.RegestEntrySet(regest.EntryID, regest.Project, regest.ClubID, regest.ClubName, regest.RoleID, regest.EntryText);

        public static void RegestEntryDel(int entryId) {
            DataProvider.RegestEntryDel(entryId, 0, String.Empty, 0);

        public static void RegestEntryDel(int project, string clubname, int roleid) {
            DataProvider.RegestEntryDel(0, project, clubname, roleid);

        public static RegestEntry GetRegestEntry(int project, string clubname, int roleid) {
            RegestEntry regest = new RegestEntry();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.RegestEntryGet(0, project, clubname, roleid);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds))
                regest = Common.MakeRegestEntry(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

            return regest;

        #region Agreement 用户协议

        public static void AgreementSet(Agreement agr) {
            DataProvider.AgreementSet(agr.ClubID, agr.Project, agr.ClubName, agr.Title, agr.Context);

        public static Agreement GetAgreement(int project, string clubname) {
            Agreement agr = new Agreement();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.AgreementGet(0, project, clubname);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                agr.ClubID  = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["ClubID"], 0);
                agr.Title   = row["Title"].ToString();
                agr.Context = row["Context"].ToString();

            return agr;


        #region SetMemPortalService

        public static int MemPortalServiceSet(string igid, string enter) {
            return DataProvider.MemPortalServiceSet(igid, enter);


        #region LoginLog
        /// <summary>
        /// 插入登录日志
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="login">LoginLog对象</param>
        /// <returns>-1=igid为空, 0=插入失败,>0成功;</returns>
        public static int LoginLogSet(LoginLog login) {
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.IGID))
                return DataProvider.LoginLogSet(login.Project, login.ClubName, login.Tag, login.IGID, login.IP);
                return -1;

        public static LoginLog LoginLogGetLast(string igid) {
            return LoginLogGetLast(0, String.Empty, igid);

        public static LoginLog LoginLogGetLast(int project, string club, string igid) {
            LoginLog login = new LoginLog();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.LoginLogGetLast(project, club, igid);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataSetIsNotNull(ds)) {
                DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                login.Project   = project;
                login.IGID      = row["IGID"].ToString();
                login.ClubName  = row["ClubName"].ToString();
                login.Times     = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["LoginTimes"], 0);
                login.LastLogin = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["LastLogin"].ToString());

            return login;

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据igid查询登录日志
        /// </summary>
        public static List<LoginLog> LoginLogGetList(string igid, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return LoginLogGetList(0, String.Empty, igid, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询登录日志
        /// </summary>
        public static List<LoginLog> LoginLogGetList(int project, string club, string igid, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            return LoginLogGetList(0, String.Empty, igid, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, pi, ps, out count);

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询登录日志
        /// </summary>
        public static List<LoginLog> LoginLogGetList(int project, string club, string igid, DateTime lowerTime, DateTime upperTime, int pi, int ps, out int count) {
            count = 0;
            List<LoginLog> list = new List<LoginLog>();
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.LoginLogGetList(project, club, igid, lowerTime, upperTime, pi, ps);
            if (RHDataCommon.DataTableIsNotNull(ds)) {
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
                    LoginLog login = new LoginLog();
                    login.LogID     = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["LogID"], 0);
                    login.Tag       = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["Tag"], 0);
                    login.LoginTime = RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(row["LoginTime"].ToString());
                    login.ClubID    = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["ClubID"], 0);
                    login.Project   = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(row["Project"], 0);
                    login.ClubName  = row["ClubName"].ToString();
                    login.IGID      = row["IGID"].ToString();
                    login.IP        = row["IP"].ToString();

                count = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0], 0);

            return list;

        #region MemberReg 用户注册信息

        /// <summary>
        /// 设置用户最后修改密码时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="igid"></param>
        /// <returns>返回值>0表示成功</returns>
        public static DateTime MemberRegSetPassTime(string igid) {
            return DataProvider.MemberRegSetPassTime(igid);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取用户最后修改密码时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="igid"></param>
        /// <returns>若返回时间=DateTime.MinValue,则表示空记录</returns>
        public static DateTime MemberRegGetPassTime(string igid) {
            return DataProvider.MemberRegGetPassTime(igid);




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Xml;

using RHTools.RHUiti;
using MSSQLHelper;
using ZSMembership.Entities;

namespace ZSMembership {
    public partial class DataProvider {
        private static readonly string connectionString = ZSConfig.MssqlDBConfig.Instance.ZSMembership;

        /// <summary>
        /// 判断是否为户主
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>0=否,1=是</returns>
        public static int CheckOwner(int project, string igid) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("CheckOwner", connectionString, project, igid);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        public static int ClubInsert(int project, int type, DateTime expired, string club, string owner) {
            object date = DBNull.Value;
            if (expired > new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))
                date = expired;
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("ClubInsert", connectionString, project, type, date, club, owner);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        public static DataSet ClubChange(int clubId, int project, string club, int clubtype, DateTime expired, string owner) {
            SqlParameter[] parms = {
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@ClubID",   SqlDbType.Int,        0, clubId),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@Project",  SqlDbType.Int,        0, project),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@ClubName", SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, club),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@ClubType", SqlDbType.Int,        0, clubtype),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@Expired",  SqlDbType.DateTime,   0, RHTypeParse.DateToMssqlValue(expired)),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@IGID",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, owner)
            return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "ClubChange", parms);

        public static void ClubDelete(int clubid, int project, string club) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("ClubDelete", connectionString, clubid, project, club);

        #region ClubRole
        public static int ClubRoleInsert(int clubid, int project, string club, int audittype, int linkid, int roletype, int usermark, string rolename, string auditors) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("RoleInsert", connectionString, clubid, project, club, audittype, linkid, roletype, usermark, rolename, auditors);
            int roleId = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);
            return roleId;

        public static void ClubRoleModify(int roleid, int audittype, int linkid, int roletype, string rolename) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("RoleUpdate", connectionString, roleid, audittype, linkid, roletype, rolename);

        public static void ClubRoleDelete(string roles) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("RoleDelete", connectionString, roles);

        public static void ClubRoleDisable(int disable, string roles) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("RoleDisable", connectionString, disable, roles);

        #region Member
        public static int MemberInsert(int project, string club, int membertype, string igid, string rolexml) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("MemberInsert", connectionString, null, project, club, membertype, igid, rolexml);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        public static void MemberDelete(int project, string club, string members) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("MemberDelete", connectionString, null, project, club, members);

        public static int MemberGetType(int clubId, int project, string club, string igid) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("MemberGetType", connectionString, clubId, project, club, igid);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        #region MemberRole
        public static void MemberRoleInsert(int project, string club, string igid, string rolexml) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("MemberRoleInsert", connectionString, null, project, club, null, igid, rolexml);

        public static void MemberRoleDelete(int project, string club, string igid, string roles) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("MemberRoleDelete", connectionString, null, project, club, null, igid, roles);

        public static void MemberRoleChange(int project, string club, string deletexml, string insertxml) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("MemberRoleChange", connectionString, project, club, deletexml, insertxml);

        public static void MemberRoleReExpired(int project, string club, int roleid, string igid, DateTime expired) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("MemberRoleReExpired", connectionString, null, project, club, roleid, igid, expired);

        #region Auditor
        public static void AuditorInsert(int roleid, string auditors) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("AuditorInsert", connectionString, roleid, auditors);

        public static void AuditorDelete(int roleid, string auditors) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("AuditorDelete", connectionString, roleid, auditors);

        #region Apply
        public static int RoleApply(int roleid, string igid, DateTime expired, string info) {
            object obj  = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("RoleApply", connectionString, roleid, igid, expired, info);
            int applyId = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);
            return applyId;

        public static void RoleAudit(int state, string igid, string applylist, string info) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("RoleAudit", connectionString, state, igid, applylist, info);

        #region Regest
        public static int RegestInfoExSet(int project, int clubid, string clubname, string igid, int roleid, string xml) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("SetRegestInfoEx", connectionString, project, clubid, clubname, roleid, igid, xml);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        public static void RegestInfoExDel(int exId, int project, string clubname, int roleid, string igid) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("DelRegestInfoEx", connectionString, exId, project, clubname, roleid, igid);

        public static DataSet RegestInfoExGet(int project, string clubname, int roleid, string igid) {
            return ProcHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetRegestInfoEx", connectionString, project, clubname, roleid, igid);

        public static int RegestEntrySet(int entryId, int project, int clubId, string clubname, int roleid, string entryText) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("SetRegestEntry", connectionString, entryId, project, clubId, clubname, roleid, entryText);
            entryId = RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);
            return entryId;

        public static void RegestEntryDel(int entryId, int project, string clubname, int roleid) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("DelRegestEntry", connectionString, entryId, project, clubname, roleid);

        public static DataSet RegestEntryGet(int entryId, int project, string clubname, int roleid) {
            return ProcHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetRegestEntry", connectionString, entryId, project, clubname, roleid);


        #region Agreement 用户协议

        public static void AgreementSet(int clubId, int project, string clubname, string title, string context) {
            ProcHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("SetAgreement", connectionString, clubId, project, clubname, title, context);

        public static DataSet AgreementGet(int clubId, int project, string clubname) {
            return ProcHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetAgreement", connectionString, clubId, project, clubname);


        #region SetMemPortalService

        public static int MemPortalServiceSet(string igid, string enter) {
            object obj = ProcHelper.ExecuteScalar("SetMemPortalService", connectionString, igid, enter);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);


        #region LoginLog 登录日志

        public static int LoginLogSet(int project, string clubname, int tag, string igid, string ip) {
            SqlParameter[] parms = {
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@Project",  SqlDbType.Int,        0, project),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@ClubName", SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, clubname),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@Tag",      SqlDbType.Int,        0, tag),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@IGID",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, igid),
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@IP",       SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128, ip)
            object obj = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "LoginLogSet", parms);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToInt(obj, 0);

        public static DataSet LoginLogGetLast(int project, string club, string igid) {
            return ProcHelper.ExecuteDataset("LoginLogGetLast", connectionString, project, club, igid);

        public static DataSet LoginLogGetList(int project, string club, string igid, DateTime lowerTime, DateTime upperTime, int pi, int ps) {
            return ProcHelper.ExecuteDataset("LoginLogGetList", connectionString, project, club, igid, RHTypeParse.DateToMssqlValue(lowerTime), RHTypeParse.DateToMssqlValue(upperTime), pi, ps);


        #region MemberReg 用户注册信息

        public static DateTime MemberRegSetPassTime(string igid) {
            SqlParameter[] parms = {
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@IGID",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, igid)
            object obj = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "MemberRegSetPassTime", parms);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(obj, DateTime.MinValue);

        public static DateTime MemberRegGetPassTime(string igid) {
            SqlParameter[] parms = {
                SqlHelper.MakeInParam("@IGID",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,  50, igid)
            object obj = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "MemberRegGetPassTime", parms);
            return RHTypeParse.StrToDateTime(obj, DateTime.MinValue);




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
namespace MSSQLHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// StoredProcedure Helper Class
    /// </summary>
    public class ProcHelper
        #region ExecuteNonQuery

        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteNonQuery
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>ref count</returns>
        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            int count = 0;
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection = con;
                cmd.CommandText = command;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(cmd, parameters);
                count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            return count;

        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteNonQuery   command will be fill paraments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>ref count</returns>
        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            int count = 0;
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                command.Connection = con;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(command, parameters);
                command.Parameters.Add("getreturn", SqlDbType.Int);
                command.Parameters["getreturn"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                count = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
            return count;


        #region ExecuteScalar

        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteScalar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="type">CommandType</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>object</returns>
        public static object ExecuteScalar(string command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            object res = null;
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection = con;
                cmd.CommandText = command;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(cmd, parameters);
                res = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            return res;


        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteScalar   command will be fill paraments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>ref count</returns>
        public static object ExecuteScalar(SqlCommand command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            object res = null;
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                command.Connection = con;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(command, parameters);
                res = command.ExecuteScalar();
            return res;


        #region ExecuteDataset

        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteDataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="type">CommandType</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>result as DataSet</returns>
        public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection = con;
                cmd.CommandText = command;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(cmd, parameters);

                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            return ds;

        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteDataset   command will be fill paraments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">StoredProcedure Name</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">connection string</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters value</param>
        /// <returns>ref count</returns>
        public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(SqlCommand command, string connectionString, params object[] parameters)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                command.Connection = con;

                CommandBuilder.Instance.Build(command, parameters);
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command);
            return ds;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;

namespace MSSQLHelper
    internal class CommandBuilder 

        #region SqlParameterCollection
        private Dictionary<string, SqlParameterCollection> commandParametersDict = new Dictionary<string, SqlParameterCollection>();

        private object lockHelperInstance = new object();

        private SqlParameterCollection this[string commandName]
                commandName = commandName.ToLower();
                if (!commandParametersDict.ContainsKey(commandName))
                    return null ;
                return commandParametersDict[commandName];

                commandName = commandName.ToLower();
                if (!commandParametersDict.ContainsKey(commandName))
                    lock (lockHelperInstance)
                        if (!commandParametersDict.ContainsKey(commandName))
                            commandParametersDict[commandName] = value;

        #region private function

        private SqlParameterCollection GetSqlParameterCollection(SqlCommand cmd)
            SqlParameterCollection spc = this[cmd.CommandText];
            if (spc == null)
                //clone cmd for builder
                if (cmd.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                    using (SqlCommand builderCMD = (cmd as ICloneable).Clone() as SqlCommand)
                        //clone connection to protect cmd.connection
                        using (builderCMD.Connection = (cmd.Connection as ICloneable).Clone() as SqlConnection)
                        spc = builderCMD.Parameters;
                        this[cmd.CommandText] = builderCMD.Parameters;
                    //builderCMD finish
            return spc;

        private void FillParameters(SqlCommand cmd, SqlParameterCollection spc)
            //fill paramenters 
            if (spc == null)
                //Parameters[0] = @return value
                for (int i = 1; i < spc.Count; i++)
                    //clone to protect commandParametersDict
                    cmd.Parameters.Add((spc[i] as ICloneable).Clone() as SqlParameter);

        private void FillParametersValue(SqlCommand cmd, object[] parameters)

            //fill paramenters value
            if (parameters == null)

            //check parameters count
            if (cmd.Parameters.Count > parameters.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sql command \"" + cmd.CommandText + "\" , Parameters.Count more than parameters.value.Count");

            //set value
            for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
                cmd.Parameters[i].Value = parameters[i];



        public void Build(SqlCommand cmd, object[] parameters)

            //builder command
            SqlParameterCollection spc = GetSqlParameterCollection(cmd);

            //fill paramenters 
            FillParameters(cmd, spc);

            //fill paramenters value
            FillParametersValue(cmd, parameters);


        #region Instance
        private static volatile CommandBuilder instance = null;

        private static object lockHelper = new object();

        public  static CommandBuilder Instance
                if (instance == null)
                    lock (lockHelper)
                        if (instance == null)
                            instance = new CommandBuilder();
                return instance;






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