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转载 Tomcat6.0连接池配置

Tomcat6.0连接池配置      1.配置tomcat下的conf下的server.xml中的host标签中添加连接池配置:          1.  "jdbc/sql"   2.         auth="Container"       3.         type="javax.sql.DataSource"   

2008-03-19 19:08:00 2641 2

转载 2005转到2000的步骤步骤

2005转到2000的步骤步骤     1.   生成for   2000版本的数据库脚本     2005   的manger   studio     --   打开"对象资源管理器"(没有的话按F8),   连接到你的实例     --   右键要转到2000的库     --   任务     --   生成脚本     --   在"脚本向导"的"选择数据库"中,   确定选择的是要转到

2008-03-19 10:45:00 608

转载 Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket

[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket    今天到实验室运行了一下以前作的合同管理的系统,以前运行正常,奇怪的是今天运行出错了。错误提示如标题所示。看来很可能是驱动程序出错了导致连接不上数据库,因此我检查是否启动数据库服务器,服务器已经启动,看来是我用的jdbc的驱动出错了。驱动程序出错

2008-03-16 11:37:00 2048

think in java pattern

This is a book about design that I have been working on for years, basically ever since I first started trying to read Design Patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson & Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995), commonly referred to as the Gang of Four[1] or just GoF). There is a chapter on design patterns in the first edition of Thinking in C++, which has evolved in Volume 2 of the second edition of Thinking in C++, and you’ll also find a chapter on patterns in the first edition of Thinking in Java (I took it out of the second edition because that book was getting too big, and also because I had decided to write this book). This is not an introductory book. I am assuming that you have worked your way through Thinking in Java or an equivalent text before coming to this book. In addition, I assume you have more than just a grasp of the syntax of Java. You should have a good understanding of objects and what they’re about, including polymorphism. Again, these are topics covered in Thinking in Java. On the other hand, by going through this book you’re going to learn a lot about object-oriented programming by seeing objects used in many different situations. If your knowledge of objects is rudimentary, it will get much stronger in the process of understanding the designs in this book.





SQL in Nutshell ed1

The explosive growth of the information technology industry and the constantly growing need to compile, store, access, and manipulate increasingly larger masses of data have required the development of ever more sophisticated database management tools. Since its first incarnation in the 1970s, Structured Query Language (SQL) has been developed hand in hand with the information boom, and as a result, is the most widely used database manipulation language in business and industry. A number of different software companies and program developers, including those in the open source movement, have concurrently developed their own SQL dialects in response to specific needs. All the while, standards bodies have developed a growing list of common features. SQL in a Nutshell identifies the differences between the various vendor implementations of SQL. Readers will find a concise explanation of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) model, a clear-cut explanation of foundational RDBMS concepts, and thorough coverage of basic SQL syntax and commands. Most importantly, programmers and developers who use SQL in a Nutshell will find a concise guide both to the most popular commercial database packages on the market (Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle8i), and to two of the best known open source (http://www.opensource.org) database products (MySQL and PostgreSQL). SQL in a Nutshell’s attention to open source SQL products is an affirmation of the growing importance of the open source movement within the computing community. As a result, SQL in a Nutshell benefits several distinct groups of users: the knowledgeable programmer who requires a concise and handy reference tool, the developer who needs to migrate from one SQL dialect to another, and the user who comes to SQL from another programming language and wants to learn the basics of SQL programming.


Data Modeling and Relational Database Design, Vol.1

Oracle - Data Modeling and Relational Database Design, Vol.1



数据挖掘入门. 很好的一本书,比较清晰,想要的童鞋快速下载了。


Principles of Data Mining

MIT - Principles of Data Mining


Art of Java Web Development

This book is for every Java web developer, regardless of his or her level of expertise. It is designed primarily for intermediate to advanced developers, who understand the specifics of the various web APIs in Java but haven’t yet mastered the best way to apply them. It is perfect for developers who have heard terms like Model- View-Controller and Model 2, but weren’t present for the series of events that led to the widespread adoption of these best practices. It is also perfect for designers and architects of web applications because it discusses the implications of architecture and design at every opportunity. This book is also well suited to developers who have looked at (and possibly struggled with) one of the many web frameworks on the market. It is unique in its coverage of web frameworks, giving equal weight to six different frameworks and comparing them on equal ground. Whether you are planning to use a framework or you want to write your own, understanding the similarities and differences between the existing frameworks will save you a great deal of time. Art of Java Web Development also illustrates new possibilities for those who are using a framework but aren’t happy with it.


Java Persistence for Relational Databases

This text provides best practices and patterns for readers who want to connect to databases using Java. It also includes coverage of various database-related APIs for Java, including JDO, JDBC (including newest 3.0 APIs), and CMP.


Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1

This invaluable resource details the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans component model and the Java Message Service (JMS) so you understand the ideas behind asynchronous and parallel processing provided through message-driven beans.


Enterprise Java for SAP

This book is specifically targeted at developers who are fluent in SAP’s programming language, ABAP, and are looking to learn the Java language. The author explores SAP, JavaServer Pages, JDBC, and Enterprise Java Beans.



This tutorial describes how to use the Tiles framework to create reusable presentation components


More Effective C++(中文版)

35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design<br><br>改善程序设计方法与设计思维的35个新方法<br><br>


Win32 API大全

作为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口,Win32 API是从事Windows应用程序开发所必备的。本书首先对Win32 API函数做完整的概述;然后收录五大类函数:窗口管理、图形设备接口、系统服务、国际特性以及网络服务;在附录部分,讲解如何在Visual Basic和Delphi中对<br>


Programming Windows(中文)

仍然是解决Windows程式开发各种疑难杂症时的灵丹妙药。在第五版的《Windows程式开发设计指南》中,作者身违背受敬重的Windows Pioneer Award(Windows开路先锋奖)得主,依据最新版本Windows作业系统,以可靠的取材资料校定这一本经典之作一再一次深入探索了Win32程式设计介面的根本重心。<br><br>本书特色:<br>基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 <br>对Unicode的介绍 <br>图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与metafile <br>系统核心与印表机 <br>声音与音乐 <br>动态连结程式库 <br>多工与多执行绪 <br>多重文件介面 <br>网际网路与企业内网路程式设计



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