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原创 同济大学软件学院万院长谈择业

一、关于企业计算方向企业计算(Enterprise Computing)是稍时髦较好听的名词,主要是指企业信息系统,如ERP软件(企业资源规划)、CRM软件(客户关系管理)、SCM软件(供应链管理,即物流软件),银行证券软件,财务软件,电子商务/政务(包括各种网站),数据仓库,数据挖掘,商务智能等企业信息管理系统.企业计算领域对人才的需求显然永远是数量最大的,因为这是计算机应用最多的领域. 搞这方

2005-03-09 22:32:00 1389 1

原创 游戏软件设计参考书

             网络游戏造就了盛大的神话、金山的繁荣,做为一个普通的程序员有必要了解一下,游戏开发的流程和技术,兼听则明,多一条手艺多一条活路。下面是个做游戏开发的好朋友推荐的书:1. 游戏软件设计与开发指南作者 Ben Sawyer 开本 16 ISBN书号 711506654X 出版社 人 民邮电出版社 出版日期 1997 Y=31.00   2. : 游戏软件设计与开发大揭秘 出版

2005-03-04 19:42:00 925

原创 自我激励二十法

   在我们不断塑造自我的过程中,影响最大的莫过于是选择乐观的态度还是悲观的态 度。我们思想上的这种抉择可能给我们带来激励,也有可能阻滞我们前进。   清晰地规划目标是人生走向成功的第一步,但塑造自我却不仅限于规划目标。要真 正塑造自我和自己想要的生活,我们必须奋起行动。莎士比亚说得好:"行动胜过雄辩。 "一旦掌握自我激励,自我塑造的过程也就随即开始。以下方法可以帮你塑造自我,塑造 那个你一直梦寐

2005-03-04 19:36:00 1092


新托福练习系列之一-写作之星V2.0 单词实时计数、 倒计时功能 内含源代码和注释


写作练习工具-writing TestPad v2.0

功能简单,操作容易,运行需要安装.NET FrameWork2.0 祝大家考试成功! 如有不当之处,请来信指出,下个版本会改进,谢谢!



自己用C#编写的IBT写作练习工具,完全模拟IBT真实环境,功能简单,操作容易,祝大家考试成功!:) 如有不当之处,请发信联系,MSN/hotmail: Reymont.zhang@hotmail.com :)



The importance of good business writing skills cannot be underestimated. Here are some tips: 1. Remember the old public speaking adage: "Tell them what you're going to say, say it, then tell them what you said." The same principle holds when writing a business report. In an introductory paragraph (or section), tell your reader what you are going to say; in the body, say it; and in a concluding paragraph (or section), review what you have said. 2. Be excited by your topic. It shows! If you are not excited, you can be sure your readers will share your lack of enthusiasm. 3. Break up your writing with headings, subheadings, lists, tables, and figures. This helps the reader to understand and organize the content of your document. It is difficult to focus on and digest unrelieved text. 4. Proof-read, spell-check, and grammar-check your work! A good trick for proofreading is to read your report aloud in a conversational voice. Your tongue will often catch awkward phrases and words which your eyes might otherwise overlook. 5. Cite your sources of information and data, and include a reference list. A good and simple way to cite your sources is simply to include the name of the author and year of publication in parentheses within the body of your text (Lawrence 1999). Then include the full citation in a reference section at the end of your paper: The Ten Secrets of Writing a Business Letter: 1. Start From the End Decide what the result of your letter ought to be. List things you’d like to say, and review them. Remove those not supporting the main idea. Good letters have a strong sense of purpose. 2. Get to the Point Early Don’t delay. You should state your main cause in the first paragraph. 3. Put Yourself in Your Reader’s Place If the letter came to you, how would you respond? Be pleasant; try to turn negative statements into positive ones. 4. Say it Plainly Phrases like “in compliance with your request” and “enclosed herewith” are stilted. Write as you talk — naturally. Include just one idea. Sentences longer than two typed lines are suspect. 5. Clear the Deadwood Cut words, sentences, and even paragraphs that don’t contribute. Work hard to simplify your reader’s job. Be especially careful with adjectives, which can sap strength from your words. 6. Use Active Verbs Passive voice is weak and confusing. “A decision has been reached by the committee” is inferior to “The committee has reached a decision.” Also, readers can sense your evasiveness if you write: “Your order has been misplaced” instead of “I misplaced your order.” 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A crowded or over-designed page distracts from your message.


Write To The Point - How To Communicate In Business With Style And Purpose - S J Iacone (Career Press) - 2003.chm

This book provides practical, proven techniques for making writing for business more effective and less stressful. All levels of business and technical personnel will find this easy-to-read guide invaluable and immediately useful every day.


C# Primer: A Practical Approach

Highlights include: • Covers fundamentals such as namespaces, exception handling, and unified type system • Presents a wide-ranging tour of the .NET class library, introducing ADO.NET and establishing database connections and the use of XML • Provides XML programming using the firehose and DOM parser models, XSLT, XPATH, and schemas • Focuses on ASP.NET Web Form Designer, walking through the page lifecycle and caching, and providing a large number of examples. • Introduces .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) Adding C# to your toolbox will not only improve your Web-based programming ability, but also increase your productivity. C# PRIMER provides a solid foundation to build upon and a refreshingly unbiased voice on Microsoft's vehicle to effective and efficient Web-based programming.



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新托福单词桌面精灵, 随时复习和强化练习,突破新托福IBT记单词的好工具,有空学着点,:-)



<br>GRE AWA MODEL ESSAYS - Come from American expert or excellent students.<br> <br>Topics in the following list may appear in your actual test. You <br>should become familiar with this list before you take the GRE-AWA <br>test. Remember that when you take the test you will not have a <br>choice of topics. You must write only on the topic that is assigned to <br>you. <br>



包含了GRE作文写作的几大类,具体例子如下:<br> 25,088 历史类之1.doc<br> 37,376 历史类之2.doc<br> 36,352 政治类之1--law and legal system.doc<br> 28,160 政治类之2--Leaders,Politics and Morality.doc<br><br> 90,112 社会类之1--Problems.doc<br> 31,744 社会类之2--Competition & Cooperation.doc<br> 29,696 艺术类之1--The Arts.doc<br> 29,696 艺术类之2--Government,Market and the Arts.do<br>






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