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原创 疫情期间坚持做广播体操


2020-08-09 02:10:55 439

原创 开始从事运维工作了

成为软件工程师已经十年了,用过的技术栈也不少。写过java程序,写过c++程序,也写过c#程序。现在转去做运维,一个是工作需要,另外一个原因就是想尝试一下运维的挑战。 需要掌握的是虚拟化容器工具,后端日志监控工具,还有web services的性能指标监控,另外就是团队项目的持续集成。边干边学。把自己清空,从一个运维新兵做起。 2016年还剩下两个多月时间。 加油干吧~

2016-10-11 00:54:27 2242

原创 2016-05-18 Lending Club onsite interview


2016-05-20 01:01:43 1238

原创 重新开始在CSDN扎根

重新开始在CSDN扎根去年在CSDN写文章的时候,动不动加载缓慢,连接费劲。今天看了几篇微信转过来的CSDN geek文章,重新尝试在CSDN写文章,觉得缓存处理得很好,还可以离线写作 和简书给我的写作体验一样。简书 主要是一些非技术的文章多些,技术氛围肯定不如csdn。另外,自己的博客hustbill.github.io 和Github 有点自娱自乐的味道。还是要和喜欢技术的高手们交流才能更好地进

2016-05-12 00:33:14 527

原创 Scala resource list

Scala 学习资源列表date: 2016-03-31 22:50:00Scala School Lessons in the Fundamentals of Scala Effective Scala Twitter’s “best practices” for Scala. Useful for understanding idioms in Twitter’s code. sca

2016-05-12 00:20:22 560

原创 2016-04-04-Ejabberd-configure-db-postgresql

Configure Ejabberd chat server to use PostgreSQLIn order to make data persistent with in any application, we can link it to a PostgreSQL relational database.

2016-05-12 00:17:56 560

原创 初次尝试mac下markdown 免费写作工具-Writed

Writed - Mac下面免费markdown写作工具,输入文字和代码都很方便,专注于写作,是写博客的好助手。 推荐大家试用。 Writed was created by Stahl Labs AB to provide the best distraction free writing tool for Mac.

2015-04-08 13:37:29 1424

原创 2015.04.01 Leetcode Generate Parentheses

LeetCode - Given n pairs of parentheses,write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:"((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()" 题解: 需要用dfs -backtracking. 给定的n为括号对,也就是有n个

2015-04-02 12:00:47 592

原创 2015.04.01 Leetcode Insert interval

Insert Interval解法:先用start,end两个变量来定位 newinterval可能要插入的起始点和结束点。 分三种情况来看是否需要调整或合并(merge)。 case1: 在start 之前直接copy 到结果res; case2: 在end之后也是直接copy到res中; case3: 需要合并的就是newInterval.start, newInterval.end, 和任选的一个interval 的interval.start , interval.end 四个边界的比较。 下

2015-04-02 03:55:38 658

原创 2015.03.30 LeetCode Merge Intervals 解题记录

今天下午做了一道题。leetcode merge intervals 属于比较难的题目。 首先用collections.sort 给list排序,然后用两个while loop来比较两个interval 的start, end 。 从而生成新的interal,再插入到新的list 返回结果。 下面给出自己的代码:/* 50 Merge Intervals https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-intervals/ Given a collection o

2015-03-31 13:16:22 530

原创 2015.03.29 LeetCode Rotate array LeetCode java 解法

[Leetcode] Rotate an array of n elements to the right by k steps.For example, with n = 7 and k = 3, the array [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] is rotated to [5,6,7,1,2,3,4]. 提供两种解法。 一种是 用hashmap来做,另外一种用arraycopy函数来做。时间复杂度类似。

2015-03-30 06:24:27 1138

原创 2015.03.28 leetcode LRU cache 解题记录

LRU CacheDesign and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -

2015-03-29 11:59:16 502

转载 Faster\Slower 快慢指针的应用

leetcode很多题目都是利用快慢指针来解决题目,下面具体讲解下快慢指针。 http://www.cnblogs.com/springfor/p/3869308.html概念: 快指针在每一步走的步长要比慢指针一步走的步长要多。快指针通常的步速是慢指针的2倍。在循环中的指针移动通常为:faster = faster.next.next, slower = slower.n

2015-03-27 09:48:40 617

原创 Valid Parentheses leetcode java


2015-03-27 08:44:18 523

原创 Insertion sort, select sort, Quick sort and Merge sort

冒泡排序 插入排序 选择排序 快速排序

2015-02-03 02:30:05 854

原创 LeetCode - Single number- Jan 31, 2015

Given an array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.Note:Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?

2015-02-01 03:59:20 463

原创 Leetcode - Add Binary -Jan 30, 2015

Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).For example,a = "11"b = "1"Return "100".

2015-01-31 04:37:32 596

原创 2014.8.12-AKKA和Actor model 分布式开发环境学习小结

学习使用AKKA 断断续续有一年了。目前还是习惯用java来写akka下面的程序。对于原生的scala还是没有时间和兴趣去学习它。 毕竟学习一门语言需要兴趣和时间的。 AKKA学习资源还是不算丰富。 看过最多的就是官方的编程手册,还有就是AKKA Essentials 这两本。  自己动手写的程序还不算多,也放在github上面。 另外,在akka编译配置、升级版本上,以及部署多台服务

2014-08-13 01:24:58 4800

原创 重新开始找工作,刷题,数据结构和算法=>目标1月20号的Amazon面试!

2014年开始新的征程。目标1月20号的Amazon面试!兜兜转转的,还是要做程序员了。为了在异国他乡立足,做程序员无疑是一个很好的途径。短平快!  只是自己写代码的能力着实不如从前。现在捧着书都看不进去几页。但是为了身上衣裳口中食,还是努力练习编程和数据结构、把常用算法进行操练。在自己的三十岁以后,还是要打牢基础。 除了做这个,我还真发现不了自己其他能赖以为生的技艺! 为

2014-01-05 14:58:27 2011

原创 时间管理-有趣的数据

我们应做这样几件事情: 1. 计算我们的时间,像一个吝啬的守财奴一样,清点自己的财富; 2. 了解自己的模式,用流水帐记录每一笔时间支出; 3. 保护我们的时间,找出生活中的时间小偷,把它们拒之门外; 4. 投资我们的时间,找出可以令时间增值的机会。

2011-02-23 14:34:00 934

转载 转载- 一个读书计划(嵌入式软件领域)


2010-07-28 14:38:00 607

转载 转载- App Store开发者:我是传奇

 几乎每个工作日的晚上6点半以后, 在北京望京科技园,几个年轻人从不同的大楼走出来后,都会聚集在一家咖啡馆中,谈论手机和手机上的应用程序。他们把这个小型组织称为 “XMobileApp”,并且还为此建立了一个网站,意图拢聚更多志同道合者一起来开发手机上的小程序—可以是基于Windows Mobile系统,也可以是基于iPhone,或者Android。  团队的创始人之一叫陈宪,大学本科学习应用数学,却因为喜欢软件而在大二那年开始自学开发软件。毕业后做过芯片开发,在明基-西门子工作过,也曾经在索尼爱立

2010-07-25 17:30:00 1513

原创 ClearCase and ClearQuest

ClearCase 和ClearQuest 配置管理

2010-07-18 16:14:00 556

原创 回归CSDN

在开心网、校内网流连了好多个月之后,发觉还是CSDN比较安静,没有那么多喧嚣和花里胡哨的东西。专心做自己的技术,认认真真过自己的生活。 现在成家立业了,做事情少了也许冲劲,多了一些犹豫和彷徨。为了每个月的房贷和今后的生活而日复一日地生活,少了一些激情,多了一些无奈。马上就是要奔三的人,剩下的机会不是说没有,只是相对来说少了很多。 扎扎实实做好眼前的事情是关键,好高骛远是年少轻狂时的

2010-01-14 17:28:00 472

原创 Here's what you can do to bend your brain into submission

These tips are a starting point; listen to your brain and figure out what works for you and what doesnt. Try new things.Slow down. The more you understand, the less you have to memorize.        Dont

2008-12-25 17:09:00 1001

原创 职业竞争力法则——三个契合度

专家建议:职业竞争力法则——三个契合度     职业人在确定职业发展方向以后,不断地根据职场的要求更新自身的素质,当前高薪人才应该是掌握关键技术的专才,阅历丰富的通才,既掌握相关技术又熟悉市场经济和国际规则的高级人才。提高职场竞争力,我们需要有这三个契合点:     1)技能、专长、经历与职位要求的契合度;     2)专业资质和等级与职业要求的契合度;     3)综合素质与职业

2007-06-12 22:55:00 2075

原创 2007-6-7 善假于物

1 学会用更便利的设备来提高学习工作效率。    俗话说得好,工欲善其事,必先利其器,今天换了一个小鼠标,ThinkPad,感觉比原先那个仿冒的IBM鼠标方便了很多。然后买了一个贝尔金的笔记本清洁套装,把屏幕差得光洁如新。让自己的小本焕然一新,感觉很爽。2 变得大气一点  不能总是局限于眼前的一点小利益,要舍得,不要斤斤计较,交朋友才是最重要的。3 处之泰然,宁静致远 

2007-06-07 22:48:00 946

原创 王蒙:人际关系21条准则

1 不相信那些动辄汇报谁谁谁在骂你的人。    2 不相信那些一见了你就夸奖歌颂个没完没了的人。    3 不讨厌那些曾经公开地与你争论、批评你的人。    4 绝对不布置安排一些人去搜集旁人背后说了你一些什么。    5 绝对不在公开场合,尤其不能在自己的权力影响范围内,即利用自己的权力或者影响召集一些人大谈旁人说了你什么,那样做等于拆自己的台。    6 不回答任何对于你个人的人身攻击,只讨论

2007-03-08 19:58:00 1569

原创 读王蒙《王蒙自述:我的人生哲学》

王蒙老先生著作等身,曾任文化部长,从他坎坷而又充满快乐的一生中,我读到了学习的妙处。摘录如下: 学习是人生的智慧之灯。学习使我超越、超脱。学习促使人采取一个更健康的态度和方略。 王蒙老先生学习语言的体会:学习语言,可以遵循婴儿学语的历程。学语言一要多听;二要多张口,要不怕说错;三要重复,没完没了地重复;四要交流,语言的功能在于交流。对于人生的看法:  生

2007-03-07 21:10:00 2206

原创 Road and destination

 When we travel lifes road with those we love, the point of final destination is secondary to the quality of our journey!

2007-02-25 09:16:00 845

原创 每天做到101%

  每天做到101% 每天都让自己在进步,虽然只是一点点,但是累积来的效果却是巨大的。 王安亿就是一个持之以恒的典范,每天上午她都坚持写作,写下自己的小说,紧跟文学思潮,不断创作出有震撼力的重磅作品。

2007-02-25 09:02:00 1377

转载 受挫后的心理对策 2006-12-13

   挫折是个体在满足需要的活动过程中,遇到阻碍和干扰,使个体动机不能实现,个人需要不能满足。现代生活中,每个人都可能遭遇挫折。面对困难和挫折,许多人常常会痛苦自卑、怨恨,失去希望和信心。受挫后的心理失衡,不仅影响人的工作、生活,还严重影响人的健康。长久的心理失衡,不仅会引起各种疾病,甚至能使人丧生。为了避免受挫后消极结果的产生,提供如下几种心理对策。    一、倾诉法。也叫发泄法,即

2006-12-13 12:21:00 1480 2

原创 佩服浙江人的智慧

2006-12-9 0:04--追求财富,实现价值的最大化    一个人的价值有很多方面,既有物质方面的,也有精神方面的。刚才,闲暇时,看了一会儿连续剧《马永贞争霸上海》,这部片子情节以前在别的片子里也演绎过,但是,我还是觉得马永贞不简单,好身手、运气,还有个让人相信他一定能办到的魅力。这就是他争霸上海的资本。其实,生活就是一个博弈,如果使得自己的赢面更大,需要我们清楚地认识到自己的实力。

2006-12-09 00:11:00 1766

原创 央视2套 CCTV2006年度经济人物 南方之夜

    每年评比的年度经济人物都让我有眼前一亮的感觉。2005年年度人物印象比较深刻有蒙牛集团的牛根生。看着各方豪杰的角逐,心里还是有一种激动在涌起。 今天碰巧打开电视机,从11月30日开始,每周四晚10:00开始,年度经济人物的评选。分别是北京之夜,武汉的中部之夜,深圳的南方之夜,杭州的东部之夜,成都的西部之夜。唯独没有上海,比较好玩。 既然想做一

2006-11-30 23:49:00 1339

原创 Just do it!

   昨晚,同学朋友都过来玩,做火锅、打牌玩得不亦乐乎。一帮人竟然都呼呼大睡到今天中午。   喧闹过后,各奔东西。觉得心里多少有些失落。   我不是一个很理性的人,遇到这绵绵不尽的小雨,   情绪总是提不起来。    想想以后的日子,心里总是有些不满足。   什么样的生活是我要想要的?我将要到哪里去?       工作,考博,出国,考

2006-11-27 00:23:00 1012

原创 2006-9-3 读《人品至上》 -感恩的心

 『感恩的心』   一个心怀感恩的任心中充满了美好,他会感激一切给过他帮助和支持的人和事。  懂得感恩同样是一个员工优良的品质的重要体现。一个员工如果连最起码的感恩都不知道,  又怎么能够珍惜工作、热爱生活呢?       对待感恩,我们应该又正确的态度,作为员工,想要懂得如何感恩公司、感恩老板,就必须正确 看待你和公司、老板之间的关系。我们常常看到这样的现象,一个员工可以为一个陌路人的点滴帮助 

2006-10-10 20:05:00 2111 2

原创 8月学习规划

 1 软件项目管理书籍,看一部2 英语学习(走遍美国,听或者看不带字幕的段子)  月底,请老师指点,学习《脱口而出》3 Clean Case 学习与整理4 及时总结学过或者做过得项目

2006-08-20 23:56:00 1262

转载 如何写一份好的工程师简历ZZ

2006年6月14日 上午 10:15:00uT("time115025559221238129");发表者:王忻,Google 工程师 最近三年作为 Google(谷歌)的软件工程师,我每周会帮人事部门审查简历,决定要不要给他们面试。Google 这几年的发展让很多许多优秀的工程师都前来申请。到目前为止,我已经看了上千份简历,有些简历留下的印象比别的好很多。尤其是最近亲戚

2006-06-20 23:15:00 1126

转载 UltraEdit 使用技巧笔记

UltraEdit 使用技巧笔记UltraEdit 是每天必用的工具之一.但想想看,实际使用到的功能只是这个工具强大功能的极小的一部分.灵活使用这个工具有的时候能起到事半功倍的效果.记录并收集一些小技巧对自己对别人都有帮助.因为我在使用"列编辑"这样的编辑方式还令我的一个同事看到之后很惊讶,之前他从来不知道有这个用法.这也是写这个备忘文档的目的之一.Tip 1: 如何去掉所编辑文本

2006-05-27 16:09:00 1550

转载 华为公司 java 面试题

 第一部分:选择题QUESTION NO: 11、public class Test {    public static void changeStr(String str){        str="welcome";    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        String str="1234";        chan

2006-05-23 20:54:00 870


新托福练习系列之一-写作之星V2.0 单词实时计数、 倒计时功能 内含源代码和注释


写作练习工具-writing TestPad v2.0

功能简单,操作容易,运行需要安装.NET FrameWork2.0 祝大家考试成功! 如有不当之处,请来信指出,下个版本会改进,谢谢!



自己用C#编写的IBT写作练习工具,完全模拟IBT真实环境,功能简单,操作容易,祝大家考试成功!:) 如有不当之处,请发信联系,MSN/hotmail: [email protected] :)



The importance of good business writing skills cannot be underestimated. Here are some tips: 1. Remember the old public speaking adage: "Tell them what you're going to say, say it, then tell them what you said." The same principle holds when writing a business report. In an introductory paragraph (or section), tell your reader what you are going to say; in the body, say it; and in a concluding paragraph (or section), review what you have said. 2. Be excited by your topic. It shows! If you are not excited, you can be sure your readers will share your lack of enthusiasm. 3. Break up your writing with headings, subheadings, lists, tables, and figures. This helps the reader to understand and organize the content of your document. It is difficult to focus on and digest unrelieved text. 4. Proof-read, spell-check, and grammar-check your work! A good trick for proofreading is to read your report aloud in a conversational voice. Your tongue will often catch awkward phrases and words which your eyes might otherwise overlook. 5. Cite your sources of information and data, and include a reference list. A good and simple way to cite your sources is simply to include the name of the author and year of publication in parentheses within the body of your text (Lawrence 1999). Then include the full citation in a reference section at the end of your paper: The Ten Secrets of Writing a Business Letter: 1. Start From the End Decide what the result of your letter ought to be. List things you’d like to say, and review them. Remove those not supporting the main idea. Good letters have a strong sense of purpose. 2. Get to the Point Early Don’t delay. You should state your main cause in the first paragraph. 3. Put Yourself in Your Reader’s Place If the letter came to you, how would you respond? Be pleasant; try to turn negative statements into positive ones. 4. Say it Plainly Phrases like “in compliance with your request” and “enclosed herewith” are stilted. Write as you talk — naturally. Include just one idea. Sentences longer than two typed lines are suspect. 5. Clear the Deadwood Cut words, sentences, and even paragraphs that don’t contribute. Work hard to simplify your reader’s job. Be especially careful with adjectives, which can sap strength from your words. 6. Use Active Verbs Passive voice is weak and confusing. “A decision has been reached by the committee” is inferior to “The committee has reached a decision.” Also, readers can sense your evasiveness if you write: “Your order has been misplaced” instead of “I misplaced your order.” 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A 7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A7. Be Human Your letter should read like a conversation. Address your reader by name: “Dear Ms. Hartman.” And if you can fit it in naturally, use Ms. Hartman’s name in the body. You want her to know the letter is personal. Whenever you can, use pronouns like I, we, and you. 8. Never Write in Anger Anger will evaporate; a letter won’t. Devise a way to handle problems in an upbeat manner. Your chances of success will multiply tenfold. 9. End With an Action Step The end of a letter should suggest the reader’s next move, or your own. Don’t write distracting closings like: “Again, thank you for . . .” or “If you have problems, please don’t hesitate to call.” Close with a simple “Sincerely,” and your signature; it may be a perfect ending. 10. Be Professional The most well-written letters can’t survive bad presentation. Use a clean, logical format for your letter. A crowded or over-designed page distracts from your message.


Write To The Point - How To Communicate In Business With Style And Purpose - S J Iacone (Career Press) - 2003.chm

This book provides practical, proven techniques for making writing for business more effective and less stressful. All levels of business and technical personnel will find this easy-to-read guide invaluable and immediately useful every day.


C# Primer: A Practical Approach

Highlights include: • Covers fundamentals such as namespaces, exception handling, and unified type system • Presents a wide-ranging tour of the .NET class library, introducing ADO.NET and establishing database connections and the use of XML • Provides XML programming using the firehose and DOM parser models, XSLT, XPATH, and schemas • Focuses on ASP.NET Web Form Designer, walking through the page lifecycle and caching, and providing a large number of examples. • Introduces .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) Adding C# to your toolbox will not only improve your Web-based programming ability, but also increase your productivity. C# PRIMER provides a solid foundation to build upon and a refreshingly unbiased voice on Microsoft's vehicle to effective and efficient Web-based programming.



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<br>GRE AWA MODEL ESSAYS - Come from American expert or excellent students.<br> <br>Topics in the following list may appear in your actual test. You <br>should become familiar with this list before you take the GRE-AWA <br>test. Remember that when you take the test you will not have a <br>choice of topics. You must write only on the topic that is assigned to <br>you. <br>



包含了GRE作文写作的几大类,具体例子如下:<br> 25,088 历史类之1.doc<br> 37,376 历史类之2.doc<br> 36,352 政治类之1--law and legal system.doc<br> 28,160 政治类之2--Leaders,Politics and Morality.doc<br><br> 90,112 社会类之1--Problems.doc<br> 31,744 社会类之2--Competition & Cooperation.doc<br> 29,696 艺术类之1--The Arts.doc<br> 29,696 艺术类之2--Government,Market and the Arts.do<br>






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