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转载 Open Source Quality

http://scan.coverity.com/report/Scan-Report2008-Release.pdfOpen Source Software Continually Improving According toResearch from Coverity™ Joint Venture withU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityNew Scan

2008-05-23 06:59:00 920

转载 Next Office 2007 service pack will include ODF, PDF support options

http://www.betanews.com/article/Next_Office_2007_service_pack_will_include_ODF_PDF_support_options/1211343807Next Office 2007 service pack will include ODF, PDF support options By Scott M. F

2008-05-22 20:45:00 808

转载 Bike fly in the Google Earth


2008-05-21 12:52:00 696

转载 Open letter to standards professionals, developers, and activists

http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/open_letter_standards_professionals_developers_and_activistsYou’ve read how Microsoft drove its tank through the international standardization process l

2008-05-17 11:55:00 622

转载 Hans Reiser

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080429/ap_on_hi_te/missing_mother;_ylt=AqTMFwXCaHFh9GTMvGUXrPqs0NUE OAKLAND, Calif. - A software programmer was convicted Monday of first-degree murder for killing his e

2008-05-04 13:16:00 894

转载 Google Summer of Code 2008

http://www.osnews.com/story/19669/Google_Summer_of_Code_2008The various Google Summer of Code slots have been awarded to the participating projects. As most of you will know, the Summer of Code is all

2008-04-23 12:14:00 904

转载 Why modular Windows will suck for Microsoft and suck for you

Modules and the next version of WindowsThere is a growing consensus of opinion forming that Windows "Seven" will be "modular," the concept being that you buy the core OS first and then add to it i

2008-04-07 07:15:00 1038

转载 Top 10 Linux Desktop Hurdles

 http://www.intranetjournal.com/articles/200803/pij_03_10_08a.html Unlike the myths that are behind the prevention of Linux adoption, this piece will closely examine the indisputable obstacles and w

2008-03-12 17:31:00 1570

转载 Why falling Flash prices threaten Microsoft

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/mar/06/opensource.olpcIt seems that the £200 ultraportable Asus Eee PC can do no wrong. The size of a paperback, weighing less than a kilogram, with built-i

2008-03-09 11:59:00 1248

转载 微软将公布网络版Office 对用户免费

微软将公布网络版Office 对用户免费 昨日,据TechCrucnh消息人士透露,微软将于本周在开源软件和软件互通性方面有较大幅度的动作,市场将会为此“震惊”。而这个令人“震惊”的消息就是微软将把其核心的Office软件移植到互联网上。  Office办公软件是微软帝国成功的两大基石之一,每年为微软带来高达160亿美元的营收。但是在互联网时代,越来越多的竞争对手正在蚕食这一领域。  

2008-03-04 19:23:00 1284

转载 Coming to a watering hole near you: OLPC's mesh networking

Coming to a watering hole near you: OLPCs mesh networkingEven in todays high-tech world of unified communications and wireless mobility, the idea of two kids with laptops sitting under a tree some

2008-03-04 18:42:00 1139

转载 Secret recipe inside Intel's latest competitor

It works like an Intel chip, but looks like the Cell processor. Thats one way of describing the energy-efficient multiple core processors being devised by secretive Montalvo Systems. The Santa Clar

2008-02-17 15:49:00 1240

原创 Yahoo Said Rejecting Microsoft

The Yahoo board is said to believe the $44.6 billion offer undervalues the company.http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Enterprise-Apps/Yahoo-Said-Rejecting-Microsoft/

2008-02-10 19:05:00 1240

原创 VirtualBox downloads page

 VirtualBox downloads page

2008-02-09 17:07:00 1197

原创 compares four virtualization products available for Linux

 compares four virtualization products available for Linux

2008-02-09 13:04:00 1126

原创 Ubuntu Linux will use KVM as its primary virtualization software

 Ubuntu Linux will use KVM as its primary virtualization software

2008-02-09 12:51:00 722



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