Open Source Quality

Open Source Software Continually Improving According to
Research from Coverity™ Joint Venture with
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
New Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008 Shows 16% Reduction in Static Analysis Defect Density Across 250 Popular Open Source Projects Over 2 Year Period
Researchers Uncover New Information Regarding Defect Density,
Code Base Size and Other Indices of Code Complexity
SAN FRANCISCO – May 20, 2008 – Coverity™, Inc., the leader in improving software quality and security, today announced the availability of the Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008. The Coverity Scan site was developed with support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as part of the federal government’s ‘Open Source Hardening Project.’ The report is based on 2 years of analysis of more than 55 million lines of code on a recurring basis from over 250 popular open source projects with Coverity Prevent™, the industry-leading static source code analysis solution.
“The continued improvement of projects that already possess strong code quality and security underscores the commitment of open source developers to create software of the highest integrity,” said David Maxwell, open source strategist for Coverity. “Working with the open source community over the past two years has been an exceptional opportunity for researchers at both the Scan site and Coverity. Based on preliminary feedback from preview readers, the report contains thought provoking information about defect density and code complexity and provides a strong foundation for future research on the nature of software.”
Open source projects analyzed at the Scan site include some of the worlds most widely used applications, including the Apache web server and the Linux operating system. Source code analysis from the Scan site is freely available to qualified open source projects at:
“Close collaboration between Coverity and the FreeBSD Project over three years has been both exciting and remarkably valuable,” said Robert Watson, FreeBSD foundation president. “Coverity has had a positive impact on the correctness of our source code and has helped improve our software development methodology.”
The breadth and volume of analysis data presented in the Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008 is unlike any other collection of code analysis data in existence, representing 14,238 individual project analysis runs for a total of nearly 10 billion lines of code analyzed over 2 years.
The report also draws conclusions that may apply equally to open source and commercial software regarding the relationship between variables such as code base size, defect density, function length, Cyclomatic complexity and Halstead effort. In summary, the Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008 contains the following findings:

The quality and security of open source software is improving – Researchers at the Scan site observed a 16% reduction in static analysis defect density over the last 2 years, which reflects the elimination of more than 8,500 individual defects

Prevalence of specific defect types – The report shows a clear distinction between the frequencies of defect types across the scan database. ‘NULL pointer dereference’ was the most common defect while ‘Use before test of negative values’ was the least common defect

Average project function length and static analysis defect density – Data in the report contradicts conventional wisdom, indicating that projects with large average function length are not prone to higher defect densities

Cyclomatic complexity and Halstead effort – Research indicates these two measures of code complexity are significantly correlated to code base size

False positive results – The average rate of false positives identified by open source developers on the Scan site is below 14%
Detailed data and analysis of these and other findings are available in the complete Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008, which is freely available for download in the research library at
“The use of open-source technologies to enhance and evolve commercial products has become a common strategy. Vendors will continue to leverage this movement by embedding open source into products, while end-user organizations will use stable open-source projects as a competitive differentiator against companies that refuse to acknowledge that open source is now enterprise-ready. By 2012, 80% or more of all commercial software will include elements of open-source technology,” according to analyst Mark Driver in his recent Gartner report ‘Open Source in Vendor Business Strategies, 2008,’ published March 31, 2008.
Results of the Scan Report on Open Source Software 2008 will also be discussed during a complimentary webinar on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 by David Maxwell, Coverity’s open source strategist. Registration is available at:
About the Scan site The Scan site was developed by Coverity with support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as part of the federal government’s ‘Open Source Code Hardening Project’. The site divides open source projects into rungs based on the progress each project makes in resolving defects. Projects at higher rungs receive access to additional analysis capabilities and configuration options. Projects are promoted as they resolve the majority of defects identified at their current rung.
About Coverity Coverity (, the leader in improving software quality and security, is a privately held company headquartered in San Francisco. Coverity’s groundbreaking technology enables developers to control complexity in the development process by automatically finding and helping to repair critical software defects and security vulnerabilities throughout the application lifecycle. More than 450 leading companies including ARM, Phillips, RIM, Rockwell-Collins, Samsung and UBS rely on Coverity to help them ensure the delivery of superior software.
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### 回答1: 在开源的视角下,代码质量意味着代码的可读性、可维护性和稳定性等方面的优秀表现。 首先,开源软件的成功与否很大程度上取决于开发者对于代码质量的关注。一个高质量的开源项目应当具备清晰的代码结构和良好的编码风格,使其他开发者能够轻松理解和参与项目的开发。优秀的开源项目会注重文档编写,提供详细的代码注释和使用说明,帮助其他开发者更好地理解代码逻辑和使用方法。 其次,开源项目需要具备良好的可维护性。代码质量高的开源项目应当遵循软件工程的最佳实践,包括模块化设计、设计模式的使用、单元测试和版本控制等。这样可以降低项目的维护成本并提高开发效率。开源社区的维护者和贡献者经常会进行代码审查,确保代码质量达到要求。 最后,开源软件的代码质量还体现在其稳定性上。一个优秀的开源项目应当具备高可靠性和稳定性,以确保用户在使用过程中不会遇到频繁的崩溃和错误。开源项目的维护者和社区将定期进行错误修复和版本更新,以提供更好的用户体验。 综上所述,从开源的视角来看,代码质量是开源项目成功的关键之一。通过提供可读性强、可维护性好和稳定性高的代码,开源项目能够吸引更多的贡献者和用户,共同推进项目的发展。因此,注重代码质量对于开源社区来说是非常重要的。 ### 回答2: 代码质量是开源项目中非常重要的一个方面。开源项目的代码质量直接影响到项目的可维护性、可扩展性和可靠性。首先,高质量的代码能够提升项目的可维护性。在开源项目中,许多作者和贡献者都可以对代码进行修改和扩展。如果代码质量高,那么其他开发者可以更容易地理解和修改代码,从而保证项目的稳定运行和持续进展。其次,高质量的代码能够提升项目的可扩展性。开源项目通常需要适应不同的需求和技术变化。如果代码质量高,那么新的功能模块可以更容易地集成到项目中,不会产生冲突或者破坏现有的功能。最后,高质量的代码能够提升项目的可靠性。开源项目通常面临着来自全球开发者社区的技术审查和测试。如果代码质量高,那么其他开发者可以更容易地发现和修复潜在的错误和漏洞,从而提高项目的稳定性和安全性。综上所述,对于开源项目来说,良好的代码质量是确保项目稳定性、可扩展性和可维护性的关键因素。为了提高代码质量,开源项目应该注重代码的规范性、可读性和可测试性,同时鼓励社区的协作和技术交流,以不断改进和优化代码。 ### 回答3: 代码质量对于开源软件的重要性无法忽视。在开源社区中,代码质量直接影响着软件的可维护性和稳定性。 首先,良好的代码质量使得开源软件更易于阅读和理解。开源项目通常有来自全球各地的开发者参与,而良好的代码质量可以减小学习和理解代码的难度,从而使得更多的开发者能够贡献和改进软件。 其次,高质量的代码能够提高软件的可维护性。开源软件的特点是长期和持续的开发,一个稳定和易于维护的代码基础能够减少代码修复和重构的时间和工作量。良好的代码结构和可读性可以确保开发者能够快速定位和解决问题。 此外,代码质量对于软件的稳定性也至关重要。高质量的代码减少了潜在的bug和漏洞,提高了软件的可靠性和安全性。在开源社区中,众多的开发者进行代码审查和测试,质量较高的代码更容易通过代码审查和测试,最终形成更稳定的软件。 最后,好的代码质量对于开源社区的声誉和吸引力也很重要。开源软件往往会受到更多开发者和用户的关注和使用,他们更加关注软件质量。优秀的代码质量可以提升软件声誉,吸引更多的开发者参与和贡献。 综上所述,代码质量对于开源软件具有重要的意义。良好的代码质量提高了软件的可维护性和稳定性,对开源社区的发展和吸引力产生积极影响。


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