高斯MPPDB_backup.sql 前1746行

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

-- Name: postgres; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: omm

COMMENT ON DATABASE postgres IS 'default administrative connection database';

-- Name: liuge; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: liuge



-- Name: mppdbpermission; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: omm

CREATE SCHEMA mppdbpermission;

ALTER SCHEMA mppdbpermission OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: myschema; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: omm



-- Name: pmk; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: omm



-- Name: xiniu2; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: xiniu2


ALTER SCHEMA xiniu2 OWNER TO xiniu2;

SET search_path = pmk;

-- Name: check_node_type(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION check_node_type() RETURNS text
    AS $$
DECLARE    l_node_type            CHAR(1);

    SELECT n.node_type
      INTO l_node_type
      FROM pgxc_node n, pg_settings s
     WHERE s.name        = 'pgxc_node_name'
       AND n.node_name   = s.setting;

    IF l_node_type = 'D'
        RETURN 'ERROR:: PMK commands can not be executed from data node. Please execute it from coordinator.';
        RETURN NULL;
    END IF;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.check_node_type() OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: check_pmk_enabled(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION check_pmk_enabled() RETURNS text
    AS $$
DECLARE    l_pmk_enabled_i          TEXT;

    SELECT UPPER(config_value)
      INTO l_pmk_enabled_i
      FROM pmk.pmk_configuration
     WHERE config_param_name        = 'Enable PMK';

    IF l_pmk_enabled_i = 'FALSE'
        RETURN 'ERROR:: PMK should be enabled to use the PMK features.';
        RETURN NULL;
    END IF;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.check_pmk_enabled() OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: check_start_end_dates(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION check_start_end_dates(INOUT io_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, INOUT io_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_error_message text) RETURNS record
    AS $$
DECLARE                    l_last_collect_time                 timestamp with time zone;

    SELECT last_snapshot_collect_time
      INTO l_last_collect_time
      FROM pmk.pmk_meta_data;

    IF io_start_pmk_time > l_last_collect_time
        o_error_message := 'ERROR:: The from-time provided is greater than the last statistics-collection time(' || l_last_collect_time || '). Invalid value(s) provided for the input time-range';
    END IF;

    IF io_end_pmk_time IS NULL
        io_end_pmk_time := l_last_collect_time;

        IF io_start_pmk_time IS NULL
            io_start_pmk_time := io_end_pmk_time;
        END IF;
        IF (io_start_pmk_time IS NULL) OR
           (io_start_pmk_time > io_end_pmk_time)
            o_error_message := 'ERROR:: Invalid value(s) provided for the input time-range';
        END IF;
    END IF;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.check_start_end_dates(INOUT io_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, INOUT io_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_error_message text) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: configure_parameter(character varying, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION configure_parameter(i_config_param_name character varying, i_config_value text) RETURNS boolean
    AS $$
DECLARE            l_collect_count_value                INT;
                l_config_value                        TEXT;
                l_upper_config_param                TEXT;
                l_error_message                        TEXT;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_upper_config_param    := UPPER(TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM i_config_param_name));

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
       AND l_upper_config_param <> 'ENABLE PMK'
    END IF;
    IF i_config_param_name IS NULL
        l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Null should not be provided for configuration parameter name.';
    END IF;

    IF i_config_value IS NULL
        l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Null should not be provided for configuration value.';
    END IF;

    IF l_upper_config_param = 'COLLECTION COUNT'
        l_collect_count_value := i_config_value::int;

        IF l_collect_count_value < -1
            l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Configuration value "' || i_config_value || '" should not be less than -1.';
            RETURN FALSE;

        ELSIF l_collect_count_value = 0
            l_error_message := 'ERROR:: 0 should not be provided since atleast one collection should be retained.';
            RETURN FALSE;

            l_config_value := l_collect_count_value;
        END IF;

    ELSIF l_upper_config_param = 'ENABLE PMK'
        l_config_value := UPPER(TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM i_config_value));
        IF l_config_value NOT IN ('TRUE', 'FALSE')
            l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE for the configuration parameter "Enable PMK".';
            RETURN FALSE;

        END IF;
    END IF;

    SET allow_concurrent_tuple_update = ON;
    UPDATE    pmk.pmk_configuration
    SET        config_value              = l_config_value
    WHERE    UPPER(config_param_name)  = l_upper_config_param;

        l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Invalid configuration parameter "' || i_config_param_name || '" provided for configuring PMK parameter ...';
    END IF;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.configure_parameter(i_config_param_name character varying, i_config_value text) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: delete_expired_snapshots(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION delete_expired_snapshots() RETURNS void
    AS $$
DECLARE l_collection_count                    INT;
        l_retention_snapshot_id                INT;

    -- Deleting node statistics based on  "collection count" config param
    SELECT config_value
      INTO l_collection_count
      FROM pmk.pmk_configuration
     WHERE config_param_name = 'Collection Count';

    IF l_collection_count > -1
        IF l_collection_count = 0
            l_collection_count := 1;
        END IF;

        SELECT MIN(snapshot_id)
          INTO l_retention_snapshot_id    
          FROM ( SELECT snapshot_id
                   FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                  ORDER BY snapshot_id DESC
                  LIMIT l_collection_count );

        DELETE FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat
         WHERE snapshot_id        < l_retention_snapshot_id;

        DELETE FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat
         WHERE snapshot_id        < l_retention_snapshot_id;

        DELETE FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
         WHERE snapshot_id        < l_retention_snapshot_id;
    END IF;

ALTER FUNCTION pmk.delete_expired_snapshots() OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: find_node_stat(boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION find_node_stat(i_skip_supper_role boolean, OUT o_number_of_files_1 integer, OUT o_physical_reads_1 bigint, OUT o_physical_writes_1 bigint, OUT o_read_time_1 bigint, OUT o_write_time_1 bigint, OUT o_physical_memory_1 bigint, OUT o_shared_buffer_size_1 bigint, OUT o_session_memory_total_size_1 bigint, OUT o_session_memory_used_size_1 bigint, OUT o_blocks_read_1 bigint, OUT o_blocks_hit_1 bigint, OUT o_db_size_1 bigint, OUT o_work_memory_size_1 bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_memory_1 bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_disk_1 bigint, OUT o_active_sql_count_1 integer, OUT o_wait_sql_count_1 integer, OUT o_session_count_1 integer, OUT o_busy_time_1 numeric, OUT o_idle_time_1 numeric, OUT o_iowait_time_1 numeric, OUT o_db_cpu_time_1 numeric, OUT o_db_memory_usage_1 bigint, OUT o_node_startup_time_1 timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_host_name_1 text, OUT o_xact_commit_1 bigint, OUT o_xact_rollback_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_timed_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_req_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoint_write_time_1 double precision) RETURNS record
    AS $$

    SELECT o_number_of_files
        , o_physical_reads
         , o_physical_writes
         , o_read_time
         , o_write_time
         , o_physical_memory
         , o_shared_buffer_size
         , o_session_memory_total_size
         , o_session_memory_used_size
         , o_blocks_read
         , o_blocks_hit
         , o_db_size
         , o_work_memory_size
         , o_sorts_in_memory
         , o_sorts_in_disk
         , o_active_sql_count
         , o_wait_sql_count
         , o_session_count
         , o_busy_time
         , o_idle_time
         , o_iowait_time
         , o_db_cpu_time
         , o_db_memory_usage
         , o_node_startup_time
         , o_node_host_name
         , o_xact_commit
         , o_xact_rollback
         , o_checkpoints_timed
         , o_checkpoints_req
         , o_checkpoint_write_time
    INTO o_number_of_files_1
        , o_physical_reads_1
        , o_physical_writes_1
        , o_read_time_1
        , o_write_time_1
        , o_physical_memory_1
        , o_shared_buffer_size_1
        , o_session_memory_total_size_1
        , o_session_memory_used_size_1
        , o_blocks_read_1
        , o_blocks_hit_1
        , o_db_size_1
        , o_work_memory_size_1
        , o_sorts_in_memory_1
        , o_sorts_in_disk_1
        , o_active_sql_count_1
        , o_wait_sql_count_1
        , o_session_count_1
        , o_busy_time_1
        , o_idle_time_1
        , o_iowait_time_1
        , o_db_cpu_time_1
        , o_db_memory_usage_1
        , o_node_startup_time_1
        , o_node_host_name_1
        , o_xact_commit_1
        , o_xact_rollback_1
        , o_checkpoints_timed_1
        , o_checkpoints_req_1
        , o_checkpoint_write_time_1
    FROM pmk.find_perf_stat(i_skip_supper_role);


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.find_node_stat(i_skip_supper_role boolean, OUT o_number_of_files_1 integer, OUT o_physical_reads_1 bigint, OUT o_physical_writes_1 bigint, OUT o_read_time_1 bigint, OUT o_write_time_1 bigint, OUT o_physical_memory_1 bigint, OUT o_shared_buffer_size_1 bigint, OUT o_session_memory_total_size_1 bigint, OUT o_session_memory_used_size_1 bigint, OUT o_blocks_read_1 bigint, OUT o_blocks_hit_1 bigint, OUT o_db_size_1 bigint, OUT o_work_memory_size_1 bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_memory_1 bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_disk_1 bigint, OUT o_active_sql_count_1 integer, OUT o_wait_sql_count_1 integer, OUT o_session_count_1 integer, OUT o_busy_time_1 numeric, OUT o_idle_time_1 numeric, OUT o_iowait_time_1 numeric, OUT o_db_cpu_time_1 numeric, OUT o_db_memory_usage_1 bigint, OUT o_node_startup_time_1 timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_host_name_1 text, OUT o_xact_commit_1 bigint, OUT o_xact_rollback_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_timed_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_req_1 bigint, OUT o_checkpoint_write_time_1 double precision) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: find_perf_stat(boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION find_perf_stat(i_skip_supper_role boolean, OUT o_number_of_files integer, OUT o_physical_reads bigint, OUT o_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_read_time bigint, OUT o_write_time bigint, OUT o_physical_memory bigint, OUT o_shared_buffer_size bigint, OUT o_session_memory_total_size bigint, OUT o_session_memory_used_size bigint, OUT o_blocks_read bigint, OUT o_blocks_hit bigint, OUT o_db_size bigint, OUT o_work_memory_size bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_memory bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_disk bigint, OUT o_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_wait_sql_count integer, OUT o_session_count integer, OUT o_busy_time numeric, OUT o_idle_time numeric, OUT o_iowait_time numeric, OUT o_db_cpu_time numeric, OUT o_db_memory_usage bigint, OUT o_node_startup_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_host_name text, OUT o_xact_commit bigint, OUT o_xact_rollback bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_timed bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_req bigint, OUT o_checkpoint_write_time double precision) RETURNS record
    AS $$
          l_block_size            int;
          l_record_chk            int;

    o_node_startup_time := pg_postmaster_start_time();
    o_node_host_name    := get_hostname();

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_files
         , SUM(phyrds) AS physical_reads
         , SUM(phywrts) AS physical_writes
         , SUM(readtim) AS read_time
         , SUM(writetim) AS write_time
      INTO o_number_of_files
         , o_physical_reads
         , o_physical_writes
         , o_read_time
         , o_write_time
      FROM pv_file_stat;

    IF o_number_of_files = 0
            o_physical_reads   := 0;
            o_physical_writes  := 0;
            o_read_time        := 0;
            o_write_time       := 0;
    END IF;

      WITH os_stat AS
           SELECT os.name AS statname
                , os.value AS statvalue
             FROM pv_os_run_info os
    SELECT (SELECT statvalue FROM os_stat WHERE statname = 'PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES')
         , (SELECT statvalue FROM os_stat WHERE statname = 'BUSY_TIME')
         , (SELECT statvalue FROM os_stat WHERE statname = 'IDLE_TIME')  
         , (SELECT statvalue FROM os_stat WHERE statname = 'IOWAIT_TIME')
      INTO o_physical_memory
         , o_busy_time
         , o_idle_time
         , o_iowait_time
      FROM DUAL;

    --  pv_db_time is not available; temporarily PMK extension is used.
    o_db_cpu_time     := total_cpu();
    o_db_memory_usage := total_memory()*1024;

      WITH config_value AS
         ( SELECT name
                , setting::bigint AS config_value
             FROM pg_settings
            WHERE name   IN ( 'block_size', 'shared_buffers', 'work_mem' )
          , config_value1 AS
          ( SELECT (SELECT config_value FROM config_value WHERE name = 'block_size') AS block_size
                 , (SELECT config_value FROM config_value WHERE name = 'shared_buffers') AS shared_buffers
                 , (SELECT config_value FROM config_value WHERE name = 'work_mem') AS work_mem
              FROM DUAL
    SELECT block_size
         , (shared_buffers * block_size)::bigint
         , (work_mem * 1024)::bigint
      INTO l_block_size
         , o_shared_buffer_size
         , o_work_memory_size
      FROM config_value1;

    /* Commented since these statistics are not used for node and cluster reports
    o_session_memory_total_size  := 0;
    o_session_memory_used_size   := 0;

    SELECT SUM(blks_read)::bigint
        , SUM(blks_hit)::bigint
        , SUM(xact_commit)::bigint
        , SUM(xact_rollback)::bigint
    INTO o_blocks_read
        , o_blocks_hit
        , o_xact_commit
        , o_xact_rollback
    FROM pg_stat_database;

    o_db_size := 0;
    IF i_skip_supper_role = 'TRUE'
        WITH session_state AS
            ( SELECT state, waiting , usename
             FROM pg_stat_activity a, pg_roles r
             WHERE r.rolsuper = 'f' AND a.usename = r.rolname
             , active_session AS
            ( SELECT state, waiting , usename
             FROM session_state s, pg_roles r
             WHERE s.state IN ('active', 'fastpath function call', 'retrying')
             AND r.rolsuper = 'f' AND  s.usename = r.rolname
            SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM active_session )
                , ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM active_session WHERE waiting = TRUE )
                , ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM session_state )  
            INTO o_active_sql_count, o_wait_sql_count , o_session_count
        FROM DUAL;
        WITH session_state AS
            ( SELECT state, waiting
             FROM pg_stat_activity
            , active_session AS
            ( SELECT state, waiting
             FROM session_state
             WHERE state IN ('active', 'fastpath function call', 'retrying')
             SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM active_session )
                 , ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM active_session WHERE waiting = TRUE )
                 , ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM session_state )  
             INTO o_active_sql_count, o_wait_sql_count, o_session_count
        FROM DUAL;
    END IF;

    -- Currently, the below statistics are calculated from pv_session_stat (which is not accurate) since pv_db_stat is not available
      WITH sort_state AS
         ( SELECT statname
                , SUM(value)::bigint AS sorts_cnt
             FROM pv_session_stat
            WHERE statname IN ('n_sort_in_memory', 'n_sort_in_disk')                
            GROUP BY statname
    SELECT (SELECT sorts_cnt FROM sort_state WHERE statname = 'n_sort_in_memory')
         , (SELECT sorts_cnt FROM sort_state WHERE statname = 'n_sort_in_disk')  
      INTO o_sorts_in_memory
         , o_sorts_in_disk
      FROM DUAL;

    SELECT SUM(checkpoints_timed)::bigint
         , SUM(checkpoints_req)::bigint
         , SUM(checkpoint_write_time)::bigint
      INTO o_checkpoints_timed
         , o_checkpoints_req
         , o_checkpoint_write_time
      FROM pg_stat_bgwriter;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.find_perf_stat(i_skip_supper_role boolean, OUT o_number_of_files integer, OUT o_physical_reads bigint, OUT o_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_read_time bigint, OUT o_write_time bigint, OUT o_physical_memory bigint, OUT o_shared_buffer_size bigint, OUT o_session_memory_total_size bigint, OUT o_session_memory_used_size bigint, OUT o_blocks_read bigint, OUT o_blocks_hit bigint, OUT o_db_size bigint, OUT o_work_memory_size bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_memory bigint, OUT o_sorts_in_disk bigint, OUT o_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_wait_sql_count integer, OUT o_session_count integer, OUT o_busy_time numeric, OUT o_idle_time numeric, OUT o_iowait_time numeric, OUT o_db_cpu_time numeric, OUT o_db_memory_usage bigint, OUT o_node_startup_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_host_name text, OUT o_xact_commit bigint, OUT o_xact_rollback bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_timed bigint, OUT o_checkpoints_req bigint, OUT o_checkpoint_write_time double precision) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_active_sql_count(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_active_sql_count(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_avg_active_sql_count numeric, OUT o_min_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_max_active_sql_count integer) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                  text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of active SQL count statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , tot_active_sql_count
         , avg_active_sql_count
         , min_active_sql_count
         , max_active_sql_count
      FROM ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                  , SUM(active_sql_count)::int AS tot_active_sql_count
                  , ROUND(AVG(active_sql_count), 2)::numeric(9, 2) AS avg_active_sql_count
                  , MIN(active_sql_count)::int AS min_active_sql_count
                  , MAX(active_sql_count)::int AS max_active_sql_count
               FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
              WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
              GROUP BY s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
     ORDER BY stat_collect_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_active_sql_count(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_avg_active_sql_count numeric, OUT o_min_active_sql_count integer, OUT o_max_active_sql_count integer) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_disk_usage_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_disk_usage_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_db_size text, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_datanode_db_size text, OUT o_max_datanode_db_size text, OUT o_tot_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_max_node_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_max_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_write_per_sec numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                    text;
DECLARE                     l_db_size                        bigint;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster disk usage statistics ...';
    END IF;

    IF i_db_size = '0'
        SELECT SUM(pg_database_size(oid))::bigint
        INTO l_db_size  
        FROM pg_database;
        SELECT SUM(i_db_size)::bigint
        INTO l_db_size;
    END IF;
      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
         , disk_stat AS
            SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                 , db_size
                 , physical_writes_delta
                 , write_time_delta
                 , ( physical_writes_delta * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS node_write_per_sec
              FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
             WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , pg_size_pretty(tot_datanode_db_size) AS tot_datanode_db_size
         , pg_size_pretty(max_datanode_db_size) AS max_datanode_db_size
         , tot_physical_writes
         , max_node_physical_writes
         , max_node_write_per_sec
         , ( tot_physical_writes * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(tot_write_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_write_per_sec
      FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                  , l_db_size::bigint AS tot_datanode_db_size
                  , MAX(db_size)::bigint AS max_datanode_db_size
                  , SUM(physical_writes_delta)::bigint AS tot_physical_writes
                  , SUM(write_time_delta)::bigint AS tot_write_time
                  , MAX(physical_writes_delta)::bigint AS max_node_physical_writes
                  , MAX(node_write_per_sec) AS max_node_write_per_sec
               FROM disk_stat
             GROUP BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time
     ORDER BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_disk_usage_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_db_size text, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_datanode_db_size text, OUT o_max_datanode_db_size text, OUT o_tot_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_max_node_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_max_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_write_per_sec numeric) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_host_cpu_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_host_cpu_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_avg_cpu_total_time numeric, OUT o_avg_cpu_busy_time numeric, OUT o_avg_cpu_iowait_time numeric, OUT o_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_cpu_io_wait_perc numeric, OUT o_min_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_max_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_min_cpu_iowait_perc numeric, OUT o_max_cpu_iowait_perc numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                  text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster host CPU statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
        , os_cpu_stat AS
        ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
               , node_host
               , node_name
               , (busy_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_busy_time
               , (idle_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_idle_time
               , (iowait_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_iowait_time
              FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
             WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
             UNION ALL
          SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
               , node_host
               , node_name
               , (busy_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_busy_time
               , (idle_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_idle_time
               , (iowait_time_delta * 10) AS cpu_iowait_time
              FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
             WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
        , os_cpu_stat1 AS
        ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
               , node_host
               , cpu_busy_time
               , cpu_idle_time
               , cpu_iowait_time
               , (cpu_busy_time+cpu_idle_time+cpu_iowait_time)::numeric AS cpu_total_time
            FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                        , node_host
                        , cpu_busy_time
                        , cpu_idle_time
                        , cpu_iowait_time
                        , rank() OVER (PARTITION BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time, node_host ORDER BY cpu_busy_time DESC, node_name) AS node_cpu_busy_order
                     FROM os_cpu_stat
           WHERE node_cpu_busy_order = 1
        SELECT hcs.stat_collect_time
             , AVG(hcs.cpu_total_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_cpu_total_time
             , AVG(hcs.cpu_busy_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_cpu_busy_time
             , AVG(hcs.cpu_iowait_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_cpu_iowait_time
             , ( (SUM(cpu_busy_time) * 100.0) / NULLIF(SUM(cpu_total_time), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS cpu_busy_perc
             , ( (SUM(cpu_iowait_time) * 100.0) / NULLIF(SUM(cpu_total_time), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS cpu_io_wait_perc
             , MIN(hcs.cpu_busy_time_perc)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_cpu_busy_perc
             , MAX(hcs.cpu_busy_time_perc)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_cpu_busy_perc
             , MIN(hcs.cpu_iowait_time_perc)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_cpu_iowait_perc
             , MAX(hcs.cpu_iowait_time_perc)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_cpu_iowait_perc
          FROM ( SELECT node_host
                      , stat_collect_time
                      , cpu_total_time
                      , cpu_busy_time
                      , cpu_iowait_time
                      , ( (cpu_busy_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(cpu_total_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS cpu_busy_time_perc
                      , ( (cpu_iowait_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(cpu_total_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS cpu_iowait_time_perc
                   FROM os_cpu_stat1 ) hcs
         GROUP BY hcs.stat_collect_time
         ORDER BY hcs.stat_collect_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_host_cpu_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_avg_cpu_total_time numeric, OUT o_avg_cpu_busy_time numeric, OUT o_avg_cpu_iowait_time numeric, OUT o_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_cpu_io_wait_perc numeric, OUT o_min_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_max_cpu_busy_perc numeric, OUT o_min_cpu_iowait_perc numeric, OUT o_max_cpu_iowait_perc numeric) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_io_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_io_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_number_of_files integer, OUT o_physical_reads bigint, OUT o_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_read_time bigint, OUT o_write_time bigint, OUT o_avg_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_read_time numeric, OUT o_avg_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_write_time numeric, OUT o_min_node_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_max_node_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_min_node_read_time numeric, OUT o_max_node_read_time numeric, OUT o_min_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_max_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_min_node_write_time numeric, OUT o_max_node_write_time numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                  text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster I/O statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , number_of_files
         , physical_reads
         , physical_writes
         , read_time
         , write_time
         , ( physical_reads * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_read_per_sec
         , ( read_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_read_time
         , ( physical_writes * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_write_per_sec
         , ( write_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_write_time
         , min_node_read_per_sec
         , max_node_read_per_sec
         , min_node_read_time
         , max_node_read_time
         , min_node_write_per_sec
         , max_node_write_per_sec
         , min_node_write_time
         , max_node_write_time
      FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                 , SUM(number_of_files)::int AS number_of_files
                 , SUM(physical_reads_delta)::bigint AS physical_reads
                 , SUM(physical_writes_delta)::bigint AS physical_writes
                 , SUM(read_time_delta)::bigint AS read_time
                 , SUM(write_time_delta)::bigint AS write_time
                 , MIN(node_read_per_sec) AS min_node_read_per_sec
                 , MAX(node_read_per_sec) AS max_node_read_per_sec
                 , MIN(node_read_time) AS min_node_read_time
                 , MAX(node_read_time) AS max_node_read_time
                 , MIN(node_write_per_sec) AS min_node_write_per_sec
                 , MAX(node_write_per_sec) AS max_node_write_per_sec
                 , MIN(node_write_time) AS min_node_write_time
                 , MAX(node_write_time) AS max_node_write_time
              FROM ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , node_name
                          , number_of_files
                          , physical_reads_delta
                          , physical_writes_delta
                          , read_time_delta
                          , write_time_delta
                          , ( physical_reads_delta * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS node_read_per_sec
                          , ( read_time_delta * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS node_read_time
                          , ( physical_writes_delta * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS node_write_per_sec
                          , ( write_time_delta * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS node_write_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                      UNION ALL
                     SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , node_name
                          , number_of_files
                          , physical_reads_delta
                          , physical_writes_delta
                          , read_time_delta
                          , write_time_delta
                          , ( physical_reads_delta * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS node_read_per_sec
                          , ( read_time_delta * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS node_read_time
                          , ( physical_writes_delta * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS node_write_per_sec
                          , ( write_time_delta * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes_delta, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS node_write_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
             GROUP BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time
    ORDER BY stat_collect_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_io_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_number_of_files integer, OUT o_physical_reads bigint, OUT o_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_read_time bigint, OUT o_write_time bigint, OUT o_avg_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_read_time numeric, OUT o_avg_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_write_time numeric, OUT o_min_node_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_max_node_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_min_node_read_time numeric, OUT o_max_node_read_time numeric, OUT o_min_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_max_node_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_min_node_write_time numeric, OUT o_max_node_write_time numeric) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_memory_sort_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_memory_sort_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_min_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_max_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_total_memory_sorts bigint, OUT o_total_disk_sorts bigint) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                        text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster memory sort statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , ( (total_memory_sorts * 100.0) / NULLIF(total_disk_sorts+total_memory_sorts, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS memory_sort_ratio
         , min_memory_sort_ratio
         , max_memory_sort_ratio
         , total_memory_sorts
         , total_disk_sorts
      FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                  , SUM(memory_sorts)::bigint AS total_memory_sorts
                  , SUM(disk_sorts)::bigint AS total_disk_sorts
                  , MIN(memory_sort_ratio)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_memory_sort_ratio
                  , MAX(memory_sort_ratio)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_memory_sort_ratio
               FROM ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                           , node_name
                           , sorts_in_memory_delta AS memory_sorts
                           , sorts_in_disk_delta AS disk_sorts
                           , ( (sorts_in_memory_delta * 100.0) / NULLIF((sorts_in_disk_delta + sorts_in_memory_delta), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS memory_sort_ratio
                        FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                       WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                       UNION ALL
                      SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                           , node_name
                           , sorts_in_memory_delta AS memory_sorts
                           , sorts_in_disk_delta AS disk_sorts
                           , ( (sorts_in_memory_delta * 100.0) / NULLIF((sorts_in_disk_delta + sorts_in_memory_delta), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS memory_sort_ratio
                        FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                       WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
              GROUP BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time
     ORDER BY stat_collect_time;

ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_memory_sort_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_min_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_max_memory_sort_ratio numeric, OUT o_total_memory_sorts bigint, OUT o_total_disk_sorts bigint) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_mppdb_cpu_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_mppdb_cpu_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_avg_mppdb_cpu_time numeric, OUT o_avg_host_cpu_busy_time numeric, OUT o_avg_host_cpu_total_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric, OUT o_min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric, OUT o_max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                                text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;
    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster MPPDB CPU statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
         , cpu_stat AS
         ( SELECT s.snapshot_id
                , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                , dns.node_name
                , dns.node_host
                , (dns.busy_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_busy_time
                , (dns.idle_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_idle_time
                , (dns.iowait_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                , (dns.db_cpu_time_delta * 10) AS mppdb_cpu_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
            WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
            UNION ALL
           SELECT s.snapshot_id
                , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                , dns.node_name
                , dns.node_host
                , (dns.busy_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_busy_time
                , (dns.idle_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_idle_time
                , (dns.iowait_time_delta * 10) AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                , (dns.db_cpu_time_delta * 10) AS mppdb_cpu_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
            WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
        , host_cpu_stat AS
        ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
               , node_host
               , host_cpu_busy_time
               , host_cpu_idle_time
               , host_cpu_iowait_time
               , (host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time)::numeric AS host_cpu_total_time
            FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                        , node_host
                        , host_cpu_busy_time
                        , host_cpu_idle_time
                        , host_cpu_iowait_time
                        , rank() OVER (PARTITION BY snapshot_id, node_host
                                           ORDER BY host_cpu_busy_time DESC, node_name) AS node_cpu_busy_order
                     FROM cpu_stat
           WHERE node_cpu_busy_order = 1
        , host_cpu_stat_summary AS
        ( SELECT stat_collect_time
               , AVG(host_cpu_busy_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_host_cpu_busy_time
               , AVG(host_cpu_total_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_host_cpu_total_time
               , SUM(host_cpu_busy_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS tot_host_cpu_busy_time
               , SUM(host_cpu_total_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS tot_host_cpu_total_time
            FROM host_cpu_stat
           GROUP BY stat_collect_time
        , mppdb_cpu_stat0 AS
        ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
               , node_name
               , mppdb_cpu_time
               , host_cpu_busy_time
               , (host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time)::numeric AS host_cpu_total_time
            FROM cpu_stat
        , mppdb_cpu_stat AS
        ( SELECT stat_collect_time
               , node_name
               , mppdb_cpu_time
               , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(host_cpu_busy_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
               , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(host_cpu_total_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
            FROM mppdb_cpu_stat0
        , mppdb_cpu_stat_summary AS
        ( SELECT stat_collect_time
               , AVG(mppdb_cpu_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS avg_mppdb_cpu_time
               , SUM(mppdb_cpu_time)::numeric(21, 3) AS tot_mppdb_cpu_time
               , MIN(mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
               , MAX(mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
               , MIN(mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
               , MAX(mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
            FROM mppdb_cpu_stat
           GROUP BY stat_collect_time
    SELECT mcs.stat_collect_time
         , mcs.avg_mppdb_cpu_time
         , hcs.avg_host_cpu_busy_time
         , hcs.avg_host_cpu_total_time
         , CASE WHEN mcs.tot_mppdb_cpu_time < hcs.tot_host_cpu_busy_time
                     THEN ( (mcs.tot_mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(hcs.tot_host_cpu_busy_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2)
                ELSE 100.00
            END AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
         , CASE WHEN mcs.tot_mppdb_cpu_time < hcs.tot_host_cpu_total_time
                     THEN ( (mcs.tot_mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(hcs.tot_host_cpu_total_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2)
                ELSE 100.00
            END AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
         , mcs.min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
         , mcs.max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
         , mcs.min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
         , mcs.max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
      FROM mppdb_cpu_stat_summary mcs
         , host_cpu_stat_summary hcs
     WHERE mcs.stat_collect_time    = hcs.stat_collect_time
     ORDER BY mcs.stat_collect_time;

ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_mppdb_cpu_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_avg_mppdb_cpu_time numeric, OUT o_avg_host_cpu_busy_time numeric, OUT o_avg_host_cpu_total_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric, OUT o_min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_min_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric, OUT o_max_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_session_count(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_session_count(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_session_count integer, OUT o_avg_session_count numeric, OUT o_min_session_count integer, OUT o_max_session_count integer) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                  text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of session count statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , tot_session_count
         , avg_session_count
         , min_session_count
         , max_session_count
      FROM ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                  , SUM(session_count)::int AS tot_session_count
                  , ROUND(AVG(session_count), 2)::numeric(9, 2) AS avg_session_count
                  , MIN(session_count)::int AS min_session_count
                  , MAX(session_count)::int AS max_session_count
               FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
              WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
              GROUP BY s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
     ORDER BY stat_collect_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_session_count(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_tot_session_count integer, OUT o_avg_session_count numeric, OUT o_min_session_count integer, OUT o_max_session_count integer) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_cluster_shared_buffer_stat(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_cluster_shared_buffer_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_min_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_max_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_total_blocks_read bigint, OUT o_total_blocks_hit bigint) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_error_message                        text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;
    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of cluster shared buffer statistics ...';
    END IF;

      WITH snap AS
         ( SELECT snapshot_id
                , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
             FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
            WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
    SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
         , ( (total_blocks_hit * 100.0) / NULLIF(total_blocks_read+total_blocks_hit, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS shared_buffer_hit_ratio
         , min_shared_buffer_hit_ratio
         , max_shared_buffer_hit_ratio
         , total_blocks_read
         , total_blocks_hit
      FROM ( SELECT pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                  , SUM(blocks_read)::bigint AS total_blocks_read
                  , SUM(blocks_hit)::bigint AS total_blocks_hit
                  , MIN(shared_buffer_hit_ratio)::numeric(5, 2) AS min_shared_buffer_hit_ratio
                  , MAX(shared_buffer_hit_ratio)::numeric(5, 2) AS max_shared_buffer_hit_ratio
               FROM ( SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                           , node_name
                           , blocks_read_delta AS blocks_read
                           , blocks_hit_delta AS blocks_hit
                           , ( (blocks_hit_delta * 100.0) / NULLIF((blocks_read_delta + blocks_hit_delta), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS shared_buffer_hit_ratio
                        FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                       WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                       UNION ALL
                      SELECT s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                           , node_name
                           , blocks_read_delta AS blocks_read
                           , blocks_hit_delta AS blocks_hit
                           , ( (blocks_hit_delta * 100.0) / NULLIF((blocks_read_delta + blocks_hit_delta), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS shared_buffer_hit_ratio
                        FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                       WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
              GROUP BY pmk_curr_collect_start_time
      ORDER BY stat_collect_time;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_cluster_shared_buffer_stat(i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_min_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_max_shared_buffer_hit_ratio numeric, OUT o_total_blocks_read bigint, OUT o_total_blocks_hit bigint) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_configuration_parameter(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_configuration_parameter(i_config_param_name text) RETURNS TABLE(config_param_name character varying, config_value text)
    AS $$
DECLARE                    l_upper_config_param            TEXT;
                        l_error_message                    TEXT;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_upper_config_param    := UPPER(TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM i_config_param_name));

    IF l_upper_config_param = 'ALL'
        SELECT config_param_name
             , config_value
          FROM pmk.pmk_configuration
         ORDER BY config_param_name;

        SELECT config_param_name
             , config_value
          FROM pmk.pmk_configuration
         WHERE UPPER(config_param_name)        = l_upper_config_param;

    END IF;


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_configuration_parameter(i_config_param_name text) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_meta_data(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_meta_data(OUT l_pmk_curr_collect_start_time timestamp with time zone, OUT l_pmk_last_collect_start_time timestamp with time zone, OUT l_last_snapshot_id integer) RETURNS record
    AS $$
DECLARE l_error_message                        TEXT;
    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;
    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();
    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;
    SELECT last_snapshot_id, last_snapshot_collect_time
    INTO l_last_snapshot_id, l_pmk_last_collect_start_time
    FROM pmk.pmk_meta_data;
    l_pmk_curr_collect_start_time := date_trunc('second', current_timestamp);
    IF l_pmk_curr_collect_start_time < l_pmk_last_collect_start_time
        l_error_message := 'ERROR:: There is a change in system time of Gauss MPPDB host. PMK does not support the scenarios related to system time change.';
    ELSIF l_pmk_curr_collect_start_time = l_pmk_last_collect_start_time
        l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Multiple statistics-collections can not be done within a second.';
    END IF;

ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_meta_data(OUT l_pmk_curr_collect_start_time timestamp with time zone, OUT l_pmk_last_collect_start_time timestamp with time zone, OUT l_last_snapshot_id integer) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_node_cpu_stat(text, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_node_cpu_stat(i_node_name text, i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_type character, OUT o_node_name text, OUT o_node_host text, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time bigint, OUT o_host_cpu_busy_time bigint, OUT o_host_cpu_total_time bigint, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_node_type                             char(1);
                            l_node_name                           text;
                            l_error_message                           text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_node_name   := UPPER(i_node_name);

    IF l_node_name <> 'ALL'
        SELECT MAX(node_type)
          INTO l_node_type
          FROM pgxc_node
         WHERE UPPER(node_name)   = l_node_name
         LIMIT 1;
        IF l_node_type IS NULL
            l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Invalid node name ("' || i_node_name || '") provided during generation of node (MPPDB instance) CPU statistics ...';
        END IF;
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of node (MPPDB instance) CPU statistics ...';
    END IF;

    IF l_node_name = 'ALL'
          WITH snap AS
             ( SELECT snapshot_id
                    , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                 FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
        SELECT node_type
             , node_name
             , node_host
             , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
             , mppdb_cpu_time
             , host_cpu_busy_time
             , (host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time)::bigint AS host_cpu_total_time
             , ( (LEAST(mppdb_cpu_time,host_cpu_busy_time) * 100.0) / NULLIF(host_cpu_busy_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
             , ( (LEAST(mppdb_cpu_time,host_total_cpu_time) * 100.0) / NULLIF((host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
          FROM ( SELECT 'D'::char(1) AS node_type
                      , node_name
                      , node_host
                      , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                      , (busy_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_busy_time
                      , (idle_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_idle_time
                      , (iowait_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                      , ((busy_time_delta+idle_time_delta+iowait_time_delta)*10)::bigint AS host_total_cpu_time
                      , (db_cpu_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS mppdb_cpu_time
                   FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                  WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                  UNION ALL
                 SELECT 'C'::char(1) AS node_type
                      , node_name
                      , node_host
                       , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                      , (busy_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_busy_time
                      , (idle_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_idle_time
                      , (iowait_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                      , ((busy_time_delta+idle_time_delta+iowait_time_delta)*10)::bigint AS host_total_cpu_time
                      , (db_cpu_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS mppdb_cpu_time
                   FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                  WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
        ORDER BY node_type, node_name, stat_collect_time;


        IF l_node_type = 'D'
            RETURN QUERY
              WITH snap AS
                 ( SELECT snapshot_id
                        , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                     FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                    WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
            SELECT 'D'::char(1) AS node_type
                 , node_name
                 , node_host
                 , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
                 , mppdb_cpu_time
                 , host_cpu_busy_time
                 , (host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time)::bigint AS host_cpu_total_time
                 , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(host_cpu_busy_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
                 , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF((host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
              FROM ( SELECT node_name
                          , node_host
                          , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , (busy_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_busy_time
                          , (idle_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_idle_time
                          , (iowait_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                          , (db_cpu_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS mppdb_cpu_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                        AND UPPER(node_name)        = l_node_name
            ORDER BY node_name, stat_collect_time;
            RETURN QUERY
              WITH snap AS
                 ( SELECT snapshot_id
                        , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                     FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                    WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
            SELECT 'C'::char(1) AS node_type
                 , node_name
                 , node_host
                 , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
                 , mppdb_cpu_time
                 , host_cpu_busy_time
                 , (host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time)::bigint AS host_cpu_total_time
                 , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF(host_cpu_busy_time, 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time
                 , ( (mppdb_cpu_time * 100.0) / NULLIF((host_cpu_busy_time+host_cpu_idle_time+host_cpu_iowait_time), 0) )::numeric(5, 2) AS mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time
              FROM ( SELECT node_name
                          , node_host
                          , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , (busy_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_busy_time
                          , (idle_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_idle_time
                          , (iowait_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS host_cpu_iowait_time
                          , (db_cpu_time_delta * 10)::bigint AS mppdb_cpu_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                        AND UPPER(node_name)        = l_node_name
            ORDER BY node_name, stat_collect_time;

        END IF; -- end of l_node_type = 'D'
    END IF;        -- end of l_node_name = 'ALL'


ALTER FUNCTION pmk.get_node_cpu_stat(i_node_name text, i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_type character, OUT o_node_name text, OUT o_node_host text, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time bigint, OUT o_host_cpu_busy_time bigint, OUT o_host_cpu_total_time bigint, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_busy_time numeric, OUT o_mppdb_cpu_time_perc_wrt_total_time numeric) OWNER TO omm;

-- Name: get_node_io_stat(text, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: pmk; Owner: omm

CREATE FUNCTION get_node_io_stat(i_node_name text, i_start_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, i_end_pmk_time timestamp with time zone, OUT o_node_type character, OUT o_node_name text, OUT o_node_host text, OUT o_stat_collect_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_number_of_files integer, OUT o_physical_reads bigint, OUT o_physical_writes bigint, OUT o_read_time bigint, OUT o_write_time bigint, OUT o_avg_read_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_read_time numeric, OUT o_avg_write_per_sec numeric, OUT o_avg_write_time numeric) RETURNS SETOF record
    AS $$
DECLARE                     l_node_type                        char(1);
                            l_node_name                      text;
                            l_error_message                      text;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_node_type();
    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_error_message := pmk.check_pmk_enabled();

    IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
    END IF;

    l_node_name   := UPPER(i_node_name);

    IF l_node_name <> 'ALL'
        SELECT MAX(node_type)
          INTO l_node_type
          FROM pgxc_node
         WHERE UPPER(node_name)   = l_node_name
         LIMIT 1;
        IF l_node_type IS NULL
            l_error_message := 'ERROR:: Invalid node name ("' || i_node_name || '") provided during generation of node (MPPDB instance) I/O statistics ...';
        END IF;
    END IF;

    -- Verifying the input start and end times
    pmk.check_start_end_dates(i_start_pmk_time, i_end_pmk_time, l_error_message);

    IF  l_error_message IS NOT NULL
        l_error_message := l_error_message || ' during generation of node (MPPDB instance) I/O statistics ...';
    END IF;

    IF l_node_name = 'ALL'

          WITH snap AS
             ( SELECT snapshot_id
                    , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                 FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
        SELECT node_type
             , node_name
             , node_host
             , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
             , number_of_files
             , physical_reads
             , physical_writes
             , read_time
             , write_time
             , ( physical_reads * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_read_per_sec
             , ( read_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_read_time
             , ( physical_writes * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_write_per_sec
             , ( write_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_write_time
          FROM ( SELECT 'D'::char(1) AS node_type
                      , node_name
                      , node_host
                      , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                      , number_of_files
                      , physical_reads_delta AS physical_reads
                      , physical_writes_delta AS physical_writes
                      , read_time_delta AS read_time
                      , write_time_delta AS write_time
                   FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                  WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                  UNION ALL
                 SELECT 'C'::char(1) AS node_type
                      , node_name
                      , node_host
                      , s.pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                      , number_of_files
                      , physical_reads_delta AS physical_reads
                      , physical_writes_delta AS physical_writes
                      , read_time_delta AS read_time
                      , write_time_delta AS write_time
                   FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                  WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
        ORDER BY node_type, node_name, stat_collect_time;


        IF l_node_type = 'D'
            RETURN QUERY
              WITH snap AS
                 ( SELECT snapshot_id
                        , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                     FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                    WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
            SELECT 'D'::char(1) AS node_type
                 , node_name
                 , node_host
                 , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
                 , number_of_files
                 , physical_reads
                 , physical_writes
                 , read_time
                 , write_time
                 , ( physical_reads * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_read_per_sec
                 , ( read_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_read_time
                 , ( physical_writes * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_write_per_sec
                 , ( write_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_write_time
              FROM ( SELECT node_name
                          , node_host
                          , pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , number_of_files
                          , physical_reads_delta AS physical_reads
                          , physical_writes_delta AS physical_writes
                          , read_time_delta AS read_time
                          , write_time_delta AS write_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_datanode_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                        AND UPPER(node_name)        = l_node_name
            ORDER BY node_name, stat_collect_time;
            RETURN QUERY
              WITH snap AS
                 ( SELECT snapshot_id
                        , current_snapshot_time AS pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                     FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot
                    WHERE current_snapshot_time        BETWEEN i_start_pmk_time AND i_end_pmk_time
            SELECT 'C'::char(1) AS node_type
                 , node_name
                 , node_host
                 , pmk_curr_collect_start_time::timestamp AS stat_collect_time
                 , number_of_files
                 , physical_reads
                 , physical_writes
                 , read_time
                 , write_time
                 , ( physical_reads * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(read_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_read_per_sec
                 , ( read_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_reads, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_read_time
                 , ( physical_writes * 1000000.0 / NULLIF(write_time, 0) )::numeric(20,2) AS avg_write_per_sec
                 , ( write_time * 1.0 / NULLIF(physical_writes, 0) )::numeric(20,3) AS avg_write_time
              FROM ( SELECT node_name
                          , node_host
                          , pmk_curr_collect_start_time
                          , number_of_files
                          , physical_reads_delta AS physical_reads
                          , physical_writes_delta AS physical_writes
                          , read_time_delta AS read_time
                          , write_time_delta AS write_time
                       FROM pmk.pmk_snapshot_coordinator_stat dns, snap s
                      WHERE dns.snapshot_id            = s.snapshot_id
                        AND UPPER(node_name)        = l_node_name
            ORDER BY node_name, stat_collect_time;

        END IF; -- end of l_node_type = 'D'
    END IF;        -- end of l_node_name = 'ALL'


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