

0 前言

1 语法 Synopsis

2 描述 Description

3 详细描述 Detailed description

3.1 滤镜 Filtering

3.1.1 简单滤镜图 Simple filtergraphs

3.1.2 复杂滤镜图 Complex filtergraphs

3.2 流拷贝 Stream copy

4 流选取 Stream selection

4.1 描述 Description

4.1.1 自动流选取 Automatic stream selection

4.1.2 手动流选取 Manual stream selection

4.1.3 复杂滤镜图 Complex filtergraphs

4.1.4 流处理 Stream handing

4.2 示例





5 命令选项

5.1 流指定器 Stream specifiers

5.2 通用选项 Generic options

5.3 主要选项 Main options

5.4  AVOptions

6 示例

6.1 转封装

6.2 转编码

6.3 流媒体

6.4 设备采集

6.5 各种滤镜

0 前言

本文主要参考 ffmpeg documentation,以及《FFMPEG入门到精通》一书。


ffmpeg版本4.1  2019年3月1日记之。

1 语法 Synopsis

ffmpeg [global_options] {[input_file_options] -i input_url} ... {[output_file_options] output_url} ...


2 描述 Description




要命令行中选项中引用输入文件,可以使用它们的下标指数(从0开始,依次类推),比如第一个文件是0,第二个文件是1,等等。类似的,文件中的流的引用也可以使用下标指数。比如2:3引用了第3个输入文件中的第4个流。进一步可以查看 “流选择”章节内容。


不要混淆输入和输出文件 —— 一开始指定所有的输入文件,然后才是所有的输出文件。不要混淆作用于不同文件的选项。所有选项仅仅作用于下一个输入或者输出文件,然后就被重置了。


  •    设置视频的比特率为64kbit/s           ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -b:v 64k output.mp4
  •    强制视频的帧率为24fps           ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -r 24 output.mp4
  •    强制输入文件帧率为1fps,输出文件的帧率为24fps      ffmpeg -r 1 -i 1.mp4 -r 24 output.mp4 

3 详细描述 Detailed description




3.1 滤镜 Filtering

在原始音频帧数据被编码前,ffmpeg可以使用libavfilter中的滤镜对其进行处理。滤镜图(filtergraphs)由几个滤镜链(chained filters)组成,ffmpeg中区分两种类型的滤镜图:简单和复杂的

3.1.1 简单滤镜图 Simple filtergraphs




3.1.2 复杂滤镜图 Complex filtergraphs





3.2 流拷贝 Stream copy



4 流选取 Stream selection


4.1 描述 Description


4.1.1 自动流选取 Automatic stream selection



  • 对于视频,将选择分辨率最高的流,
  • 对于音频,将选择通道数最多的流,
  • 对于字幕,将选择第一个被找到的字幕流,但是还有一个附加的说明。输出文件格式默认字幕编码器可以是基于文本的或者是基于图像的,只有字幕流是相同类型的才会被选取。
  • 当几个流类型相同,基本上无差别,那么将选取index最低的那个。
  • 数据和附加流不能被自动选择,只能使用-map来手动选择。

4.1.2 手动流选取 Manual stream selection


4.1.3 复杂滤镜图 Complex filtergraphs



4.1.4 流处理 Stream handing



4.2 示例





out1.mkv 是一个Matroska容器文件,接受视频,音频,字幕流,因此ffmpeg将会每个类型的流都试图选择一个。

对于视频,将会选择B.mp4文件的stream 0,因为在两个文件的所有视频流中它的分辨率是最高的。

对于音频,将会选择B.mp4文件的stream 3,因为在两个文件的所有音频流中它的通道数是最多的。

对于字幕,将会选择B.mp4文件的stream 2,因为它是两个文件中第一个字幕流。

out2.wav仅接受音频流,因此B.mp4文件的stream 3将被选取。

对于out3.mov,因为使用了-map选项,因此ffmpeg将不会自动选取流。-map 1:a指明选取第二个文件的所有音频流,其他流将不会被包含进输出文件。




尽管out1.mkv是Matroska容器文件,可以容纳字幕流,但是上述操作只有视频流和视频流会被选择并存入out1.mkv文件。C.mkv中的字幕流是image-based,而Matroska容器文件中默认的字幕流编码器是text-based,转码操作将会不成功,因此C.mkv中的字幕流将不会被选取。对于out2.mkv,由于字幕编码器通过-c:s dvdsub选定,因此输入文件中的字幕流将被选取,视频流也会被选取,但是音频流由于存在-an选项,因此不会被选取。


这个命令行中使用了-filter_complex选项,由单个视频滤镜组成。“overlay”滤镜需要2个视频输出流,但是上述命令行中没有被指定,因此前两个可以使用的视频流将被使用,即A.avi的stream 0和C.mkv的stream 0。由于“overlay”滤镜的输出部分没有label标识,因此滤镜的输出将输送到第一个输出文件out1.mp4中。视频流的自动选择因上述原因将被跳过,否则自动选择会选择到B.mp4中的视频流(因其分辨率在所有流中是最大的)。音频流将被自动选择,由于B.mp4文件中的stream 3有最多的通道数而被选择。因为mp4文件格式没有注册默认的字幕编码器,而此命令行中又没有指定一个字幕编码器,因此字幕流将不会被选择。

对于第二个输出文件,out2.srt,只接受text-based字幕。因此即便第一个可获取的字幕流是C.mkv中的stream 2,但由于是image-based 因而被跳过。而B.mp4文件中的字幕流stream 2是第一个text-based字幕流而被选择。






“overlay”滤镜需要有两个输入视频流——使用前两个没有被使用过的。由于B.mp4中的视频流已经被“hue”和“spilt”滤镜处理,因此“overlay”滤镜将处理A.avi stream 0和C.mkv stream 0。因为“overlay”滤镜的输出没有使用标签,因此将其输出将被输送到第一个输出文件out1.mp4,忽略掉了-map选项的存在。

“aresample”滤镜使用了第一个没有被处理的音频流,即A.avi的stream 0。由于此滤镜也没有输出标签,因此其输出也将被输送到第一个输出文件out1.mp4中。-an选项只能处理自动或者手动选择音频流,不能处理由滤镜图的输出。所有这些被映射的流将在映射到out1.mp4前被排序。

输出文件out2.mkv中的视频,音频,字幕流全部都取决于自动流选取机制。即B.mp4 stream 0, B.MP4 stream 3,B.MP4 stream 2

输出文件out3.mkv包含了经过“hue”滤镜处理过的视频流[outv2]和B.mp4第一个音频流 stream 1

5 命令选项


如果‘i’跟随在SI单位之后出现,那么数字大小将被解释为以1024为基础的而非1000。如果'B'跟随在SI单位后出现,那么值将乘以8。将会出现‘KB’, ‘MiB’, ‘G’ 和 ‘B’作为数字的后缀。


5.1 流指定器 Stream specifiers


流指定器一般是跟随选项的字符串,用‘:’来隔开。比如 “-codec:a:1 ac3”包含了流指定器 a:1,匹配第二个音频流。因此作用是对第二个音频流使用ac3的编解码器。

一个流指定器可以匹配多个流,因此选项可以应用到这些多个流中。比如,“-b:a 128k”中的流指定器匹配所有的音频流。

一个空的流指定器匹配所有流。比如,-codec copy 或者 -codec: copy将会匹配所有的流。


  • stream_index   匹配流序号。比如,-threads:1 4 将设置处理第二个流的线程数为4。如果stream_index用于指定器的追加参数,那么将会选择匹配的相应序号的流
  • stream_type[:additional_stream_specifier]    stream_type是指:音频流类型使用'a',字幕流类型使用's',数据流类型使用'd',附加类型使用't',视频流类型使用'v'或者'V',小'v'匹配所有的视频流,大'V'仅匹配非附加图片,视频缩略图,艺术封面图。当additional_stream_specifier被使用的,那么将匹配type:index一致的单个流,如果不使用additional_stream_specifier,那么将匹配所有和type一致的流。
  • p:program_id[:additional_stream_specifier]    匹配节目id相应的流。
  • #stream_id or i:stream_id    匹配流通过流id(比如MPEG-TS容器中的PID)
  • m:key[:value]     匹配流的metadata中相应tag(key)含有指定值的流。如果value没有给出,那么匹配所有含有指定tag的所有流
  • u     匹配具有可用配置的流,必须定义编解码器,并且必须提供诸如视频维度或音频采样率等基本信息。


5.2 通用选项 Generic options

通用选项部分参见ffmpeg documentation 以及  [总结]FFMPEG命令行工具之ffprobe详解

5.3 主要选项 Main options

5.3.1 -f fmt (input/output)

Force input or output file format. The format is normally auto detected for input files and guessed from the file extension for output files, so this option is not needed in most cases.

5.3.2 -i url (input)

input file url

5.3.3 -y (global)

Overwrite output files without asking.

5.3.4 -n (global)

Do not overwrite output files, and exit immediately if a specified output file already exists.

5.3.5 -stream_loop number (input)

Set number of times input stream shall be looped. Loop 0 means no loop, loop -1 means infinite loop.

5.3.6 -c[:stream_specifier] codec (input/output,per-stream)

        -codec[:stream_specifier] codec (input/output,per-stream)

Select an encoder (when used before an output file) or a decoder (when used before an input file) for one or more streams. codec is the name of a decoder/encoder or a special value copy (output only) to indicate that the stream is not to be re-encoded.

For example

encodes all video streams with libx264 and copies all audio streams.

For each stream, the last matching c option is applied, so

will copy all the streams except the second video, which will be encoded with libx264, and the 138th audio, which will be encoded with libvorbis.

5.3.7 -t duration (input/output)

When used as an input option (before -i), limit the duration of data read from the input file.

When used as an output option (before an output url), stop writing the output after its duration reaches duration.

duration must be a time duration specification, see (ffmpeg-utils)the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual.

-to and -t are mutually exclusive and -t has priority.

5.3.8 -to position (input/output)

Stop writing the output or reading the input at position. position must be a time duration specification, see (ffmpeg-utils)the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual.

-to and -t are mutually exclusive and -t has priority.

5.3.9 -fs limit_size (output)

Set the file size limit, expressed in bytes. No further chunk of bytes is written after the limit is exceeded. The size of the output file is slightly more than the requested file size.

5.3.10 -ss position (input/output)

When used as an input option (before -i), seeks in this input file to position. Note that in most formats it is not possible to seek exactly, so ffmpeg will seek to the closest seek point before position. When transcoding and -accurate_seek is enabled (the default), this extra segment between the seek point and position will be decoded and discarded. When doing stream copy or when -noaccurate_seek is used, it will be preserved.

When used as an output option (before an output url), decodes but discards input until the timestamps reach position.

position must be a time duration specification, see (ffmpeg-utils)the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual.

5.3.11 -sseof position (input)

Like the -ss option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF.

5.3.12 -itsoffset offset (input)

Set the input time offset.

offset must be a time duration specification, see (ffmpeg-utils)the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual.

The offset is added to the timestamps of the input files. Specifying a positive offset means that the corresponding streams are delayed by the time duration specified in offset.

5.3.13 -timestamp date (output)

Set the recording timestamp in the container.

date must be a date specification, see (ffmpeg-utils)the Date section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual.

5.3.14 -metadata[:metadata_specifier] key=value (output,per-metadata)

Set a metadata key/value pair.

An optional metadata_specifier may be given to set metadata on streams, chapters or programs. See -map_metadata documentation for details.

This option overrides metadata set with -map_metadata. It is also possible to delete metadata by using an empty value.

For example, for setting the title in the output file:

To set the language of the first audio stream:

5.3.15 -disposition[:stream_specifier] value (output,per-stream)

Sets the disposition for a stream.

This option overrides the disposition copied from the input stream. It is also possible to delete the disposition by setting it to 0.

The following dispositions are recognized:

default, dub,original,comment,lyrics,karaoke,forced,hearing_impaired,visual_impaired,clean_effects


For example, to make the second audio stream the default stream:

To make the second subtitle stream the default stream and remove the default disposition from the first subtitle stream:

To add an embedded cover/thumbnail:

Not all muxers support embedded thumbnails, and those who do, only support a few formats, like JPEG or PNG.

5.3.16 -program [title=title:][program_num=program_num:]st=stream[:st=stream...] (output)

Creates a program with the specified title, program_num and adds the specified stream(s) to it.

5.3.17-target type (output)

Specify target file type (vcd, svcd, dvd, dv, dv50). type may be prefixed with pal-, ntsc- or film- to use the corresponding standard. All the format options (bitrate, codecs, buffer sizes) are then set automatically. You can just type:

Nevertheless you can specify additional options as long as you know they do not conflict with the standard, as in:

5.3.18 -dn (input/output)

As an input option, blocks all data streams of a file from being filtered or being automatically selected or mapped for any output. See -discard option to disable streams individually.

As an output option, disables data recording i.e. automatic selection or mapping of any data stream. For full manual control see the -map option.

5.3.19 -dframes number (output)

Set the number of data frames to output. This is an obsolete alias for -frames:d, which you should use instead.

5.3.20 -frames[:stream_specifier] framecount (output,per-stream)

Stop writing to the stream after framecount frames.

5.3.21 -q[:stream_specifier] q (output,per-stream)

           -qscale[:stream_specifier] q (output,per-stream)

Use fixed quality scale (VBR). The meaning of q/qscale is codec-dependent. If qscale is used without a stream_specifier then it applies only to the video stream, this is to maintain compatibility with previous behavior and as specifying the same codec specific value to 2 different codecs that is audio and video generally is not what is intended when no stream_specifier is used.

5.3.22 -filter[:stream_specifier] filtergraph (output,per-stream)

Create the filtergraph specified by filtergraph and use it to filter the stream.

filtergraph is a description of the filtergraph to apply to the stream, and must have a single input and a single output of the same type of the stream. In the filtergraph, the input is associated to the label in, and the output to the label out. See the ffmpeg-filters manual for more information about the filtergraph syntax.

See the -filter_complex option if you want to create filtergraphs with multiple inputs and/or outputs.

5.3.23 -filter_script[:stream_specifier] filename (output,per-stream)

This option is similar to -filter, the only difference is that its argument is the name of the file from which a filtergraph description is to be read.

5.3.24 -filter_threads nb_threads (global)

Defines how many threads are used to process a filter pipeline. Each pipeline will produce a thread pool with this many threads available for parallel processing. The default is the number of available CPUs.

5.3.25 -pre[:stream_specifier] preset_name (output,per-stream)

Specify the preset for matching stream(s).

5.3.26 -stats (global)

Print encoding progress/statistics. It is on by default, to explicitly disable it you need to specify -nostats.

5.3.27 -progress url (global)

Send program-friendly progress information to url.

Progress information is written approximately every second and at the end of the encoding process. It is made of "key=value" lines. key consists of only alphanumeric characters. The last key of a sequence of progress information is always "progress".

5.3.28 -stdin

Enable interaction on standard input. On by default unless standard input is used as an input. To explicitly disable interaction you need to specify -nostdin.

Disabling interaction on standard input is useful, for example, if ffmpeg is in the background process group. Roughly the same result can be achieved with ffmpeg ... < /dev/null but it requires a shell.

5.3.29 -debug_ts (global)

Print timestamp information. It is off by default. This option is mostly useful for testing and debugging purposes, and the output format may change from one version to another, so it should not be employed by portable scripts.

See also the option -fdebug ts.

5.3.30 -attach filename (output)

Add an attachment to the output file. This is supported by a few formats like Matroska for e.g. fonts used in rendering subtitles. Attachments are implemented as a specific type of stream, so this option will add a new stream to the file. It is then possible to use per-stream options on this stream in the usual way. Attachment streams created with this option will be created after all the other streams (i.e. those created with -map or automatic mappings).

Note that for Matroska you also have to set the mimetype metadata tag:

(assuming that the attachment stream will be third in the output file).

5.3.31 -dump_attachment[:stream_specifier] filename (input,per-stream)

Extract the matching attachment stream into a file named filename. If filename is empty, then the value of the filename metadata tag will be used.

E.g. to extract the first attachment to a file named ’out.ttf’:

To extract all attachments to files determined by the filename tag:

Technical note – attachments are implemented as codec extradata, so this option can actually be used to extract extradata from any stream, not just attachments.

5.3.32 -noautorotate

Disable automatically rotating video based on file metadata.

5.4  AVOptions

这些选项是libavformat,libavdevice,libavcodec库直接提供的。使用-help option查看可用的AVOption选项。分为两个部分:

通用选项 generic

       通用选项可以作用于所有容器,编解码器,设备。通用选项列举在AVFormatContext(作用于容器和设备) 选项下方以及AVCodecContext (作用于编解码器)选项下方。

私有选项 private


例如,使用ID3V2.3头取代mp3文件默认的ID3V2.4,使MP3封装器私有的id3v2_version 选项:



注意:-nooption语法不能作为布尔类型的AVOptions,而是使用-option 0/-option 1。


6 示例


6.1 转封装

预计在看完mp4 mov flv mpeg-ts m3u8后将会在此长篇叙述。目前且空留此处~~~~fighting,切不可懈怠~~~~~~2019.3.1记之。

6.2 转编码

6.3 流媒体

6.4 设备采集

6.5 各种滤镜


评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


