

Nowadays youngsters have different options upon celebrities to look up.Some thinks that to follow an idol as role model is beneficial,while others think celebrities often set bad example. Personally, I prefer the former. The following reasons can account for my preference.

In the first place,there is no doubt that not all celebrities set a bad example for teenagers.(论点 1) According to a most recent report, many famous personalities use their platforms to promote positive messages and encourage their followers to do good.(论据1)Furthermore, I firmly believe that it is important to understand that teenagers have their own individual personalities and opinions.(论点 2 )Where there are opinions, there are communications.(论据2 ) Last but not least, instead of solely relying on celebrities as role models,parents can help their children identify positive attributes in video games.(论点3 )The more parents guide their children, the better role model their children will have.(论据 3)

In conclusion, while it is true that some celebrities may set a bad example for teenagers, it is unfair to generalize all celebrities as poor role models. If we try our utmost to guide teenagers with positive value, the future of our life will be promising and rosy.


首先,毫无疑问,不是所有的名人都给青少年树立了坏榜样。(论点1)根据最近的一份报告,许多名人利用他们的平台宣传积极的信息,并鼓励他们的追随者做好事(论据1)此外,我坚信了解青少年有他们自己的个性和观点是很重要的。(论点2)有意见就有交流。(论据2)最后但并非最不重要的是,父母可以帮助孩子识别电子游戏中的积极属性,而不是仅仅依靠名人作为榜样。(论点3)父母引导孩子越多,孩子就会有更好的榜样。(论据 3)



(第一段写法1)As the advancement of technology, it is of great necessity for youngsters to grasp the core technique of social media. Therefore,I think we shouldn't have laws to limit the use of social media under the age of 18. The following reasons can account for my opinion.

(第一段写法2)Nowadays the public have different opinions upon soclal media. Some think that to limit the use of social media to those who are under 18 is beneficial, while others think to have a free access is a better choice. Personally, I prefer the latter.The following reasons can account for my preference.

First and foremost, there is no doubt that social mecia allows youngsters to connect with friends and family, access information and educational resources, and even participate in social and political causes. According to experts, most of young people have admitted that they've learned 60% useful knowledge by using social media. Furthermore,it is obvious that,social media companies cannot effectively verify the age of every user, and young people may simply lie about their age to gain access to social media. Where there are people, there are lies. Last but not least, no one can deny that parents should take an active role in monitoring their children's social media use.This would help young people navigate the potential pitfalls of social media while still enjoying its benefits.

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the influence of social media on young people. Only in this way can we have a bright and promising future.






Nowadays students have different options upon funds in university.(阐述问题,背景) Some think that allocating the same amount of money to sport as library is beneficial, while others think a higher allocation of funds to libraries is a better choice.(列举选择)Personally, I prefer the former. The following reasons can account for my preference.

First and foremost, there is no doubt that regular exercise can help students manage stress, boost their energy levels, and improve their overall well-being. According to experts, most of young people have admitted that they've spent 60% spare time in doing sports. Furthermore, it is obvious that sports activities provide students with valuable opportunities to develog important life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication.Where there is sport, there are opportunities for development. Last but not least, no one can deny that equal funding for sports and libraries can promote a balanced academic and social environment in universities. While libraries are essential for academic success, sports activities provide students with a sense of community and belonging.

In a word, the whole school should pay close attention to sports activities on campus. Only in this way can we have a bright and promising future.




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