


在生成环境中,如果你没有配置 HTTPS 连接,某些 Elasticsearch 功能(比如令牌和 API 密钥)将被禁用,该安全层确保所有进出集群的通信都是安全的,HTTPS 配置建立在“传输层TLS安全配置之上” ,所以它要求你的集群已经配置了传输层安全配置。


同样的,也是使用 elasticsearch-certutil 工具来生成证书。

  1. 生成根证书
$ elasticsearch-certutil ca
  1. 生成节点证书
[root@1834deb24be8 bin]# elasticsearch-certutil http

## Elasticsearch HTTP Certificate Utility

The 'http' command guides you through the process of generating certificates
for use on the HTTP (Rest) interface for Elasticsearch.

This tool will ask you a number of questions in order to generate the right
set of files for your needs.

## Do you wish to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)?

A CSR is used when you want your certificate to be created by an existing
Certificate Authority (CA) that you do not control (that is, you don't have
access to the keys for that CA). 

If you are in a corporate environment with a central security team, then you
may have an existing Corporate CA that can generate your certificate for you.
Infrastructure within your organisation may already be configured to trust this
CA, so it may be easier for clients to connect to Elasticsearch if you use a
CSR and send that request to the team that controls your CA.

If you choose not to generate a CSR, this tool will generate a new certificate
for you. That certificate will be signed by a CA under your control. This is a
quick and easy way to secure your cluster with TLS, but you will need to
configure all your clients to trust that custom CA.

Generate a CSR? [y/N]n

## Do you have an existing Certificate Authority (CA) key-pair that you wish to use to sign your certificate?

If you have an existing CA certificate and key, then you can use that CA to
sign your new http certificate. This allows you to use the same CA across
multiple Elasticsearch clusters which can make it easier to configure clients,
and may be easier for you to manage.

If you do not have an existing CA, one will be generated for you.

Use an existing CA? [y/N]y

## What is the path to your CA?

Please enter the full pathname to the Certificate Authority that you wish to
use for signing your new http certificate. This can be in PKCS#12 (.p12), JKS
(.jks) or PEM (.crt, .key, .pem) format.
CA Path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/elastic-stack-ca.p12
Reading a PKCS12 keystore requires a password.
It is possible for the keystore's password to be blank,
in which case you can simply press <ENTER> at the prompt
Password for elastic-stack-ca.p12:

## How long should your certificates be valid?

Every certificate has an expiry date. When the expiry date is reached clients
will stop trusting your certificate and TLS connections will fail.

Best practice suggests that you should either:
(a) set this to a short duration (90 - 120 days) and have automatic processes
to generate a new certificate before the old one expires, or
(b) set it to a longer duration (3 - 5 years) and then perform a manual update
a few months before it expires.

You may enter the validity period in years (e.g. 3Y
评论 3




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