
CWnd Class Members

InitializationDialog-Box Item FunctionsInitialization Message Handlers
Window State FunctionsData-Binding FunctionsSystem Message Handlers
Window Size and PositionMenu FunctionsGeneral Message Handlers
Window Access FunctionsTool Tip FunctionsControl Message Handlers
Update/Painting FunctionsTimer FunctionsInput Message Handlers
Coordinate Mapping FunctionsAlert FunctionsNonclient-Area Message Handlers
Window Text FunctionsWindow Message FunctionsMDI Message Handlers
Scrolling FunctionsClipboard FunctionsClipboard Message Handlers
Drag-Drop FunctionsActiveX ControlsMenu Loop Notification
Caret FunctionsOverridables 

Data Members

m_hWndIndicates the HWND attached to this CWnd.


CWndConstructs a CWnd object.
DestroyWindowDestroys the attached Windows window.


CreateCreates and initializes the child window associated with the CWnd object.
PreCreateWindowCalled before the creation of the Windows window attached to this CWnd object.
CalcWindowRectCalled to calculate the window rectangle from the client rectangle.
GetStyleReturns the current window style.
GetExStyleReturns the window’s extended style.
AttachAttaches a Windows handle to a CWnd object.
DetachDetaches a Windows handle from a CWnd object and returns the handle.
PreSubclassWindowAllows other necessary subclassing to occur before SubclassWindow is called.
SubclassWindowAttaches a window to a CWnd object and makes it route messages through the CWnd’s message map.
UnsubclassWindowDetaches a window from a CWnd object
FromHandleReturns a pointer to a CWnd object when given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object is not attached to the handle, a temporary CWnd object is created and attached.
FromHandlePermanentReturns a pointer to a CWnd object when given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object is not attached to the handle, NULL is returned.
DeleteTempMapCalled automatically by the CWinApp idle-time handler and deletes any temporary CWnd objects created by FromHandle.
GetSafeHwndReturns m_hWnd, or NULL if the this pointer is NULL.
CreateExCreates a Windows overlapped, pop-up, or child window and attaches it to a CWnd object.
CreateControlCreate an OLE control that will be represented in an MFC program by a CWnd object.

Window State Functions

IsWindowEnabledDetermines whether the window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
EnableWindowEnables or disables mouse and keyboard input.
GetActiveWindowRetrieves the active window.
SetActiveWindowActivates the window.
GetCaptureRetrieves the CWnd that has the mouse capture.
SetCaptureCauses all subsequent mouse input to be sent to the CWnd.
GetFocusRetrieves the CWnd that currently has the input focus.
SetFocusClaims the input focus.
GetDesktopWindowRetrieves the Windows desktop window.
GetForegroundWindowReturns a pointer to the foreground window (the top-level window with which the user is currently working).
SetForegroundWindowPuts the thread that created the window into the foreground and activates the window.
GetIconRetrieves the handle to an icon.
SetIconSets the handle to a specific icon.
GetWindowContextHelpIdRetrieves the help context identifier.
SetWindowContextHelpIdSets the help context identifier.
ModifyStyleModifies the current window style.
ModifyStyleExModifies the window’s extended style.

Window Size and Position

GetWindowPlacementRetrieves the show state and the normal (restored), minimized, and maximized positions of a window.
SetWindowPlacementSets the show state and the normal (restored), minimized, and maximized positions for a window.
GetWindowRgnRetrieves a copy of the window region of a window.
SetWindowRgnSets the region of a window.
IsIconicDetermines whether CWnd is minimized (iconic).
IsZoomedDetermines whether CWnd is maximized.
MoveWindowChanges the position and dimensions of CWnd.
SetWindowPosChanges the size, position, and ordering of child, pop-up, and top-level windows.
ArrangeIconicWindowsArranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows.
BringWindowToTopBrings CWnd to the top of a stack of overlapping windows.
GetWindowRectGets the screen coordinates of CWnd.
GetClientRectGets the dimensions of the CWnd client area.

Window Access Functions

ChildWindowFromPointDetermines which, if any, of the child windows contains the specified point.
FindWindowReturns the handle of the window, which is identified by its window name and window class.
GetNextWindowReturns the next (or previous) window in the window manager’s list.
GetOwnerRetrieves a pointer to the owner of a CWnd.
SetOwnerChanges the owner of a CWnd.
GetTopWindowReturns the first child window that belongs to the CWnd.
GetWindowReturns the window with the specified relationship to this window.
GetLastActivePopupDetermines which pop-up window owned by CWnd was most recently active.
IsChildIndicates whether CWnd is a child window or other direct descendant of the specified window.
GetParentRetrieves the parent window of CWnd (if any).
GetSafeOwnerRetrieves the safe owner for the given window.
SetParentChanges the parent window.
WindowFromPointIdentifies the window that contains the given point.
GetDlgItemRetrieves the control with the specified ID from the specified dialog box.
GetDlgCtrlIDIf the CWnd is a child window, calling this function returns its ID value.
SetDlgCtrlIDSets the window or control ID for the window (which can be any child window, not only a control in a dialog box).
GetDescendantWindowSearches all descendant windows and returns the window with the specified ID.
GetParentFrameRetrieves the CWnd object’s parent frame window.
SendMessageToDescendantsSends a message to all descendant windows of the window.
GetTopLevelParentRetrieves the window’s top-level parent.
GetTopLevelOwnerRetrieves the top-level window.
GetParentOwnerReturns a pointer to a child window’s parent window.
GetTopLevelFrameRetrieves the window’s top-level frame window.
UpdateDialogControlsCall to update the state of dialog buttons and other controls.
UpdateDataInitializes or retrieves data from a dialog box.
CenterWindowCenters a window relative to its parent.

Update/Painting Functions

BeginPaintPrepares CWnd for painting.
EndPaintMarks the end of painting.
PrintDraws the current window in the specified device context.
PrintClientDraws any window in the specified device context (usually a printer device context).
LockWindowUpdateDisables or reenables drawing in the given window.
UnlockWindowUpdateUnlocks a window that was locked with CWnd::LockWindowUpdate.
GetDCRetrieves a display context for the client area.
GetDCExRetrieves a display context for the client area, and enables clipping while drawing.
RedrawWindowUpdates the specified rectangle or region in the client area.
GetWindowDCRetrieves the display context for the whole window, including the caption bar, menus, and scroll bars.
ReleaseDCReleases client and window device contexts, freeing them for use by other applications.
UpdateWindowUpdates the client area.
SetRedrawAllows changes in CWnd to be redrawn or prevents changes from being redrawn.
GetUpdateRectRetrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the CWnd update region.
GetUpdateRgnRetrieves the CWnd update region.
InvalidateInvalidates the entire client area.
InvalidateRectInvalidates the client area within the given rectangle by adding that rectangle to the current update region.
InvalidateRgnInvalidates the client area within the given region by adding that region to the current update region.
ValidateRectValidates the client area within the given rectangle by removing the rectangle from the current update region.
ValidateRgnValidates the client area within the given region by removing the region from the current update region.
ShowWindowShows or hides the window.
IsWindowVisibleDetermines whether the window is visible.
ShowOwnedPopupsShows or hides all pop-up windows owned by the window.
EnableScrollBarEnables or disables one or both arrows of a scroll bar.

Coordinate Mapping Functions

MapWindowPointsConverts (maps) a set of points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window.
ClientToScreenConverts the client coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to screen coordinates.
ScreenToClientConverts the screen coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to client coordinates.

Window Text Functions

SetWindowTextSets the window text or caption title (if it has one) to the specified text.
GetWindowTextReturns the window text or caption title (if it has one).
GetWindowTextLengthReturns the length of the window’s text or caption title.
SetFontSets the current font.
GetFontRetrieves the current font.

Scrolling Functions

GetScrollPosRetrieves the current position of a scroll box.
GetScrollRangeCopies the current minimum and maximum scroll-bar positions for the given scroll bar.
ScrollWindowScrolls the contents of the client area.
ScrollWindowExScrolls the contents of the client area. Similar to ScrollWindow, with additional features.
GetScrollInfoRetrieves the information that the SCROLLINFO structure maintains about a scroll bar.
GetScrollLimitRetrieves the limit of the scroll bar.
SetScrollInfoSets information about the scroll bar.
SetScrollPosSets the current position of a scroll box and, if specified, redraws the scroll bar to reflect the new position.
SetScrollRangeSets minimum and maximum position values for the given scroll bar.
ShowScrollBarDisplays or hides a scroll bar.
EnableScrollBarCtrlEnables or disables a sibling scroll-bar control.
GetScrollBarCtrlReturns a sibling scroll-bar control.
RepositionBarsRepositions control bars in the client area.

Drag-Drop Functions

DragAcceptFilesIndicates the window will accept dragged files.

Caret Functions

CreateCaretCreates a new shape for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret.
CreateSolidCaretCreates a solid block for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret.
CreateGrayCaretCreates a gray block for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret.
GetCaretPosRetrieves the client coordinates of the caret’s current position.
SetCaretPosMoves the caret to a specified position.
HideCaretHides the caret by removing it from the display screen.
ShowCaretShows the caret on the display at the caret’s current position. Once shown, the caret begins flashing automatically.

Dialog-Box Item Functions

CheckDlgButtonPlaces a check mark next to or removes a check mark from a button control.
CheckRadioButtonChecks the specified radio button and removes the check mark from all other radio buttons in the specified group of buttons.
GetCheckedRadioButtonReturns the ID of the currently checked radio button in a group of buttons.
DlgDirListFills a list box with a file or directory listing.
DlgDirListComboBoxFills the list box of a combo box with a file or directory listing.
DlgDirSelectRetrieves the current selection from a list box.
DlgDirSelectComboBoxRetrieves the current selection from the list box of a combo box.
GetDlgItemIntTranslates the text of a control in the given dialog box to an integer value.
GetDlgItemTextRetrieves the caption or text associated with a control.
GetNextDlgGroupItemSearches for the next (or previous) control within a group of controls.
GetNextDlgTabItemRetrieves the first control with the WS_TABSTOP style that  follows (or precedes) the specified control.
IsDlgButtonCheckedDetermines whether a button control is checked.
IsDialogMessageDetermines whether the given message is intended for the modeless dialog box and, if so, processes it.
SendDlgItemMessageSends a message to the specified control.
SetDlgItemIntSets the text of a control to the string that represents an integer value.
SetDlgItemTextSets the caption or text of a control in the specified dialog box.
SubclassDlgItemAttaches a Windows control to a CWnd object and makes it route messages through the CWnd’s message map.
ExecuteDlgInitInitiates a dialog resource.
RunModalLoopRetrieves, translates, or dispatches messages for a window that is in modal status.
ContinueModalContinues a window’s modal status.
EndModalLoopEnds a window’s modal status.

Data-Binding Functions

BindDefaultPropertyBinds the calling object’s default simple bound property, as marked in the type library, to a cursor associated with a data-source control.
BindPropertyBinds a cursour-bound property on a data-bound control to a data-source control and registers that relationship with the MFC binding manager.
GetDSCCursorRetrieves a pointer to the underlying cursor that is defined by the DataSource, UserName, Password, and SQL properties of a data-source control.

Menu Functions

GetMenuRetrieves a pointer to the specified menu.
SetMenuSets the menu to the specified menu.
DrawMenuBarRedraws the menu bar.
GetSystemMenuAllows the application to access the Control menu for copying and modification.
HiliteMenuItemHighlights or removes the highlighting from a top-level (menu-bar) menu item.

ToolTip Functions

EnableToolTipsEnables the tooltip control.
CancelToolTipsDisables the tooltip control.
FilterToolTipMessageRetrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box.
OnToolHitTestDetemines whether a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool and retrieves information about the tool.

Timer Functions

SetTimerInstalls a system timer that sends a WM_TIMER message when triggered.
KillTimerKills a system timer.

Alert Functions

FlashWindowFlashes the window once.
MessageBoxCreates and displays a window that contains an application-supplied message and caption.

Window Message Functions

GetCurrentMessageReturns a pointer to the message this window is currently processing. Should only be called when in an OnMessage message-handler member function.
DefaultCalls the default window procedure, which provides default processing for any window messages that an application does not process.
PreTranslateMessageUsed by CWinApp to filter window messages before they are dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions.
SendMessageSends a message to the CWnd object and does not return until it has processed the message.
PostMessagePlaces a message in the application queue, then returns without waiting for the window to process the message.
SendNotifyMessageSends the specified message to the window and returns as soon as possible, depending on whether the calling thread created the window.

Clipboard Functions

ChangeClipboardChainRemoves CWnd from the chain of Clipboard viewers.
SetClipboardViewerAdds CWnd to the chain of windows that are notified whenever the contents of the Clipboard are changed.
OpenClipboardOpens the Clipboard. Other applications will not be able to modify the Clipboard until the WindowsCloseClipboard function is called.
GetClipboardOwnerRetrieves a pointer to the current owner of the Clipboard.
GetOpenClipboardWindowRetrieves a pointer to the window that currently has the Clipboard open.
GetClipboardViewerRetrieves a pointer to the first window in the chain of Clipboard viewers.

ActiveX Controls

SetPropertySets an ActiveX control property.
OnAmbientPropertyImplement ambient property values.
GetControlUnknownRetrieves a pointer to an unknown ActiveX control.
GetPropertyRetrieves an ActiveX control property.
InvokeHelperInvokes an ActiveX control method or property.


WindowProcProvides a window procedure for a CWnd. The default dispatches messages through the message map.
DefWindowProcCalls the default window procedure, which provides default processing for any window messages that an application does not process.
PostNcDestroyThis virtual function is called by the default OnNcDestroy function after the window has been destroyed.
OnNotifyCalled by the framework to inform a parent window an event has occurred in one of its controls or that the control needs information.
OnChildNotifyCalled by a parent window to give a notifying control a chance to respond to a control notification.
DoDataExchangeFor dialog data exchange and validation. Called by UpdateData.

Initialization Message Handlers

OnInitMenuCalled when a menu is about to become active.
OnInitMenuPopupCalled when a pop-up menu is about to become active.

System Message Handlers

OnSysCharCalled when a keystroke translates to a system character.
OnSysCommandCalled when the user selects a command from the Control menu, or when the user selects the Maximize or Minimize button.
OnSysDeadCharCalled when a keystroke translates to a system dead character (such as accent characters).
OnSysKeyDownCalled when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key.
OnSysKeyUpCalled when the user releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down.
OnCompactingCalled when Windows detects that system memory is low.
OnDevModeChangeCalled for all top-level windows when the user changes device-mode settings.
OnFontChangeCalled when the pool of font resources changes.
OnPaletteIsChangingInforms other applications when an application is going to realize its logical palette.
OnPaletteChangedCalled to allow windows that use a color palette to realize their logical palettes and update their client areas.
OnSysColorChangeCalled for all top-level windows when a change is made in the system color setting.
OnWindowPosChangingCalled when the size, position, or Z-order is about to change as a result of a call to SetWindowPos or another window-management function.
OnWindowPosChangedCalled when the size, position, or Z-order has changed as a result of a call to SetWindowPos or another window-management function.
OnDropFilesCalled when the user releases the left mouse button over a window that has registered itself as the recipient of dropped files.
OnSpoolerStatusCalled from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the Print Manager queue.
OnTimeChangeCalled for all top-level windows after the system time changes.
OnWinIniChangeCalled for all top-level windows after the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI, is changed.

General Message Handlers

OnCommandCalled when the user selects a command.
OnActivateCalled when CWnd is being activated or deactivated.
OnActivateAppCalled when the application is about to be activated or deactivated.
OnCancelModeCalled to allow CWnd to cancel any internal modes, such as mouse capture.
OnChildActivateCalled for multiple document interface (MDI) child windows whenever the size or position of CWnd changes or CWnd is activated.
OnCloseCalled as a signal that CWnd should be closed.
OnCopyDataCopies data from one application to another.
OnCreateCalled as a part of window creation.
OnCtlColorCalled if CWnd is the parent of a control when the control is about to be drawn.
OnDestroyCalled when CWnd is being destroyed.
OnEnableCalled when CWnd is enabled or disabled.
OnEndSessionCalled when the session is ending.
OnEnterIdleCalled to inform an application’s main window procedure that a modal dialog box or a menu is entering an idle state.
OnEraseBkgndCalled when the window background needs erasing.
OnGetMinMaxInfoCalled whenever Windows needs to know the maximized position or dimensions, or the minimum or maximum tracking size.
OnIconEraseBkgndCalled when CWnd is minimized (iconic) and the background of the icon must be filled before painting the icon.
OnKillFocusCalled immediately before CWnd loses the input focus.
OnMenuCharCalled when the user presses a menu mnemonic character that doesn’t match any of the predefined mnemonics in the current menu.
OnMenuSelectCalled when the user selects a menu item.
OnMoveCalled after the position of the CWnd has been changed.
OnMovingIndicates that a user is moving a CWnd object.
OnDeviceChangeNotifies an application or device driver of a change to the hardware configuration of a device or the computer.
OnStyleChangedIndicates that the::SetWindowLong Windows function has changed one or more of the window's styles.
OnStyleChangingIndicates that the::SetWindowLong Windows function is about to change one or more of the window's styles.
OnPaintCalled to repaint a portion of the window.
OnParentNotifyCalled when a child window is created or destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is over the child window.
OnQueryDragIconCalled when a minimized (iconic) CWnd is about to be dragged by the user.
OnQueryEndSessionCalled when the user chooses to end the Windows session.
OnQueryNewPaletteInforms CWnd that it is about to receive the input focus.
OnQueryOpenCalled when CWnd is an icon and the user requests that the icon be opened.
OnSetFocusCalled after CWnd gains the input focus.
OnShowWindowCalled when CWnd is to be hidden or shown.
OnSizeCalled after the size of CWnd has changed.
OnSizingIndicates that the user is resizing the rectangle.
OnStyleChangedIndicates that one or more of the window's styles has changed.
OnStyleChangingIndicates that one or more of the window's styles is about to change.

Control Message Handlers

OnCharToItemCalled by a child list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style in response to a WM_CHAR message.
OnCompareItemCalled to determine the relative position of a new item in a child sorted owner-draw combo box or list box.
OnDeleteItemCalled when an owner-draw child list box or combo box is destroyed or when items are removed from the control.
OnDrawItemCalled when a visual aspect of an owner-draw child button control, combo-box control, list-box control, or menu needs to be drawn.
OnDSCNotifyCalled in response to an event that a data-source control fires when a control to which the data-source control is bound modifies or attempts to modify the underlying cursor.
OnGetDlgCodeCalled for a control so the control can process arrow-key and TAB-key input itself.
OnMeasureItemCalled for an owner-draw child combo box, list box, or menu item when the control is created. CWnd informs Windows of the dimensions of the control.
SendChildNotifyLastMsgProvides a notification message to a child window, from the parent window, so the child window can handle a task.
ReflectChildNotifyHelper function which reflects a message to its source.
OnWndMsgIndicates if a windows message was handled.
ReflectLastMsgReflects the last message to the child window.
OnVKeyToItemCalled by a list box owned by CWnd in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message.

Input Message Handlers

OnCharCalled when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem character.
OnDeadCharCalled when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem dead character (such as accent characters).
OnHScrollCalled when the user clicks the horizontal scroll bar of CWnd.
OnKeyDownCalled when a nonsystem key is pressed.
OnKeyUpCalled when a nonsystem key is released.
OnLButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the left mouse button.
OnLButtonDownCalled when the user presses the left mouse button.
OnLButtonUpCalled when the user releases the left mouse button.
OnMButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button.
OnMButtonDownCalled when the user presses the middle mouse button.
OnMButtonUpCalled when the user releases the middle mouse button.
OnMouseActivateCalled when the cursor is in an inactive window and the user presses a mouse button.
OnMouseMoveCalled when the mouse cursor moves.
OnMouseWheelCalled when a user rotates the mouse wheel. Uses Windows NT 4.0 message handling.
OnRegisteredMouseWheelCalled when a user rotates the mouse wheel. Uses Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 message-handling.
OnRButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the right mouse button.
OnRButtonDownCalled when the user presses the right mouse button.
OnRButtonUpCalled when the user releases the right mouse button.
OnSetCursorCalled if mouse input is not captured and the mouse causes cursor movement within a window.
OnTimerCalled after each interval specified in SetTimer.
OnVScrollCalled when the user clicks the window’s vertical scroll bar.
OnCaptureChangedSends a message to the window that is losing the mouse capture.

Nonclient-Area Message Handlers

OnNcActivateCalled when the nonclient area needs to be changed to indicate an active or inactive state.
OnNcCalcSizeCalled when the size and position of the client area need to be calculated.
OnNcCreateCalled prior to OnCreate when the nonclient area is being created.
OnNcDestroyCalled when the nonclient area is being destroyed.
OnNcHitTestCalled by Windows every time the mouse is moved if CWnd contains the cursor or has captured mouse input with SetCapture.
OnNcLButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcLButtonDownCalled when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcLButtonUpCalled when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcMButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcMButtonDownCalled when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcMButtonUpCalled when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcMouseMoveCalled when the cursor is moved within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcPaintCalled when the nonclient area needs painting.
OnNcRButtonDblClkCalled when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcRButtonDownCalled when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.
OnNcRButtonUpCalled when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd.

MDI Message Handlers

OnMDIActivateCalled when an MDI child window is activated or deactivated.

Clipboard Message Handlers

OnAskCbFormatNameCalled by a Clipboard viewer application when a Clipboard owner will display the Clipboard contents.
OnChangeCbChainNotifies that a specified window is being removed from the chain.
OnDestroyClipboardCalled when the Clipboard is emptied through a call to the WindowsEmptyClipboard function.
OnDrawClipboardCalled when the contents of the change.
OnHScrollClipboardCalled when a Clipboard owner should scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values.
OnPaintClipboardCalled when the client area of the Clipboard viewer needs repainting.
OnRenderAllFormatsCalled when the owner application is being destroyed and needs to render all its formats.
OnRenderFormatCalled for the Clipboard owner when a particular format with delayed rendering needs to be rendered.
OnSizeClipboardCalled when the size of the client area of the Clipboard-viewer window has changed.
OnVScrollClipboardCalled when the owner should scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values.

Menu Loop Notification

OnEnterMenuLoopCalled when a menu modal loop has been entered.
OnExitMenuLoopCalled when a menu modal loop has been exited.

CWnd OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart

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