
<wbr>1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult. <wbr>说起来容易,做起来难。 </wbr></wbr>


  2.Seeing is believing. <wbr>眼见为实。</wbr>


  3.Teaching is learning. <wbr>教学相长。</wbr>


  4.driving is exciting. <wbr>开车真是刺激。</wbr>


  5.Lying is a bad habit. <wbr>说谎是一个坏习惯。</wbr>


  6.Getting daily exercise is important. <wbr>每天锻炼很重要。</wbr>


  7.Listening to his speech is boring. <wbr>听他的演讲很无聊。</wbr>


  8.Parking is prohibited here. <wbr>此地禁止停车。</wbr>


  9.Raising children is a big responsibility. <wbr>养育孩子是一项重大责任。</wbr>


  10.Walking in the rain is romantic. <wbr>雨中漫步很浪漫。</wbr>


  11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous. <wbr>冬季登这座山很危险。</wbr>


  12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. <wbr>冬季开车去深圳要2小时。</wbr>


  13.Asking a woman\'s age is impolite in my country. <wbr>在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。</wbr>


  14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. <wbr>乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。</wbr>


  15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people. <wbr>对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。</wbr>


  16.Finding your office isn\'t easy. <wbr>你们办公室真是难找。</wbr>


  17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting. <wbr>听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。</wbr>


  18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me. <wbr>早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。</wbr>


  19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China. <wbr>拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。</wbr>


  20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience. <wbr>失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。</wbr>


  21.Meeting new people makes me nervous. <wbr>与陌生人见面使我很紧张。</wbr>


  22.Working hard will produce good results. <wbr>努力工作将产生好结果。</wbr>


  23.Making money is everybody\'s dream. <wbr>赚钱是每个人的梦想。</wbr>


  24.Complaining doesn\'t solve problems. <wbr>抱怨解决不了问题。</wbr>


  25.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard. <wbr>一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。</wbr>


  26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. <wbr>为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。</wbr>


  27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. <wbr>大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。</wbr>


  28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. <wbr>老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。</wbr>


  29.Eating too much can make you fat. <wbr>吃得过多会使你发胖。</wbr>


  30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. <wbr>吸烟会导致多种健康问题。</wbr>


<wbr><wbr><wbr>31.Having a cold isn\'t much fun. <wbr>患感冒可不是什么好玩的。</wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>


  32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. <wbr>结婚很贵,离婚更贵。</wbr>


  33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. <wbr>相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。</wbr>


  34.Spending money is easier than making money. <wbr>花钱比赚钱容易。</wbr>


  35.Learning English needs persistence. <wbr>学英语要持之以恒。</wbr>


  36.You are great! <wbr>你真棒!</wbr>


  37.You are crazy. <wbr>你疯了!</wbr>


  38.You are hopeless! <wbr>你没救了!</wbr>


  39.You are out of your mind! <wbr>你脑子有病!</wbr>


  40.You are too much! <wbr>你太过分了!</wbr>


  41.You\'re impossible! <wbr>你没救了。</wbr>


  42.You are disgusting. <wbr>你真恶心!</wbr>


  43.You are such a nuisance. <wbr>你真讨厌!</wbr>


  44.You are the worst. <wbr>你是最差劲的。</wbr>


  45.You are abnormal. <wbr>你变态!</wbr>


  46.You are so frustrating. <wbr>你真让我感到泄气。</wbr>


  47.You are so foolish. <wbr>你太傻了。</wbr>


  48.You are beyond hope. <wbr>你没希望了。</wbr>


  49.You are nothing/nobody. <wbr>你狗屁都不是!</wbr>


  50.You are useless/worthless. <wbr>你真没用。</wbr>


  51.You are good for nothing. <wbr><wbr>你真没用!/你真是饭筒!</wbr></wbr>


  52.You are such a jerk. <wbr><wbr>你这个混蛋!</wbr></wbr>


  53.You are daydreaming. <wbr><wbr>你做白日梦!</wbr></wbr>


  54.You are a pain in the ass. <wbr><wbr>你是个讨厌鬼!</wbr></wbr>


  55.Hey!You are a big help. <wbr><wbr>嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。[千万注意,这是反语!</wbr></wbr>


  56.You are a loser! <wbr><wbr>你输定了!</wbr></wbr>


  57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met! <wbr><wbr>你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙!</wbr></wbr>


  58.You are too careless! <wbr><wbr>你太不小心了!</wbr></wbr>


  59.You are getting on my nerves! <wbr><wbr>你真让我烦!</wbr></wbr>


  60.You are so selfish. <wbr><wbr>你真自私。</wbr></wbr>


<wbr><wbr>61.You are so annoying. <wbr><wbr>你真烦人。</wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>


  62.You are to blame. <wbr><wbr>都是你的错。</wbr></wbr>


  63.You are going to make it. <wbr><wbr>你准行!</wbr></wbr>


  64.You are going to win. <wbr><wbr>你会赢的!</wbr></wbr>


  65.You are my only hope. <wbr><wbr>你是我的希望。</wbr></wbr>


  66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it. <wbr><wbr>你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去!</wbr></wbr>


  67.You are the best. <wbr><wbr>你真是顶呱呱![这是母亲对儿子、女孩对男友常说的话。]</wbr></wbr>


  68.You are fantastic. <wbr><wbr>你太棒了!</wbr></wbr>


  69.You are special. <wbr><wbr>你真特别![其实,一个SPECIAL就是最高的赞赏。]</wbr></wbr>


  70.You are amazing. <wbr><wbr>你真了不起!</wbr></wbr>


  71.You are incredible.=You are so great. <wbr><wbr>你真难以置信。</wbr></wbr>


  72.You are one in a million. <wbr><wbr>你是万中挑一。</wbr></wbr>


  73.You are so clever. <wbr><wbr>你真聪明!</wbr></wbr>


  74.You are perfect! <wbr><wbr>你太好了!</wbr></wbr>


  75.You are a genius. <wbr><wbr>你真是个天才!</wbr></wbr>


  76.You are a nice guy. <wbr><wbr>你是个不错的小伙子。</wbr></wbr>


  77.You are really something. <wbr><wbr>你真了不起!</wbr></wbr>


  78.You are a lucky dog! <wbr><wbr>你真幸运!</wbr></wbr>


  79.You are everything to me. <wbr><wbr>你是我的一切。</wbr></wbr>


  80.You are so sweet. <wbr><wbr>你可爱!</wbr></wbr>


  81.You are my angel. <wbr><wbr>你是我的小天使!</wbr></wbr>


  82.You are so kind. <wbr><wbr>你真好!</wbr></wbr>


  83.You are so considerate! <wbr><wbr>你真体贴!</wbr></wbr>


  84.You are the one for me. <wbr><wbr>你是我的梦中情人。</wbr></wbr>


  85.You are the prettiest girl in the world <wbr><wbr>你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。</wbr></wbr>


  86.You are mind.I\'m yours. <wbr><wbr>你属于我,我属于你。</wbr></wbr>


  87.You are breaking my heart. <wbr><wbr>你让我心碎。</wbr></wbr>


  88.You are sexy. <wbr><wbr>你真性感!</wbr></wbr>


  89.You are so hot. <wbr><wbr>你真撩人!</wbr></wbr>


  90.You are turning me on. <wbr><wbr>你真让我动心!</wbr></wbr>



<wbr>151.I wonder if they can make it. <wbr> 我不知他们能否办到。</wbr></wbr>


  152.I wonder if you could pass me the salt? <wbr> 能不能把盐递给我一下。</wbr>


  153.I wonder if there\'s a pay phone in this building. <wbr> 我不知道这栋大楼里有没有付费电话。</wbr>


  154.I wonder if it will snow tomorrow. <wbr> 我想知道明天会不会下雪。</wbr>


  155.I wonder if we can catch the first train. <wbr> 我想知道我们能否赶上第一趟车。</wbr>


  156.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards. <wbr> 我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。</wbr>


  157.I wonder if the library is open today. <wbr> 我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。</wbr>


  158.I wonder if your mother likes me. <wbr> 我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。 <wbr><wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>


  159.I was wondering if I could use your computer. <wbr> 我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。</wbr>


  160.I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? <wbr> 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?</wbr>


  161.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night .If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? <wbr> 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影?</wbr>



  162.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year. <wbr> 我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。</wbr>


  163.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered. <wbr> 我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。</wbr>


  164.I wonder if he knows what he is doing. <wbr> 我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。</wbr>


  165.I wonder if she is married. <wbr> 我想知道她是否结婚了。</wbr>


  166.I guess so.我想是的。


  167.I guess it\'s going to rain . <wbr><wbr>我想要下雨了。</wbr></wbr>


  168.I guess not . <wbr><wbr>我不这么想。</wbr></wbr>


  169.I guess you\'re right. <wbr><wbr>我想你是对的。</wbr></wbr>


  170.I guess I need a doctor. <wbr><wbr>我想我得去看医生。[身体不适是就可以用这个句子了]。</wbr></wbr>


  171.I guess he won\'t come. <wbr><wbr>我猜他不会来了。</wbr></wbr>


  172.I guess she\'ll come to the party. <wbr><wbr>我猜她会来参加宴会。</wbr></wbr>


  173.I guess you can come over. <wbr><wbr>我猜你能过来。</wbr></wbr>


  174.I guess I\'ll pay for dinner. <wbr>我想,晚餐有我付吧。</wbr>


  175.I guess she will forgive you . <wbr><wbr>我想她会原谅你的。</wbr></wbr>


  176.I guess she is wrong. <wbr><wbr>我想是她错了。</wbr></wbr>


  177.I\'m hungry. I guess I\'ll have a hamburger. <wbr><wbr>我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。</wbr></wbr>


  178.I guess it\'s OK with me. <wbr><wbr>我想这个对我来说是合适的。</wbr></wbr>


  179.I guess she will be OK. <wbr><wbr>我想她会没事的。</wbr></wbr>


  180.I guess Jim did this. <wbr> 我猜这是吉姆干的。</wbr>


<wbr><wbr><wbr><wbr>181.I guess she is about fifty. <wbr><wbr>我猜她大约五十岁。</wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>


  182.I guess I must be going now. <wbr>我想我现在得走了。</wbr>


  183.I guess they had a good time in Guilin. <wbr><wbr>我想他们在桂林一定玩得很开心。</wbr></wbr>


  184.I guess she will marry him. <wbr><wbr>我想她会嫁给他的。</wbr></wbr>


  185.I guess your daughter is dying to see you. <wbr> 我想你女儿一定渴望见到你。</wbr>


  186.I guess we\'ll have a good profit this year. <wbr><wbr>我想今年我们的盈利状况会很好。</wbr></wbr>


  187.I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China. <wbr><wbr>我想上海将成为中国最繁华的城市。</wbr></wbr>


  188.I guess we need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter. <wbr> 我想我们得再召开一次会议来讨论这件事。</wbr>


  189.I guess we have to stay home this Sunday. <wbr><wbr>我想这个星期天我们得呆在家里。</wbr></wbr>


  190.I guess we won\'t be able to finish this today. <wbr><wbr>我想今天我们是做不完了。</wbr></wbr>


  191.I guess I\'ll be late for the meeting. <wbr><wbr>我猜我开会要迟到了。</wbr></wbr>


  192.I guess she has something to tell you. <wbr> 我猜想她有话对你说。</wbr>


  193.I guess you want me to help you with your English. <wbr><wbr>我猜你在英语方面需要我的帮助。</wbr></wbr>


  194.I guess I don\'t have to call you,now that I ran into you! <wbr> 既然我们不期而遇了,我想就没必要打电话给你了。</wbr>


  195.I guess the share price will go up. <wbr><wbr>我想股价会上涨。</wbr></wbr>


  196.I guess you are paying for lunch. <wbr> 我猜你要为这顿饭付钱了。</wbr>


  197.I guess he is the right man for me. <wbr><wbr>我想他是合我心的男人。</wbr></wbr>


  198.Speaking good English is no at difficult as you think. <wbr>说流利的英语并非像你所想象的那么难。</wbr>


  199.I\'m not as stupid as you think. <wbr> 我并非像你想象的那么蠢。</wbr>


  200.It\'s not as bad as you expected. <wbr> 事情并非你预料的那么糟。</wbr>


  201.The t\'s not as good as it could be. <wbr><wbr>这本应该会更好的。</wbr></wbr>


  202.The United States is not as great as I thought. <wbr> 美国并非像我以前认为的那么好。</wbr>


  203.The weather is not as cold as I expected. <wbr><wbr>天气并非像我预料的那么冷。</wbr></wbr>


  204.He\'s not as old as he looks. <wbr><wbr>他的实际年龄并非像他看起来那么老。<wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>


  205.She is not as pretty as her picture. <wbr><wbr>现实中的她并没有照片上那么漂亮。</wbr></wbr>


  206.He is not as clever as his brother. <wbr><wbr>他没他哥哥那么聪明。</wbr></wbr>


  207.He is not as naive as he used to be. <wbr><wbr>他不像以前那么天真幼稚了。</wbr></wbr>


  208.Guangzhou is not as clean as Shenzhen. <wbr><wbr>广州没有深圳那么干净。</wbr></wbr>


  209.The film is not as interesting as you tole me. <wbr><wbr>这部电影并没有像你告诉我的那样有趣。</wbr></wbr>


  210.Chinese is not as difficult as it seems. <wbr> 中文并非像表面上看起来那么难。</wbr>





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