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A DB2 SQL Statement

SELECT * FROM ( select a.*, b.*, c.Record_Type, c.Record_Count from SCHEMAE.TAB1 a , SCHEMAE.TAB2 b, XMLTABLE ('$h/BizInfoXML/Reporting/Details' passing b.biz_info_xml as "h" COLUMNS Reco...

2010-07-21 11:26:54 116

原创 如何在 WebSphere 中解决 jar 包冲突


2010-07-15 16:36:41 152

Think grow rich (1)

TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material obje...

2010-07-14 10:15:53 116

Several DB2 command

    db2 list application   db2 list db directory               show all database   db2 list active databases           show all active database   db2 list tables for all            show all tables...

2010-07-13 13:37:43 92

原创 Why AIX Memory Typically Runs Near 100% Utilization

Memory utilization on AIX systems typically runs around 100%. This is often a source of concern. However, high memory utilization in AIX does not imply the system is out of memory. By design, AIX leav...

2010-07-10 10:36:56 156

原创 Hard link and Symbolic link

Files are arranged in directories (or folders if you prefer that term), and each file can be reached through a series of directories and sub-directories from the root - correct? Yes ... BUT ... th...

2010-07-08 14:52:01 183

Import data from word into db2

Copy data from word into Excel. Edit data in Excel, and Save as CSV. Directly Import the data from csv in Control Center. Generate the SQL script from the csv file in Java.  pu...

2010-07-08 13:27:02 90

原创 UNIX chmod

chmod To set/modify a file's permissions you need to use the chmod program. Of course, only the owner of a file may use chmod to alter a file's permissions. chmodhas the following syntax: chmod ...

2010-07-07 14:47:18 86

What's I got in the new work?

Worked in here almost three monthes, so having this question is very nature.Firstly, I have attended three team building in the last three monthes,it is more than the entire last year.Secondly...

2010-07-06 16:09:58 126

How to add radio button and check box in DataTable of JSF

Add check box into the datatable This is part jsp code of the datatable, <t:dataTable id="checkboxTable" value="#{backingBean.dataModel}" ...

2010-07-06 15:52:53 166

原创 Create a remote node in DB2

Thie is the command in DB2 CLP, db2 catalog tcpip node [NodeName] remote [URL] server [Port Number] db2 catalog database [database name] at node [node name] with '[comment]'

2010-07-06 15:22:11 125

原创 Web service client

This article is talking about the web service client. Firstly the SOAP message model: then, the message sample,<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" ...

2010-07-06 15:06:13 96

原创 Set the file attribute not "Read-only"

Firstly cd into the directory,then you run:"attrib *.* -r /s",ok, it's done.

2010-07-06 14:45:08 210



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