第一课 parts

[b]2010/10/13 第一课 part 1 recite[/b]
words preview:

1。 said Tuesday,(脑海滑过:said on Tuesday)

1. spokesman(not spokerman)

part of 与 a part of 的区别。

1. a border lake plagued by pirates

topic:Mexican investigator probing lake shooting slain

Austin, Texas---A Mexican police commander investigating the disappearance of an
American tourist on a border lake plagued by pirates was killed, U.S and Mexican officials said Tuesday.

Rolando Flores, [color=red]a[/color](the) commander of state investigators in Ciudad Miguel Aleman who [color=red]was[/color](not is) part of a group investigating the reported shooting of David Hartley, was slain, said [color=red]**[/color](Ruben) Rois, [color=red]a spokerman[/color] (spokesman) for Manaulipas ([color=red]state[/color]) prosecutor's office.

Rois said authorities don't know how or why he was killed [color=red]and the details on how he died.[/color] . We don't have any details on how he died.

[b]20101013 words , phrases and sentences [/b]
magnet, scramble,scrapyard(废品堆积场), fridge(冰箱), snippet, colon(冒号,结肠), semicolon(分号), comma(逗号), full stop(句号), start over(重新开始),bund,bunch,bench,attendee,attendent, wordy,stain,stained

start over, what if, dispose of

1. The code to create the database and table with the new gender column is all scrambled up on the fridge.

2.They give you a clue, and you try to guess who they are , based on what they say.
我纠结半天为何用的是based,思考+查找,一句子让我开窍:Action should be based on solid facts. 所以,[you try to guess who they are] (should be ) based on what they say.
[b]2010/10/14 第一课 part 2 recite[/b]

words preview:

phrases :
backing off, stay out of, step up,

U.S. officials have said that threats from drug gangs who control the area around Falcon Lake ([color=red]have[/color]) hampered the search [color=red]of[/color] (for) Hartley.

Gov. Rick Perry said that backing off when confronted [color=orange]with the threats[/color] (by threats) like the slaying of ([color=red]the[/color]) police commander is "the worst thing we can do."

"I think their [color=red]attempts[/color] (attempt) is to intimidate law enforcement, no matter who they are or where they are", Perry told [color=red]to[/color] (\) ([color=red]The[/color]) Associated Press [color=red]that, [/color] (.)their message is to "stay out of their territory([color=red].[/color])"[color=red].[/color](\)

"The worst thing we can do is [color=red]to[/color](\) let the terrorists dictate ([color=red]the terms of[/color]) how we're going to live".

Perry said the [color=red]threats[/color](threat) should be hanlded by upping "the [color=red]number[/color](numbers) of law enforcement and military".

Hartley's wife, Tiffany, says she and her husband were attacked ([color=red]by the pirates[/color]) on the lake ([color=red]on[/color]) Sep.30, [color=red]when[/color](while) they were returning to the United States ([color=red]from Mexico[/color]) on Jet Skis, Hartley was shot and presumably fell into the lake.

U.S. officials, [color=red]especial[/color] (perticularly) Perry, and Hartley's family [color=red]are[/color] (have been) [color=red]presuring[/color] (pressuring) Mexico to step up the search for Hartley and [color=orange]consider[/color] (determine) what happened.

Fred Garza, [color=red]the[/color] (chief) deputy sheriff in Webb County,([color=red]on Texas-Mexico border[/color]), said the search was continuing Tuesday.

[b]2010/10/14 words[/b]

quote, kayak,reptile,

1. Don't know you need single quotes on single character values.

2. Check your SQL docs for specifics.

[b]2010/10/15 第一课 part 3 recite[/b]

words preview:
dammed, fatality, speedboat,jet, ski, submerge,retrieve,flee, flees,fleeing,fled,eyewitness,corroborate,account,

ride Jet Ski, a trip to , a key to , put sb's life at stake,

continue to do 与continue doing 的区别。

25 miles long and 3 miles across.

......to photogragh a half-submerged church, [color=red]and that[/color] her husband was shot in the head.

Falcon Lake is a dammed section of ([color=red]the[/color]) Rio Grande, 25 miles long and 3 miles across.Pirates [color=red]always[/color] (have) robbed boaters and fishermen on Mexican side,prompting warnings to American by [color=red]Mexican[/color] (Texas) state officials. But Hartley's death ([color=red]would[/color]) mark[color=red]ed[/color] (\) the first fatality on the lake.

Tiffany Hartley said men on three speedboats fired on her and her husband [color=red]when[/color] (as) they were riding [color=red]their[/color] (\) Jet Skis back from a trip to Tamaulipas to photogragh a half-submerged church, and that her husband was shot in the head.She wanted to retrieve his body and his Jet Ski,but the pirates [color=red]were continuing[/color] (continued) firing [color=red]on her [/color] (\) and she fled to the U.S. side.Zapata County, Texas, sheriff **** has said he has an eyewitness who corroborates her account.

Dennis Hartley, Hartley's father , expressed shock and regret[color=red]ed[/color] (\) (at) Flores' killing.

"I just, I'm in shock about this right now ([color=red],[/color])"[color=red],[/color](\) he told the Associated Press."I really don't have any hope that David will be found.I really hate other people putting their lives at stake.If this is true, I [color=red]feel[/color] (I'm just really ) heart broken that this happened."

words preview:
federal, helicopter,overrun,turf,halt,assign

open an investigation, no reason to,made up of

the use of "name", “recover”

The Mexican Foreign Ministry says it has been using federal, state and local resources,including military and helicopters,to search for
Hartley's body and opened an investigation.Over the weekend, authorities named two suspects.

That part of Tamaulipas is overrun by violence from a turf battle between the Gulf Cartel and the Zeta drug gang, made up of the former Mexican special forces soldiers,and both are battling the Mexican military.

Last week,Perry had asked Mexican president Felipe Galderon to call him within 48 hours and said that he expected a body to have been recovered by then.Perry said also (also said) last week that even the threat of drug gang violence against the search crews is no reason to halt the efforts.

Meanwhile, Rois said that no suspects have been identified in the case and (said) he wouldn't comment on why an(a state) investigator had (already) named two suspects.On Sunday ,state investigator Juan **, who is assigned to Ciudad Miguel Aleman, said police belive that brothers A and B may have killed Hartley. Juan didn't answer calls seeking comment Tuesday.
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