MIT6.824 第一课MapReduce 以及实验思路

What is a distributed system?
  multiple cooperating computers
  storage for big web sites, MapReduce, peer-to-peer sharing, &c
  lots of critical infrastructure is distributed


Why do people build distributed systems?
  to increase capacity via parallelism
  to tolerate faults via replication
  to place computing physically close to external entities
  to achieve security via isolation

  many concurrent parts, complex interactions
  must cope with partial failure
  tricky to realize performance potential



This is a course about infrastructure for applications.
  * Storage.
  * Communication.
  * Computation.

The big goal: abstractions that hide the complexity of distribution.
  A couple of topics will come up repeatedly in our search.

Topic: implementation
  RPC, threads, concurrency control.
  The labs...

Topic: performance
  The goal: scalable throughput
    Nx servers -> Nx total throughput via parallel CPU, disk, net.
    [diagram: users, application servers, storage servers]
    So handling more load only requires buying more computers.
      Rather than re-design by expensive programmers.
    Effective when you can divide work w/o much interaction.
  Scaling gets harder as N grows:
    Load im-balance, stragglers, slowest-of-N latency.
    Non-parallelizable code: initialization, interaction.
    Bottlenecks from shared resources, e.g. network.
  Some performance problems aren't easily solved by scaling
    e.g. quick response time for a single user request
    e.g. all users want to update the same data
    often requires better design rather than just more computers
  Lab 4

Topic: fault tolerance
  1000s of servers, big network -> always something broken
  We'd like to hide these failures from the application.
  We often want:
    Availability -- app can make progress despite failures
    Recoverability -- app will come back to life when failures are repaired
  Big idea: replicated servers.
    If one server crashes, can proceed using the other(s).
    Labs 1, 2 and 3

Topic: consistency
  General-purpose infrastructure needs well-defined behavior.
    E.g. "Get(k) yields the value from the most recent Put(k,v)."
  Achieving good behavior is hard!
    "Replica" servers are hard to keep identical.
    Clients may crash midway through multi-step update.
    Servers may crash, e.g. after executing but before replying.
    Network partition may make live servers look dead; risk of "split brain".
  Consistency and performance are enemies.
    Strong consistency requires communication,
      e.g. Get() must check for a recent Put().
    Many designs provide only weak consistency, to gain speed.
      e.g. Get() does *not* yield the latest Put()!
      Painful for application programmers but may be a good trade-off.



Let's talk about MapReduce (MR) as a case study
  a good illustration of 6.824's main topics
  hugely influential
  the focus of Lab 1

MapReduce overview
  context: multi-hour computations on multi-terabyte data-sets
    e.g. build search index, or sort, or analyze structure of web
    only practical with 1000s of computers
    applications not written by distributed systems experts
  overall goal: easy for non-specialist programmers
  programmer just defines Map and Reduce functions
    often fairly simple sequential code
  MR takes care of, and hides, all aspects of distribution!
Abstract view of a MapReduce job
  input is (already) split into M files
  Input1 -> Map -> a,1 b,1
  Input2 -> Map ->     b,1
  Input3 -> Map -> a,1     c,1
                    |   |   |
                    |   |   -> Reduce -> c,1
                    |   -----> Reduce -> b,2
                    ---------> Reduce
MIT 6.824 课程的 Lab1 是关于 Map 的实现,这里单介绍一下实现过程。 MapReduce 是一种布式计算模型,它可以用来处理大规模数据集。MapReduce 的核心想是将数据划分为多个块,每个块都可以在不同的节点上并行处理,然后将结果合并在一起。 在 Lab1 中,我们需要实现 MapReduce 的基本功能,包括 Map 函数、Reduce 函数、分区函数、排序函数以及对作业的整体控制等。 首先,我们需要实现 Map 函数。Map 函数会读取输入文件,并将其解析成一系列键值对。对于每个键值对,Map 函数会将其传递给用户定义的 Map 函数,生成一些新的键值对。这些新的键值对会被分派到不同的 Reduce 任务中,进行进一步的处理。 接着,我们需要实现 Reduce 函数。Reduce 函数接收到所有具有相同键的键值对,并将它们合并成一个结果。Reduce 函数将结果写入输出文件。 然后,我们需要实现分区函数和排序函数。分区函数将 Map 函数生成的键值对映射到不同的 Reduce 任务中。排序函数将键值对按键进行排序,确保同一键的所有值都被传递给同一个 Reduce 任务。 最后,我们需要实现整个作业的控制逻辑。这包括读取输入文件、调用 Map 函数、分区、排序、调用 Reduce 函数以及写入输出文件。 Lab1 的实现可以使用 Go 语言、Python 或者其他编程语言。我们可以使用本地文件系统或者分布式文件系统(比如 HDFS)来存储输入和输出文件。 总体来说,Lab1 是一个比较简单的 MapReduce 实现,但它奠定了 MapReduce 的基础,为后续的 Lab 提供了良好的基础。




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