
  Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence (第一章绪论)
  一、 难点、重点
  1. Present the grammatical units that form a hierarchical order.
  2. Morphemes词素
  (Terms: morpheme, morph, allomorph, free morpheme and bound morpheme)
  3.Finite clauses and infinite clauses (限定性分句与非限定性分句,定义参见下面的简答题部分)
  Finite Clauses
  (1)名词性分句: What he said was incredible.
  (2)关系分句 This is one of the best books I've ever read.
  (3)状语分句 If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't quit.
  Non-finite clauses:
  (1) 非限定性名词性分句: She didn't know what to say.
  (2)非限定性关系分句: The man standing by the window is her brother.
  (3) 非限定性状语分句: Published ten years ago,this is still the best dictionary.
  二、 重要概念
  1. morpheme
  2. Define the complex sentence
  The complex sentence is a sentence that contains more than one clause that are joined together by subordinating one to another.[复杂句是用从属连词(如if, when, though等)连接的一个以上分句的句子.]
  三、 典型考题
  1. There are ( ) morphemes in "gunfighter".
  A. two B. three C. four D. one
  2. In "He downed his beer and punched me on the nose." "downed" belongs to ( ) . (P13)
  A. backformation B. clipping C. conversion D. blending
  3. Suffixes basically change ( ) .
  A. word meaning B. word class C. nothing D. word formation
  4. The prefix "uni-" means ( ) .
  A. without B. self C. false D. one
  Key: 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D
  II. 简答题
  1. In terms of which three factors are words classified?
  The three factors are: the environment where words occur, their internal structure and their meaning.
  2. Define the finite clauses and the non-finite clauses.
  The finite clauses are the ones that have subjects and finite verbs as predicates.The non-finite clauses are the ones that leave subjects unsaid and verbs in non-finite forms.(限定分句是主语加限定动词作谓语的分句。非限定分句是省略主语而动词以非限定形式出现(主语省略是因为其前面或
  Chapter 2 Sentence Types (第二章句子类型)
  一、 难点、重点
  1. The four major types of sentences in English and their discourse functions.
  2. Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in questions. (解释在肯定句中使用非肯定词和在疑问句中使用肯定句的情况。)
  You have heard me, haven't you? (Auxiliary 'have')
  Mary has to live on her own, doesn't she?
  Tom has coffee with milk, doesn't he?
  (In the sense of 'possess', 'own', etc.) You have a big house, don't / haven't you?
  二、 重要概念
  1. Alternative questions: Those questions that suggest two (or more) alternatives and usually imply that one of them could be true.
  2. How-exclamations: Exclamations that are led by the adverb 'how'. It highlights the adjective, adverb, or verb in exclamations.
  三、 典型考题
  I. 选择题
  1. You have to wait a moment, ______?
  A. haven't you B. do you C. don't you D. shouldn't you
  2. "Mary wasn't in the reading - room, was she?" "_________."
  A. Yes, she wasn't B. No, she was C. Yes, she was D. She wasn't
  Key: 1. c 2. c
  II. 简答题
  1. What are the verbs which transferred negation often occurs with? What is their shared semantic feature?(转移否定经常与哪些动词同现?它们有什么共同的语义特征?) The verbs which transferred negation often occurs with are:think,believe,suppose,imagine and expect.They are the verbs that express "opinion".(转移否定经常与think,believe,suppose,imagine和expect等动词连用。这些动词都是表示"意见"的语义。)
  2. What are the two major types of exclamations?(感叹句的两大类型是什么?)
  The two major types of exclamations are WHAT-exclamations and HOW-exclamations.The former is followed by a noun phrase;the latter is followed by an adjective or adverb.感叹句分为WHAT-感叹句和HOW-感叹句。前一种后接名词词组,后者接形容词或副词。
  1. You'd rather we didn't go there,_______
  2. I don't think he will come,________?
  3. They must have lost their way,_____?
  4. Let's talk about it later,_____?
  5. Everyone is here,________?
  Key: 1.hadn't you 2. will he 3. mustn't/ didn't they 4. shall we 5.isn't here/aren't they
  Chapter 3 Noun and Noun Phrase (1): Noun and Number
  一、 难点、重点
  1. The functions of noun phrases: In function, a noun phrase can play such grammatical roles as subject, object, complement, modifier and even adverbial. 名词词组的功能,可以作主语、宾语、补语、修饰语(a tea table),有些的甚至可以作状语(yesterday, last week)。
  2. Noun classes
  名词可以以多种方法分类,如具体名词(table, water)与抽象名词(happiness, hatred),可数名词(table, girl)与不可数名词(water, money),有生物名词(boy, monkey)与无生物名词(table, water)等.但名词通常按以下方式分类:
  |普通名词--|可数名词--|具体名词(concrete nouns)
  (common n.)| |抽象名词(abstract nouns
  |物质名词--|具体名词(concrete nouns)
  |抽象名词(abstract nouns)
  二、 重要概念
  1. Proper noun (专有名称是特指人,地方或事物的名词)
  2. Mass noun: (没有复数形式的名词叫物质名词)
  3. Unit noun: (单位名词亦称 "部分词"用于说明所修饰名词的量、大小和形状等)
  4. Foreign plurals: (外来词复数是指从外语中借来尚保持原来复数形式的复数名词,多是拉丁语、法语和希腊语等)
  I. 选择题
  1. _________ plastics are made in this chemical plant.
  A. Many kind of B. Many kinds of C. Many kinds D. Many kind
  2. "Jack has just moved into a new house."
  "Did he have to buy ________for it?"
  A. many new furniture B. much new furnitures
  C. much new furniture D. many new furnitures
  3. Michael took _______ as to what he should do.
  A. his friend's advise B. his friend's advises
  C. his friend advice D. his friend's advice
  Key: 1. B 2. C 3. D
  II. 简答题
  1. Collective noun: (集体名词一般是可数名词,但就是单数,也指人, 动物或事物的群体)
  2. singular invariables: (单数名词指的是某些国家名称,人名和表示学科、疾病和运动项目等形式上有以-s结尾的名词,一般用作单数)
  3. plural invariables (复数名词指由两部分构成的工具或服饰;某些集体名词;山脉、瀑布、群岛等地理名词以及其他以-s结尾的名词,用作复数)
  III. 其他题型
  Supply the appropriate unit noun from the list below:
  company collection troop herd bundle drop piece
  ray swarm can school pack fleet crew
  1. a ______ of ships 2. a ______ of lies 3. a ______ of firewood
  4. a ______ of whales 5. a ______ of sailors 6. a _____ of bees
  7. a ______ of tourists 8. a _____ of crude oil 9. a ______ of cattle
  10. a _____ of music 11. a _____ of monkeys 12. a _____ of coins
  13. a _____ of blood 14. a _____ of sunshine
  1. fleet 2. pack 3. bundle 4. school 5. crew 6. swarm 7. company 8. can
  9. herd 10. piece 11. troop 12. collection 13. drop 14. ray
  Chapter 4 Noun and Noun Phrase(2):Determiner and Genitive
  一、 难点、重点
  1. The constraints that the double genitive is subject to:
  The second noun in the double genitive almost always refers to persons, never to objects,and the first noun usually has indefinite reference (typically premodified by the indefinite article) and the second noun is always definite.(双重属格的第二个名词指人,不指物,第一个名词不确指,通常用不定冠词,第二个名词必须确指) 2.Group genitive集体属格
  集体属格是指把's加在后位修饰词组或并列名词词组后面的属格,如: someone else's car,an hour and a half's test(一个半小时的测试),a week or so's break(一个星期左右的休息)。
  * the lady living next door's hat
  * the children killed in the war's pictures
  3. Genitive :
  Generally, of-phrase is not used with first names, but would be acceptable with full names:
  * The bike of Tom
  The car of George Bush
  4. Determiners
  The pre-determiners or central determiners are mutually exclusive:
  * all half the employees (two pre-determiners)
  * all the his employees (two central determiners)
  5. The difference between 'all' and 'whole' when they modify a proper name:
  All Beijing was excited at the news of winning the bid.
  The whole of Beijing was excited at the news.
  * Whole Beijing was excited at the news.
  * The whole Beijing was excited at the news.
  * The all Beijing was excited at the news.
  1. Determiners(什么是限定词)? (限定词是指用于各词词组的前位修饰语的词,限定词放在修饰中心词的形容词前面)
  2.Genitives: Forms or construction used to denote possession, measurement or source. Example: John's car; a moment's digression; the resistance of Iraq
  三、 典型考题
  1. Jack is ____________________.
  a. a friend of a doctor's b. the friend of a doctor's
  c. the friend of the doctor's d. a friend of the doctor's
  2. This is ________________________.
  a. the passport of John b. the passport of John's
  c. the passport of John Smith d. the John passport
  Key: 1. d 3. c
  II. 简答题
  1. What are generic reference and specific reference(什么是类指和特指)?
  Generic reference and specific reference are the two uses of articles.Genetic reference indicates the whole species or kind,while specific reference,specific one or thing.[类指和特指是冠词的两个用法。类指指事物(或人)的整个种类,而物特指则是某一具体的事物(或人)]
  2. Under what general circumstances do we prefer genitive to of-phrase and vice versa?(在什么情况下用属格不用of-词组,什么情况下用of-词组,不用属格?)
  When nouns refer to people,and the relation between the nouns is one of definition,classification,etc,genitives are preferred,when nouns refer to inanimate,lifeless objects,and the head words of noun phrases are classifying adjectives, of-phrases are preferred.(当名词指人,或名词之间属于定义或归类关系时,用属格;而当名词指无生物,或中心词是the+形容词时,用of-词组)
  men's clothes / the teacher's book
  the color of the car / the struggle of the exploited
  Chapter 5 Verb and Verb Phrase(1):Tense,Aspect and Future
  一、 难点、重点
  1. Why does this book adopt the system of two tenses and two aspects?
  第一,传统语法是以时间为参照划分英语时态的,而在处理像The train leaves at eight tomorrow morning和 They would have heard the news last night等句子时遇到麻烦,因为在语言中形式与意义是不常等同或对应的。我们将英语的时分为两时--现在时和过去时,是基于对英语形态的考虑。像汉语这样没有词汇屈折变化的语言根本就没有时。
  2. Why is the past tense often used for politeness?(过去时为什么常用来表示客气的语气?)
  Because the past tense can make a question or a statement or a suggestion less direct.It is more polite to use the past tense on the part of the speaker.(因为过去时使疑问句、陈述句或建议不直接提出,显得委婉,所以说话者觉得它比现在时更利于表达客气的语气。)
  3. Since-分句一般不用于否定句:
  We haven't seen each other since 1989.
  * It's ten years since I didn't see him.
  * He's had several jobs since he wasn't a student.
  1.Tense: Any one of the inflected forms in the conjugation of a verb that indicates the temporal location of an event or a state of affairs.时态指示时间如过去、现在动词的各种曲折变化形式的任何一种
  2. Aspect: aspect reflects the way in which the verb action is regarded or experienced with respect to time.(反映动词的动作在时间上被识别和经历的方式。)
  1. Five and five ________________ ten.
  a. make b. made c. will make d. is make
  2. The weather ________ very cold as soon as the night fell in that mountainous area. a. was to be b. was going to be c. was d. was getting Key: 1. a 2. b II. 简答题
  1. Explain the relationship between tense and time. (时态与时间有何区别?)
  2. If tense is related to time, what is aspect related to? (如果时与时间有关,体又与什么有关?)时与一个事件或状态的具体时间有关,而体则"指与时间有关的动作发生的方式"。
  III. 其他题型
  Correct the following sentences:
  1. Have you had a good time last week?
  2. The children ran out to play after they finish their homework.
  3. It rains tomorrow.
  4. He can't go on holiday because he broke his leg.
  5. When Father came back, we have already gone to bed.
  1. Did you have a good time last week?
  2. The children ran out to play after they (had) finished their homework.
  3. It will/is going to rain tomorrow.
  4. He can't go on holiday because he has broken his leg.
  5. When Father came back, we had already gone to bed.




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