haskell - syntax in functions - where clause

This is an advanced topic to the post haskell - syntax in functions , where we wil dicuss the let in construct. 


Some general guideline about the 'let in' binding. Where bindings are a syntactic construct that let you bind to variables at the end of a function and the whole function can see them, including all the guards. Let bindings let you bind to variables anywhere and are expressions themselves, but are very local, so they don't span across guards.


an example of the let-in binding.

cylinder :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> a  
cylinder r h = 
    let sideArea = 2 * pi * r * h  
        topArea = pi * r ^2  
    in  sideArea + 2 * topArea

 the form is "let <bindings> in <expression>".  The names that you define in the letpart are accessible to the expression after the in part. As you can see, we could have also defined this with a where binding. Notice that the names are also aligned in a single column. Please note that one important requirement is that "all the names has to be aligned in a single column".


Below is the code example of let-in construct. 

-- let_in.hs
-- show the use of 'let' and 'in' keyword 

-- let bindings let you bind to variables anywhere and are expressions themselves, but are very local, so they don't span across guards
-- let bindings can be used for pattern matching.

cylinder :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> a  
cylinder r h = 
    let sideArea = 2 * pi * r * h  
        topArea = pi * r ^2  
    in  sideArea + 2 * topArea  

-- difference between 
-- let <bindings> in <expression> with "where" clause (or another term is "where bindings" )is that 
-- let recall that we said that if-else is an expression, so you can write
-- [if 5 > 3 then "Woo" else "Boo", if 'a' > 'b' then "Foo" else "Bar"]     

-- and you can write as follow
-- 4 * (if 10 > 5 then 10 else 0) + 2

-- with let, you can 
-- 4 * (let a = 9 in a + 1) + 2

-- [let square x = x * x in (square 5, square 3, square 2)]

-- semi-colons can help in some situations
-- (let a = 100; b = 200; c = 300 in a * b * c, let foo = "Hey"; bar = "there!" in foo ++ bar)

-- let can be used in pattern-matching, e.g.
-- (let (a,b,c) = (1,2,3) in a+b+c) * 100

-- yet another cmi func, but without "where bindings"
-- calcBmis :: (RealFloat a) => [(a, a)] -> [a]
-- calcBmis xs = [bmi | (w, h) <- xs, let bmi = w / h ^2]

-- call it this way
--   calcBmis [(90.0, 1.78)]

-- scope rules, let expression in the 'output' function (the part before |) and all predicates and sections that coming after of the binding
calcBmis :: (RealFloat a) => [(a, a)] -> [a]  
calcBmis xs = [bmi | (w, h) <- xs, let bmi = w /h ^ 2, bmi >= 25.0]

let zoot x y z = x * y + z
zoot 3 9 2

-- a NOTE: the 'in' keyword will confine the scope of the names, e.g. 
calcBmis :: (RealFloat a) => [(a, a)] -> [a]  
-- zoot 3 9 2
-- above will be visbile in the entire file
let boot x y z = x * y + z in boot 3 4 2
-- only visbile in the expression above











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