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原创 ffmpeg compile

http://www.defendingthetruth.com/technology/33167-tutorial-configuring-building-googles-webm-encoder-libvpx-0-9-1-ffmpeg-0-6-a.html   Background: There are not many tutorials out that show you how t...

2010-11-11 16:09:08 232

原创 WP Rewrite url for nginx

http://efreedom.com/Question/1-3491258/Multi-Site-Wordpress-Rewrite-Rules-Nginx   server {     server_name *. example . com ;       listen 80 ;     #...

2010-11-07 11:29:31 146

原创 Open port 80

vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables   CMD line iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT       Append following line   -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT     Restart service #service iptab...

2010-11-07 11:12:10 173

原创 Install fast cgi & nginx in fedora

http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-fedora-install-configure-nginx-php5/     Red Hat / CentOS Install nginx PHP5 FastCGI Webserver by VIVEK GITE on APRIL 22, 2009 · 42 COMMENTS How do I i...

2010-11-07 10:52:35 136

原创 EBP ESP Function calling

After some research, I find 3 articles about these topic to clearly clarify how function is calling.   http://unixwiz.net/techtips/win32-callconv-asm.html http://www.installsetupconfig.com/win32p...

2010-11-04 13:30:06 157


Manual steps to deploy Play to GAE   1. play war <project home> -o x:\<war folder>   Note that, without the driver name, it has some problem.   2. Before war, use run or precomple th...

2010-09-21 17:35:53 83

原创 Algorithms

//Inserting sort int A[] = {3,43,34,21,7,56,2}; for (int i=1;i<A.length;i++){ int key = A[i]; loop: for(int j= i-1;j>=0;j--){ if(A[j] > key){ A[j + 1 ] = A[j]; ...

2010-06-07 16:04:39 84

原创 Play note

在eclipse中设置project      摘要: 1. 用命令行创建新的project #>: play new test 输入 test(会有What is the application name?提示) 注:一定要输入test 否则在导入到eclipse中就要手动改配置文件 2. 导入eclipse >play eclipsify test 打开eclipse...

2010-02-22 13:49:43 143

原创 WP MU Installation and customization

1. 403 access forbidden after installed.   Add Options +FollowSymLinks to .htaccess       http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/7132

2010-02-19 15:21:36 88

原创 Python MIT OOPS

[b] L3: Italian program commands assignment input/output condition loop print x, 'hello world' Defensive programming @ToDo: To test the code List: mylist = [] mylist = mylist + [i] #Here...

2010-01-31 09:33:46 192

原创 办公室政治

 办公室政治行为准则   1.不要因任何事情公开批评你的上司或同事。   2.批评他人的观点而不是批评他人。   3.不要为小事争拗。小心选择值得争辩的事情。如果你准备捍卫某一想法,你最好有把握你能获胜。   4.做个好听众,但不要将你听到的东西四处散播。   5.学会使用正确的渠道处理问题。直接去找问题的根源或去找能解决问题的经理。不要成为受害者...

2008-07-10 21:39:36 345



2008-06-14 12:43:48 158

Bargaining for advantage (Negoriation Strategies)

谈判风格 你的谈判风格平衡形?竞争形? 猜测对方底线 写下谈判前的目标,在激烈的竞争中往往会忘记自己的目标 以权威的标准和规范来进行谈判(一致性原则和规范性优势) 市场中的标准与规范,当面对一个新市场时,首要之举就是要调查并遵守已有的标准和规范 根据基本的以利益为基础的正当理由,而不仅仅是你对手的头衔或者地位,来确定你是否服从或让步 人们做出让步,...

2008-02-05 10:59:57 247

7 Habbits of highly effective people

思维转换,建立全新观点 1.要改变现状,就得改变自己,要改变自己,先得改变我们看待世界的观点,(换位思考) 2.品德(moral character)>个人魅力personality ethic , long term > short term, Base on the "moral" then use skill 内在本质比外在言行更具有说服力,回顾过去,你是如何相信一个人的. 真正...

2007-08-12 09:32:53 177

Exchange consultant

Today Exchange consultant: Question list sample from top manager: What's the risk of exchange consultant in your experience? Did it happen before? Do the new consultant have experience for exchange? D...

2007-06-29 15:01:32 75


1. Windows plantform can not undeploy the context in the tomcat Create context.xml as below content and package into the WAR. 2. NullPointerException caz by the log4j Put log4j.jar to tomcat/server/l...

2007-06-01 21:35:37 109


SEPG’s SINS     要求极其详细的文档 Highly detailed documents are needed.     无休无止的大大小小的会议 Endless miscellaneous meetings     PM和主要参与人员忙的要死,而开发人员空闲时间很多 Project Manager and major participants but developers...

2007-03-30 21:52:00 158


Chk attachment

2007-03-30 21:48:27 162

Broken Skimmer

Picture show the broken skimmer

2007-03-26 19:33:00 108

To do list

1. Let everyone know what's SQA. Syn the understanding.  2. Lack of system to support

2007-03-14 12:36:51 92

Long Tails

Long Tails Very interesting idea. The internet is changing our life and change the tranditional marketing. Just wonder, whether I can find the marketing , use my knowledge, or use my programming skill...

2007-03-09 21:33:02 269

What will you consider, if you're the director...

What will you consider, if you're the department manager in the golden period? After the spring festival , it's the golder time that lot of companys will hurt the expertise IT man. As a top manager, y...

2007-03-09 21:27:04 195

Tips from the R&D Top Manager

Although there are most concept and experience from the PMP or other PM books. Actually, it sill depends on the working experiences. Brave to make decision              To balance, will you sep...

2007-02-27 14:22:54 68

Contact List

Alvin Mobile:851-137-88 CTI=>Small company at 2007/02/16

2007-02-16 21:03:27 366

Prepare the process definition

Lesson1: Minor preparation you may forget it Before you start the project, define the policy, verion control, convention, format, folder structure, you can save the cost in future. e.g. The file name ...

2007-02-14 15:07:00 119



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