数据结构 -- 二叉树(BST, AVLTree, RBTree, SplayTree)

在《基于树的索引结构介绍》(http://philoscience.iteye.com/admin/blogs/1112759)中提到了二分查找树及其改进版本AVL树(平衡二叉树)。二分查找树比较简单,但是很容易产生不平衡的问题而丧失了二分查找树的优势,AVL树规定了左右孩子树的高度差超过1则为不平衡,为了维持平衡,在插入和删除子节点后,必须进行相应的旋转。还有一种著名的红黑树,红黑树放宽了平衡的要求,从而减少了操作的次数。最后还有伸展树(splay tree,好像也有叫自组织树的),它与我们前面介绍过的自组织链表中的moveToFront策略是一样的,不过用的数据结构不再是链表,而是二叉树。这几天通过亲身实现了这几种二叉树以及调试,了解了其中的很多细节,对其思想也算是有所掌握了。



template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class Tree{
		int count;
		Tree( int c=0 ){
			count = c;
		virtual ~Tree(){};
		virtual bool insert( const Elem& )=0;
		virtual bool search( const Key&, Elem& ) =0;
		virtual bool remove( const Key&, Elem& ) =0;
		virtual void print() const =0;
		int size(){	return count; }



#ifndef BSTTREE_H
#define BSTTREE_H

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
class BST : public Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{
		struct BinNode{
			Elem e;
			BinNode* left;
			BinNode* right;
			BinNode( Elem ee, BinNode* l=0, BinNode* r=0 ){
				e = ee; left = l; right = r;
		using Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count;		
		BinNode* root;
		void printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const;
		void clear( BinNode* subroot );
		BST(){	root = 0; }
			clear( root );
		virtual bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e );	
		virtual bool insert( const Elem& e );		
		virtual bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e );
		//it's hard to print it non recursively....
		virtual void print() const{
			if( root == 0 )
				cout<<"empty tree"<<endl;
			else	printHelp( root, 0 );

#include "BSTTree.cpp"


template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const{
		if( subroot == 0 ){
		printHelp( subroot->left, level+1 );
		for( int i=0; i<level; i++ )
		printHelp( subroot->right, level+1 );

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	clear( BinNode* subroot ){
		if( subroot == 0 )
		clear( subroot->left );
		clear( subroot->right );
		delete subroot;

//non recursive implementation
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) {
		BinNode* p = root;
		while( p != 0 ){
			if( KEComp::eq( k, p->e ) ){
				e = p->e;
				return true;
			if( KEComp::lt( k, p->e ) )	
				p = p->left;
				p = p->right;
		return false;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	insert( const Elem& e ){
		BinNode* p = root, *i=0;
		while( p!=0 ){
			i = p;
			if( EEComp::lt( e, p->e ) )
				p = p->left;
				p = p->right;
		p = new BinNode( e );
		if( i == 0 )
			root = p;
			if( EEComp::lt( e, i->e ) )
				i->left = p;
			else i->right = p;
		return true;
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){
		BinNode* p = root, *i=0;
		while( p!=0 ){
			if( KEComp::eq( k, p->e ) )
			i = p;
			if( KEComp::lt( k, p->e ) )
				p = p->left;
				p = p->right;
		if( p == 0 )
			return false;
		e = p->e;
		BinNode* removeP = p;
		if( p->right != 0 ){
			removeP = p->right;
			i = p;
			while( removeP->left != 0 ){
				i = removeP;
				removeP = removeP->left;
			p->e = removeP->e;
		if( i == 0 )
			root = removeP->left;
			if( i->left == removeP )
				i->left = (removeP->left==0 ? removeP->right : removeP->left);
				i->right = (removeP->right==0 ? removeP->left :removeP->right);
		delete removeP;
		return true;






#ifndef AVLTREE_H
#define AVLTREE_H

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
class AVLTree : public BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{
		typedef typename BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::BinNode BSTNode;
		using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count;
		using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::root;
		struct HeightBinNode : public BSTNode{
			int height;
			HeightBinNode( Elem ee, HeightBinNode* l=NULL, HeightBinNode* r=NULL, int h=1 ):BSTNode(ee, l, r){
				height = h;
		//return the height of a subtree, if the subroot is null, return 0;
		int Height( HeightBinNode* t ){
			if( t == NULL )
				return 0;
			return t->height;
		Key (*getKey)(const Elem& e );
		//insert into the left subtree of subroot's left child
		HeightBinNode* rotateL( HeightBinNode* subroot );
		//insert into the right subtree of subroot's right child
		HeightBinNode* rotateR( HeightBinNode* subroot );
		//return a subroot which is modified by an inserted/removed element
		HeightBinNode* insertHelp( const Elem& e, HeightBinNode* subroot );		
		HeightBinNode* removeHelp( HeightBinNode* subroot, const Key& k, HeightBinNode*& t );
		AVLTree( Key (*g)(const Elem& e) ):BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>(){
			getKey = g;
		//since it's really hard to implement insert without recursion, 
		//I decide to realize it recursively
		bool insert( const Elem& e ){
			(HeightBinNode*)root = insertHelp( e, (HeightBinNode*)root );
			if( root == NULL )
				return false;
			return true;
		bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){
			HeightBinNode* t=0;
			root = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)root, k, t );
			if( t == NULL )
				return false;
			e = t->e;
			delete t;
			return true;
#include "AVLTree.cpp"



template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	rotateL( HeightBinNode* subroot ){
		HeightBinNode* alter_root = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left;
		HeightBinNode* leftChild = (HeightBinNode* )alter_root->left, *rightChild = (HeightBinNode*) alter_root->right;
		if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -1 )
			alter_root = rotateR( alter_root );
		subroot->left = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right;
		alter_root->right = subroot;
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
		subroot->height = (Height(leftChild) > Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1;
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right;
		alter_root->height = (Height(leftChild) > Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1;
		return alter_root;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	rotateR( HeightBinNode* subroot ){
		HeightBinNode* alter_root = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
		HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild;
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*) alter_root->left;
		if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 1 )
			alter_root = rotateL( alter_root );
		subroot->right = alter_root->left;
		alter_root->left = subroot;
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left, rightChild=(HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
		subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1;
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->left, rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right;
		alter_root->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1;
		return alter_root;
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	insertHelp( const Elem& e, HeightBinNode* subroot ){
		if( subroot == NULL ){
			subroot = new HeightBinNode(e);
			return subroot;
			HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild;
			leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left;
			rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
			if( EEComp::lt( e, subroot->e ) ){
				leftChild = insertHelp( e, leftChild );
				subroot->left = leftChild;
				if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 2 )
					subroot = rotateL( subroot );
					rightChild = insertHelp( e, rightChild );
					subroot->right = rightChild;
					if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -2 )
						subroot = rotateR( subroot );
			subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1;
			return subroot;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	removeHelp( HeightBinNode* subroot, const Key& k, HeightBinNode*& t ){
		if( subroot == NULL )
			return NULL;
		HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild;
		if( KEComp::eq( k, subroot->e ) ){
			t = subroot;
			if( subroot->right == NULL ){	
				subroot = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left;
				BSTNode* temp = subroot->right;
				while( temp->left != NULL )	temp = temp->left;
				Elem te;
				te = subroot->e;
				subroot->e = temp->e;
				temp->e = te;				
				subroot->right = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right, getKey(temp->e), t );
				leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
				subroot->height =( Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1;
			return subroot;
			if( KEComp::lt( k, subroot->e ) ){
				subroot->left = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left, k, t );
				leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
				if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -2 )
					subroot = rotateR( subroot );
					subroot->right = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right, k, t );
					leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
					if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 2 )
						subroot = rotateL( subroot );
		leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right;
		subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1;
		return subroot;





















#ifndef RBTREE_H
#define RBTREE_H

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
class RBTree : public BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{
		typedef enum{ BLACK,RED } Color;
		typedef typename BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::BinNode BSTNode;
		using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count;
		using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::root;
		struct RBNode : public BSTNode{
			Color color;
			RBNode* parent;
			RBNode( Elem ee, RBNode* l=0, RBNode* r=0, RBNode* p=0, Color cc=RED ):BSTNode( ee, l, r ){
				parent = p;
				color = cc;
		void rotateL( RBNode* );
		void rotateR( RBNode* );
		void insertFixUp( RBNode* );
		void removeFixUp( RBNode* );
		void printHelp( RBNode* subroot, int level ) const{
			if( subroot == 0 )
			printHelp( (RBNode*)subroot->left, level+1);
			for( int i=0; i<level; i++ )
			if( subroot->color == BLACK )
			printHelp( (RBNode*)subroot->right, level+1 );
//			nilNode = new RBNode();
//			root = nilNode;
//			delete nilNode;
		bool insert( const Elem& e );
		bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e );
		/*void print() const{
			printHelp( (RBNode*)root, 0 );

#include "RBTree.cpp"


template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::insert( const Elem& e ){
	if( root == 0 ){
		root = new RBNode( e );
		((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK;
		count ++;
		return true;
	RBNode *current=(RBNode*)root, *insertP;
	while( current != 0 ){
		insertP = current;
		if( EEComp::lt( e, current->e ) )
			current = (RBNode*)current->left;
			current = (RBNode*)current->right;
	RBNode* insertNode = new RBNode( e );
	insertNode->parent = insertP;
	if( EEComp::lt( e, insertP->e ) )
		insertP->left = insertNode;
		insertP->right = insertNode;
	count ++;
	insertFixUp( insertNode );

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
rotateL( RBNode* subroot ){
	if( subroot == 0 || subroot->left == 0 )
	RBNode* leftChild = (RBNode*)subroot->left;
	RBNode *rightChild = (RBNode*)leftChild->right;
	leftChild->parent = subroot->parent;
	if( subroot->parent == 0 )
		root = leftChild;
		if( subroot->parent->left == subroot )
			subroot->parent->left = leftChild;
		else subroot->parent->right = leftChild;
	leftChild->right = subroot;
	subroot->left = rightChild;
	if( rightChild != 0 )
		rightChild->parent = subroot;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
rotateR( RBNode* subroot ){
	if( subroot == 0 || subroot->right == 0 )
	RBNode* rightChild = (RBNode*)subroot->right;
	RBNode* leftChild = (RBNode*)rightChild->left;
	rightChild->parent = subroot->parent;
	if( subroot->parent == 0 )
		root = rightChild;
		if( subroot->parent->left == subroot )
			subroot->parent->left = rightChild;
			subroot->parent->right = rightChild;
	rightChild->left = subroot;
	subroot->parent = rightChild;
	subroot->right = leftChild;
	if( leftChild != 0 )
		leftChild->parent = subroot;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::	
insertFixUp( RBNode* current ){
	while( current->parent != 0 && current->parent->color == RED ){
		RBNode* uncle;
		if( current->parent == current->parent->parent->left ){
			uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->parent->right;
			if( uncle !=0 && uncle->color == RED ){
				current->parent->color = BLACK;
				uncle->color = BLACK;
				current = current->parent->parent;
				current->color = RED;
				if( current == current->parent->right ){
					current = current->parent;
					rotateR( current );
				current->parent->color = BLACK;
				current->parent->parent->color = RED;
				rotateL( current->parent->parent );
			uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->parent->left;
			if( uncle != 0 && uncle->color == RED ){
				current->parent->color = BLACK;
				uncle->color = BLACK;
				current = current->parent->parent;
				current->color = RED;
				if( current == current->parent->left ){
					current = current->parent;
					rotateL( current );
				current->parent->color = BLACK;
				current->parent->parent->color = RED;
				rotateR( current->parent->parent );
	((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){
	RBNode* index=(RBNode*)root, *removeNode=0;
	//get the node to be removed
	while( index != 0 ){
		if( KEComp::eq( k, index->e ) ){
			e = index->e;
			if( index->right == 0 ){
				removeNode = index;
				BSTNode* temp = index->right;
				while( temp->left != 0 )
					temp = temp->left;
				removeNode = (RBNode*)temp;
				index->e = temp->e;
		if( KEComp::lt( k, index->e ) )
			index = (RBNode*)index->left;
			index = (RBNode*)index->right;
	if( removeNode == 0 )
		return false;
	if( removeNode->color == RED ){		//red child is a leaf
		if( removeNode->parent->left == removeNode )
			removeNode->parent->left = 0;
			removeNode->parent->right = 0;
			if( removeNode == root ){
				root = removeNode->left;
				if( root != 0 )
					((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK;
				RBNode* child=0;
				if( removeNode->left != 0 )
					child = (RBNode*)removeNode->left;
					child = (RBNode*)removeNode->right;
				RBNode* temp=0;
				if ( child == 0 ){
					temp = new RBNode(e);
					child = temp;
					child->color = BLACK;
					child->parent = removeNode->parent;
				bool left;
				if( removeNode == removeNode->parent->left ){
					left = true;
					removeNode->parent->left = child;
					removeNode->parent->right = child;
					left = false;
				removeFixUp( child );
				if( temp != 0 ){
					if( left )
						temp->parent->left = 0;
						temp->parent->right = 0;
					delete temp;
	delete removeNode;
	count --;
	return true;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
removeFixUp( RBNode* current ){
	while( current != root && current->color == BLACK ){
		RBNode* uncle, *leftChild, *rightChild;
		if( current == current->parent->left ){		//left child
			uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right;
			//uncle is impossible to be null
			if( uncle->color == RED ){
				current->parent->color = RED;
				uncle->color = BLACK;
				rotateL( current->parent );
				uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right;
			leftChild = (RBNode*)uncle->left;
			rightChild =(RBNode*)uncle->right;
			if( (leftChild==0||leftChild->color==BLACK) && 
				(rightChild==0 || rightChild->color==BLACK) ){
				uncle->color = RED;
				current = current->parent;
				if( leftChild!=0 && leftChild->color == RED ){
					leftChild->color = BLACK;
					uncle->color = RED;
					rotateL( uncle );
					uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right;
				uncle->color = current->parent->color;
				current->parent->color = BLACK;
				((RBNode*)uncle->right)->color = BLACK;
				rotateR( current->parent );
				current = (RBNode*)root;
		}else{	//right child, which is symmetric with left child
			uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left;
			if( uncle->color == RED ){
				current->parent->color = RED;
				uncle->color = BLACK;
				rotateL( current->parent );
				uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left;
			leftChild = (RBNode*)uncle->left;
			rightChild = (RBNode*)uncle->right;
			if( (leftChild==0 || leftChild->color==BLACK) &&
				(rightChild==0 || rightChild->color==BLACK) ){
					uncle->color = RED;
					current = current->parent;
					if( rightChild->color == RED ){
						uncle->color = RED;
						rightChild->color = BLACK;
						rotateR( uncle );
						uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left;
					uncle->color = current->parent->color;
					current->parent->color = BLACK;
					((RBNode*)uncle->left)->color = BLACK;
					rotateL( current->parent );
					current = (RBNode*)root;
		current->color = BLACK;




#ifndef BSTTREE_H
#define BSTTREE_H

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
class BST : public Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{
		struct BinNode{
			Elem e;
			BinNode* left;
			BinNode* right;
			BinNode( Elem ee, BinNode* l=0, BinNode* r=0 ){
				e = ee; left = l; right = r;
		using Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count;		
		BinNode* root;
		void printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const;
		void clear( BinNode* subroot );
		BST(){	root = 0; }
			clear( root );
		virtual bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e );	
		virtual bool insert( const Elem& e );		
		virtual bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e );
		//it's hard to print it non recursively....
		virtual void print() const{
			if( root == 0 )
				cout<<"empty tree"<<endl;
			else	printHelp( root, 0 );

#include "BSTTree.cpp"



template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
rotateL( SPNode* subroot ){
	if( subroot == 0 || subroot->left == 0 )
	SPNode* leftChild = (SPNode*)subroot->left, *rightChild = (SPNode*)leftChild->right;
	if( subroot == root )
		root = leftChild;
		if( subroot == subroot->parent->left )
			subroot->parent->left = leftChild;
			subroot->parent->right = leftChild;
	leftChild->parent = subroot->parent;
	leftChild->right = subroot;
	subroot->parent = leftChild;
	subroot->left = rightChild;
	if( rightChild != 0 )
		rightChild->parent = subroot;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
rotateR( SPNode* subroot ){
	if( subroot == 0 || subroot->right == 0 )
	SPNode* rightChild = (SPNode*)subroot->right, *leftChild =(SPNode*)rightChild->left;
	if( subroot == root )
		root = rightChild;
		if( subroot == subroot->parent->left )
			subroot->parent->left = rightChild;
			subroot->parent->right = rightChild;
	rightChild->parent = subroot->parent;
	rightChild->left = subroot;
	subroot->right = leftChild;
	subroot->parent = rightChild;
	if( leftChild != 0 )
		leftChild->parent = subroot;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	splay( SPNode* from, SPNode* to ){	//rotate from under to
		if( from == 0 )
		while( from->parent != to ){
			if( from->parent->parent == to ){
				if( from == from->parent->left )
					rotateL( from->parent );
				else	rotateR( from->parent );
				SPNode* p=from->parent, *g=p->parent;
				if( from == (SPNode*)p->left ){
					if( p == (SPNode*)g->left ){
						rotateL( g );
						rotateL( p );
						rotateL( p );
						rotateR( g );
					if( p == (SPNode*)g->right ){
						rotateR( g );
						rotateR( p );
						rotateR( p );
						rotateL( g );

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	insert( const Elem& e ){
		if( root == 0 ){
			root = new SPNode( e );
			((SPNode*) root)->parent = 0;
			count ++;
			return true;
		SPNode* index=(SPNode*)root, *insertP;
		while( index != 0 ){
			insertP = index;
			if( EEComp::lt( e, index->e ) )
				index = (SPNode*)index->left;
				index = (SPNode*)index->right;
		index = new SPNode( e );
		index->parent = insertP;
		if( EEComp::lt( e, insertP->e ) )
			insertP->left = index;
			insertP->right = index;
		splay( index, 0 );
		return true;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){
		SPNode* removeP = (SPNode*)root;
		SPNode* splayP;
		while( removeP != 0 ){
			if( KEComp::eq( k, removeP->e ) ){
				e = removeP->e;
				splayP = removeP->parent;
				if( removeP->right == 0 && splayP !=0 ){
					if( removeP == splayP->left )
						splayP->left = removeP->left;
						splayP->right = removeP->left;
					if( removeP->left != 0 )
						((SPNode*)removeP->left)->parent = splayP;
					SPNode* temp = (SPNode*)removeP->right;
					while( temp->left != 0 )	temp = (SPNode*)temp->left;
					temp->parent->left = temp->right;
					if( temp->right != 0 )
						((SPNode*)temp->right)->parent = temp->parent;
					removeP->e = temp->e;
					removeP = temp;
			delete removeP;
			splay( splayP, 0 );
			return true;
			if( KEComp::lt( k, removeP->e ) )
				removeP = (SPNode*)removeP->left;
				removeP = (SPNode*)removeP->right;
		return false;

template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp>
bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::
	search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{
		SPNode* searchP = (SPNode*)root;
		while( searchP != 0 ){
			if( KEComp::eq( k, searchP->e ) ){
				e = searchP->e;
				splay( searchP );
				return true;
				if( KEComp::lt( k, searchP->e ) )
					searchP = searchP->left;
					searchP = searchP->right;
		return false;



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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


