
This section describes the format of various XML files used to configure the ActiveBPEL™ engine and deploy Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) processes. It does not describe the format of BPEL files. For that, seeBusiness Process Execution Language for Web Services Version 1.1.

Notational Conventions

This document uses an informal syntax to describe the XML grammar of the XML files that follow. It is very similar to the convention used in the BPEL spec, with a few minor changes. Namespace URIs of the general form "some-URI" represent some application- or context-dependent URI as defined in RFC 2396.

  • The syntax appears as an XML instance, but the values indicate the data types instead of values.
  • Characters are appended to elements and attributes as follows: "?" (0 or 1), "*" (0 or more), "+" (1 or more). The characters "[" and "]" are used to indicate that contained items are to be treated as a group with respect to the "?", "*", or "+" characters.
  • Elements and attributes separated by "|" and grouped by "(" and ")" are meant to be syntactic alternatives.
  • Schemas and examples skip the initial "<?xml...?>" preprocessor directive.


This file contains values that influence the behavior of the BPEL engine itself. It lives in the ActiveBPEL engine bpr directory. Configuration changes made and saved using the BpelAdmin page (normally http://localhost:8080/BpelAdmin/config.jsp) are saved to aeEngineConfig.xml.

Online help about engine configuration is available by clicking the "Help" link at the bottom of the left-side menu on every BpelAdmin page.

Process Deployment Descriptor (.pdd)

The PDD file format description that appeard here has been separated into separate documents, one for each major format change. The change from 1.X to 2.0 is backwards compatible. The ActiveBPEL 2.0 engine will accept either 1.X or 2.0 PDD files.


The WSDL catalog provides a way for the ActiveBPEL engine to find WSDL and XSD files within a .bpr deployment archive. wsdlCatalog.xml lives in the META-INF directory.

<wsdlEntry location="string"
<schemaEntry location="string"

The location attribute maps to a WSDL file in one of two ways. Its value is either:

  • The location attribute of a <wsdl> element in the wsdlReferences section of a .pdd file
  • The location attribute of an <import> element in a WSDL file

When loading a WSDL file at deployment time, the ActiveBPEL engine reads the WSDL references from the .pdd file and uses the location attribute of the <wsdl> element as a key into the WSDL catalog. If the WSDL catalog contains a matching location, the engine loads the WSDL from the corresponding classpath. If no mapping exists in the catalog, the engine assumes the location is an absolute URL and attempts to load the WSDL from that location.

The classpath attribute indicates where the WSDL file lives in the .bpr file, relative to the root of the .bpr file's contents.

Below is an example wsdlCatalog.xml file. The locations and classpaths happen to be the same, because the .pdd file uses that string to identify the WSDL files.

<wsdlEntry location="wsdl/loanapproval.wsdl"
<wsdlEntry location="wsdl/loanapprover.wsdl"
<wsdlEntry location="wsdl/loanassessor.wsdl"
<schemaEntry location="wsdl/loandefinitions.xsd"

Partner Definition (.pdef)

<partnerDefinition principal="name">
<partnerLinkType name="qname">
<role name="ncname" authtype="basic" username="xx" password="yy">
... endpoint reference....

Partner links describe relationships between partners. Partner definition files are not necessary for all BPEL processes, just those with principal-based endpoint reference mapping. When authentication is required, this file is used to provide the authentication information.





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