
//======================================================================== //TITLE: // WinCE实时获取电源状态变化 //AUTHOR: // norains //DATE: // Friday 20-July-2007 //Environment: // EVC4.0 + Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK //======================================================================== 使用CTpowerThread很简单实现实时获取电源的状态.在该类的内部创建了一个获取电量的线程,只要设置好回调函数,就可以自动接收设定间隔的电源状态. 现在我们来看看该类的具体操作方法: //获取类的实例 CPowerThread *pPowThrd = CPowerThread::GetInstance(); if(pPowThrd != NULL) { //设置回调函数 pPowThrd->SetCallbackFunction(NotifyPowerStatus); //启动线程,开始捕抓电量 pPowThrd->StartCapture(); } 这段代码中最重要的是设置回调函数,该函数的声明如下: void NotifyPowerStatus(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent) powStatus是电源的简易状态,分为七个部分,取值为其中之一: POW_UNKNOW, //Unknow the status POW_CHARGING, //It's charging now POW_CHARGEFULL, //Full charge POW_VLOW, //The battery level is very low POW_LOW, POW_NORMAL, POW_HIGH, iBatteryPercent为当前电源的百分比,取值为:0~1. 下面给出一个回调函数的样例代码: void NotifyPowerStatus(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent) { switch(powStatus) { case POW_UNKNOW: //当前状态不明 break; case POW_CHARGING: //充电中 break; case POW_VLOW: //电池电量非常低 break; ... } } 再来看看该类的其它接口函数: SetWaitTime(ULONG ulTime) 该函数设置线程的超时时间.如果设置为INFINITE,则只有当电源状态有变化时才会调用回调函数. GetCallbackFunction(void (* *pCallbackFunc)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent)) 获取已设置的回调函数的指针 StopCapture() 停止线程.如果超时时间设为为INFINITE,则只有获取下次电源状态后才退出. GetRunStatus() 获取当前线程的运行状态. 以下为该CPowerthread的完整源码: 源代码的具体原理可参考此篇文章: // // PowerThread.h: interface for the CPowerThread class. // //Version: // 1.0.1 //Date: // 2007.07.20 // #ifndef POWERTHREAD_H #define POWERTHREAD_H #include "Pm.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------- //Enum data type enum PowerStatusType { POW_UNKNOW, //Unknow the status POW_CHARGING, //It's charging now POW_CHARGEFULL, //Full charge POW_VLOW, //The battery level is very low POW_LOW, POW_NORMAL, POW_HIGH, POW_VHIGH //The battery level is very high }; //---------------------------------------------------------------- class CPowerThread { public: void GetCallbackFunction(void (* *pCallbackFunc)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent)); void SetCallbackFunction(void (*pCallbackFunc)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent)); void StopCapture(); BOOL StartCapture(); BOOL GetRunStatus(); void SetTimeout(ULONG ulTime); static CPowerThread * GetInstance(); virtual ~CPowerThread(); protected: CPowerThread(); PowerStatusType GetPowerStatus(PPOWER_BROADCAST pPowerInfo, int *piPercent); static DWORD WINAPI PowerThread(PVOID pArg); static CPowerThread *m_pInstance; BOOL m_bExitThread; ULONG m_ulWaitTime; BOOL m_bRunning; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csLock; //The critical section function inline void InitLock() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csLock); } inline void LockThis() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csLock); } inline void UnLockThis() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csLock); } inline void DelLock() { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csLock); } //This is for callback function. void (*m_pNotifyPower)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent); }; #endif //#ifndef POWERTHREAD_H // // PowerThread.cpp: implementation of the CPowerThread class. // // #include "stdafx.h" #include "PowerThread.h" #include "Msgqueue.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Macro define #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 1000ms //1000ms //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //Initialize CPowerThread *CPowerThread::m_pInstance = NULL; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Construction/Destruction // CPowerThread::CPowerThread(): m_bExitThread(TRUE), m_ulWaitTime(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), m_bRunning(FALSE), m_pNotifyPower(NULL) { InitLock(); } CPowerThread::~CPowerThread() { if(m_pInstance != NULL) { delete m_pInstance; m_pInstance = NULL; } DelLock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Get the level of power from the PPOWER_BROADCAST struct // //Parameters: // pPowerInfo:[in] The struct includes the power information // piPercent:[out] The battery life percent. // //Return Values: // The power status //---------------------------------------------------------------- PowerStatusType CPowerThread::GetPowerStatus(PPOWER_BROADCAST pPowerInfo, int *piPercent) { PowerStatusType powStatus = POW_UNKNOW; if ( !pPowerInfo ) { return POW_UNKNOW; } PPOWER_BROADCAST_POWER_INFO ppbpi = (PPOWER_BROADCAST_POWER_INFO) pPowerInfo->SystemPowerState; if ( !ppbpi ) { return POW_UNKNOW; } *piPercent = ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent; if(ppbpi->bACLineStatus == AC_LINE_ONLINE) { if(ppbpi->bBatteryFlag == BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING) { //Charging powStatus = POW_CHARGING; } else { //May be full charging,or may be no battery powStatus = POW_CHARGEFULL; } } else { //Use battery if(0 <= ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent && ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent <= 20) { powStatus = POW_VLOW; } else if(20 < ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent && ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent <= 40) { powStatus = POW_LOW; } else if(40 < ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent && ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent <=60) { powStatus = POW_NORMAL; } else if(60 < ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent && ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent <=80) { powStatus = POW_HIGH; } else if(80 < ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent && ppbpi->bBatteryLifePercent <= 100) { powStatus = POW_VHIGH; } else { powStatus = POW_UNKNOW; } } return powStatus; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Thread to get the power status //---------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI CPowerThread::PowerThread(PVOID pArg) { m_pInstance->m_bRunning = TRUE; BYTE pbMsgBuf[sizeof(POWER_BROADCAST) + sizeof(POWER_BROADCAST_POWER_INFO)]; PPOWER_BROADCAST ppb = (PPOWER_BROADCAST) pbMsgBuf; MSGQUEUEOPTIONS msgopts; // Create our message queue memset(&msgopts, 0, sizeof(msgopts)); msgopts.dwSize = sizeof(msgopts); msgopts.dwFlags = 0; msgopts.dwMaxMessages = 0; msgopts.cbMaxMessage = sizeof(pbMsgBuf); msgopts.bReadAccess = TRUE; HANDLE rghWaits[1] = { NULL }; rghWaits[0] = CreateMsgQueue(NULL, &msgopts); if (!rghWaits[0]) { //erro return 0x10; } HANDLE hReq = NULL; // Request notifications hReq = RequestPowerNotifications(rghWaits[0], PBT_POWERINFOCHANGE); if (!hReq) { CloseHandle( rghWaits[ 0 ] ); //erro return 0x15; } while(m_pInstance->m_bExitThread == FALSE) { DWORD dwWaitCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 1, rghWaits, m_pInstance->m_ulWaitTime, QS_ALLINPUT, MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE ); if ( dwWaitCode == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { DWORD dwSize, dwFlags; BOOL bReadResult = ReadMsgQueue(rghWaits[0], ppb, sizeof(pbMsgBuf), &dwSize, 0, &dwFlags); if (bReadResult == TRUE) { int iPowPercent; PowerStatusType powStatus = m_pInstance->GetPowerStatus(ppb,&iPowPercent); m_pInstance->LockThis(); if(m_pInstance->m_pNotifyPower != NULL) { m_pInstance->m_pNotifyPower(powStatus,iPowPercent); } m_pInstance->UnLockThis(); } else { // We should never get here break; } } } m_pInstance->m_bRunning = FALSE; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Get instance //---------------------------------------------------------------- CPowerThread * CPowerThread::GetInstance() { if(m_pInstance == NULL) { m_pInstance = new CPowerThread(); } return m_pInstance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Set the timeout for the wait thread. It is only for the MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx() //The default value is DEFAULT_TIMEOUT //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CPowerThread::SetTimeout(ULONG ulTime) { m_ulWaitTime = ulTime; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Get the status of thread // //Return Values: // TRUE: The thread is running for capturing the power status. // FALSE: No thread running. //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CPowerThread::GetRunStatus() { return m_bRunning; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // start capturing the power status.If there is thread running, //it will return FALSE; // //------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL CPowerThread::StartCapture() { if(m_bRunning == TRUE) { return FALSE; } m_bExitThread = FALSE; //Create the thread for batter sampled DWORD dwPwrThdID; HANDLE hdThrd = CreateThread(NULL,0,PowerThread,NULL,0,&dwPwrThdID); if(hdThrd == NULL) { return FALSE; } CloseHandle(hdThrd); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Stop capturing. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPowerThread::StopCapture() { m_bExitThread = TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Set the callback function for receive the power status //------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPowerThread::SetCallbackFunction(void (*pCallbackFunc)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent)) { LockThis(); m_pNotifyPower = pCallbackFunc; UnLockThis(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Description: // Get the callback function //------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPowerThread::GetCallbackFunction(void (* *pCallbackFunc)(PowerStatusType powStatus, int iBatteryPercent)) { LockThis(); *pCallbackFunc = m_pNotifyPower; UnLockThis(); } 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:

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