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天气,阴转多云门南方的小城在进入11月之后,变得有点小冷。冷的心疼,冷的寂寞。在这个小城许久了,生活却平静的如水。总是在去与留之间俳徊,没有人会懂我,了解我,关心我。 ...

2014-11-07 10:46:44 94

原创 流程方面的好文章

http://beatechnologies.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/using-and-testing-complex-business-rules-in-oracle-soasuite-11g/ http://soawithoracle.blogspot.com/

2014-10-31 17:41:34 105

原创 BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 3

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 3December 9, 2013 by Mark Foster Leave a CommentIntroductionThis is part 3 of a 4 part blog explaining how the BPM engine f...

2014-10-22 01:26:23 145

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 4

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 4December 10, 2013byMark Foster1 CommentIntroductionThis is part 4 of a 4 part blog explaining how the BPM engine ...

2014-10-20 10:32:00 165

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 3

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 3December 9, 2013byMark FosterLeave a CommentIntroductionThis is part 3 of a 4 part blog explaining how the BPM engine ...

2014-10-20 10:31:00 114

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 2

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 2December 6, 2013byMark FosterLeave a CommentIntroductionThis is part 2 of a 4 part blog explaining how the BPM engine ...

2014-10-20 10:30:00 146

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 1

BPM Process Instances – Faults, Rollback & Recovery – Part 1December 5, 2013byMark FosterLeave a Commenthttp://www.ateam-oracle.com/bpm-process-instances-faults-rollback-recovery-part-3/...

2014-10-20 10:26:00 117



2014-10-18 14:01:00 61

解决 - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

工作中碰到过这个问题好几次了,觉得有必要总结一下,所以有了这篇文章,这篇文章分为三个部分:认识问题、分析问题、解决问题。http://sesame.iteye.com/blog/622670一、认识问题:首先我们通过下面这个测试程序来认识这个问题:运行的环境 (有必要说明一下,不同环境会有不同的结果):32位 Windows XP,Sun JDK 1.6.0_18, eclipse...

2014-10-18 13:50:00 101

div 遮层小实例

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><head> &

2014-08-30 09:14:00 66

ADFLogger日志与weblogic 日志配置与应用


2014-08-13 18:04:00 195

Implementing Pooling in Application Module Code

Implementing Pooling in Application Module CodeOne of the tasks you must perform to enable application module pooling is to set up the environment information needed to connect to the applicatio...

2014-08-12 11:36:00 76


最近看了关于AM池的东西,随手记下了。感觉以后会有点用,但写的很乱Hashtable env = new Hashtable(2); env.put(JboContext.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, JboContext.JBO_CONTEXT_FACTORY); env.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.P...

2014-08-12 11:32:00 72

What you may need to know while calling Application Module methods from Java EE components such as E

A couple of years back I blogged aboutCalling Application Module Methods from EJB and MDB. Recently I learned that when a non web client invokes methods defined in EJB or MDB that uses Application M...

2014-08-01 16:56:00 91


最近写一个测试。要访问BC,但像接口一样,而非是ADF页面layout去访问,一次还可以,如果多次调用刷新,就会出现问题代码如下 public String getData(String parmas) { String backQuery=""; AppModuleImpl am=(AppModuleImpl)this.getAM(amDef, config); JSONO...

2014-08-01 16:54:00 126


最近做项目,遇到问题1 通过使用vo 查询后,在分页过程中发现性能很慢,经过排查发现,在执行到vo.getRowCout()时很慢,就是在计算总查询数目时很慢,后面改为row.last(),得到最后一条索引,也一样,很慢。于是找资料,问百度,发现原因,原因vo.getRowCount()用的是遍历vo,会使得系统很慢,所以建议:用vo.getEstimatedRowCount(),这个方法用的是s...

2014-07-16 14:19:00 422

ADF] (ORACLE ADF)从开发测试到上线常见问题整理

[ADF] (ORACLE ADF)从开发测试到上线常见问题整理ADF,ORACLE,开发1. 现象:Lov或者页面ADF Table 数据显示有重复行,或者当前行用鼠标无法选择;解决:检查vo上是否有主键2. 现象:页面字段出现无法更新解决:检查VO和EO上的该字段是否设置成了不可更新3. 现象:VO上定义的绑定变量会在lov上出现解决:Bi...

2014-07-16 14:18:00 122

adf 直接在JAVA中使用VO查询相关数据,并分页实现

今天因为要用到ADF 中的BC,也就是直接在JAVA代码中使用VO查询,页面用JSP,不使用ADF标签经多次验证之下,至少知道VO中分页查询,故有此一记,以备后用从外部传入JSON串,经解析得到分页中的当前页,和每一页记录数//这段代码是查询的时候,带参数,并实现分页 public void getJsonDKS618(HttpServletRequest request, H...

2014-07-10 16:55:00 333


当页面第一次加载时,可以调用document的onload方法<af:document id="d1">//特别注意,只有放在这里onload才有用 <af:clientListener type="load" method="onLoad"/> <af:serverListener type="freshPageEvent" method=&qu

2014-07-09 10:22:00 291

oracle BPM直接更新流程

当我们自己做了一个工作台后,就需要自己去更新BPM中流程的属性值。怎么更新呢之前写DEMO的时候,写了个实例。保存以供后用 TaskFacadeServiceImpl tfs=new TaskFacadeServiceImpl(username,password); ITaskQueryService taskQeryService=tfs.getWfSvcClient().getTa...

2014-07-09 09:48:00 123

How to use the Human WorkFlow Web Services

How to use the Human WorkFlow Web ServicesThere are different ways to interact with the Human WorkFlow services of the Oracle SOA Suite or BPM. You can use java and use it in your own ap...

2014-06-26 19:49:00 164

workflow oracle

Source code file contentRevision: 115updated copyright statements » Project Revision History» Checkout URLAccess the source code using the following URL:https://sv...

2014-06-19 17:02:00 113


oracle.bpel.services.workflow.queryInterface ITaskQueryServicepublic interface ITaskQueryService This class provides a programmatic means for retrieving tasks, task details, etc A ...

2014-06-19 16:13:00 83


oracle.bpel.services.workflow.queryInterface ITaskQueryServicehttp://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/apirefs.1111/e10660/oracle/bpel/services/workflow/query/ITaskQueryService.htmlpublic interfa...

2014-06-19 16:06:00 289


常用到的小代码 public HttpSession getSession() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext(); HttpServletRequest request =...

2014-06-12 15:13:00 137


验证码动态生成代码。以前一直是COPY来COPY去,现在放在博客中保存一下import java.io.IOException;import java.io.PrintWriter;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;public class vfcodeservlet extends HttpServlet {...

2014-06-12 14:40:00 95

f:attribute 与 af:clientAttribute 用法

f:attribute与af:clientAttribute用法(2013-09-26 10:44:34)标签:it类:f:attribute,af:clientAttribute可以在监听时取到相对应binding的值。如用for Each 循环 或表时,取当前行的字段的值在bean取用 f:attribute...

2014-06-11 17:22:00 134

Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPM Processes3


2014-06-05 09:19:00 49

Querying Oracle BPM Process Instances

THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011Querying Oracle BPM Process InstancesThis is the first in a series of posts related to the BPM 11g Java API. As far as I know, as of this writing, there is no...

2014-06-04 11:36:00 93

Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPM Processes2

July 26, 2011Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPMProcessesFiled under:BPEL,BPM,Java,Oracle Service Bus,SOA— Tags:Audit Trail Image,Oracle BPM 11g,Oracle BPM 11g A...

2014-06-04 11:26:00 126

Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPM Processes

Archiving Audit Diagrams as Images in Oracle SOA Suite BPMProcessesFiled under:BPEL,BPM,Java,Oracle Service Bus,SOA— Tags:Audit Trail Image,Oracle BPM 11g,Oracle BPM 11g API,Oracle SOA Suite...

2014-06-04 11:14:00 99

jdevlop 1.7之前的版本,添加skin(2)

Apache Trinidad SkinningAbout SkinningCreate a skin - an overviewHow to create a skinSkinning a component - a step-by-step exampleSkinning KeysComponent-level skinning keys...

2014-05-29 16:30:00 118

jdevlop 1.7之前的版本,添加skin(1)

最近,要用1.7开发东西,但实际版本到12C了。太落后了。为了统一,只能用1.7,却遇难到了一个问题,怎么使用skin更改组件的属性看了N多东西,最终还是解决了。以下东西可能比较乱建立皮肤1、New新建对话框。2、Web Tier | HTML 。3、双击CSS File 按向导进行建立。CSS文件的建立参见OTN上的文档(Selectors for Skinni...

2014-05-29 16:27:00 84


ADF】如何实现文件上传?1. 上传到服务器的某个目录下(1)页面代码方式一:<af:form usesUpload="true"><af:inputFile label="Upload:"valueChangeListener="#{managedBean.fileUploaded}"/><af:commandButton tex...

2014-05-22 14:36:00 45

ADF Single/Multiple files uploading and downloading 在

ADF Single/Multiple files uploading and downloadingThis post is about to upload single file/multiple files from the client to the server and store the data in a BLOB column in Database.Firs...

2014-05-21 17:10:00 87

servlet 上传文件

commons-io.jar和commons-fileupload.jar是必不可少的<form action="upfileservlet" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" value="" name="filename">

2014-05-21 17:03:00 52

ADF Single/Multiple files uploading and downloading

ADF Single/Multiple files uploading and downloadingThis post is about to upload single file/multiple files from the client to the server and store the data in a BLOB column in Database.Firs...

2014-05-21 14:00:00 114

关于CLOB字段 感觉很不错,收过来

dbms_lob包(一)2012-12-11 10:22:19分类: Oracle 最近在工作中因数据较大,用到了CLOB字段,oracle提供了专门处理LOB字段的包 DBMS_LOB。我的理解:oracle中的Package类似于面向对象语言中的Class,而Package中的函数及过程类似于CLASS中的方法,只不过函数是有返回值,而过程是void型无返回值的。...

2014-05-21 11:29:00 189

Adding a custom method in an ADF BC Service Interface – update of a single attribute in a selected r...

Adding a custom method in an ADF BC Service Interface – update of a single attribute in a selected row3BYLUCAS JELLEMAON DECEMBER 30, 2010·GENERAL,JAVA EE/JAVA,ORACLE,ORACLE ADF,SOA...

2014-05-21 10:48:00 59

Quickly creating, deploying and testing a WebService interface for ADF Business Components

Quickly creating, deploying and testing a WebService interface for ADF Business Components5BYLUCAS JELLEMAON DECEMBER 29, 2010·JAVA EE/JAVA,ORACLE,ORACLE ADF,SOA & MIDDLEWARE...

2014-05-21 10:46:00 91



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