

1. it is not likely that : 这时不大可能。

It is not likely that you will actually do it , but it is important to understand the concept.

2. in all likelihood : 十有八九, 很可能。

It will , in all likelihood, slow down the total render time too. However, the benefit is that you needn’t get the data and store it into the index at indexing time.

3. at the other end of :在另一端

At the other end of the extreme is storing all data in Solr .

4. terminology : 专门术语,术语学; 用辞

5. refer to as : 被称为,认为

The final tokens at the end, usually referred to as terms at this point, are what Lucene

actually indexes or searches, depending on context.

6. as such :依其身份、资格或名义等, 本身

As a consequence, consider preventing users and web crawlers from paging far into the results.

7. work-around : 用法

8. sort of : 有几分,(想不出恰当的词或不知下面该怎么说时用)可以说,可说是

9. undoubtedly :[ʌnˈdautidli]adv.毋庸置疑地,的确地; 显然

"it's undoubtedly very beautiful".

10.it is fair to say that : 公平地说

11.in a nutshell : 一言以蔽之;简而言之;简单地; 简约地

12.aks : (also known as的缩写) 亦称

13.up to this point :在这一点上

Up to this point, the only way you would know how to use separate indexes is to actually run multiple instances of Solr.

14.over and over : 反复,再三

15. as the saying goes : 俗话说

As the saying goes, if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it make a sound?

14. proceed to :去往(某地), 进[转]入; (获得学士学位后)攻读高级学位

If you want to run Heritrix yourself, proceed to the next section.

15. artifact :[英][ˈɑ:təˌfækt][美][ˈɑrtəˌfækt]n . 人工制品

digital artifacts

16. if at all就算真的有,也……(置于句末,具体意思根据句子前半部分而定)

Generally, a file once written, will change very little if at all.

17. ambitious 有雄心的 ;有抱负的; 炫耀的

undertaking :n.企业; 事业; 殡仪事业; 保证

v. 担任( undertake的现在分词 ); 着手作

moxie [英][ˈmɔksi][美][ˈmɑksi]n.精力,勇气,胆量

geographic[ˌdʒiəˈɡræfɪk] 地理的 (n, geography )

Google, a company of seemingly boundless resources and moxie—and they’re getting

the job done.

18. Mobile operators (the cell phone companies such as AT&T and Verizon) are in the

business, first and foremost, of selling subscriptions to their services.

---first and foremost : 首要的

conduit [ˈkɑnduɪt]n.[电]导管; 水道,沟渠

entice [ɛnˈtaɪs]vt.诱惑; 怂恿

18. as the rule of thumb .一般来说, 据经验而言 ~, the higher the better.

Child murderers in the past have very often carried photographs of young children to entice their victims awa

You are the sunship that makes my day. 你就是让我快乐的阳光

daunting ['dɔ:ntiŋ

adj.令人畏惧的; 使人气馁的; 令人怯步的

v.威吓(daunt的现在分词); 使气馁; 使害怕; 使失去信心

They were faced with thedaunting task of restoring the house

18. round out 发胖,丰满起来

A strings file and icon round out the resources in this simple application.

progress through: 进展,贯穿 we progress through the book

19. in this scenario :在这种情况下

directive :n.指令; <美>命令,训令,指令; 方针adj.指示性的,指导性的,指挥的;

I used copyField directives to copy r_attributes into both new fields.

20. bogus[ˈboɡəs]adj.假冒的,伪造的

It seems to be bogus.

21. get the hang of : 掌握窍门,熟悉

I’ll get hang of it pretty soon.

22. get ahead of : 胜过,超过 I’ am getting ahead of myself.

23. in preference to: 优先于....I'd choose the small car in preference to the large one.

24. There is adownside. (有一个副作用)n.下降趋势; 负面,消极面adj.下降趋势的


at (the) best 充其量,至多

(a) round the clock昼夜不停地

in the course of在过程中,在期间

from tip to toe 彻头彻尾,完全

from stem to stern 从船头到船尾,彻底地

at length 终于,最后;详细地

in the light of 按照;根据,

at the mercy of任…摆布,在前毫无办法

to the point 切中要害,切题

in proportion to (……)成比例的

on purpose 故意,有意

in a(the) long term 从长远看-in the long run ,

for the sake of 为了……起见,

on the side 作为兼职,额外

on the second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念,

on try试穿,by virtue of 由于,on the whole 总的来说

in other words 换句话说,也就是说,

in the world到底;世界,

get the better of打败,致胜

catch one’s breath屏息,歇口气,

keep one’s head 保持镇静,

lose one’s head 不知所措,

throw/cast light on使明白,阐明,

come to the point说到要点,扼要地说

make way让路,

trolley bus无轨电车

interference in 干涉

interference with妨碍,打扰,

rest room 厕所,盥洗室

heart and soul 全心全意,

word for word 逐字地,

decline with thanks婉言谢绝

break off 断绝,结束

break through 突破

break up 中止,结束;打碎,折断

bring about 带来,造成

bring down打倒,挫伤;降低

bring forth 产生,提上

cut across 走捷径,抄近路

take after长得像,性格类似于

take to喜欢,亲近

cross out删去,取消

go through 通过,审查,完成

go over检查,审查;复习,重温

adherencen.依附; 坚持; 忠诚 strict adherence to the constitution

adhesion n.支持; <医>粘连; 粘合Better driving equipment will improve trackadhesion in slippery conditions

adherence用于比喻的意思。例如:His adherence to the strict letter of the law.







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