Family Album CD3 对白

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Rebecca, Dad wants to see you.
I'm on the phone.
I'll write to you from California . . . I'll see you when I come home. Goodbye, Aunt Molly. Take care.
Dad? . . . Kevin, where are you?
I'm in the kitchen.
What's going on?
Dad's downstairs. He wants to show you something.
Show me? Show me what?
You'll see. Come on.
Kevin, I'm busy packing. What's this all about?
Ask Dad.
What's this?
It's your new car.
Dad! You're joking!
I . . . I can't believe it! This is for me?
You need a car, don't you? . . . And you deserve it. It's a little present from Kevin and me.
Ugh! Not so tight!
And here's the title to the car, and I paid for the car insurance.
I'm . . . just speechless.
You . . . speechless? Kevin, when's the last time your sister was speechless?
Not in a long time. So are we going for a ride?
What do you think?
It's perfect. My first car . . . I can't believe it!
Get in!
This car's great, Dad, but I bet you spent a fortune on it!
Not really. I got a good deal.
Try the horn.
It's got a good radio and tape deck . . . everything a musician needs on a long trip . . .Look at that view.
I'm gonna miss this place.
Sure you're. Boston's been your home for twenty-eight years.
When I think about leaving, I get butterflies in my stomach.
You'll be fine.
Yeah, you'll be OK.
I hope so.

You're talking to yourself.
It's an old habit.
Boy, you have a lot of bags.
Maybe I shouldn't take all this stuff. Well, but what if I need it?
I hope we can fit all these suitcases into the car.
We have to! . . . Oh, I have some things to show you. Here's a list of what needs to be done on a regular basis . . . put out the garbage, recycle the glass and the cans, the newspapers and the cardhoard . . . don't put anything . . .
Dad's on my case about all of that.
You need to help him keep the place clean, buy the groceries . . .
I'm starting to realize how nice it is to have a big sister around. It's gonna be kind of strange without you.
Are you all packed?
I want you to have this.
Dad . . . another present? What is it? Mom's necklace. Do you really want me to have this?
It's beautiful. Thanks, Dad.
I'm sorry your mother isn't here to say all the right things . . . so I'll try, myself.
It's OK, Dad, you don't have to . . .
This is your home . . . If you ever need help . . . or change your mind . . . or anything . . . remember, we're here.
Thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything . . . I love you . . .
I'll miss you, God knows.
Well, you'd better get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow.
Night, Dad.

For crying out loud. Your sister won't be able to see!
All right already! Are there any more bags?
No, this is it.
I'll put these in the trunk.
Hey, guys, where is she?
Don't worry. She's still here.
Oh, I couldn't let you go without saying one last goodbye . . . and to give you this . . .
Ah, yes, the mystery present.
Oh, Sandy, a diary! It's perfect!
I want you to write down all the good stuff.
What about the bad stuff?
Oh, absolutely! I want it all in writing. And remember, since I gave you the diary...I get to read it.
Over my dead body!
Hey . . . I have something for you, too.
Kevin . . .
See . . . a little something for good luck.
A four-leaf clover! I love it . . .
It's a key ring for your new car.
Thanks, Kevin . . . I guess it's that time.
I'll see you, Sis. Don't get lost.
I'll try not to.
I can't believe you're going!
I know . . .
Well. . .
Well, call us tonight . . . and tell us how you are.
I will.
And . . . have a good trip, Becky. Don't worry about us. Just be careful.
Your guitar.
Oh, put it in the back seat.
Remember, don't pick up any hitchhikers . . . except for the cute ones!
Bye . . .
Bye, Rebecca.
. . . Be careful . . . Bye!
Well, this is it, Mom. I'm off to San Francisco. I'll try and do my very best. Keep an eye on Kevin and Dad for me, hm? I miss you, Mom. Bye.

Day one: I am driving across the United States. I am leaving the East Coast driving west for new sights, new advantures.
Day two: I drove all day through the Midwest.
Day three: I crossed over the Mississippi and into the plains.
This is the fourth day of my drive across the United States. It's the desert. The land is flat and barren, but beautiful, in a strange way.
The music on the radio out here sure is different from Boston. I'm really starting to like this Tex-Mex music.
The car has been pretty good so far, but it's a gas guzzler. I have to fill it up a lot.
Hi. What can I do for you?
Boy, it's a hot one.
Yeah, and I hear it's gonna get hotter . . . Fill it up?
Yeah, please. Uh, regular, unleaded . . . Oh, and can you check the oil? Do you have a restroom?
Yup. It's around the corner. The key's inside.
Excuse me. Where's the key?
It's hanging near the door.
I don't see it.
On the hook . . . by the phone.
I put in two quarts of oil.
Two quarts? Why so much?
I don't know. Maybe there's a problem.
Do you really think there's a problem?
I can't tell. I'm not a mechanic. But the owner, he'll be back in about an hour. He's a mechanic. You should check with him.
Do you think I should wait?
It's up to you.
Maybe I'll go on . . . How much do I owe you?
That'll be fifteen seventy-five for the gas . . . plus the oil . . . eighteen ninety. Cash or credit card?
You drove all the way from Massachusetts by yourself?
That's a heck of a drive. How far are you going?
San Francisco.
Keep your eye on that oil, OK?
I will. Thanks.
Good luck!
Where am I going to sleep tonight? I hope I can find a cheap motel out here. Maybe there's something down this road?
The Sundowner Motel. Great . . .
Oh, no. It's out of business . . .
San Francisco is still 500 miles away. Heck, I'll drive straight through. No more motels. I'm just gonna get there.

Oh, don't tell me . . . Now what am I gonna do?
Do you want to roll down your window?
Car trouble, huh? Look, don't worry about me. I was just taking pictures . . . over there. Well, why don't you pop open the hood, and I'll check it out, OK?
OK. Try it now. OK, start it up.
Are you all right?
Oh, my God, I am so sorry.
Do you want to sit down? Look, I'm so . . . oh, God, I'm sorry. Let me see. It's not bleeding...
It s, it s not your fault. It s OK.
I know it's not my fault, but it's my car and I feel terrible. I should get this hood fixed.
Yeah, that's a good idea . . . Look, look, I'm sorry I scared you.
Oh . . . it's OK. It's just with all the stories you hear, you have to be careful.
So, should we try your car one more time?
OK, start it up.
I'm afraid I don't know what's wrong with your car. It's not getting any gas. It may be the fuel pump.
Well . . . now what am I going to do?
I see you're from Massachusetts. Boston?
Where are you going?
I'm not going anywhere until I get my car fixed.
OK, well, why don't we take my car and . . . uh, we'll try to find a gas station or at least a pay phone.
Maybe you could go . . . and I'll . . . uh, just stay here with my car.
That's not a good idea. It's late, and everything's going to close soon.
Well, there has to be a twenty-four-hour place.
This isn't Boston. Things pretty much close at sundown.
Well, there's got to be a place around here somewhere.
Hey. We're in the middle of nowhere. You may have to wait until morning.
Oh, I don't, I don't . . . I guess I don't have much choice.
So, you should take anything that's valuable. I think your car will be safe, but you never know . . .
My cars just up the road there.
My name's Alberto . . .
Mine's Rebecca.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.Are you a photographer?
No, actually I'm an architect. Photography's just my hobby.

Oh . . . What do you take pictures of?
Desert, sunsets, shadows . . . light.
What is it? Are you OK?
I'm fine.
Oh, I can drive if you're not feeling well.
Really, really, I'm fine.

Do you want me to turn the heat on? The desert gets cold at night.
Oh, no, I'm fine. Do you have any idea where we are?
Yeah, Mount Eagle Road. What's that over there?
Looks like a hamburger stand or something. Maybe I could make a phone call from there.
Hello! . . . Yo . . . Hey . . .
Hello. We need a phone . . . We, we have car trouble . . .
There she goes . . .
Ow. . . Hel . . .
Great! Now what?

Day four: What a night! My car broke down.
Hello! . . . Yo. . . hey..,
Hello, we need a phone. .. We, we have car trouble.
There she goes...
Ow. . . Hell,..
Great.. . now what?
Excuse me, we need a phone. We're having car trouble...
We're closed.
We realize that, but it'll only take a few minutes.
What is the problem?
I need to call a mechanic. Do you know of any around here?
Joe's Auto Repair it's the closest.
Oh, well, do you have the phone number by any chance?
For Pete's sake. . , Just a second.
Do you think anybody will be at Joe's Garage?
Let's just take it one step at a time, OK?
Here it is, Joe's Auto Repair.
Um, could I use your phone?
OK, make it snappy, though. Go around back. Phone's on the wall.
Hi. Listen, is there a chance that maybe I could get something to eat before you close?
No. Grill's turned off.
Sure is windy, huh?
It s always windy out here . . . God . . . Did you find the phone yet?
Yes, but I'm not getting any . . . Oh, it's ringing . . .Oh, no, it's an answering machine.
You've reached Joe's Auto Repair. We're open from seven to four, Monday through Friday. If this is an emergency, please leave a short message including the location of your car. Thank you for calling.
This is Rebecca Casey. My car broke down in . . .Where are we?
You're in Iron Mount . . . Jessie s Hamburger Stand.
In Iron Mount . . . I-it's near the, uh . . . the Sundowner Motel. It's a grey Delta eighty-eight Oldsmobile . . . with Massachusetts license plates. Would you please send a tow truck? . . .Nobody was there. I got an answering machine. Do you think that Joe will get the message tonight?
I don't know if Joe picks up his messages at night or not. Your best bet's just to call him back in the morning.
She's right.
Umh . . . Guess I'll need a place to stay tonight. Are there any motels around here?
Only place that s open out here is the Starlight Lodge. Follow me, I go right by it.

Lots of trucks. I hope they have a room.
What are you doing?
Gettin my suitcase.
Are you gonna stay here, too?
Where else am I gonna stay?
Let's get out the rain, huh?
How are you doing?
Hello. Just one second please . . . Scratch card. Today could be my lucky day!
Do you have any rooms available?
Hey, you're the lucky couple. I just had a cancellation. You and the Mrs. can have that room. Thirty-nine, ninety-five a night. In advance.
You don't understand. We're not together . . . I mean, we're not a couple. That's why I said "rooms", because we need two rooms.
You're not a couple?
No. Is there another room available?
No, sorry.
You go and take the room.
No, I am not gonna do this.
Are there any other motels near here?
The closest one is an hour-and-a-half south.
Well, I'm headed north. How about north of here?
Nothing closer than two hours.
One minute . . . Um . . . I'll sleep in my car.
No, I don' t.
Hey, it's not the first time . . .
No, but it's not right . . .
I'll be fine . . .
Why don't I just sleep in the car?
No way . . .
I don't want to give you any more trouble.
It's out of the question.
Really, I can sleep in the car.
All right, enough of this! Enough of this. Look, look, it's my car, I've slept in it before . . . I'll sleep in it again.
Are you sure?
Absolutely sure.
She'll take the room.
You'll need to register. If you'll just fill this out, please.
Mm-umh. Oh, do you take credit cards?
We take plastic, travellers' checks, dollars, pesos, whatever, as long as you have a driver's license.
That, I have.
Do you serve food?
Sorry, all we have is a candy machine.
Um . . . Do you have anything larger? I'd like to dry both hands tonight.
Here, sorry . . . take some more. I know they're kind of tiny.
And you are in room four.
Two . . . Three . . . here it is, four.
You gonna be all right here?
I think so. Let me take a look at the room.
Oh, where's the light switch?
Here, I'll get it.
It's not too bad.
It's not the Ritz, but it'll be fine.
Can I borrow a blanket?

Oh, of course.
It's gonna make that car a little more comfortable, you know.
By the way, how's your head? Every time I think about that car hood falling on your head . . .
Don't remind me . . . Do you have an aspirin?
Uh . . . Right here.
And . . .I'll probably need a glass of water.
Oh, sure . . . Sorry.
Plastic . . . Oh, water.
Thanks for everything. And I'm gonna get up early tomorrow and call the garage about my car.
That's probably a good idea . . . Well, thanks and, good night. Uh, I'll see you in the morning.
Thanks for all your help.
Yeah . . . No problem . . . Bag.

I can't believe I got myself into this . . .
Huh-huh-oh, now what?
Buddy . . . Excuse me !
What the . . . What are you doing out here?
Do you mind keeping it down?
I'm trying to sleep.
Why don't you pay for a room like everybody else?
Don't you think I already tried that? There aren't any more rooms!
Well, I have to fix this truck. If I don't, I lose a day's pay.
Hey! How long is this gonna take?
How the hell should I know?
Can't it wait till morning?
Hey, buddy, this is a free country, you know. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. If you don't like it, move!
I can't believe this . . .
Uh . . . ma'am, how are you doing?

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