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原创 TibListener

package listener;import com.tibco.tibrv.Tibrv;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvListener;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvMsg;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvMsgCallback;impor...

2011-02-11 17:36:52 504

原创 TibPublisher

package publisher;import com.tibco.tibrv.Tibrv;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvMsg;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvRvdTransport;import constants.Constants;public cl...

2011-02-11 17:24:35 229

原创 isin logger

util class

2010-08-24 11:04:17 187

Tibco RV Sample Listener

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import util.ConfigUtil;import util.Constants;import com.barcap.bondscape.monitor.PriceUpdateMonitor;import com.tibco.tibrv.Tibrv;import com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvDispatch...

2010-04-29 15:58:15 748


package util; import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Properties;  public c...

2010-04-28 17:27:37 111

sample code

includes basic 1) spring datasource config2) log4j.xml config3) BaseDao/BaseDaoImpl 

2010-04-28 15:43:45 128

原创 T is part of return and no parameter is needed in method definition

Method definition     private <T extends ModelData> ListStore<T> createCommaSeparatedWildcardListStore()    {        ListStore<T> store = new CustomFilterListStore<T>()...

2009-12-09 15:25:48 95

原创 SQL Summary

 show primary key infosp_pkeys EMPLOYEEset a explicit pk name during creating tableCREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE(  ID int Not Null CONSTRAINT pk_EMPLOYEE_ID PRIMARY KEY,  FirstName nvarchar(20),  LastName n...

2009-12-09 11:41:29 374

原创 数据库分页

sqlserver2000的分页就是利用top、order by、asc、desc这几个关健字来控制分页查询。 mysql是通过limit等关健字。 而oracle则是利用rownum这个虚列来进行分页。 http://www.vifir.com/bbs/html/20080527/426030.html...

2009-12-07 11:56:55 94

eclipse breakpoint doesn't work

simply delete .metadata folder of workspace, reimport all projects, rebuild,rerun.

2009-12-04 11:01:26 124

原创 equals(), hashCode() and toString()

     @Override  public boolean equals(Object object){  return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, object);}   @Override  ...

2009-11-18 21:49:23 96

原创 GXT tricky issues

I’ve learned 3 tricky issue solutions today, of GXT, credit to genius Kevin. “did you forget to inherit a required module” error.This error is because, when GWT compiling Java source code into...

2009-11-17 01:03:24 203

原创 SQL Server 日期格式转换

SQL Server中文版的默认的日期字段datetime格式是yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss.mmm 例如: select getdate() 2004-09-12 11:06:08.177 整理了一下SQL Server里面可能经常会用到的日期格式转换方法: 举例如下: select CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 120 ) 2004-09-12 11:06...

2009-11-10 19:34:27 98

原创 GXT CSS Usage

 It’s pretty simple.  Some key points to note as follow: 1)       Quite often, you find your change to the .css file doesn’t take effect. The key question here, are you changing the right .css f...

2009-11-02 16:40:31 130

原创 SQL Server common issues

ISSUE 1: Incorrect syntax near 'GO'. replace GO with ;  1) GO is a keyword for Query Analyzer, not belongs to T-SQL. So, if you don't use Query Analyzer, GO is not recoganized. 2) GO instr...

2009-10-21 16:04:47 156

原创 不要通过CREATE TABLE语句来创建default constraint

The reason why you should not use CREATE TABLE to create the default constraint is, system will generate a random constraint name for you. And when you drop it, your sql will be only workable in eithe...

2009-10-21 13:15:21 431

原创 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DEFAULT'

I met this issue on Oct 21st, 2009.  The Sql Server conplains       db.update:      [sql] Failed to execute:  ALTER TABLE Green ALTER COLUMN Enabled nChar(1) not null DEFAULT 'Y'BUILD FAILEDco...

2009-10-21 11:03:30 769

原创 how to set up env variable in linux

Summary: Step 1) Know your current shell. echo $SHELL Step 2) Set envif csh or tcshvi ~/.schrcsetenv PATH “/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb/bin” if bashvi ~/.bashrcexport PAT...

2009-09-03 10:46:38 168

原创 log4j config sample -- display log both to log file and console

<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd"><log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j='http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/'>  <!-- ==application log file=====...

2009-09-02 16:26:28 100

原创 java start up arg samples

Unix env setupjflags="-ms1536M -mx1536M -Xnoclassgc"gcVerbose="-verbose:gc"jconsole="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8003 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authen...

2009-08-24 16:29:49 97

原创 How to judge whether this is a 32 bit jvm or 64 bit jvm?

  [Solution 1]java –version command after jdk1.6 can give you 32 bit or 64 bit info.Before jdk1.5, doesn’t contain this info. [Solution 2]In linux env, run this command to check . fi...

2009-08-24 13:33:49 159

原创 check linux memory usage

/proc/meminfo contain all your memory usage information:-type: cat /proc/meminfo and you will get:-vmstat display memory usage in summary mode:-type: vmstat and you will getClick on the image to se...

2009-08-23 15:00:10 130

原创 jconsole easy usage

client sidejava_home/bin/jconsole.exe service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://192.168.***.***:8003/jmxrmiServer side add this parameter -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jm...

2009-08-22 12:31:53 75

原创 eclipse remote debug

The most important thing is: The jdk of server side and client side must be exactly the same. then in start command: remoteDebug="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport...

2009-08-22 10:41:19 89

原创 javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException

com.citigroup.get.quantum.messaging.MessagingException: javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Not allowed to create destination         at com.citigroup.get.quantum.messaging.transport.JMSTransportSe...

2009-08-21 10:06:07 823

原创 variable definition

A sample shell script #!/bin/shviperooe_home=`dirname $0`source $viperooe_home/env-viperooe.shinstancename=$1cd $viperooe_home/persistence/$1currentDate=`date '+%Y%m%d'`echo $currentDa...

2009-08-18 09:40:45 136

原创 sybase procedures and cursors

How to view stored procedure spec?  sp_help ${stored_procedure_name} How to view the source of stored procedure?  sp_helptext ${stored_procedure_name}  Super simple procedure example...

2009-07-24 17:47:06 101

原创 Small knowledge needs to know for ant

1)    You don’t need to set variable – basedir. You can simply use it ${basedir}. And it will be the folder where build.xml resides. 2)    To run some target, you can pass in a variable. Like, a...

2009-07-21 10:09:56 105

原创 Key points of Hibernate config

 1)    POJO classes and hbm.xml files must be in the same folder.2)    Hibernate.cfg.xml must be in the root of src folder. 

2009-07-21 10:01:00 83

原创 log4j.properties example -- Hibernate log4j config

### direct log messages to stdout ###log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.outlog4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog...

2009-07-20 17:06:28 80

原创 Quartz Crontab trigger

     <bean id="terminateTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">  <property name="jobDetail" ref="terminateJob"/>  

2009-07-08 10:59:32 104

原创 PATH and java.library.path CLASSPATH and java.class.path

PATH is the environment variable. java.library.path is the system properties.  When the java application started, JVM will set java.library.path’s value using PATH’s value.In java program, i...

2009-07-06 17:17:05 85

原创 quartz - sample JobScheduler

import java.util.Date;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import org.quartz.JobDataMap;import org.quartz.JobDetail;import org.quartz.Scheduler;import org.quartz.SchedulerException;import org.qu...

2009-07-03 14:33:04 106

原创 quartz - sample Job

import org.quartz.Job;import org.quartz.JobDataMap;import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; /** * This is quartz Job which will be execute 30 seconds ...

2009-07-03 14:31:16 144

原创 FileUtil

here it is!

2009-07-03 11:49:35 82

原创 Sybase tricky sql -- How to delete the earliest 2 records?

Table:  create table BE_TES_FEED (    TRADE_STATUS VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL    ,INSERT_DATE DATETIME NOT NULL) lock datarowsgo Data:  INSERT INTO BE_TES_FEED VALUES ('1', getDate())IN...

2009-07-02 17:55:55 87

原创 StringUtil

/** * This is a util method for String object *  * @author tom.fan@citi.com * @date Mar 30, 2009 */public class StringUtil{      public static boolean isNullOrEmptyString(String s...

2009-06-25 14:34:13 74

原创 Cruise Control quick notes

Monitor repository change <modificationset quietperiod="30">    p4 port="apa….apac.nsroot.net:1999"        client="BookingEngine-CI" user="hf52065"       view="//eqtg/dev/hk/trading/Bo...

2009-06-25 12:52:25 99

原创 for loop

important page: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/for.php some explanation in the below example:  for /f %%i in ('dir /b /on %exchangesim_home%\lib\exchangesim-*.jar') do set exchangesim_jar_f...

2009-06-25 09:38:52 86

原创 2 kinds of setUp()/tearDown() in junit

1st kind:       @BeforeClass      public static void setUp() throws Exception      {      }       @AfterClass      public static void tearDown() throws Exception      {      } 2n...

2009-06-24 11:28:27 70



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