The Purpose-Driven Life[标杆人生]

The Purpose-Driven Life

Millions of readers have found answers to life’s important questions in this international bestseller

“What’s life all about, and why am I here?” Many people ask themselves these questions from time to time. The good news in many people are finding answers in the international bestseller The Purpose-Driven Life.

“Everybody is interested in the question of his or her existence,” says author Rick Warren.

Why am I alive? What is my purpose? Does my life matter? These are questions that concern each of us, Warren says. Many people obviously agree. Over 22 million copies of the book have been sold.

Record-breaking success

For almost two years, The Purpose-Driven Life was No. 1 or No. 2 on the New York Times bestseller list. When the book was first published, it sold a million copies a month.

Its U.S. popularity led to international attention. The book is also selling well in other countries, notably China. It’s been translated into 27 languages, with another 53 in the works. And it’s been studied in 120 different countries. All of this success has caused it to be called “the bestselling hardback nonfiction book in history.”

40 days

The Purpose-Driven Life introduces “40 Days of Purpose,” designed to help readers explore the question “What am I here for?” The book contains 40 chapters; the idea is to read a chapter a day. Every seven days, you can meet with friends or coworkers to discuss what you’ve read.

Millions worldwide have done this, individually and through specific organizations. Prisons, schools, the U.S. Senate and corporations like the Coca-Cola Company have all organized discussion groups for the book. According to the Washington Post, “Warren’s book is being…studied by millions… and is astonishing the publishing world.”

Hostage brings hope

In March 2005, one particular reader made the news, and brought the book even greater attention. Ashley Smith was taken hostage by escaped prisoner and suspected murderer Bryan Nichols. During their over seven hours together, Ashley asked if she could read to him from The Purpose-Driven Life. Nichols agreed, and even asked her to repeat certain sections.

Warren says Ms. Smith used the book “to bring some hope to her captor’s life.” Nichols finally let her go unharmed, and let the police arrest him.

Don’t look inward for the answers

The author warns that this is not like most self-help books that cause the reader to look inward. “Contrary to what many popular books, movies and seminars tell you, you won’t discover your life’s meaning by looking within yourself,” Warren says. “You’ve probably tried that already. You didn’t create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for! If I handed you an invention you had never seen before, you wouldn’t know its purpose. Only the creator or the owner’s manual could reveal its purpose.”

Do you want to find purpose?

Warren was asked recently why he thinks the book is so successful. He said, “I… think there’s a deep hunger for God and for spiritual meaning. Without purpose, life is motion without meaning.” For this reason, Warren is quick to reassure his readers, “You’re not an accident. You were made to last forever. You were made for a purpose.”

What about you? Do you want to discover your purpose in life? Maybe, like millions of others, you’ll find the answers you’ve been looking for in The Purpose-Driven Life.

Word Bank

Existence (n) 存在

My grandfather’s school has been in existence for over 80 years.

Obviously (adv) 显然地

Obviously we can’t live without eating or sleeping.

Notably (adv) 尤其是;特别是

Vera Wang is famous for her fashion designs, notably her wedding gowns.

In the works (idiom) 在进行中

The movie was so popular that part two is already in the works.

Corporation (n) 企业

Tammy works for a large corporation with 1,100 employees.

Astonish (v) 震惊

Lisa astonished everyone when she got the top mark in her class.

Hostage (n) 人质

The hostages were held for 13 months before they were released.

Suspected (adj) 有嫌疑的;疑似的

The suspected robber was found guilty after the money was discovered in his car.

Self-help (adj) 自助的

Julie is reading a self-help book to try to improve her life.

Contrary to something (adv) 与…恰恰相反

Contrary to popular opinion, recent studies show chocolate may be good for you!

Motion (n) 动作

The song has some fun and simple hand motions.

Reassure (v) 向…再次保证;使…安心

My mom tried to reassure my little brother that nothing was hiding under his bed.

More Information

Nonfiction (n) 非小说类文学作品

I like to read nonfiction books on subjects like world history and science.

U.S. Senate (n) 美国参议院

The U.S. Senate discusses and passes laws for the nation.

Captor (n) 俘虏(他们)者;捕获(猎物)者

The captor demanded money before releasing the group of 12 people.

Seminar (n) 研讨会

Professor Davis leads a seminar on how to improve the environment every Wednesday morning.

Spiritual (adj) 精神(上)的;心灵的

Besides physical needs, most people have spiritual needs as well.

Usage Tips:

The Purpose-Driven Life introduced "40 days of Purpose," designed to help readers explore the question "What am I here for?"


The Purpose-Driven Life introduced "40 Days of Purpose" which was designed to help readers explore the question "What am I here for?"

which之后引出一个从属分句,对 40 days of purpose 做进一步说明。which was 两词省略后,变成一个分词短语,句子的意思完全相同。

How would you change these?

(1) We had dinner at Luigi's Italian restaurant, which was voted number one by the restaurant guidebook.

(2)My grandmother prepared her special salad with many kinds of vegetables, which were carefully selected from her own garden.






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