
  在WINCE做MULTIBIN+XIP方式的启动映像文件时,往往需要分两步走:第一步、生成映像文件;第二步、修改ce.bib然后再romimage一次,以前的做法是手动修改极不方便,后来在网上找到了一些办法并整合到一起就能够做到一步到位。 1、做一个批处理放在BSP的Files\premake目录下供PB调用,文件内容如下:echo. echo %_TGTPLAT%-preri processing... echo. if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" cd %_TARGETPLATROOT%\Files\premake if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" copy %_FLATRELEASEDIR%\ce.bib %_TARGETPLATROOT%\Files\premake if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" copy ce.bib ce_orig.bib if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" oembibhelper multibin.txt ce_orig.bib ce.bib if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" copy ce.bib %_FLATRELEASEDIR% if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" cd %_FLATRELEASEDIR% if "%IMGMULTIXIP%"=="1" romimage ce.bib
  ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' ' Use of this sample source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft ' license agreement under which you licensed this sample source code. If ' you did not accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not ' authorized to use this sample source code. For the terms of the license, ' please see the license agreement between you and Microsoft or, if applicable, ' see the LICENSE.RTF on your install media or the root of your tools installation. ' THE SAMPLE SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTIES. ' ' Modified this bibhelper.vbs to modify the bib to implement the Multi-Bin ' For example: "nk.exe @XIPKERN" of config file will make nk.exe packed into XIPKERN.bin ' Public Function SplitEx(InputText,Delimiter) ' This function splits the sentence in InputText into ' words and returns a string array of the words. Each ' element of the array contains one word. ' This constant contains punctuation and characters ' that should be filtered from the input string. Dim strReplacedText Dim intIndex ' Replace tab characters with space characters. ' Replace tab characters with space characters. strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(InputText, vbTab, " ")) ' Loop until all consecutive space characters are ' replaced by a single space character. Do While InStr(strReplacedText, " ") strReplacedText = Replace(strReplacedText, " ", " ") Loop ' Split the sentence into an array of words and return ' the array. If a delimiter is specified, use it. 'MsgBox "String:" & strReplacedText If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then SplitEx = Split(strReplacedText) Else SplitEx = Split(strReplacedText, Delimiter) End If End Function Private Function LoadConfigFile(Filename) Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Dim LCArray() LoopVal = 0 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(Filename,ForReading,False) Do While Not a.AtEndOfStream FileLine = a.ReadLine() if Left(FileLine,1) = ";" Then 'Wscript.Echo "Skip ; for comments"' Else SubStrings = SplitEx(FileLine," ") If UBound(SubStrings) = 1 Then ReDim Preserve LCArray(LoopVal) LCArray(LoopVal) = SubStrings LoopVal = LoopVal + 1 Else 'Wscript.Echo "Skip blank lines"' End If End If Loop a.Close LoadConfigFile = LCArray End Function Private Function CalcRegionString(InString, ConfigArrayElement) CalcRegionString = InString For LoopVal = 1 To UBound(ConfigArrayElement) If Left(ConfigArrayElement(LoopVal), 1) = "@" Then CalcRegionString = Right(ConfigArrayElement(LoopVal), Len(ConfigArrayElement(LoopVal))-1) End If Next End Function Private Function FindReplaceStrings(SubStrings, ConfigArray, StringToReplace, ReplaceString) FindReplaceStrings = False LoopVal = 0 For LoopVal = 0 To UBound(ConfigArray) If SubStrings(0) = ConfigArray(LoopVal)(0) Then If UBound(SubStrings) = 2 Then TypeString = CalcRegionString("", ConfigArray(LoopVal)) StringToReplace = SubStrings(1) ReplaceString = SubStrings(2) + " " + TypeString FindReplaceStrings = True End If If UBound(SubStrings) = 3 Then TypeString = CalcRegionString(SubStrings(3), ConfigArray(LoopVal)) StringToReplace = SubStrings(2) ReplaceString = TypeString FindReplaceStrings = True End If End If Next End Function ' Main Function ' ' ' Read Program Arguments Set Args = Wscript.Arguments if Args.count 3 then Wscript.Echo "Error: Invalid Number of arguments" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Usage: cscript bibhelper.vbs configfile inbibfile outbibfile" Wscript.Quit End if ' Read the Configuration File to determine what modules need to be changed and how ConfigArray = LoadConfigFile(Args(0)) 'Open in and out bib files Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set inbibfile = fs.OpenTextFile(Args(1),ForReading,False) Set outbibfile = fs.OpenTextFile(Args(2),ForWriting,True) ' Loop through lines in bib file Do While Not inbibfile.AtEndOfStream ' Read in current bib file line FileLine = inbibfile.ReadLine() SubStrings = SplitEx(FileLine," ") ' Determine if current in bib file line needs to be changed ChangeLine = False If UBound(SubStrings) > -1 Then ChangeLine = FindReplaceStrings(SubStrings, ConfigArray, StringToReplace, ReplaceString) ' Change in file line if necessary If ChangeLine Then ReplaceStartPos = InStr(1, FileLine, SubStrings(1), vbTextCompare) + Len(SubStrings(1)) FileLine = Left(FileLine, ReplaceStartPos-1) + Replace(FileLine, StringToReplace, ReplaceString, ReplaceStartPos) End If ' Write in file line to out bib file outbibfile.WriteLine (FileLine) Loop ' Close bib files inbibfile.Close outbibfile.Close
  ; This file is input for oembibhelper.vbs. ; It only support the pairs like "nk.exe @XIPKERN" ; Besides that, it supports blank lines and comments start with ";" as first char of the line. nk.exe @XIPKERNEL osaxst0.dll @XIPKERNEL hd.dll @XIPKERNEL coredll.dll @XIPKERNEL filesys.exe @XIPKERNEL fatfsd.dll @XIPKERNEL diskcache.dll @XIPKERNEL fatutil.dll @XIPKERNEL binfs.dll @XIPKERNEL fsdmgr.dll @XIPKERNEL mspart.dll @XIPKERNEL ;smflash.dll @XIPKERNEL bibdrv.dll @XIPKERNEL camera.dll @XIPKERNEL ;ondisk.dll @XIPKERNEL boot.hv @XIPKERNEL ;default.hv @XIPKERNEL ;user.hv @XIPKERNEL
  4、在PB的"Platform"-"Settings"-"Custom Build Actions"-"Post-Make Image"加入如下规则




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