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Oracle 最常用功能函数经典汇总 (zz)

来源:ChinaITLab 收集整理 2004-6-14 10:58:00   * SQL Group Function* s (num can be a column or ex pression)             (null values are ign* ored, default between distin ct and all is all)         ****...

2005-05-28 10:50:00 77

ORACLE函数大全 (zz)

SQL中的单记录函数1.ASCII返回与指定的字符对应的十进制数;SQL> select ascii('A') A,ascii('a') a,ascii('0') zero,ascii(' ') space from dual; A A ZERO SPACE--------- --------- --------- --------- 65 97 48 32 2.CHR给出整数,返回...

2005-05-28 10:44:00 65

hibernate 之 xdoclet构建文件

开发环境:eclipse3.0.1+JBossIDE-1.4.1-jre1.4-e31+jBOSS4.0.1 xdoclet的一个很大用途在于从java文件生成相应的配置文件,下面的步骤就是从pojo生成相应的映射文件 step 1)写一个POJO(本文的重点在于产生构建文件,这一部分会在另外的文章中说明) @hibernate.class table="表名" 这一句不能少,否这x...

2005-05-28 10:43:00 69

Am I tougher? -Friday, May 27

Am I tougher? Today I finished reading the book Thinking in Software Engineer, by Lin Rui. Though it’s not a perfect book, it’s helpful for me. In the morning, Kevin asked us a question, which is ho...

2005-05-27 16:42:00 64

Change My thinking? - Thursday, May 26

(From http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-5-26/18@196404.htm) Mercury, your ruler, aspects both Pluto and Saturn today, so in one way, your thinking will be transformed, but in another way, you wil...

2005-05-26 12:50:00 86

So Blue Today - Monday, May 23

So Blue Today - Monday,May 23 I’ve been a state of depression for 2 days. Because of the telephone interview, I afresh know my ablity. (http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-5-23/18@196404.htm) Ther...

2005-05-23 21:03:00 91

What Should I Do? --Friday, May 20

What Should I Do? --Friday,May 20 Before the interview, I spoke to myself, my opportunity was coming. Maybe, the above is right, but telephone interview yesterday really astonished me. What I’ve done ...

2005-05-22 12:45:00 73

hibernate之Hello world

step 1)工具下载 1.1)下载hibernate-3.0 1.2)下载ojdbc14_g.jar(oracle 9i的驱动) 1.3)在eclipse环境下建立两个库(windows-->preferences-->java-->buildpath-->user library) hibernate(hibernate-3.0/lib下所有jar),jdbc(包...

2005-05-21 20:41:00 57

Be restrained - Monday, May 16

(The following is from http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-5-16/18@196404.htm) Monday,May 16 Mars close to Uranus in the career area of your chart warns you not to say or do anything that might dam...

2005-05-16 11:00:00 82

Friday, May 6- Rent a house

i help Dong look for a house today. So tired after back.En..The girl with her is so beautiful.When she told her first name,Liao,I was shaked. Have a long sleep until 8 o'clock pm. After geting up,She...

2005-05-07 00:30:00 87

Thursday, May 5- Self-appraisal

Shen JJ helps me modifies my self-appraisal. WhenI open the mail she sent to me,my confidence was lower than ever before. I've never think about the Career Objective before,and now it's time to think...

2005-05-05 23:42:00 81

Wednesday, May 4 -A secret admirer

Wednesday,May 4A secret admirer is preparing to reveal their feelings -- which may not be much of a surprise to you. You probably even know who they are and when they'll make the announcement. But do...

2005-05-04 23:15:00 98

Tuesday, May 3- Good fortune

呵呵,不知道是不是我的好运真的要来了,self-encourage一把! Daily Overview, Tuesday,May 3 If others seem to be jealous of your recent good fortune, you should take that as a compliment of sorts. The fact that you have mad...

2005-05-03 20:58:00 78


2.洗牌程序:用任何语言,随机分配52张扑克牌到52个位置上,每个位置只容许放一张牌 (原题From http://community.csdn.net/Expert/topic/3971/3971377.xml?temp=.7857324) 以下是我的解答。 算法: 纸牌数量 const int COUNT = 52; 用数组AssignAlready[COUN...

2005-05-03 14:14:00 87

Daily Overview,Monday, May 2

(From http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-5-2/18@196404.htm) Daily Overview,Monday,May 2 Dynamic Mars crosses the midheaven angle of your chart today, so even if you are the kind of Gemini who is no...

2005-05-02 20:15:00 165


虽然我不一定完全赞成作者的话,但还是转摘过来。 (From http://blog.csdn.net/Amooo/archive/2005/05/02/370533.aspx) document.title="学习c++应该看的书 - "+document.title 学习c++应该看的书 C++/OPP/OOD系列:层级一:语法/语意(C++)[Lippman2000] Essent...

2005-05-02 18:48:00 85


(原题From http://community.csdn.net/Expert/topic/3971/3971377.xml?temp=.7857324) 1.从已知数组d的前n个元素中找出部分元素序列之和等于total的元素序列,约定数组的元素都是正整数,且都小于等于total。 以下是我的解答: 这个题可以用递归进行穷举。 假设 ...

2005-05-02 17:53:00 137

Saturday, April 30,Daily Overview

(From http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2247/2005-4-30/18@196404.htm) Daily Overview Saturday,April 30 You seem to have your finger on the pulse at the moment. You seem to be in touch with the spirit of the...

2005-05-01 11:43:00 65



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