Live on the Net: Beijing's Big Fire

中国中央电视台新台址内的文华东方酒店大楼周一晚上发生严重火灾,引得中国网民们纷纷涌上论坛和博客讨论点评此事。他们上传了火灾现场拍摄的照片,分享自己走上街头进行的报导。一位居住在附近的居民在博客上写道,“整个天空都被烟笼罩了;在阳台上看,感觉就像看911一样!”公民记者周曙光(网名Zola)当时远在千里之外的湖南省。但他也通过朋友和网络聊天服务收集信息,在中国类似于Twitter的博客网站饭否网(Fanfou)上对火灾进行了报导。周曙光还在Google Documents上创建了这个页面,包括了他所能找到与火灾有关的所有信息和图片。周一晚上,北京市民观看并记录下央视配楼大火的情形与此同时,精于网络的火灾见证者开始通过各个视频分享网站上传他们自己拍摄的影像,这些网站包括了Youtube以及优酷搜狐和土豆等中国网站。豆子(网名)就是其中一位见证者。他那天晚上一直加班,8点以后下班听说着火的消息。豆子半夜回家后在博客上写道,我跟着人流涌过去看,因为大楼离我公司不远。豆子说,凌晨两点,新浪的新闻已经在首页找不到了,看来还要给领导些时间来为媒体统一口径。另一个网民也贴出了以下内容:他写道,9点40多接到人电话,说是CCTV大楼着火了。论坛上开始有贴子出现。我10点出门,10点12分来到朝阳路上。前行50米来到CCTV的工地,现场已经被封闭,依然有很多人围观,都在拿各自的手机进行拍摄,还有很多人在给各自的亲友做现场报导。我离开的时候大概是10点50,现场号称有200多名记者。另一个网名叫Q主义的博客作者当晚一直和丈夫站在窗前看着火灾现场。她描述道,我开始还以为是在房顶燃放烟花呐,不成想越燃越烈,不到十分钟的功夫就串出火苗了。火苗还越烧越旺,顺着西北侧的窗户就一路烧了下去,又过了十分钟之后整个大楼的西侧都着起来了。特别吓人。一些名人也加入了公民报导团队。中国商业地产开发商SOHO 中国有限公司董事长潘石屹在他的中文博客上传了他在火灾现场拍摄的照片,描述了当时的场景。潘石屹说,吃完晚饭我准备看书,但外面的烟花声爆竹声此起彼伏。过了一会,张欣(他的妻子)过来取下我的耳机说我弟弟打电话过来,告诉我们CCTV大楼着火了。我连忙拿着相机带着全家人开车来到了东三环。他说,我问周围的人是什么原因引起的着火。其中有几个人已经在这里观看了一个半小时了。他们告诉我,大概在晚上8:05分左右的时候,CCTV这座楼上正在放烟花,放的都是很大很好看的烟花。8:30左右,在大家都还沉浸在美丽的烟花当中时,突然着火了,火势一直从楼上蔓延到楼下来了。潘石屹写道,这是巨大的教训,也是巨大的损失。像北京这样的大都市,真是不能再放烟花爆竹了。Juliet Ye(“中国日志”(China Journal)关注全球第一人口大国的发展变化,《华尔街日报》获奖团队数十位记者倾情献稿,Sky Canaves主笔。欢迎读者发送邮件至chinajournal@wsj.com或在下面评论栏中发表评论和建议。)相关阅读原声视频:央视新址配楼火灾致一人身亡 2009-02-11中央电视台对火灾表示道歉 2009-02-10央视新台址北配楼发生严重火灾 2009-02-10原声视频:央视新台址配楼严重火灾 2009-02-10图片:央视新总部配楼起火 2009-02-10

As the Mandarin Oriental Hotel within the complex that houses Central China Television's new headquarters burned Monday night, people packed China's online forums and blogs, uploaded pictures taken from the fiery scene and hit the streets to conduct their own reporting. One person who lived nearby wrote that 'the sky was covered with clouds of smoke…standing on the balcony watching, I felt like it was 9/11! ' (Link in Chinese)Citizen journalist Zhou Shuguang, known as Zola, was hundreds of miles away, in Hunan province. But he reported on the fire via Fanfou, a Chinese micro-blogging site akin to Twitter, depending on friends and Internet chat services for information. Zhou also set up this page in Google Documents aggregating all the information and photos he could find related to the fire.Meanwhile, Internet-savvy witnesses began uploading home movies on various video-sharing Web sites such as Youtube and Chinese sites including Youku, Sohu and Tudou.Among the witnesses was Dou Wei, who was working late yesterday and heard about the fire when he was leaving the office after 8p.m.. 'I followed the crowd to the place because the building is not far away from my office,' he wrote on his blog after he got home past midnight (in Chinese here).'At around 2 a.m., I could no longer find information about the CCTV fire on Sina's news page. I guess it takes a bit time for people in charge to prepare a unified statement for press,' Dou wrote.Another Web user posted the following dispatch from the fire scene (original here):'I got a phone call from a friend at around 9:40 p.m., saying that the CCTV building was on fire…people soon began discussing the fire online …I went out at 10 p.m. and arrived at Chaoyang Road at twelve past 10…' he wrote. 'I walked ahead for around 50 meters to the CCTV worksite and found that the fire scene was blocked off. A lot of people were standing around and watching, holding cameras and mobile phones. Some were even doing live broadcasts to their families and friends through their phones…I left at at ten minutes to 11, and there were still some 200 reporters on the spot.'Another blogger sporting the name 'Q-ism' (Q 主 in Chinese) had been watching fireworks last night from her apartment window with her husband:'At the very beginning, I thought someone was lighting fireworks on the roof of that building, but it grew stronger and stronger. Within 10 minutes, I saw the blaze coming out of it, and the fire soon spread down along the windows in the northwest side of the building. In another 10 minutes, the whole building's west side was on fire. Extremely scary!' (Original in Chinese here).Some celebrities also joined the citizen reporting group. Pan Shiyi, the chairman of China's leading commercial property developer, SOHO China Ltd., also uploaded pictures taken from the fire scene and described the experience on his Chinese-language blog:'I was reading books after dinner, and fireworks were booming outside the window…after a while, Zhang Xin [his wife] came in and told me that my brother called saying the CCTV building was on fire. I immediately took my camera and drove my family to the east Third Ring Road.''I asked the crowd about what caused the fire. Some of them have been there watching for over an hour. They told me that the fire broke out at around five past eight when a firework display was going on in this building. At half past eight, when people were enjoying the beautiful fireworks, the building was suddenly on fire. And the blaze soon spread to the whole building.''It's a big lesson, and a great loss. We shouldn't set off fireworks in big cities like Beijing any more.' Mr. Pan wrote.Juliet Ye
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