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转载 提升个人能力是促成从技术到管理转变的基石

提升个人能力是促成技术人才向管理人才转变的关键。 首先,技术人才需要扩大知识面,特别是管理方面的知识。技术人才可以利用工作之余的时间进修管理方面的课程,掌握企业管理中一些重要的要素,比如财务、市场、心理学以及管理学的基本知识。 其次,技术人才需要站在更高的维度看待管理,能够从公司管理阶层的角度看待问题。技术人才如果永远只从技术的角度看问题,那么他就永远不可能成为称职的管理者

2011-07-01 09:07:00 301

转载 A New Billionaire’s 10 Rules for Success

1 – Get and stay out of your comfort zone.  2 - Never give up. 3 - When you’re ready to quit, you’re closer than you think. 4 – Always be moving forward. 5 - Be quick to decide.

2011-06-27 12:14:00 283

原创 Design Patterns 5 : Bridge -- Independent variations

There are two parts in the system Abstraction (consumer) and Implementation (products), the abstraction part use the implementation part to finish some job,  and both the Abstraction and the Implemen

2011-06-11 13:16:00 446

原创 Windows GUI stuffs need to be memorized

 1, The windows taskbarhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc144179(v=vs.85).aspx 2, The ways to make window visible ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); SetWindowPos(..., SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

2011-06-11 11:22:00 229

原创 How to make a window movable and a little beautiful

1,  No taskbar button, topmost, no caption bar, frame, system menu and the app menu2,  Make window movable  (hold one -> hold on)

2011-06-11 11:10:00 181

原创 Design Patterns 4 : Strategy

      You got something to do and based on the contexts you need to do it in different ways.       You could mix the contexts with the things together, like a switch cases.      Or you could def

2011-06-04 13:53:00 224

原创 Windows CRT Debug Heap

0xBAADF00D : Bad food          Give by the heap operations, like HeapAlloc, LocalAlloc, GlobalAlloc0xCD : Clean Data                  Give by the malloc0xDD : Dead Data                   Give by t

2011-06-03 20:20:00 650

原创 How lighter is good enough for a color?

I has been given a color dark pink #993333 (RGB, 153, 51, 51), and been asked to choose a lighter dark pink.These two colors suppose to work together to make the UI beautiful, least accetable :)How lighter should I give to make them perfert for each

2011-06-02 22:29:00 193

原创 Color

<br />Hue  [hwe]  色调 : Hue is what most people think of when we say "color."<br /> <br />Saturation  /ˈsætʃə'reʃən/ 饱和度 : Saturation is the "purity" of the color, refers to the amount of white light (or gray paint) mixedwith the hue.<br /> <br />Valu

2011-06-02 21:44:00 202

原创 OOP

Objects : Things with responsibility.  (interfaces)Encapsulation : Can hiding everything. (not just data)Variation : Find it and hide it. (hide behaviors as object , let it handle the variation , which we don't need to know)

2011-06-01 22:42:00 176

原创 Design Patterns 3 : Adapter -- 变脸

Adapter is used to convert a existing interface into another interface, which could be use by the new system.

2011-05-27 17:29:00 187

原创 Idioms

draw straws [strɔ] 抽签,抓阄

2011-05-27 14:49:00 317

原创 Design Patterns 2 : Facade -- Simplification & Encapsulation

Facade is the face of a building, which means how you see a system or how you can use it.If the system is too complicated to use, create a wrapper layer give a new interface, let the client don't need to care the complexity of the system.If the system coul

2011-05-27 14:41:00 204

原创 Design Patterns 1 : Template Method

A template method is a method that the whole thing and the sequences to achieve this could be remained, but the detailed steps could be customized as the requirement changed.class Thing{public:// This is the template method.void start(){step1();step2();ste

2011-05-26 14:04:00 195

原创 where.bat

where.bat used to find the specified file in PATH list@echo off:: parameter handleif "%1"=="" goto :usage:: echo full pathset FULLPATH=%~$PATH:1if "%FULLPATH%"=="" (echo Could not find files for the given pattern^(s^).) else (echo %FULLPATH%):: goto end go

2011-05-24 16:25:00 345

原创 DLL Inject

To inject a dll:1, Enable debug privilege, this will be need to create remote thread.       OpenProcessToken    LookupPrivilegeValue    AdjustTokenPrivileges2, VirtualAlloc a remote buffer in the targe process, for hold the dll name. OpenProcess    Virtual

2011-05-24 15:47:00 485

原创 架构师的核心能力

架构师的核心能力    (Copy and modified from 解密微软的架构师之路 )为了让开发者逐渐成为架构师,基础的能力还是需要具备的, 必须学会的第一件事情就懂得如何进行权衡。因为我们面对的都是相互矛盾的一些设计要素和限制,但事实却要求你在这些相互矛盾的要素限制和约束条件之间取得非常巧妙的平衡。架构师必须足够成熟。因为他们往往需要在无法获得完整信息的情况下,迅速领会问题,根据经验做出审慎判断:首先是在专题领域的经验和对软件开发工程的经验。第二个就是判断力、决定能力和领导力,推动各个团队的技术

2011-05-21 11:40:00 517



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