FreeSWITCH mod_callcenter 整理

categories: FreeSWITCH




callcenter.conf.xml 范例

    <configuration name="callcenter.conf" description="CallCenter">
        <!--<param name="odbc-dsn" value="dsn:user:pass"/>-->
        <!--<param name="dbname" value="/dev/shm/callcenter.db"/>-->
        <!--<param name="reserve-agents" value="true"/>-->


        <queue name="support@default">
          <param name="strategy" value="longest-idle-agent"/>
          <param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/>
	      <!--<param name="record-template" value="$${base_dir}/recordings/${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}.${destination_number}.${caller_id_number}.${uuid}.wav"/>-->
          <param name="time-base-score" value="system"/>
          <param name="max-wait-time" value="0"/>
          <param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent" value="0"/>
          <param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached" value="5"/>
          <param name="tier-rules-apply" value="false"/>
          <param name="tier-rule-wait-second" value="300"/>
          <param name="tier-rule-wait-multiply-level" value="true"/>
          <param name="tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait" value="false"/>
          <param name="discard-abandoned-after" value="60"/>
          <param name="abandoned-resume-allowed" value="false"/>


    <!-- WARNING: Configuration of XML Agents will be updated into the DB upon restart. -->
    <!-- WARNING: Configuration of XML Tiers will reset the level and position if those were supplied. -->
    <!-- WARNING: Agents and Tiers XML config shouldn't be used in a multi FS shared DB setup (Not currently supported anyway) -->
        <!--<agent name="1000@default" type="callback" contact="[leg_timeout=10]user/1000@default" status="Available" max-no-answer="3" wrap-up-time="10" reject-delay-time="10" busy-delay-time="60" />-->
        <!-- If no level or position is provided, they will default to 1.  You should do this to keep db value on restart. -->
        <!-- <tier agent="1000@default" queue="support@default" level="1" position="1"/> -->


settings 配置详解


The callcenter will use the supplied ODBC database instead of the default behavior, which is to use the internal SQLite database.


  1. 使用odbc.ini配置的数据源:dsn:user:pass或者dns
  2. 不配置数据源直接连接方法:odbc://DRIVER=driver;SERVER=host;UID=username;PWD=password;DATABASE=db;OPTION=67108864。 driver(驱动,windows系统在ODBC数据源可以看到如“MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver”,linux系统odbcinst.ini里面配置),host(数据库主机IP,本机:localhost),username(数据库用户名),password(数据库密码),db(数据库名)。

This is to specify a different name or path and name of the SQLite database. Useful to put into a ram disk for better performance.

使用SQLite数据库时,用来设置SQLite 数据库文件路径。如果odbc-dsn和dbname都不设置,会使用SQLite数据库,默认路径是.\db\callcenter


If defined to true, agent state is changed to Reserved if the old state is Receiving, the call will only be sent to him if the state get’s changed.

This is useful if you’re manipulating agent state external to mod_callcenter. false by default.



If defined to true, we’ll delete all the agents when the module is loaded. false by default.



If defined to true, we’ll delete all the tiers when the module is loaded. false by default.


queues 配置详解


The strategy defines how calls are distributed in a queue. A table of different strategies can be found below.

  • ring-all: Rings all agents simultaneously.(全响)


  • longest-idle-agent: Rings the agent who has been idle the longest taking into account tier level.(空闲时间)

    下面是longest-idle-agent模式派话使用的SQL,通过分析下面的SQL,可以看出是 根据 tiers.level, agents.last_bridge_end, tiers.position 这3个参数来排序的。last_bridge_end是坐席最后通话结束时间。

    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY level, agents.last_bridge_end, position
  • round-robin: Rings the agent in position but remember last tried agent.(循环)

    下面是round-robin模式派话使用的SQL,通过分析下面的SQL,可以看出是按照 tiers_level 从小到大, tiers_position 从小到大,agents_last_offered_call 从小到大 循环分配坐席的。 。agents.last_offered_call 是最近一次呼叫坐席的时间。

    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position as tiers_position, tiers.level as tiers_level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count, agents.last_offered_call as agents_last_offered_call, 1 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') AND tiers.position > (SELECT tiers.position FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND agents.last_offered_call > 0 ORDER BY agents.last_offered_call DESC LIMIT 1) AND tiers.level = (SELECT tiers.level FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND agents.last_offered_call > 0 ORDER BY agents.last_offered_call DESC LIMIT 1) UNION SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position as tiers_position, tiers.level as tiers_level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count, agents.last_offered_call as agents_last_offered_call, 2 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY dyn_order asc, tiers_level, tiers_position, agents_last_offered_call
  • top-down: Rings the agent in order position starting from 1 for every member.(指定开始位置)

    通道变量 cc_last_agent_tier_levelcc_last_agent_tier_position 默认值为0.

    查找座席的排序算法为,先查找 level 等于 cc_last_agent_tier_level ,position 大于 cc_last_agent_tier_position 的坐席,然后按照 tiers_level , tiers_position , agents_last_offered_call 排序所有坐席。

    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position as tiers_position, tiers.level as tiers_level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count, agents.last_offered_call as agents_last_offered_call, 1 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') AND tiers.position > 0 AND tiers.level = 0 UNION SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position as tiers_position, tiers.level as tiers_level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count, agents.last_offered_call as agents_last_offered_call, 2 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY dyn_order asc, tiers_level, tiers_position, agents_last_offered_call
  • agent-with-least-talk-time: Rings the agent with least talk time.(通话时间)

    按照tiers.level, agents.talk_time, tiers.position排序坐席。agents.talk_time是坐席的通话时间。


    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY level, agents.talk_time, position
  • agent-with-fewest-calls: Rings the agent with fewest calls.(通话次数)

    按照tiers.level, agents.calls_answered, tiers.position排序坐席。agents.calls_answered是坐席的通话次数。


  • sequentially-by-agent-order: Rings agents sequentially by tier & order.(顺序)

    按照 tiers_level , tiers_position , agents_last_offered_call 排序所有坐席

    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY level, position, agents.last_offered_call
  • random: Rings agents in random order.(随机)


    2550    sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, random()");
    2550    sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, rand()");


    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY level, random()
  • ring-progressively: Rings agents in the same way as top-down, but keeping the previous members ringing (it basically leads to ring-all in the end).(渐进)

    按照tiers.leveltiers.position排序坐席。每 ring_progressively_delay 秒,增加分配一个坐席。

    SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.position, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, external_calls_count FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = 'support@default' AND (agents.status = 'Available' OR agents.status = 'On Break' OR agents.status = 'Available (On Demand)') ORDER BY level, position



The system will playback whatever you specify to incoming callers. You can use any type of input here that is supported by the FreeSWITCH playback system:

  1. A direct path to a .wav file will play in a loop indefinitely.
  2. The local stream, e.g. (local_stream://moh) or use $${hold_music} as defined in the default configuration.
  3. The FreeSWITCH phrase system, e.g., (phrase:my-special-phrase). (I use this to play multiple prompts after each other.)
  4. A tone stream as with ringing, e.g., (tone_stream://${us-ring};loops=-1).





announce-sound 的播放周期,单位秒。注意播放声音文件的时间也包含在内。


Use the record-template to save your recording wherever you would like on the filesystem. It’s not uncommon for this setting to start with “$${base_dir}/recordings/”. Whatever directory you choose, make sure it already exists and that FreeSWITCH has the required permissions to write to it.


When a caller goes into a queue, we can add to their base score the total number of seconds they have been in the system. This enables the caller to get in front of other callers by the amount of time they have already spent waiting elsewhere.

The time-base-score param in a queue can be set as ‘queue’ (base score counts only the time the caller is in this queue) or ‘system’ (base score accounts for the total time of the call).

This can be either ‘queue’ or ‘system’ (queue is the default). If set to system, it will add the number of seconds since the call was originally answered (or entered the system) to the caller’s base score. Raising the caller’s score allows them to receive priority over other calls that might have been in the queue longer but not in the system as long. If set to queue, you get the default behavior, i.e., nobody’s score gets increased upon entering the queue (regardless of the total length of their call).

默认值 queue 。为 queue 时,数据库members.base_score值是 进入队列的时间+cc_base_score。为 systemmembers.base_score值是 应答时间+cc_base_score
/* Add manually imported score */
if (cc_base_score) {
cc_base_score_int += atoi(cc_base_score);

/* If system, will add the total time the session is up to the base score */
if (!switch_strlen_zero(start_epoch) && !strcasecmp("system", queue->time_base_score)) {
    cc_base_score_int += ((long) local_epoch_time_now(NULL) - atol(start_epoch));

Default to 10. The value is in seconds, and it will define the delay to wait before starting call to the next agent when using the ‘ring-progressively’ queue strategy.



Can be True or False. This defines if we should apply the following tier rules when a caller advances through a queue’s tiers. If False, they will use all tiers with no wait.

/* Check if we switch to a different tier, if so, check if we should continue further for that member */

if (cbt->tier_rules_apply == SWITCH_TRUE && atoi(agent_tier_level) > cbt->tier) {
    /* Continue if no agent was logged in in the previous tier and noagent = true */
    if (cbt->tier_rule_no_agent_no_wait == SWITCH_TRUE && cbt->tier_agent_available == 0) {
        cbt->tier = atoi(agent_tier_level);
        /* Multiple the tier level by the tier wait time */
    } else if (cbt->tier_rule_wait_multiply_level == SWITCH_TRUE && (long) local_epoch_time_now(NULL) - atol(cbt->member_joined_epoch) >= atoi(agent_tier_level) * (int)cbt->tier_rule_wait_second) {
        cbt->tier = atoi(agent_tier_level);
        cbt->tier_agent_available = 0;
        /* Just check if joined is bigger than next tier wait time */
    } else if (cbt->tier_rule_wait_multiply_level == SWITCH_FALSE && (long) local_epoch_time_now(NULL) - atol(cbt->member_joined_epoch) >= (int)cbt->tier_rule_wait_second) {
        cbt->tier = atoi(agent_tier_level);
        cbt->tier_agent_available = 0;
    } else {
        /* We are not allowed to continue to the next tier of agent */
        return 1;

The time in seconds that a caller is required to wait before advancing to the next tier. This will be multiplied by the tier level if tier-rule-wait-multiply-level is set to True. If tier-rule-wait-multiply-level is set to false, then after tier-rule-wait-second’s have passed, all tiers are open for calls in the tier-order and no advancement (in terms of waiting) to another tier is made.



Can be True or False. If False, then once tier-rule-wait-second is passed, the caller is offered to all tiers in order (level/position). If True, the tier-rule-wait-second will be multiplied by the tier level and the caller will have to wait on every tier tier-rule-wait-second’s before advancing to the next tier.

为True时,等待时间大于 tier-rule-wait-second * tier.level 才会分配下一个等级的坐席。为False时,等待时间大于 tier-rule-wait-second 才会分配下一个等级的坐席。默认值False。


Can be True or False. If True, callers will skip tiers that don’t have agents available. Otherwise, they are be required to wait before advancing. Agents must be logged off to be considered not available.



The number of seconds before we completely remove an abandoned member from the queue. When used in conjunction with abandoned-resume-allowed, callers can come back into a queue and resume their previous position.



Can be True or False. If True, a caller who has abandoned the queue can re-enter and resume their previous position in that queue. In order to maintain their position in the queue, they must not abandoned it for longer than the number of seconds defined in ‘discard-abandoned-after’.


详解:如果上一次加入对列,未被坐席接听就挂断了,再次呼叫时可以恢复上次的排队信息,被更优先的分配到坐席。discard-abandoned-after 之前的信息是不能恢复的。


Default to 0 to be disabled. Any value are in seconds, and will define the delay before we quit the callcenter application IF the member haven’t been answered by an agent. Can be used for sending call in voicemail if wait time is too long.



Default to 0 to be disabled. The value is in seconds, and it will define the amount of time the queue has to be empty (without logged agents, on a call or not) before we disconnect all members. This principle protects kicking all members waiting if all agents are logged off by accident.


什么是队列为空:队列没有坐席状态(Agent Status)是 AvailableAvailable (On Demand)On Break 的坐席。


Default to 5. Any value are in seconds, and will define the length of time after the max-wait-time-with-no-agent is reached to reject new caller. This allow for kicking caller if no agent are logged in for over 5 seconds, but new caller after that 5 seconds is reached can have a lower limit.


参数作用:为了解决加入队列时,队列就为空时queue->last_agent_exist为0,queue->last_agent_exist_check - queue->last_agent_exist无法计算队列空闲时间,进行第二次判段, queue->last_agent_exist_check - m->t_member_called 的结果是加入队列总共时间,当加入队列总时间大于max-wait-time-with-no-agent+max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached,就离开队列。
/* Make the Caller Leave if he went over his max wait time */
if (queue->max_wait_time > 0 && queue->max_wait_time <= time_now - m->t_member_called) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(member_session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, “Member %s <%s> in queue ‘%s’ reached max wait time\n”, m->member_cid_name, m->member_cid_number, m->queue_name);
m->member_cancel_reason = CC_MEMBER_CANCEL_REASON_TIMEOUT;
switch_channel_set_flag_value(member_channel, CF_BREAK, 2);

    /* Check if max wait time no agent is Active AND if there is no Agent AND if the last agent check was after the member join */
    if (queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent > 0 && queue->last_agent_exist_check > queue->last_agent_exist && m->t_member_called <= queue->last_agent_exist_check) {
        /* Check if the time without agent is bigger or equal than out threshold */
        if (queue->last_agent_exist_check - queue->last_agent_exist >= queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent) {
            /* Check for grace period with no agent when member join */
            if (queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent_time_reached > 0) {
                /* Check if the last agent check was after the member join, and we waited atless the extra time  */
                if (queue->last_agent_exist_check - m->t_member_called >= queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent_time_reached + queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent) {
                    switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(member_session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Member %s <%s> in queue '%s' reached max wait of %d sec. with no agent plus join grace period of %d sec.\n", m->member_cid_name, m->member_cid_number, m->queue_name, queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent, queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent_time_reached);
                    m->member_cancel_reason = CC_MEMBER_CANCEL_REASON_NO_AGENT_TIMEOUT;
                    switch_channel_set_flag_value(member_channel, CF_BREAK, 2);

            } else {
                switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(member_session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Member %s <%s> in queue '%s' reached max wait of %d sec. with no agent\n", m->member_cid_name, m->member_cid_number, m->queue_name, queue->max_wait_time_with_no_agent);
                m->member_cancel_reason = CC_MEMBER_CANCEL_REASON_NO_AGENT_TIMEOUT;
                switch_channel_set_flag_value(member_channel, CF_BREAK, 2);


如果坐席不应答次数超过max-no-answer(Agent中设置),则设置坐席的状态为 agent-no-answer-status 的值。默认值 On Break 。其他值请参考Agent Status



仅仅设置这个参数,还是实现不了上面说的功能的,还需要callcenter_track这个app配合才可以。比如 1001坐席呼出时先执行一下callcenter_track

<action application="callcenter_track" data="1001@default"/>
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/external/138XXXXXXXXX@sipserver"/>

Agent 配置详解

Agents have Status and States. The Status is the general state of the agent. Statuses are not updated by the system automatically, so they must be set or changed as needed. States are the specific state of an agent with regard to the calls in the queue. States are dynamic and are updated by the system based on the progress of a agent in a call. The reason for separating the two is so that an agent can logout (change Status to ‘Logged Out’) without affecting his current call State (possibly set to ‘In a queue call’).

If an agent changes his status to Logged Out, any active callback attempts will be halted and the queue will try to place that caller with another agent.

Status only applies to the next call. So for example, if you change user from Available to Available (On Demand) while they are in a call, they will receive one more call when the current one finishes.

Agent Status and States follow:

  • Agent Status:
Logged OutCannot receive queue calls.(签出)
AvailableReady to receive queue calls.
Available (On Demand)State will be set to ‘Idle’ once the call ends (not automatically set to ‘Waiting’).
On BreakStill Logged in, but will not receive queue calls.(休息/示忙)

AvailableAvailable (On Demand) 的区别: Available 接完一个电话后 Agent State 会设置为 WaitingAvailable (On Demand) 接完一个电话后 Agent State 会设置为 Idle

  • Agent State:
IdleDoes nothing, no calls are given.
WaitingReady to receive calls.
ReceivingA queue call is currently being offered to the agent.(振铃/呼叫)
In a queue callCurrently on a queue call.(通话)

IdleWaiting 的区别: Idle 坐席空闲中,但是不会分配话务。 Waiting 坐席空闲中,正在等待分配话务。

  • No Answer

If you define the max-no-answer for an agent, and that agent fails to answer that many calls, then the agent’s Status will changed to ‘On Break’.(请参考max-no-answer

  • Rejecting Calls

Rejecting a call does not act as a ‘no-answer’.

A delay can be added before calling an agent who has just rejected a call from the queue by setting reject_delay_time on an agent.(请参考reject-delay-time

  • Do not disturb

An agent who is set to “do not disturb” can have a delay added before he is offered his next call by using the busy_delay_time parameter on the agent.(请参考busy-delay-time)


Agent name


We currently support 2 types, ‘callback’ and ‘uuid-standby’. callback will try to reach the agent via the contact fields value. uuid-standby will try to bridge the call directly using the agent uuid.

  1. Callback:

    • Available

    While an agent’s State is ‘Waiting’, calls will be directed to them. Whenever an agent completes one of those calls, their State is set back to ‘Waiting’.

  2. Available (On Demand)

    This is the same as the regular ‘Available’ Status, except that when the call is terminated, the agent’s State is set to ‘Idle’. This means the agent won’t receive additional calls until his State is changed to ‘Waiting’.
  3. uuid-standby:This is used when agents call into the system and wait to receive a calls.


A simple dial string can be put in here, like: user/1000@default. If using verto: ${verto_contact(1000@default)}

坐席的呼叫串。例如sip分机:user/1000,外线电话:sofia/gateway/gatewayname/138XXXXXXXX。可以通过变量设置呼叫参数比如呼叫超时主叫号码例:[origination_caller_id_name='Queue Caller',leg_timeout=10]user/1001


Define the current status of an agent. Check the Agents Status table for more information.

坐席签入状态,参考Agent Status


If the agent fails to answer calls this number of times, his status is changed to On Break automatically.

连续 max-no-answer 次呼叫坐席超时,就设置坐席状态为agent-no-answer-status(Queues中设置,默认是 On Break


注意:只有呼叫超时才是不应答,用户拒接,用户忙,用户未注册等原因导致的呼叫失败不属于 no-answer 。具体可以参考下面源代码:
switch (cause) {
/* When we hang-up agents that did not answer in ring-all strategy */
/* Busy: Do Not Disturb, Circuit congestion */
delay_next_agent_call = (h->busy_delay_time > delay_next_agent_call? h->busy_delay_time : delay_next_agent_call);
/* Reject: User rejected the call */
delay_next_agent_call = (h->reject_delay_time > delay_next_agent_call? h->reject_delay_time : delay_next_agent_call);
/* Protection againts super fast loop due to unregistrer */
delay_next_agent_call = 5;
/* No answer: Destination does not answer for some other reason */
delay_next_agent_call = (h->no_answer_delay_time > delay_next_agent_call? h->no_answer_delay_time : delay_next_agent_call);

            tiers_state = CC_TIER_STATE_NO_ANSWER;

            /* Update Agent NO Answer count */
            sql = switch_mprintf("UPDATE agents SET no_answer_count = no_answer_count + 1 WHERE name = '%q' AND system = '%q';",
                    h->agent_name, h->agent_system);
            cc_execute_sql(NULL, sql, NULL);

            /* Change Agent Status because he didn't answer often */
            if (h->max_no_answer > 0 && (h->no_answer_count + 1) >= h->max_no_answer) {
                switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(member_session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Agent %s reach maximum no answer of %d, setting agent status to %s\n",
                        h->agent_name, h->max_no_answer, cc_agent_status2str(h->agent_no_answer_status));


The amount of time to wait before putting the agent back in the available queue to receive another call, to allow her to complete notes or other tasks.

话后处理时间,也就是坐席接完一个电话后, wrap-up-time 秒内不在分配话务给这个坐席。


If the agent presses the reject button on her phone, wait this defined time amount.

用户拒接时, reject-delay-time 秒内不再呼叫这个坐席。

只有 switch_ivr_originate 返回 SWITCH_CAUSE_CALL_REJECTED(sip消息603) 才是用户拒接。


If the agent is on Do Not Disturb, wait this defined time before trying him again.

用户忙时, busy-delay-time 秒内不再呼叫这个坐席。

只有 switch_ivr_originate 返回 SWITCH_CAUSE_NORMAL_CIRCUIT_CONGESTION(sip消息503) 和 SWITCH_CAUSE_USER_BUSY(sip消息486),才是用户用户忙。


If the agent does not answer the call, wait this defined time before trying him again.

呼叫坐席超时时, no-answer-delay-time 秒内不再呼叫这个坐席。



  • cc_export_vars

Export variables to the b-leg(s) of call center (the agents)

This is necessary because mod_callcenter originates B-leg calls in its own separate thread, therefore it has no access to variables set in the A-leg (as ‘bridge’ would).

Example usage:

<action application="set" data="hold_music=local_stream://example_moh"/>
<action application="set" data="origination_caller_id_name=Call Center"/>
<action application="set" data="origination_caller_id_number=9000"/>
<action application="set" data="cc_export_vars=hold_music,origination_caller_id_name,origination_caller_id_number"/>
<action application="callcenter" data="9000@callcenter"/>

* cc_moh_override

Overrides the queue’s default Music On Hold.

Example usage from mail list:

<action application="set" data="cc_moh_override=/var/sounds/custom_moh.wav"/>
<action application="set" data="cc_moh_override=/var/sounds/custom_moh.mp3"/>
<action application="set" data="cc_moh_override=file_string:///var/sounds/custom_moh.wav!/var/sounds/custom_moh.mp3"/>
<action application="set" data="cc_moh_override=tone_stream://%(2000,4000,440,480)"/>

Adds the specified amount to the caller’s base score, potential putting him in front other callers in the queue.

  • cc_exit_keys

Caller can exit the queue by pressing this key.
* cc_outbound_cid_name_prefix

Adds prefix to the Caller ID Name of the caller.

  • cc_outbound_announce

Playback specific audio, or an array of audios, to the agent prior to bridging the member.

  • cc_bridge_failed_outbound_announce

Playback specific audio to the agent if we can’t bridge him because member hangup the call just before the bridge occurs. You can play a busy tone here or a custom audio, for example:

  • cc_warning_tone

This variable is only valid for agents in ‘uuid-standby’ mode. It plays the specified tone when a call is sent to the agent.

  • cc_record_\filename

Contains the filename of the call recording if a record-template was provided in the queue’s configuration. (read-only)

  • cc_side

Contains the leg side of the call. Can be either member or agent. (read-only)

  • cc_member_uuid

Contains the unique callcenter member uuid (Different from the member session uuid) (read-only)

  • cc_member_session_uuid

Contains the member session uuid. (Different from the member_uuid) (read-only)

  • cc_agent

Contains the agent who accepted the call from the queue. (read-only)

  • cc_queue_answered_epoch

Contains the epoch time that the agent answered the call. (read only)

  • cc_queue_terminated_epoch

Contains the epoch time that the bridge with the agent was terminated. (read-only)

  • cc_queue_joined_epoch

Contains the epoch time that the caller joined the queue and started waiting. (read-only)

  • cc_queue_canceled_epoch

Contains the epoch time when a caller leaves the queue and aborts the call. (read-only)

  • cc_agent_bridged

Contains a boolean value indicating if this call was successfully bridged or not. We may call the agent and the member can hangup just before bridging them. (read-only)


  • callcenter
  • callcenter_track


  • callcenter_config agent add [name] [type]
  • callcenter_config agent del [name]
  • callcenter_config agent reload [name]
  • callcenter_config agent set status [agent_name] [status]
  • callcenter_config agent set state [agent_name] [state]
  • callcenter_config agent set contact [agent_name] [contact]
  • callcenter_config agent set ready_time [agent_name] [wait till epoch]
  • callcenter_config agent set reject_delay_time [agent_name] [wait second]
  • callcenter_config agent set busy_delay_time [agent_name] [wait second]
  • callcenter_config agent set no_answer_delay_time [agent_name] [wait second]
  • callcenter_config agent get status [agent_name]
  • callcenter_config agent get state [agent_name]
  • callcenter_config agent get uuid [agent_name]
  • callcenter_config agent list [[agent_name]]
  • callcenter_config tier add [queue_name] [agent_name] [[level]] [[position]]
  • callcenter_config tier set state [queue_name] [agent_name] [state]
  • callcenter_config tier set level [queue_name] [agent_name] [level]
  • callcenter_config tier set position [queue_name] [agent_name] [position]
  • callcenter_config tier del [queue_name] [agent_name]
  • callcenter_config tier reload [queue_name] [agent_name]
  • callcenter_config tier list
  • callcenter_config queue load [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue unload [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue reload [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue list
  • callcenter_config queue list agents [queue_name] [status] [state]
  • callcenter_config queue list members [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue list tiers [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue count
  • callcenter_config queue count agents [queue_name] [status] [state]
  • callcenter_config queue count members [queue_name]
  • callcenter_config queue count tiers [queue_name]




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