ISTQB question pattern and tips to solve


Please welcome ‘Sandhya’ on writer’s board. Sandhya is having extensive experience in software testing field and helping many software testers in clearing the testing certification exams like ISTQB.

Sandhya will be giving you ISTQB paper pattern and tips on how to solve the questions quickly. To start with, here are 10 sample ISTQB ‘Foundation level’ questions with detailed explanation for answers.

ISTQB question pattern and tips to solve:
ISTQB questions are formatted in such a way that the answers look very much similar. People often choose the one, which they are more familiar with. We should carefully read the question twice or thrice or may be more than that, till we are clear about what is being asked in the question.

Now look at the options carefully. The options are chosen to confuse the candidates. To choose the correct answer, we should start eliminating one by one. Go through each option and check whether it is appropriate or not. If you end up selecting more than one option, repeat the above logic for the answers that you selected. This will definitely work.

Before you start with the question papers, please read the material thoroughly. Practice as many papers as possible. This will help a lot because, when we actually solve the papers, we apply the logic that we know.

ISTQB ‘Foundation level’ sample questions with answers:

1. Designing the test environment set-up and identifying any required infrastructure and tools are a part of which phase

a) Test Implementation and execution
b) Test Analysis and Design
c) Evaluating the Exit Criteria and reporting
d) Test Closure Activities

Evaluating the options:
a) Option a: as the name suggests these activities are part of the actual implementation cycle. So do not fall under set-up
b) Option b: Analysis and design activities come before implementation. The test environment set-up, identifying any required infrastructure and tools are part of this activity.
c) Option c: These are post implementation activities
d) Option d: These are related to closing activities. This is the last activity.

So, the answer is ‘B’

2. Test Implementation and execution has which of the following major tasks?

i. Developing and prioritizing test cases, creating test data, writing test procedures and optionally preparing the test harnesses and writing automated test scripts.
ii. Creating the test suite from the test cases for efficient test execution.
iii. Verifying that the test environment has been set up correctly.
iv. Determining the exit criteria.

a) i,ii,iii are true and iv is false
b) i,,iv are true and ii is false
c) i,ii are true and iii,iv are false
d) ii,iii,iv are true and i is false

Evaluating the options:
Let’s follow a different approach in this case. As can be seen from the above options, determining the exit criteria is definitely not a part of test implementation and execution. So choose the options where (iv) is false. This filters out ‘b’ and ‘d’.

We need to select only from ‘a’ and ‘c’. We only need to analyze option (iii) as (i) and (ii) are marked as true in both the cases. Verification of the test environment is part of the implementation activity. Hence option (iii) is true. This leaves the only option as ‘a’.

So, the answer is ‘A’

3. A Test Plan Outline contains which of the following:-

i. Test Items
ii. Test Scripts
iii. Test Deliverables
iv. Responsibilities

a) I,ii,iii are true and iv is false
b) i,iii,iv are true and ii is false
c) ii,iii are true and i and iv are false
d) i,ii are false and iii , iv are true

Evaluating the options:
Let’s use the approach given in question no. 2. Test scripts are not part of the test plan (this must be clear). So choose the options where (ii) is false. So we end up selecting ‘b’ and ‘d’. Now evaluate the option (i), as option (iii) and (iv) are already given as true in both the cases. Test items are part of the test plan. Test items are the modules or features which will be tested and these will be part of the test plan.

So, the answer is ‘B’

4. One of the fields on a form contains a text box which accepts numeric values in the range of 18 to 25. Identify the invalid Equivalence class
a) 17
b) 19
c) 24
d) 21

Evaluating the options:
In this case, first we should identify valid and invalid equivalence classes.

Invalid Class | Valid Class | Invalid Class
Below 18 | 18 to 25 | 26 and above

Option ‘a’ falls under invalid class. Options ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ fall under valid class.

So, the answer is ‘A’

5. In an Examination a candidate has to score minimum of 24 marks in order to clear the exam. The maximum that he can score is 40 marks. Identify the Valid Equivalence values if the student clears the exam.

a) 22,23,26
b) 21,39,40
c) 29,30,31
d) 0,15,22

Evaluating the options:
Let’s use the approach given in question 4. Identify valid and invalid equivalence classes.

Invalid Class | Valid Class | Invalid Class
Below 24 | 24 to 40 | 41 and above

The question is to identify valid equivalence values. So all the values must be from ‘Valid class’ only.

a) Option a: all the values are not from valid class
b) Option b: all the values are not from valid class
c) Option c: all the values are from valid class
d) Option d: all the values are not from valid class

So, the answer is ‘C’

6. Which of the following statements regarding static testing is false:

a) static testing requires the running of tests through the code
b) static testing includes desk checking
c) static testing includes techniques such as reviews and inspections
d) static testing can give measurements such as cyclomatic complexity

Evaluating the options:
a) Option a: is wrong. Static testing has nothing to do with code
b) Option b: correct, static testing does include desk checking
c) Option c: correct, it includes reviews and inspections
d) Option d: correct, it can give measurements such as cyclomatic complexity

So, the answer is ‘A’

7. Verification involves which of the following:-
i. Helps to check the Quality of the built product
ii. Helps to check that we have built the right product.
iii. Helps in developing the product
iv. Monitoring tool wastage and obsoleteness.

a) Options i,ii,iii,iv are true.
b) i is true and ii,iii,iv are false
c) i,ii,iii are true and iv is false
d) ii is true and i,iii,iv are false.

Evaluating the options:
a) Option a: The quality of the product can be checked only after building it.
Verification is a cycle before completing the product.
b) Option b: Verification checks that we have built the right product.
c) Option c: it does not help in developing the product
d) Option d: it does not involve monitory activities.

So, the answer is ‘B’

8. Component Testing is also called as :-
i. Unit Testing
ii. Program Testing
iii. Module Testing
iv. System Component Testing .

a) i,ii,iii are true and iv is false
b) i,ii,iii,iv are false
c) i,ii,iv are true and iii is false
d) all of above is true

Evaluating the options:
a) Option a: correct, component testing is also called as unit testing
b) Option b: not sure (but as all the options indicate this as true, we can conclude that Program testing is also called as unit testing)
c) Option c: correct, component testing is also called as module testing
d) Option d: wrong. System component testing comes under system testing.

So, the answer is ‘A’

9. Link Testing is also called as :
a) Component Integration testing
b) Component System Testing
c) Component Sub System Testing
d) Maintenance testing

Evaluating the options:
As the name suggests, this testing is performed by linking (say modules). Now if
we look at the options, only option ‘a’ is performed by linking or integrating

So, the answer is ‘A’

ISTQB questions 10

What is the expected result for each of the following test cases?
A.TC1: Anand is a 32 year old married, residing in Kolkatta.
B.TC3: Attapattu is a 65 year old married person, residing in Colombo.
a) A – Issue membership, 10% discount, B–Issue membership, offer no discount. B
b) A – Don’t Issue membership, B – Don’t offer discount. C
c) A – Issue membership, no discount, B – Don’t Issue membership.
d) A – Issue membership, no discount, B- Issue membership with 10% discount.

Evaluating the options:

ISYQB answer 10
For TC1: follow the path in green color
(The person is Indian resident, so select only ‘True’ options.
The person is aged between 18-55, so select only ‘True’
The person is a married, so again select only ‘True’
For this person, the actions under ‘Rule 4′ will be applied. That is, issue membership and no discount)

For TC3: follow the path in blue color
(The person is not Indian resident, so select only ‘False’ (under Rule 1)
The person is not aged between 18-55. No need to select any path, as it is written “Don’t care”.
The person is married. No need to select any path, as it is written “Don’t care”.
For this person, the actions under ‘Rule1′ will be applied, That is, Don’t issue membership and no discount.)

So, the answer is ‘C’

Note: The answers are based on writers own experience and judgment and may not be 100% correct. If you feel any correction is required please discuss in comments below.

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