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原创 Python(Django) Restful Vue developent flow chart


2016-06-29 18:33:41 936

原创 Python filter map reduce lambda Method detail

Python内置了一些特殊函数,这些函数很具python特性。可以让代码更加简洁。可以看例子:1 filter(function, sequence):str = [‘a’, ‘b’,’c’, ‘d’]def fun1(s): return s if s != ‘a’ else Noneret = filter(fun1, str)print ret[‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]对sequence中

2016-06-29 12:36:09 425

原创 Source order for linux

Linux Source命令及脚本的执行方式解析当我修改了/etc/profile文件,我想让它立刻生效,而不用重新登录;这时就想到用source命令,如:source /etc/profile 对source进行了学习,并且用它与sh 执行脚本进行了对比,现在总结一下。source命令: source命令也称为“点命令”,也就是一个点符号(.),是bash的内部命令。 功能:使Shell读入

2016-06-28 11:31:23 410

原创 wd cloud nas for linux

wd cloud configyou can get mycloud.com/setup to set your cloud finish your name you will get email then set up your password first visit may be you will update your cloud (like linux os)

2016-06-28 01:14:19 990

原创 restful components pagination

models = ProviderOrder.objects.prefetch_related().all() page = LimitOffsetPagination() page.paginate_queryset(models, request) provider_order_list = page.paginate_queryset(model

2016-06-27 16:56:11 443

原创 uml 建模 依赖,聚合,实现,管理 等关系


2016-06-27 00:32:12 456

原创 Learn file path relative and absolutly

In past years , i often puzzled in the question of path , but now , i will solve it the easy question , it still exeit because i havn't do as example: just so so i show it by html code , use copy file

2016-06-26 23:00:54 428

原创 Search what you want by english instand of chinese from now on

Search what you want by english instand of chinese from now on and you will get out of head

2016-06-26 22:09:54 427

原创 linux disk mout(磁盘挂载)

search what you want by english instand of chinese from now on I want write a article to introduce DIKS MOUNT for linux until now i have readed some bbs to understand disk mount , it works in serv

2016-06-26 22:07:03 828

原创 watch movie (come back)

Now , i think about life , studying more and more , i'm becomming aiming man , before action ,perhaps i would't consider why you have done it ,but after action, care of the thing carry me what wo pay

2016-06-26 21:58:08 370

原创 vim edit for ubuntu

The world have three type of programmer , vim , emac and others first you use vim wouldn't have deep feeling , long time go ,you will find gradually, very userful codeEdit software . you can use te

2016-06-26 02:52:39 390

原创 sass

The second article to say suss suss is easy to use , sass can choice element , romance element for their child , you will needn't use complex code for css ul li{font-size:12px} sass=> ul

2016-06-26 02:42:01 441

原创 Fekit mock and base config for linux

fekit is popular in web devlop , althouth glub is better ,fitst we can study fekit in ubuntu os Firstly you nned get npm or cnpm(source from taobao)use next code sudo npm install cnpm -gcnpm ins

2016-06-26 02:29:35 580

原创 gnome tweak tool for ubuntu

the question is how open gnome tweak tool the software can manager your desktop and make your system look beautiful it's so easy to solver this question 1 open your terminal input gnome-tweak

2016-06-25 00:06:10 2275

原创 use nodeJs to run your server

node is easier build yout server than others , it only two step completed first you need to download npm and nvm you can use source from taobao next run you terninal input next shell then you can v

2016-06-24 01:22:19 512

原创 javaScript strict Mode and Window

js strict can check more error and make your cede quick run .the code as: <script type="text/javascript"> 'use strict' function doing(){ employee=1;

2016-06-24 00:39:51 475

原创 百度Map之Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fc' of undefined

初始化 var map = new BMap.Map("allmap"); // 创建Map实例 需要在 div 加载完之后执行比如 在vue spa 单页面开发中<script> var Api = require('../utils/xz_utils'); var apiName = "community"; var map = new BMap.M

2016-06-23 19:01:43 14319

原创 linux user mysql 破解

在linux 使用mysql 时,会在用户目录下 userNmae 下生成一个 .navicat 文件夹,可将内部,system.deg删除重启,mysql,若是无效则讲 .navicat 删除 ,重启 Ok

2016-06-21 14:59:09 397

原创 Interface use

Request URL: this.$http.get(ur

2016-06-21 12:21:19 480

原创 route 认识

1分散ip 进行上网,路由器是一种网络设备,它的主要功能是用来扩展网络规模的。如一条光纤到单位,电信只会给你一个IP地址,那么从光电转换器下来只有一个J45端口,只有一台电脑能上网,即使这个端口通过网线连接到交换机,交换机下面的每台电脑都要设成这一个地址,同时也只能有一台电脑能上网,单位内部如200台电脑都要上网的话必须在内部组建局域网,每台电脑的IP地址都不相同,如从 至 ,这时就用得着路由器了,

2016-06-12 21:41:29 354

原创 vue.js

原文链接vue.js 相比于angular.js vue.js 更加方便使用简洁,可快速进行排序,表单数据绑定,双向绑定等功能使用{{}} 与 vue 中 data:{} 里的数据进行绑定 ,若是data:{ book:{ id:1; }}则使用 {{book.id}}进行绑定方法绑定也很简单 只需要使用 new V

2016-06-11 01:24:33 1167

sql-Lite jdbc驱动 3.7.2

sqlLite jdbc 驱动,版本 3.7.2 有需要的尽管拿去了



内含,json,Gson,fastJson 解析jar 文件,有需要的拿去吧



文件上传jar 文件,内含fileupload.jar,commons-io.jar,commons-collections.jar



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