NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(45)

这篇开发笔记详细介绍了5GNR中确定Type-0 CSS(CORESET0)时域/频域位置的步骤。文章提到了3种复用模式:仅时分复用(TDM)、时分/频分复用(TDM/FDM)和仅频分复用(FDM)。对于每种模式,都指出了与MIB共同子载波间隔(mibCommonScs)相关的SFN和n值。同时,根据38.213标准,PDCCH场合与SSB的Type-0 CSS不能重叠,确保了时域和频域上的分离。文中通过实例解释了不同复用模式下的配置情况。

Procedures to determine Type-0 CSS(CORESET0) time/freq-domain position:

there are 3 multiplexing patterns for css0/coreset0:

*multiplexing pattern 1, which uses TDM only

*multiplexing pattern 2, which uses TDM/FDM

*multiplexing pattern 3, which uses FDM only

For pattern 1:

Note1: O2 means O*2, and M2 means M*2

Note2: SFN_C, n_C are all based on mibCommonScs.

O2, numSetsPerSlot, M2, firstSymbSet = css0OccasionsPat1Fr1[self.nrRmsiCss0] if self.args['freqBand']['freqRange'] == 'FR1' else css0OccasionsPat1Fr2[self.nrRmsiCss0] 

issb = i % self.nrSsbMaxL
                    #determine pdcch monitoring occasion (sfnc + nc) for ssb with index issb
                    val = (O2 * 2 ** self.nrScs2Mu[self.nrMibCommonScs]) // 2 + math.floor(issb * M2 / 2)
                    valSfnc = math.floor(val / self.nrSlotPerRf[self.nrScs2Mu[self.nrMibCommonScs]])
                    if (valSfnc % 2 == 0 and sfn % 2 == 0) or (valSfnc % 2 == 1 and sfn % 2 == 1):
                        sfnc = sfn
                        hsfn, sfn = self.incSfn(hsfn, sfn, 1)
                        self.recvSsb(hsfn, sfn)
                        sfnc = sfn
                    n0 = val % self.nrSlotPerRf[self.nrScs2Mu[self.nrMibCommonScs]] 
                    nc = [n0, n0+1]
                    #determine first symbol of coreset0
                    if len(firstSymbSet) == 2:
                        firstSymbCoreset0 = firstSymbSet[0] if issb % 2 == 0 else firstSymbSet[1]
                        firstSymbCoreset0 = firstSymbSet[0]
                    self.coreset0Occasions.append([hsfn, sfnc, nc, firstSymbCoreset0, ['OK', 'OK']])

For Pattern 2:

Note1: SFN_SSB, n_SSB and SFN_C, n_C are all based on mibCommonScs.

issb = i % self.nrSsbMaxL
                    #determine sfnSsb and nSsb which are based on commonScs 
                    sfnSsb = sfn
                    scaleTd = self.baseScsTd // self.nrMibCommonScs
                    nSsb = math.floor(self.ssbFirstSymbInBaseScsTd[dn][i] / (self.nrSymbPerSlotNormCp * scaleTd))
                    #Table 13-13: PDCCH monitoring occasions for Type0-PDCCH CSS set - SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern 2 and {SS/PBCH block, PDCCH} SCS {120, 60} kHz
                    #Table 13-14: PDCCH monitoring occasions for Type0-PDCCH CSS set - SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern 2 and {SS/PBCH block, PDCCH} SCS {240, 120} kHz
                    if self.nrSsbScs == 120 and self.nrMibCommonScs == 60:
                        sfnc = sfnSsb
                        nc = [nSsb,]
                        firstSymbCoreset0 = (0, 1, 6, 7)[issb % 4]
                    elif self.nrSsbScs == 240 and self.nrMibCommonScs == 120:
                        issbMod8Set1 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7)
                        issbMod8Set2 = (4, 5)
                        if issb % 8 in issbMod8Set2:
                            sfnc = sfnSsb
                            nc = [nSsb - 1,]
                            firstSymbCoreset0 = (12, 13)[issbMod8Set2.index(issb % 8)]
                            sfnc = sfnSsb
                            nc = [nSsb,]
                            firstSymbCoreset0 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1)[issbMod8Set1.index(issb % 8)]
self.coreset0Occasions.append([hsfn, sfnc, nc, firstSymbCoreset0, ['OK']])

For pattern 3:

Note1: SFN_SSB, n_SSB and SFN_C, n_C are all based on mibCommonScs.

issb = i % self.nrSsbMaxL
                    #determine sfnSsb and nSsb which are based on commonScs 
                    sfnSsb = sfn
                    scaleTd = self.baseScsTd // self.nrMibCommonScs
                    nSsb = math.floor(self.ssbFirstSymbInBaseScsTd[dn][i] / (self.nrSymbPerSlotNormCp * scaleTd))
                    #Table 13-15: PDCCH monitoring occasions for Type0-PDCCH CSS set - SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern 3 and {SS/PBCH block, PDCCH} SCS {120, 120} kHz
                    if self.nrSsbScs == 120 and self.nrMibCommonScs == 120:
                        sfnc = sfnSsb
                        nc = [nSsb,]
                        firstSymbCoreset0 = (4, 8, 2, 6)[issb % 4]
                    self.coreset0Occasions.append([hsfn, sfnc, nc, firstSymbCoreset0, ['OK']])


According to 38.213, PDCCH occasions for Type-0 CSS and SSB shall not be overlapped:

*time-domain:  first symbols of CSS0 shall not within the set of symbols for transmitted SSB if only TDM is used



Example of 'multiplexing pattern 1':

Note 1: PDCCH occasion, for examples, [0, 0, [0, 1], 0, ['OK', 'OK']], field definitions are:

*fake HSFN (there is no hsfn in NR, used only for convenience, always start from 0)


*n_C: list with length 1 or 2

*first symbol in each slot:

*status of each slot: 'NOK' means invalid configurations

contents of ["freqBand"]: {'opBand': 'n77', 'duplexMode': 'TDD', 'maxDlFre




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