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原创 R Programming - Getting and Cleaning Data

Getting and Cleaning DataRaw and Processed DataRaw DataProcessed DataComponents of Tidy DataThe four things you should haveThe raw dataThe tidy dataThe code bookThe instruction listDownloading FilesReading Local FilesReading Excel FilesReading XMLReading J

2022-06-25 23:42:59 224

原创 Probability and statistics

# 正态分布# 二项分布# 泊松分布

2022-06-06 16:11:09 241

原创 Python - Matplotlib


2022-06-04 02:14:20 86

原创 Regular expressions

```pythonimport retext = "This is a good day."## match(): checks for a match that is at the beginning of the string and returns a boolean## search(): check for a match anywhere in the string, and returns a booleanif re.search("good", text): # the fi.

2022-05-28 22:36:01 98

原创 R Programming - Hospital Compare

Unzip file> library(utils)> unzip("rprog-data-ProgAssignment3-data.zip")Finding the best hospital in a statebest <- function(state, outcome){ ## state is the 2-character abbreviated name ## outcome is the outcome name ## read outcome

2022-05-24 12:03:49 81

原创 R Programming - Simulation & Profiling

Simulation & ProfilingThe str functionSimulation - Generating Random NumbersGenerating Random NumbersSimulation - Simulating a Linear ModelGenerating Random Numbers From a Linear ModelGenerating Random Numbers From a Generalized Linear ModelSimulation

2022-05-21 18:45:50 116

原创 R Programming -Debugging Tools

Debugging ToolsDiagnosing the ProblemBasic ToolsUsing the ToolsDiagnosing the ProblemIndications that something’s not rightmessage: A generic notification/diagnostic message produced by the message function; execution of the function continueswarning:

2022-05-18 20:25:21 80

原创 R Programming - Loop Functions

Loop Functions1. Iapply & sapplylapplysapply2. applycol/row sums and means3. mapplyVectorizing a FunctionInstant Vectorization4. tapply5. splitSplitting a Data FrameSplitting on more than one levelWriting for, while loops is useful when programming b

2022-05-18 19:40:44 96

原创 R Programming Practice - Air Pollution

Part 1Write a function named ‘pollutantmean’ that calculates the mean of a pollutant (sulfate or nitrate) across a specified list of monitors. The function ‘pollutantmean’ takes three arguments: ‘directory’, ‘pollutant’, and ‘id’. Given a vector monitor

2022-05-16 17:44:57 362

原创 R Programming - Scoping Rules

binding values to symbolThe global environment or the user’s workspace is always the first element of the search list and the base package is always the lastThe order of the packages on the search list mattersUser’s can configure which packages get loa

2022-05-13 21:43:16 191

原创 R Programming - Functions

> add2 <- function(x, y) {+ x + y+ }> add2(3,5)[1] 8> above <- function(x, n =10) {+ use <- x >n+ x[use]+ }> x <- 1:20> above(x, 12)[1] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20> above(x) [1] 11 12 13 14

2022-05-13 18:11:54 67

原创 R Programming -Control Structures

Control structures in R allow you to control the flow of execution of the program, depending on runtime conditions. Common structures are:Control Structure1. if, else: testing a condition2. for: execute a loop a fixed number of timesNested for loops3. whi

2022-05-13 15:07:38 72

原创 Python -Numpy

1. Array Creationimport numpy as npimport math## Arrays are displayed as a list or list of lists and can be created through list as wella = np.array([1,2,3])print(a)print(a.ndim) # print the number of dimensions of a list using the ndim attribute[

2022-05-12 23:06:22 160

原创 R programming - swirl learning

R programming - swirl learning> library(swirl)> swirl()1. The basics of programming in RIf at any point you’d like more information on a particular topic related to R, you can type help.start() at the prompt, which will open a menu of resources

2022-05-10 20:32:47 428

原创 R Programming - Reading Data

#@TOCReading Tabular DataThere are a few principle functions reading data into Rread.table, read.csv, for reading tabular datareadLines, for reading lines of a text filesource, for reading in R code files(inverse of dump)dget, for reading in R code

2022-05-09 17:43:13 347

原创 R Programming - Data Type

R Programming

2022-05-07 19:59:28 120

原创 Qualitative Research - interview

Qualitative researchinterviewobservationsaffinity diagramswork modelspersonasmarket researchsurvey and questionnaireslog analysisdocument analysisFocus groupWorkshopsA/b testPrototypingDesign probetypes of interviews

2022-04-23 17:55:21 661



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