Levetop / LT768x Coding - Libraries & Examples (8)

Displaying text description is essential for many applications. This section is to explain how developers may utilize LT768x to display graphic font coded by Unicode.


Just follow the simple steps listed below:

Step 1: Select and setup a desired font, and convert it into a bin file.

Step 2: Program the bin file to the flash connected to LT768x

Step 3: Call LT768x functions to "draw" the designated text, and display it onto the TFT panel.

Levetop provides, BWFont.exe, a powerful tool that can help developers generate a graphic font, and convert the font into a bin file. Each symbol/character is depicted in the form of PNG picture, and the picture data are stored in a consecutive order in the bin file.

(For more information about the convertion tool, please contact: Levetop Semiconductor

The generated bin file also has a header that lists the related information of the font, as shown below:

Byte orderContent of the byteExplanation


'U' -- 0x55                
byte1'N' -- 0x4E
byte2Width of the font
byte3Height of the font
byte4StartCode & 0xFFLSB
byte5(StartCode<<8) & 0xFFMSB
byte6EndCode & 0xFFLSB
byte7(EndCode<<8) & 0xFFMSB

Grayscale of pixel:

0 -- 1bit

1 -- 2bits

2 -- 4bits

3 -- 8bits

byte9~103Width of each ASCII code(0x20~0x7E)




ASCII Graphic Data

1bit: bitData=8

2bits: bitsData=4

4bits: bitsData=2

8bits: bitsData=1

byte(104+W*H*95/bitsData) ~Unicode Font Graphic Data 

Users may develope their own functions by decoding the bin file based on the above table.

Related functions:

void LT768_Draw_16bit                  // To draw one symbol/character (PNG picture) 
 unsigned char SCS                        // Select SPI device   0: SPI0, 1: SPI1 
,unsigned char Clk                          // SPI Clock - System Clock /{(Clk+1)*2}
,unsigned short X1                          // X start coordinate of the destination
,unsigned short Y1                          // Y start coordinate of the destination
,unsigned short X_W                      // Data width
,unsigned short Y_H                       // Data height
,unsigned short P_W                      // Picture width
,unsigned long F_Color                  // Font color
,unsigned long B_Color                  // Background color
,unsigned short transparent            // 1: remove background    0: show background color
,unsigned short pixel_format          // Options: 1/2/4 bits
,unsigned long Addr                       // Starting address to retrieve data from flash
,unsigned long lay0                        // SDRAM layer address to write to  
,unsigned short canvas_w              // Layer width

void LT768_Print_Font_Unicode    // To print out a unicode string
 unsigned long FlashAddr              // Font address in the Flash
,unsigned short x                           // x coordinate to start displaying unicode
,unsigned short y                           // y coordinate to start displaying unicode
,unsigned short w                          // String display length (in pixel)
,unsigned long FontColor              // Font color
,unsigned long BackGroundColor // Background color
,unsigned short transparent          // Flag for removing background
,unsigned short String_Length      // String length - the amonunt of the code (unit: byte)
,char *c                                          // Starting address of the string

Demo code is listed below:

/* Function:    LT768_Draw_16bit                                                         */
/*                                                                                       */
/* Parameters:                                                                           */
/*                       SCS: Select SPI device   0: SPI0, 1: SPI1                       */
/*                       Clk: SPI Clock - System Clock /{(Clk+1)*2}                      */
/*                        X1: X start coordinate of the destination                      */ 
/*                        Y1: Y start coordinate of the destination                      */
/*                       X_W: Data width                                                 */
/*                       Y_H: Data height                                                */
/*                       P_W: Picture width                                              */ 
/*                   F_Color: Font color                                                 */
/*                   B_Color: Background color                                           */
/*               transparent: 1: remove background    0: show background color           */
/*              pixel_format: Options: 1/2/4 bits                                        */
/*                      Addr: Starting address to retrieve data from flash               */ 
/*                      lay0: SDRAM layer address to write to                            */
/*                  canvas_w: Layer width                                                */
/* Returns:     None                                                                     */
/* Description: To draw one unicode symbol/character (PNG picture)                       */
u8 cSetb[8] = {cSetb0, cSetb1, cSetb2, cSetb3, cSetb4, cSetb5, cSetb6, cSetb7};
u8 cSetb_2bit[4] = {0xc0, 0x30, 0x0c, 0x03};
u8 cSetb_4bit[2] = {0xF0, 0x0F};
void LT768_Draw_16bit
 unsigned char SCS 
,unsigned char Clk 
,unsigned short X1 
,unsigned short Y1 
,unsigned short X_W 
,unsigned short Y_H 
,unsigned short P_W 
,unsigned long F_Color 
,unsigned long B_Color 
,unsigned short transparent 
,unsigned short pixel_format
,unsigned long Addr      
,unsigned long lay0       
,unsigned short canvas_w 
	unsigned short a, b, c, d;
	u16 color_temp , bcolor_temp;
	u16 temp;
	u8 fdata[8 * 128 * 2];

	LT768_SPI_Init(SCS, Clk);                 // Intialize selected SPI (for Flash)
	LT_ReadFlash(fdata, Addr, X_W * Y_H );  // Retrieve data from SPI Flash
	if (F_Color == 0)
		F_Color += 1;
	if (B_Color == 0)
		B_Color += 1;
	if(transparent == 1) bcolor_temp = 0;
	else if(transparent == 0) 
		bcolor_temp = B_Color;		
	Active_Window_XY(X1, Y1);
	Active_Window_WH(P_W, Y_H);
	Goto_Pixel_XY(X1, Y1);
	if(pixel_format == 1)            // For 1bit unicode font
		for (a = 0; a < Y_H; a++)
			for (c = 0; c < X_W; c++)
				for (b = 0; b < 8; b++)
					if (fdata[X_W * a + c] & cSetb[7 - b])
						SPI2_ReadWriteByte(F_Color >> 8);
						SPI2_ReadWriteByte(bcolor_temp >> 8);
	else if(pixel_format == 2)     // for 2bits unicode font
		for (a = 0; a < Y_H; a++)
			for (c = 0; c < X_W/2; c++)
				for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
					for (b = 0; b < 4; b++)
						temp = (fdata[X_W * a  + c * 2 + d]  & cSetb_2bit[b]);
						if( b == 0) temp = temp >> 6 ;
						else if( b == 1) temp = temp >> 4 ;
						else if( b == 2) temp = temp >> 2 ;
						if (temp>0)
							if(temp == 1) color_temp = F_Color | (0x04<<12) ;
							else if(temp == 2) color_temp = F_Color | (0x08<<12) ;
							else if(temp == 3) color_temp = F_Color | (0x0F<<12) ;							
							SPI2_ReadWriteByte(color_temp >> 8);
							SPI2_ReadWriteByte(bcolor_temp >> 8);
	else if(pixel_format == 4)     // for 4bits unicode font
		for (a = 0; a < Y_H; a++)
			for (c = 0; c < X_W/4; c++)
				for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
					for (b = 0; b < 2; b++)
						temp = (fdata[X_W * a  + c * 4 + d]  & cSetb_4bit[b]);
						if( b == 0) temp = temp >> 4 ;
						if (temp>0)
							color_temp = F_Color | (temp<<12) ;
							SPI2_ReadWriteByte(color_temp >> 8);
							SPI2_ReadWriteByte(bcolor_temp >> 8);


/* Function:    LT768_Print_Font_Unicode                                                 */
/*                                                                                       */
/* Parameters:                                                                           */
/*                    FlashAddr: Font address in the Flash                               */
/*                            x: x coordinate to start displaying unicode                */ 
/*                            y: y coordinate to start displaying unicode                */
/*                            w: String display length                                   */
/*                    FontColor: Font color                                              */
/*              BackGroundColor: Background color                                        */ 
/*                  transparent: Flag for removing background                            */
/*                String_Length: String length - the amount of the code (unit: byte)     */
/*                           *c: Starting address of the string                          */
/* Returns:     None                                                                     */
/* Description: Print out unicode fonts                                                  */
u8 ASCII_W[95] = {0};   // For decoding bin file's header     
void LT768_Print_Font_Unicode
 unsigned long FlashAddr 
,unsigned short x 
,unsigned short y 
,unsigned short w 
,unsigned long FontColor 
,unsigned long BackGroundColor
,unsigned short transparent 
,unsigned short String_Length 
,char *c 
	unsigned short temp = 0;               // For Unicode index
	unsigned long i = 0;                   // For input string index
	unsigned short width_Hor = 0;          // For actual width of the unicode
	u16 size_w,size_h;                     // For original font width and height
	u16 unicode = 0;                       // For unicode 
	u16 start_code = 0, end_code = 0;      // For the start/end code of the Unicode
	u16 temp_x = x;                        // The x coordinate to print out the font
	u16 temp_y = y;                        // The y coordinate to print out the font
	u8 Ascii_temp;                         // Ascii code index 
	u8 gray = 0;                           // Grayscale
	u8 temp_pixel;                         // Pixel amount per bit
	u8 pixel_format;                       // Represent 1/2/4bits grayscale
	/*************************** Unicode Header List *************************** 
	  byte0                      'U'--0x55
	  byte1                      'N'--0x4E
	  byte2                       Font width
	  byte3                       Font height
	  byte4                       StartCode & 0xFF            LSB
	  byte5                       (StartCode<<8) & 0xFF       MSB
	  byte6                       EndCode & 0xFF              LSB
	  byte7                       (EndCode<<8) & 0xFF         MSB
      byte8                       Grayscale of pixel
	                              0 -- 1bit
				                  1 -- 2bits
				                  2 -- 4bits
				                  3 -- 8bits
	  byte9~103                   Width of each Ascii code 
	  byte104                     ASCII graphic data          1bit: bitsData=8
	  to                                                      2bits:bitsData=4 
	  byte(104+W*H*95/bitsData-1)                             4bits:bitsData=2
	  byte(104+W*H*95/bitsData)~  Unicode Font graphic data
	                              (start position)
	LT768_SPI_Init(1,1);                                      // Initialzie & enable SPI Flash
	LT_ReadFlash(ASCII_W , FlashAddr + 2 , 7);                // Retrieve byte2 ~ 8 from flash
	size_w = ASCII_W[0];                                      // byte2: font width
	size_h = ASCII_W[1];                                      // byte3: font height
	start_code = ASCII_W[2] + (ASCII_W[3] << 8);              // byte4 and byte 5: Start code of the unicode 
	end_code = ASCII_W[4] + (ASCII_W[5] << 8);                // byte6 and byte 7: End code of the unicode
	gray = ASCII_W[6];                                        // byte8: Grayscale of pixel

    if(gray == 0)      { temp_pixel = 8;  pixel_format = 1;}  // pixel_format -> 1/2/4 bits (Grayscale) 
	else if(gray == 1) { temp_pixel = 4;  pixel_format = 2;}
	else if(gray == 2) { temp_pixel = 2;  pixel_format = 4;}
	if ( size_w%8 != 0)                                       
		width_Hor = size_w / temp_pixel + 1;
		width_Hor = size_w / temp_pixel;
	LT_ReadFlash(ASCII_W, FlashAddr + 9, 95);                 // Retrieve Ascii code widths and store them to ASCII_W array
		unicode = (c[i]<<8) + c[i+1];                          // Reassemble the code

		if (unicode < 128 && unicode > 0x00)                   // Print ASCII 
			Ascii_temp = unicode - 0x20;                       // Ascii code index
			// Draw Ascii by its png data
			LT768_Draw_16bit(1, 0, temp_x, temp_y, width_Hor, size_h, width_Hor * temp_pixel, FontColor, BackGroundColor, transparent, pixel_format, FlashAddr + 104 + Ascii_temp * width_Hor * size_h, LAYER_0, LCD_XSIZE_TFT);
			i += 2;                                            
			String_Length -= 2;                                
			temp_x = temp_x + ASCII_W[Ascii_temp] + 1;          // ASCII_W[Ascii_temp] = the width of the current Ascii code -> 
			                                                    // This line is to calculate the x coordinate of the next Ascii code
		else if (unicode >= start_code && unicode <= end_code)  // Print Unicode 
			temp = unicode - start_code;                        // Unicode index start with start_code

			// Draw Unicode by its png data
			LT768_Draw_16bit(1, 0, temp_x, temp_y, width_Hor, size_h, width_Hor * temp_pixel, FontColor, BackGroundColor, transparent, pixel_format, FlashAddr + 104+ (temp + 95) * width_Hor * size_h, LAYER_0, LCD_XSIZE_TFT);

			i += 2;
			String_Length -= 2;
			temp_x = temp_x + size_w;                           // size_w = the width of each Unicode character ->
			                                                    // This line is to calculate the x coordinate of the next Unicode

void Print_Unicode(void)
	// 風のリズムで推理が冴える,
	char L1[26] = {0x98,0xA8,0x30,0x6E,0x30,0xEA,0x30,0xBA,0x30,0xE0,0x30,0x67,
	// 黒い鏡もほぐれて見える!
	char L2[24] = {0x9E,0xD2,0x30,0x44,0x93,0xE1,0x30,0x82,0x30,0x7B,0x30,0x50,
	// たった一つの真実見抜く,
	char L3[38] = {0x30,0x5F,0x30,0x63,0x30,0x5F,0x4E,0x00,0x30,0x64,0x30,0x6E,
	// 見た目は子供,ずのうはおとな,
	char L4[40] = {0x89,0x8B,0x30,0x5F,0x76,0xEE,0x30,0x6F,0x5B,0x50,0x4F,0x9B,
	// その名は,名探偵コナン!
	char L5[24] = {0x30,0x5D,0x30,0x6E,0x54,0x0D,0x30,0x6F,0x00,0x2C,0x54,0x0D,
	Select_Main_Window_16bpp();                             // Set main window color depth
	Main_Image_Start_Address(LAYER_0);	                    // Set main window start address - Display layer			
	Main_Image_Width(LCD_XSIZE_TFT);                        // Set main window width
	Main_Window_Start_XY(0,0);                              // Set main window start coordinate 
	Canvas_Image_Start_address(LAYER_0);                    // Set canvas start address
	Canvas_image_width(LCD_XSIZE_TFT);                      // Set canvas width
    Active_Window_XY(0,0);                                  // Set active window start coordinate
	Active_Window_WH(LCD_XSIZE_TFT,LCD_YSIZE_TFT);          // Set active window area
	// Load the background picture to display layer
	// Print the font - 0x000BB800 is the starting address (flash) of the 32x32 unicode font
	LT768_Print_Font_Unicode(0x000BB800, 100, 124, 26/2*32, Yellow, Red, 1, 26, L1); delay_ms(500);
    LT768_Print_Font_Unicode(0x000BB800, 260, 180, 24/2*32, Yellow, Red, 1, 24, L2); delay_ms(500);
	LT768_Print_Font_Unicode(0x000BB800, 100, 234, 38/2*32, Yellow, Red, 1, 38, L3); delay_ms(500);
	LT768_Print_Font_Unicode(0x000BB800, 260, 290, 40/2*32, Yellow, Red, 1, 40, L4); delay_ms(500);
	LT768_Print_Font_Unicode(0x000BB800, 220, 360, 24/2*32, White,  Red, 1, 24, L5); 	

In the demo code, "Print_Unicode" is the main function which sets the arrays containing the unicode of the text to be displayed, and then it calls "LT768_Print_Font_Unicode" to decode the text bin file, and then call "LT768_Draw_16bit" to draw the designated Japanese characters.

Running result is shown below:





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


