LT7683/LT7381 controller board for 40Pin/50Pin TFT LCD

Introducing the latest LT7683/LT7381 controller board, a best fit for 40Pin/50Pin TFT LCD panels (RGB interface).



LT7683 is a powerful chip that can control up to 1024x768 TFT displays. It has 128Mb of RAM that can buffer the display. It also has a geometric drawing engine that provides command-type graphic operations such as drawing points, lines, curves, ellipses, triangles, rectangles etc. With an embedded hardware graphics acceleration engine (BTE), LT7683 enables users to implement screen rotation, flipping, mirroring, PIP, graphics blending and more. You may refer to the datasheet and application note for more details.


MCU may connect to this controller board through either 4-wire SPI or 8 bits parallel (8080/6800) interface (See Table 1-1 for the board features summary). The controller board provides RTP/CTP interfaces. Other than the CTP pins, the RTP pins are also made available so that users may connect to other touch controllers. In addition, LT7683 controller board is designed to fit in with the typical 40pins/50pins TFT displays.

In addition, there is an 128Mb SPI Flash on the board. Users may store their images, fonts, and animations in the SPI Flash, and then utilize a simple DMA command of LT7683 to access the Flash and retrieve those data.

A customized MCU board is also available as a set with the LT7683 controller board. The MCU board has a typical STM32F103 on it. Users can combine these two boards to work on their own projects in no time.

To get you started, we have prepared a library with various examples. Download them from LEVETOP website and install as described in Chapter 2. Connect a 40 or 50pins TFT to the FPC port and wire up the interface (SPI/Parallel) to your MCU. You may then try out those provided examples.


LT7381 shares all the functionalities of LT7683, except that it does not support external Flash, and its RAM size is 32Mb.

For more detail about what LT7683/LT7381 can do, please check the datasheet and application note.

         LT768x Datasheet:

         LT768x Application Note:

Table 1-1: Board Features

1MCU Interface4-wire SPI / 8bits Parelle (8080/6800)
2LCD InterfaceTypical 40pins / 50pins
3ResolutionMax. 1024 x 768
4Color depthMax. 24bits / 16.7M colors
5IC embedded display RAM128Mb / 32 Mb
6Touch Panel InterfaceRTP / CTP (I2C)
7External SPI Flash128Mb Nor Flash on board

Figure 1: LT7683/LT7381 Controller Board for 40Pin LCD

(Dimension: 60mm x 56mm x 4.6mm (2.36” x 2.2” x 0.18”))

Figure 2: LT7683/LT7381 Controller Board for 50Pin LCD

          (Dimension: 70mm x 60mm x 4.6mm (2.76” x 2.36” x 0.18”))

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LT7681/7683/7686(LT768x)是三款高效能 TFT-LCD 图形加速显示芯片。 其主要的功能就是协助 MCU 将所要显示到 TFT 屏的内容传递给 TFT 驱动 器(Driver),并且提供图形加速、PIP(Picture-in-Picture)、几何图形 绘图等功能,除了提升显示效率外,还大大的降低 MCU 处理图形显示所花 费的时间,而 LT768x 也支持非常宽广的显示分辨率,可以由 320*240 (QVGA)到 1280*1024(SXGA),显示屏则支持 16/18/24bits 的 RGB 接口。LT768x 支持各种 MCU 接口,包括 SPI、I2C 的串口,或者是 8 位、16 位并 行接口。为了达到多层次高分辨率的显示效果,LT768x 内建 128Mb 显示内 存,可以支持从每像素 1bit 的 2 灰阶到高达每像素 24bits 的 16M 颜色显示。同时要减少动画显示的 MCU 在 软件操作上的负担,LT768x 内建几何绘图引擎,支持画点、画线、画曲线、椭圆、三角形、矩形、圆角矩形等 功能,同时内嵌的硬件图形加速引擎(BTE)提供了命令类型的图形操作,如显示旋转、画面镜射、画中画(PIP/ 子母画面)及图形混合透明显示等功能,大大提升了产品的显示效能,因而能够极大程度地减轻 MCU 的软件运行 负担,如果使用高速的 SPI 接口更能减少 MCU I/O 口的需求,而不必为了 TFT 屏而去升级 MCU。LT768x 强大的 显示功能非常适合用在有 TFT-LCD 屏的电子产品上,如家电、多功能事务机、工业设备、工业控制、电子仪器、 医疗设备、人机接口、检测设备等产品。


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