'Attribute VB_Name = "base64EN_DE"
Option Explicit
Public Function Encade64FileTOFile(SfileN As String, TfileN As String) As Boolean
Dim ni As Long, nj As Long
Dim nFileno1 As Integer
'Dim tmpdir As String
Dim nFileno2 As Integer
Dim bByte As Byte
Dim sInp As String
Dim nFilelen As Long
Dim A(3) As Byte
Dim B(4) As Byte
Dim delayX As Integer
'Dim EnStr As String
On Error GoTo Errchk
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open TfileN For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open SfileN For Binary As #nFileno1
nFileno2 = FreeFile
Open TfileN For Binary As #nFileno2
nFilelen = LOF(nFileno1)
If nFilelen = 0 Then GoTo Fail
If nFilelen <= 3 Then
If nFilelen Mod 3 = 1 Then
Get #nFileno1, , A(1)
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + 65)
B(3) = (61)
B(4) = (61)
If nFilelen Mod 3 = 2 Then
Get #nFileno1, , A(1)
Get #nFileno1, , A(2)
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + Int(A(2) / 16) + 65)
B(3) = ((A(2) Mod 16) * 4 + 65 + 1)
B(4) = (61)
Get #nFileno1, , A(1)
Get #nFileno1, , A(2)
Get #nFileno1, , A(3)
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + Int(A(2) / 16) + 65)
B(3) = ((A(2) Mod 16) * 4 + Int(A(3) / 64) + 65)
B(4) = (A(3) Mod 64 + 65)
End If
End If
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
If B(ni) > 90 And B(ni) <= 116 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 6
If B(ni) > 116 And B(ni) <= 126 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 69
If B(ni) = 127 Then B(ni) = 43
If B(ni) = 128 Then B(ni) = 47
End If
End If
Next ni
Put #nFileno2, , B(1)
Put #nFileno2, , B(2)
Put #nFileno2, , B(3)
Put #nFileno2, , B(4)
nj = Int(nFilelen / 3) * 3
Do While Loc(nFileno1) < nj
For ni = 1 To 3 Step 1
Get #nFileno1, , (A(ni))
Next ni
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + Int(A(2) / 16) + 65)
B(3) = ((A(2) Mod 16) * 4 + Int(A(3) / 64) + 65)
B(4) = (A(3) Mod 64 + 65)
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
If B(ni) > 90 And B(ni) <= 116 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 6
If B(ni) > 116 And B(ni) <= 126 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 69
If B(ni) = 127 Then B(ni) = 43
If B(ni) = 128 Then B(ni) = 47
End If
End If
Next ni
Put #nFileno2, , B(1)
Put #nFileno2, , B(2)
Put #nFileno2, , B(3)
Put #nFileno2, , B(4)
If Int((Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78) = (Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78 Then
Put #nFileno2, , vbCrLf
End If
delayX = delayX + 1
If delayX > 500 Then
delayX = 0
End If
If nFilelen Mod 3 = 1 Then
Get #nFileno1, , A(1)
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + 65)
If nFilelen = 4 Then B(2) = B(2) + 3
B(3) = (61)
B(4) = (61)
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
If B(ni) > 90 And B(ni) <= 116 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 6
If B(ni) > 116 And B(ni) <= 126 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 69
If B(ni) = 127 Then B(ni) = 43
If B(ni) = 128 Then B(ni) = 47
End If
End If
Next ni
Put #nFileno2, , B(1)
Put #nFileno2, , B(2)
Put #nFileno2, , B(3)
Put #nFileno2, , B(4)
If Int((Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78) = (Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78 Then
Put #nFileno2, , vbCrLf
End If
If nFilelen Mod 3 = 2 Then
Get #nFileno1, , A(1)
Get #nFileno1, , A(2)
B(1) = (Int(A(1) / 4) + 65)
B(2) = ((A(1) Mod 4) * 16 + Int(A(2) / 16) + 65)
B(3) = ((A(2) Mod 16) * 4 + 65)
If nFilelen = 8 Then B(3) = B(3) + 1
B(4) = (61)
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
If B(ni) > 90 And B(ni) <= 116 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 6
If B(ni) > 116 And B(ni) <= 126 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 69
If B(ni) = 127 Then B(ni) = 43
If B(ni) = 128 Then B(ni) = 47
End If
End If
Next ni
Put #nFileno2, , B(1)
Put #nFileno2, , B(2)
Put #nFileno2, , B(3)
Put #nFileno2, , B(4)
If Int((Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78) = (Loc(nFileno2) + 2) / 78 Then
Put #nFileno2, , vbCrLf
End If
End If
End If
End If
'MsgBox Str(nFilelen), vbOKOnly
'MsgBox Str(Loc(nFileno1)), vbOKOnly
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
' nFileno1 = FreeFile
' Open tmpdir + "BBASE64.TMP" For Input As #nFileno1
' Input #nFileno1, EnStr
' Close #nFileno1
' Encode64 = EnStr
Encade64FileTOFile = True
Exit Function
MsgBox "发生错误,编码失败!" & err.Number & "." & err.Description & "." & err.Source, vbCritical, "错误"
Encade64FileTOFile = False
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
Resume EndEn64
MsgBox "源文件尺寸为零,无法继续转换!", vbCritical, "错误"
' MsgBox "发生错误,编码失败!" & err.Number & "." & err.Description & "." & err.Source, vbCritical, "错误"
Encade64FileTOFile = False
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
'Encode64 = ""
End Function
Public Function Decode64_filetofile(SfileN As String, TfileN As String) As Boolean
Dim nFileno1 As Integer
Dim nFileno2 As Integer
Dim bByte As Byte
Dim sInp1 As Byte
Dim sInp2 As Byte
Dim nFilelen As Long
Dim A(3) As Byte
Dim B(4) As Byte
Dim ni As Integer
Dim tmpdir As String
Dim EnStr As String ', nj As Integer
Dim delayX As Integer
'Dim Infomation As String '11
'Infomation = "From: < shengmj@kali.com.cn> " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "To: < shengmj@kali.com.cn> " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Cc: " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Subject: Test" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Date: Wed,21 Feb 2001 20:00:00" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
On Error GoTo err
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open TfileN For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
' nFileno1 = FreeFile
' Open SfileN For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
' Put #nFileno1, , InstrS
' Close #nFileno1
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open SfileN For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
nFileno2 = FreeFile
Open TfileN For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno2
nFilelen = LOF(nFileno1)
Do While Loc(nFileno1) < nFilelen
If Int((Loc(nFileno1) + 2) / 78) = ((Loc(nFileno1) + 2) / 78) Then
Get #nFileno1, , B(1)
Get #nFileno1, , B(1)
End If
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
Get #nFileno1, , B(ni)
If B(ni) = 43 Then
B(ni) = 127
End If
If B(ni) = 47 Then
B(ni) = 128
End If
If B(ni) > 47 And B(ni) <= 57 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 69
End If
If B(ni) > 96 And B(ni) <= 122 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 6
End If
Next ni
If B(3) = 61 Then
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
GoTo Endtranslat
End If
If B(4) = 61 Then
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
A(2) = ((B(2) - 65) Mod 16) * 16 + Int((B(3) - 65) / 4)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
Put #nFileno2, , A(2)
GoTo Endtranslat
End If
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
A(2) = ((B(2) - 65) Mod 16) * 16 + Int((B(3) - 65) / 4)
A(3) = ((B(3) - 65) Mod 4) * 64 + (B(4) - 65)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
Put #nFileno2, , A(2)
Put #nFileno2, , A(3)
delayX = delayX + 1
If delayX > 500 Then
delayX = 0
End If
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
' -----------------
Decode64_filetofile = True
endF: Exit Function
Decode64_filetofile = False
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
MsgBox "发生错误,解码失败!" & err.Number & "." & err.Description & "." & err.Source, vbCritical, "错误"
Resume endF
End Function
Public Function Decode64(InstrS As String) As String
Dim nFileno1 As Integer
Dim nFileno2 As Integer
Dim bByte As Byte
Dim sInp1 As Byte
Dim sInp2 As Byte
Dim nFilelen As Long
Dim A(3) As Byte
Dim B(4) As Byte
Dim ni As Integer
Dim tmpdir As String
Dim EnStr As String ', nj As Integer
'Dim Infomation As String '11
'Infomation = "From: < shengmj@kali.com.cn> " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "To: < shengmj@kali.com.cn> " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Cc: " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Subject: Test" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Date: Wed,21 Feb 2001 20:00:00" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
On Error GoTo err
tmpdir = Getwindir + "/TEMP/"
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP" For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
Put #nFileno1, , InstrS
' Print #nFileno1, Text1.caption
Close #nFileno1
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP" For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
nFileno2 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileno2
'Put #nFileno2, , Infomation
nFilelen = LOF(nFileno1)
Do While Loc(nFileno1) < nFilelen
If Int((Loc(nFileno1) + 2) / 78) = ((Loc(nFileno1) + 2) / 78) Then
Get #nFileno1, , B(1)
Get #nFileno1, , B(1)
End If
For ni = 1 To 4 Step 1
Get #nFileno1, , B(ni)
If B(ni) = 43 Then
B(ni) = 127
End If
If B(ni) = 47 Then
B(ni) = 128
End If
If B(ni) > 47 And B(ni) <= 57 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) + 69
End If
If B(ni) > 96 And B(ni) <= 122 Then
B(ni) = B(ni) - 6
End If
Next ni
If B(3) = 61 Then
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
GoTo Endtranslat
End If
If B(4) = 61 Then
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
A(2) = ((B(2) - 65) Mod 16) * 16 + Int((B(3) - 65) / 4)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
Put #nFileno2, , A(2)
GoTo Endtranslat
End If
A(1) = ((B(1) - 65) Mod 64) * 4 + Int((B(2) - 65) / 16)
A(2) = ((B(2) - 65) Mod 16) * 16 + Int((B(3) - 65) / 4)
A(3) = ((B(3) - 65) Mod 4) * 64 + (B(4) - 65)
Put #nFileno2, , A(1)
Put #nFileno2, , A(2)
Put #nFileno2, , A(3)
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Input Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
Input #nFileno1, EnStr
Close #nFileno1
' -----------------
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
Kill tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP"
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
Kill tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP"
' Dim i As Long, ReadBit As Byte
' EnStr = ""
' Seek #nFileno2, 1
' For i = 1 To LOF(nFileno2)
' Get #nFileno2, , ReadBit
' EnStr = EnStr + Chr$(ReadBit)
' Next i
' Close #nFileno2
' nFileno1 = FreeFile
' Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Input Lock Read Write As #nFileno1
' Input #nFileno1, EnStr
' Close #nFileno1
' Decode64 = EnStr
Decode64 = EnStr
endF: Exit Function
'Select Case err.Number
' Case 6
Decode64 = ""
Close #nFileno1
Close #nFileno2
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
Kill tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP"
nFileno1 = FreeFile
Open tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP" For Output As #nFileno1
Close #nFileno1
Kill tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP"
' Kill tmpdir + "aBASE64.TMP": Kill tmpdir + "bBASE64.TMP"
Resume endF
End Function
Public Function Base64EncodeStr(ByVal StrIn As String) As String
Dim mAllByteIn() As Byte, mAllByteOut() As Byte
Dim mInByte(2) As Byte, mOutByte(3) As Byte
Dim myByte As Byte
Dim i As Integer, LineLen As Integer, j As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
n = 3: m = 0
mAllByteIn() = StrConv(StrIn, vbFromUnicode)
For i = 0 To UBound(mAllByteIn()) Step 3
j = 0
Do While j < 3
mInByte(j) = mAllByteIn(i + j)
j = j + 1
If i + j > UBound(mAllByteIn()) Then Exit Do
Base64EncodeByte mInByte, mOutByte, j
ReDim Preserve mAllByteOut(n)
For j = 0 To 3
mAllByteOut(n - 3 + j) = mOutByte(j)
Next j
n = n + 4
m = m + 4
If m > 70 Then
m = 0
n = n + 2
ReDim Preserve mAllByteOut(n)
mAllByteOut(n - 2) = &HD
mAllByteOut(n - 1) = &HA
End If
Next i
Base64EncodeStr = StrConv(mAllByteOut(), vbUnicode)
End Function
Private Sub Base64EncodeByte(mInByte() As Byte, mOutByte() As Byte, Num As Integer)
Dim tByte As Byte
Dim i As Integer
If Num = 1 Then
mInByte(1) = 0
mInByte(2) = 0
ElseIf Num = 2 Then
mInByte(2) = 0
End If
tByte = mInByte(0) And &HFC
mOutByte(0) = tByte / 4
tByte = ((mInByte(0) And &H3) * 16) + (mInByte(1) And &HF0) / 16
mOutByte(1) = tByte
tByte = ((mInByte(1) And &HF) * 4) + ((mInByte(2) And &HC0) / 64)
mOutByte(2) = tByte
tByte = (mInByte(2) And &H3F)
mOutByte(3) = tByte
For i = 0 To 3
If mOutByte(i) >= 0 And mOutByte(i) <= 25 Then
mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) + Asc("A")
ElseIf mOutByte(i) >= 26 And mOutByte(i) <= 51 Then
mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) - 26 + Asc("a")
ElseIf mOutByte(i) >= 52 And mOutByte(i) <= 61 Then
mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) - 52 + Asc("0")
ElseIf mOutByte(i) = 62 Then
mOutByte(i) = Asc("+")
mOutByte(i) = Asc("/")
End If
Next i
If Num = 1 Then
mOutByte(2) = Asc("=")
mOutByte(3) = Asc("=")
ElseIf Num = 2 Then
mOutByte(3) = Asc("=")
End If
End Sub