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原创 屏幕突然好了,为什么?

屏幕突然好了,为什么?我只是玩一下init 1,然后init 5,init 6,重起就好了x window下的屏幕设置是1600*1200,实际是1024*768下面是xf86config-4文件内容:# XFree86 4 configuration created by pyxf86configSection "ServerLayout"    Identifier     "Default

2006-10-02 21:53:00 472

原创 引导扇区结构(来自linuxSir.org)

引导扇区 Boot Sector组成 Boot Sector也就是硬盘的第一个扇区,它由MBR(Master Boot Record), DPT(Disk Partition Table) 和 Boot Record ID三部分组成. MBR又称为主引导记录,占用Boot Sector的前446个字节(0~0x1BD),存放系统主引导程序(它负责从活动分区中装载并且运行系统引导程序). DPT即

2006-10-02 15:37:00 885

原创 Linux/Unix平台可执行文件格式分析(来自赛迪网)

本文讨论了 UNIX/LINUX 平台下三种主要的可执行文件格式:a.out(assembler and link editor output 汇编器和链接编辑器的输出)、COFF(Common Object File Format 通用对象文件格式)、ELF(Executable and Linking Format 可执行和链接格式)。首先是对可执行文件格式的一个综述,并通过描述 ELF 文件

2006-10-02 14:56:00 863

原创 文件结构

PE文件格式是Windows自己的文件格式。在PE文件中包含了该文件自己的信息,该文件运行的操作系统的信息等等。并 且在PE文件中包含了许多节(Section),这些节中存放的都是机器语言指令。如果函数是你自己写的,那么一般存放在代码节中,如果是API调用,那 么一般在输入节中,然后系统会发现你调用的API的具体位置查找相应的DLL文件,然后加载DLL文件相应节中的函数。以上就是PE文件的操作过程

2006-10-01 23:18:00 561

原创 中断与异常的关系

    这个问题我一直想找到答案,下面的一段是从网上找的:    Thekerneldistinguishes betweeninterrupts exceptions in thefollowingway.   An interrupt isan asynchronous event (onethat canoccur at any time) that isunrelated to what

2006-10-01 23:17:00 902

原创 映射的意义。


2006-10-01 23:16:00 1419

原创 ARM中ABORT(中止)的理解

    ABORT(中止)     产生中止异常意味着对程序存储器或数据存储器的访问失败。ARM微处理器在存储器访问周期内检查是否发生中止异常。 中止异常包括两种类型:     ─: 指令预取中止:发生在指令预取时。     二: 数据中止:发生在数据访问时。     一:当指令预取访问存储器失败时,存储器系统向ARM处理器发出存储器中止(Abort)信号,预取的指令被记为

2006-10-01 23:14:00 3546

原创 磁盘知识

 3D参数(DiskGeometry):CHS(Cylinder/Head/Sector)C-Cylinder柱面数 表示硬盘每面盘片上有几条磁道,最大为1024(用10个二进制位存储);H-Head磁头数表示硬盘总共有几个磁头,也就是几面盘片,最大为256(用 8个二进制位存储);S-Sector扇区数表示每条磁道上有几个扇区,最大为63(用6个二进制位存储).下面是我自己的解释:磁道:磁片的上

2006-10-01 23:07:00 1050

原创 闪存!

    Flash ROM(快闪ROM),它其实就是一种可快速读写的EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM),顾名思义,它是一种在一定的电压、电流条件下,可对其内容进行更新的集成电路块。

2006-10-01 23:00:00 484

learning nagios 3.0

Nagios is a tool for system and network monitoring. It constantly checks other machines and various services on those machines. The main purpose of system monitoring is to detect and report any system not working properly as soon as possible—so that you are aware of problems before a user runs into them. It is a modular and flexible solution that uses plug-ins to do its job. The book is an introduction to Nagios that will teach readers to use Nagios with its advanced features. At the same time, readers who have already used earlier versions of Nagios will also benefit because they will learn about the new and advanced features of Nagios 3. This book focuses on the new features of Nagios and will teach readers to secure their systems in a much improved manner. What you will learn from this book : * Understand system monitoring and how Nagios works * Install and configure Nagios to administer your network and system * Deploy agents and plug-ins, and monitor assets with advanced features of Nagios * Notify users of current and future incidents to protect the availability, performance, and security of monitored assets * Configure and work your way around Nagios's web interface * Pass service and host check results over the network using NSCA * Set up a working and usable distributed monitoring system using NSClient++ and NC_Net. * Develop custom plug-ins responsible for doing the checks and analyzing results * Use the web interface to manage scheduled downtimes for hosts and services * Monitor UPS status over the network * Use adaptive monitoring to modify various check-related parameters * Use SSH and NRPE for doing remote checks * Use SNMP to retrieve information from a device, set options, and also cover means for a device to notify other machines about a failure



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