requestAnimationFrame是HTML5游戏和动画必不可少的函数,相对于setTimeout或setInterval它有两个优势,一是它注册的回调函数与浏览器的渲染同步,不用担心Timer的时间间隔太长或太短。二是时间间隔相对与Timer要稳定,requestAnimationFrame注册的回调函数最高执行频率是60FPS,虽然在HTML5游戏里通常是达不到的,但是它两次调用之间时间间隔要比Timer稳定一些。前段时间我在CanTK Runtime里自己模拟过requestAnimationFrame,为了深入的理解Chrome里实现requestAnimationFrame方法,花了一点时间去读Blink的代码。
var start = null;var element = document.getElementById("SomeElementYouWantToAnimate");function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; var progress = timestamp - start; element.style.left = Math.min(progress/10, 200) + "px"; if (progress < 2000) { window.requestAnimationFrame(step); }}window.requestAnimationFrame(step);
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- 1.注册回调函数的实现。
ScriptedAnimationController::CallbackId ScriptedAnimationController::registerCallback(FrameRequestCallback* callback){ CallbackId id = m_callbackCollection.registerCallback(callback); scheduleAnimationIfNeeded(); return id;}
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bool ThreadProxy::SendCommitRequestToImplThreadIfNeeded( CommitPipelineStage required_stage) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); DCHECK_NE(NO_PIPELINE_STAGE, required_stage); bool already_posted = main().max_requested_pipeline_stage != NO_PIPELINE_STAGE; main().max_requested_pipeline_stage = std::max(main().max_requested_pipeline_stage, required_stage); if (already_posted) return false; Proxy::ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ThreadProxy::SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread, impl_thread_weak_ptr_)); return true;}void ThreadProxy::SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread() { TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "ThreadProxy::SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread"); DCHECK(IsImplThread()); impl().scheduler->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame();}void Scheduler::SetNeedsBeginMainFrame() { state_machine_.SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); ProcessScheduledActions();}
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- 2.执行回调函数的实现。
void ScriptedAnimationController::executeCallbacks(double monotonicTimeNow){ // dispatchEvents() runs script which can cause the document to be destroyed. if (!m_document) return; double highResNowMs = 1000.0 * m_document->loader()->timing().monotonicTimeToZeroBasedDocumentTime(monotonicTimeNow); double legacyHighResNowMs = 1000.0 * m_document->loader()->timing().monotonicTimeToPseudoWallTime(monotonicTimeNow); m_callbackCollection.executeCallbacks(highResNowMs, legacyHighResNowMs);}void FrameRequestCallbackCollection::executeCallbacks(double highResNowMs, double highResNowMsLegacy){ // First, generate a list of callbacks to consider. Callbacks registered from this point // on are considered only for the "next" frame, not this one. ASSERT(m_callbacksToInvoke.isEmpty()); m_callbacksToInvoke.swap(m_callbacks); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_callbacksToInvoke.size(); ++i) { FrameRequestCallback* callback = m_callbacksToInvoke[i].get(); if (!callback->m_cancelled) { TRACE_EVENT1("devtools.timeline", "FireAnimationFrame", "data", InspectorAnimationFrameEvent::data(m_context, callback->m_id)); InspectorInstrumentationCookie cookie = InspectorInstrumentation::willFireAnimationFrame(m_context, callback->m_id); if (callback->m_useLegacyTimeBase) callback->handleEvent(highResNowMsLegacy); else callback->handleEvent(highResNowMs); InspectorInstrumentation::didFireAnimationFrame(cookie); TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "UpdateCounters", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "data", InspectorUpdateCountersEvent::data()); } } m_callbacksToInvoke.clear();}
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void RenderWidgetCompositor::BeginMainFrame(const cc::BeginFrameArgs& args) { double frame_time_sec = (args.frame_time - base::TimeTicks()).InSecondsF(); double deadline_sec = (args.deadline - base::TimeTicks()).InSecondsF(); double interval_sec = args.interval.InSecondsF(); WebBeginFrameArgs web_begin_frame_args = WebBeginFrameArgs(frame_time_sec, deadline_sec, interval_sec); compositor_deps_->GetRendererScheduler()->WillBeginFrame(args); widget_->webwidget()->beginFrame(web_begin_frame_args);}
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