c++基础demo c++入门 c++



#include <iostream>
#include <limits>  // get the max or min value of a type
#include <bitset>  // show the binary value of a variable
#include <ctime>   // generate the seed for random
#include <cstdlib> // get the rand() func
#include <cmath>   // math functions
#include <cstring> // get the class of string
#include <iomanip> // set the format for the data: float or double and so on
using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14

void show_data_type();
void toy_example();
void usage_of_typdef_wt_enum();
void usage_of_auto();
void usage_of_operator();
void usage_of_rand();
void usage_of_array_ad_string();
void usage_of_pointer();
void usage_of_reference();
void usage_of_time();
void usage_of_baseio();
void usage_of_struct();

int main()
     // 展示C++数据类型˜

     // toy_example

     // typdfe










     return 0;

void show_data_type()
     cout << "type: \t\t"
          << "************size**************" << endl;
     cout << "bool: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(bool);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<bool>::max)();
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<bool>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "char: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(char);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << +(numeric_limits<char>::max)(); // 利用 + 实现整型提升,从而实现数值输出
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << +(numeric_limits<char>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "signed char: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(signed char);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << +(numeric_limits<signed char>::max)();
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << +(numeric_limits<signed char>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "unsigned char: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned char);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << +(numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max)();
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << +(numeric_limits<unsigned char>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "wchar_t: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(wchar_t);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<wchar_t>::max)();
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<wchar_t>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "short: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(short);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<short>::max)();
     cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<short>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "int: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(int);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<int>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<int>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "unsigned: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "long: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(long);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<long>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<long>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "unsigned long: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned long);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned long>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "double: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(double);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<double>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<double>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "long double: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(long double);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<long double>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<long double>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "float: \t\t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(float);
     cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<float>::max)();
     cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<float>::min)() << endl;
     cout << "string: \t"
          << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(string) << endl;
     cout << "type: \t\t"
          << "************size**************" << endl;

void toy_example()
     int i = 1;
     // cout << ++i << i++ << i << i++ << ++i << endl;

void usage_of_typdef_wt_enum()
     typedef int gesus;
     gesus i;
     cout << typeid(i).name() << endl;
     enum cars
     } cr;
     cr = super_car;
     cout << cr << endl;
     const int ABC = 10;
     cout << ABC << endl;

static int n = 20;

void op()
     static int x = 10;
     x -= 1;
     cout << x << "\t\t" << n << endl;

void usage_of_auto()
     // auto a = "hello_world!";
     while (n > 0)
          n -= 1;

void usage_of_operator()
     unsigned int a = 60; // 60 = 0011 1100
     unsigned int b = 13; // 13 = 0000 1101
     int c = 0;

     c = a & b; // 12 = 0000 1100
     cout << "Line 1 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     // cout << bitset<sizeof(c) * 8>(c) << endl; bitset<n> 其中n用于指定二进制的位数
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

     c = a | b; // 61 = 0011 1101
     cout << "Line 2 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

     c = a ^ b; // 49 = 0011 0001
     cout << "Line 3 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

     c = ~a; // -61 = 1100 0011
     cout << "Line 4 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

     c = a << 2; // 240 = 1111 0000
     cout << "Line 5 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

     c = a >> 2; // 15 = 0000 1111
     cout << "Line 6 - c 的值是 " << c << endl;
     cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl;

void usage_of_rand()
     int left = 10;
     int right = 200;
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          cout << "One time: " << endl;
          cout << rand() % (right - left) + left << endl;     // [left, right)
          cout << rand() % (right - left + 1) + left << endl; // [left, right]
          cout << rand() % (right - left) + left + 1 << endl; // (left, right]

void usage_of_array_ad_string()
     int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
     int b[5];
     // it should be notice that "int a[];" is not allowed! Because the size of array is not setted!
     cout << a[0] << " " << &b << endl; // &b is the address of the array, *b represents get the value of the corresponding address

     // define a string by using string class, in this condition, strcpy() is not allowed to use!
     string str1 = "runoob";
     string str2 = "google";
     string str3;
     int len;
     // 复制 str1 到 str3
     str3 = str1;
     cout << "str3 : " << str3 << endl;
     // 连接 str1 和 str2
     str3 = str1 + str2;
     cout << "str1 + str2 : " << str3 << endl;
     // 连接后,str3 的总长度
     len = str3.size();
     cout << "str3.size() :  " << len << endl;

     // define a string by using char, in this condition, strcpy() is allowed!
     char str11[] = "alibaba";
     char str22[] = "youkusearch";
     char str33[20];
     cout << strcpy(str33, str11) << endl;
     cout << strcmp(str33, str11) << endl;

void deal_arr(int *arr, int lens)
     for (int i = 0; i < lens; i++)
          arr[i] -= 1;
          cout << arr[i] << endl;

int *getRandom()
     static int r[10]; // 此处设置静态变量,否则局部变量会随着函数体执行的结束而被释放
     // int r[10];
     // 设置种子
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
          r[i] = rand();
          cout << r[i] << endl;
     return r;

void usage_of_pointer()
     int *p; // a pointer is a variable, whose value is the address of another variable, array, and so on
     int num = 10;
     p = &num;
     cout << p << " " << *p << endl;

     int arr[10]; // arr is a const points to the array, it is unchangeable
     int *ap;
     ap = arr;
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          cout << ap << " " << *ap << endl;

     const char *lcp[] = {"Tencent", "Alibaba", "Bytedance"};
     int nc = sizeof(lcp) / sizeof(lcp[0]); // sizeof returns how many bytes the target takes
     cout << nc << endl;
     int i = 0;
     while (i < nc)
          cout << lcp[i] << endl;

     int new_arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
     int lens = sizeof(new_arr) / sizeof(int);
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
          deal_arr(new_arr, lens);
          for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
               cout << new_arr[j] << " ";
          cout << endl;

     int *pf;
     pf = getRandom();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          cout << "*(pf + " << i << ") : ";
          cout << *(pf + i) << endl;

void swap(int a, int b) // 传递时将输入的变量值复制给形参,因此输入变量的数值并不会改变
     a = a + b;
     b = a - b;
     a = a - b;
     // cout << a << " " << b << endl;

void swap2(int &a, int &b) // 输入为引用的形式,此时对a与b的修改会直接改变
     a = a + b;
     b = a - b;
     a = a - b;
     // cout << a << " " << b << endl;

int &setValue(int ind, int *arr)
     int &per = arr[ind];
     return per;

void usage_of_reference()
     int a = 10;
     int b = 20;
     cout << "init: " << a << " " << b << endl;
     swap(a, b);
     cout << "swap: " << a << " " << b << endl; // a,b并未发生数值上的交换
     swap2(a, b);
     cout << "swap2: " << a << " " << b << endl;

     int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
     setValue(2, arr) = -1; // 返回对元素的引用
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
          cout << arr[i] << " ";

void usage_of_time()
     time_t now = time(0);
     char *dt = ctime(&now);
     cout << "Current time is: " << dt << endl;
     tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
     cout << now << " " << 1900 + ltm->tm_year << endl;
     cout << 1 + ltm->tm_mon << endl;
     cout << ltm->tm_mday << endl;
     cout << ltm->tm_hour << endl;
     cout << ltm->tm_min << endl;
     cout << ltm->tm_sec << endl;

void usage_of_baseio()
     // string name;
     // int age;
     // cin >> name >> age;
     // cout << name << " " << age << " " << name[1] << endl;
     // cout << name[6] << endl;
     double a = 123.456789;
     cout << setiosflags(ios::left | ios::fixed);
     cout << setprecision(3);
     cout << a << endl;

struct cars
     char name[20];
     int max_speed;
     float price;

void set_a_car(struct cars *car, const char *name, int sp, float pr) // c++中string是 const char 类型,“”默认是string,所以不加const这里报编译错误
     strcpy(car->name, name);
     car->max_speed = sp;
     car->price = pr;

void show_cars_str(struct cars car_ins)
     cout << "here is the name of the car: " << car_ins.name << endl;
     cout << "here is the max speed of the car: " << car_ins.max_speed << endl;
     cout << "here is the price of the car: " << car_ins.price << endl;

void usage_of_struct()
     cars car_ins;
     set_a_car(&car_ins, "koenigsegg", 123, 23.1);


#include <iostream>
#include <limits>  // get the max or min value of a type
#include <bitset>  // show the binary value of a variable
#include <ctime>   // generate the seed for random
#include <cstdlib> // get the rand() func
#include <cmath>   // math functions
#include <cstring> // get the class of string
#include <iomanip> // set the format for the data: float or double and so on
using namespace std;

void usage_of_class_BaseUse_Inheritance();    // 类中变量与函数的定义、访问修饰符、类的继承
void usage_of_class_Constructor_Destructor(); // 类的构造函数、析构函数
void usage_of_friend_inline();                // 友元函数、内联函数
void usage_of_this_wt_pointer();              // this指针、指向类的指针
void usage_of_class_static();                 // 静态类成员

int main()
    return 0;

class gta_cars // 类的基本使用:变量定义、函数定义、变量使用、函数使用、访问修饰符
    char name[20];
    int ms; // max speed
    int price;
    int weight; // weight of the car
    int mp;     // max person the car can take

    void set_cinfo(const char *cname, int cms, int cprice, int cweight, int cmp)
        strcpy(name, cname);
        ms = cms;
        price = cprice;
        weight = cweight;
        mp = cmp;

    void show_cinfo()
        cout << "------Below comes the info of the car-------" << endl;
        cout << "name of the car is: \t\t" << name << endl;
        cout << "max speed of the car is: \t" << ms << endl;
        cout << "price of the car is: \t\t" << price << endl;
        cout << "weight of the car is: \t\t" << weight << endl;
        cout << "max person of the car is: \t" << mp << endl;
        cout << "-----Upper finish the info of the car-------" << endl;
        show_f(); // private 成员在类内可以使用,但class外不可调用,同样不能在类外进行private函数的定义

    // 函数声明(主要用于类外函数定义)
    void alert_cinfo_ms(int cms); // 外部定义类成员函数时需要首先在这里进行声明

private: // 访问修饰符,该部分变量或者函数只能在类内进行使用
    int frame_pics_num;
    void show_f()
        frame_pics_num = 200; // 汽车制造的框架图数量
        cout << "num of pictures of the car frame is: " << frame_pics_num << endl;

void gta_cars::alert_cinfo_ms(int cms) //类外函数定义
    ms = cms;

class attack_cars : public gta_cars // 类的继承
    // class attack_cars : [protected|private] gta_cars
    int ap; // attack power
    void set_ap()
        ap = 100;
    void check_cc_pub(const char *user_input)
        if (check_cc(user_input))
            cout << "Success!" << endl;
            cout << "Failed!" << endl;

    char cheat_code[20]; // 作弊码
    void set_cc()
        strcpy(cheat_code, "acker"); // 设置作弊码
    bool check_cc(const char *ucc)
        if (strcmp(ucc, cheat_code) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;

void usage_of_class_BaseUse_Inheritance()
    // gta_cars c1;
    // gta_cars c2;
    // c1.set_cinfo("koenigsegg", 240, 120000000, 1080, 2);
    // c2.set_cinfo("bugatti", 242, 160000000, 1280, 2);
    // c1.show_cinfo();
    // c2.show_cinfo();

    // c1.alert_cinfo_ms(199);
    // c1.show_cinfo();

    // c1.show_f(); 错误调用方式

    attack_cars c3;
    c3.set_cinfo("pangdiyake", 180, 180000000, 4200, 4);

class gta_guns
    char name[20];
    int capacity; // 弹匣容量
    float attack; // 单次击发伤害
    float weight; // 质量
    // 这里只是完成了变量类型定义,并未赋值或进行数据预处理等等,那么可以写一个函数,进行初始化
    // 能不能不写这个赋值函数呢?因为这样每次定义一个类对象,都需要对类对象的成员进行初始化
        // 构造函数就是解决上述问题的函数,可以在定义对象时直接完成相关op
        // 构造函数的函数名与类型必须完全相同!且同样可以传参
        strcpy(name, "default");
        capacity = 30;
        attack = 24.5;
        weight = 9.6;
        cout << "A new gun is created and the default value is setted!" << endl;
    // 如果连续定义多个初始对象,那么能不能用已有的对象进行复制?
    gta_guns(const gta_guns &already_gun)
        strcpy(name, already_gun.name);
        capacity = already_gun.capacity;
        attack = already_gun.attack;
        weight = already_gun.weight;
        cout << "A new gun is created with the initialized gun!" << endl;

    void show_ginfo()
        cout << "\n------Below comes the info of the gun-------" << endl;
        cout << "name of the car is: \t\t" << name << endl;
        cout << "max speed of the car is: \t" << capacity << endl;
        cout << "price of the car is: \t\t" << attack << endl;
        cout << "weight of the car is: \t\t" << weight << endl;
        cout << "-----Upper finish the info of the gun-------\n"
             << endl;
        // 析构函数是在所创建函数被删除时执行的函数
        cout << "the gun has been delete!" << endl;

void usage_of_class_Constructor_Destructor()
    gta_guns g1;
    cout << "test if ~gta_guns is executed" << endl; // 说明当前函数执行完毕后,相关对象会自动删除
    gta_guns g2 = g1;                                // 可以看出,g2通过g1完成了初始化

class class_a
    friend class f_class_a; // 不添加则在后续tmp.paa时会报错
    friend void show_v(class_a paa);

        paa = 10;
        cout << "class_a is creating!" << endl;

    int paa;

void show_v(class_a paa)
    cout << "get paa from a friend function and the val is: " << paa.paa << endl;

class f_class_a
    f_class_a(class_a tmp)
        cout << "visit class_a.paa from friend class and its val is: " << tmp.paa << endl;

inline int time_testing(int i)
    if (i >= 10 && i < 20)
        return i + 10;
    else if (i >= 20 && i < 30)
        return i + 20;
        return i + 30;

int time_testing2(int i)
    if (i >= 10 && i < 20)
        return i + 10;
    else if (i >= 20 && i < 30)
        return i + 20;
        return i + 30;

void usage_of_friend_inline()
    // class_a ia;
    // f_class_a ib(ia);
    // show_v(ia);
    long top_line;
    top_line = 10000000000;

    clock_t start = clock();
    for (long i = top_line; i > 0; i--)
    clock_t end = clock();

    cout << (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

    clock_t start2 = clock();
    for (int i = top_line; i > 0; i--)
    clock_t end2 = clock();

    cout << (double)(end2 - start2) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

class box
    box(double l = 2.0, double w = 2.0, double h = 2.0)
        cout << "A box has beed created!" << endl;
        length = l;
        width = w;
        high = h;
    void get_v()
        cout << "Volume of the box is: " << length * width * high << endl;
    void show_v()

    double length;
    double width;
    double high;

void usage_of_this_wt_pointer()
    box a(3.0, 3.0, 6.0);
    box b(2.0, 2.0, 10.0);
    box *box_ptr; // 类的指针
    box_ptr = &a;
    box_ptr = &b;

class person
    static int person_num; // 定义静态变量用于统计人员数量
    person(string na = "undefine", int a = 24, double w = 78.3)
        name = na;
        age = a;
        weight = w;
        person_num += 1;
        rank = person_num;
    void show_info()
        cout << "Person " << this->rank << " 's info is shown as belows:" << endl;
        cout << this->name << " " << this->age << " " << this->weight << endl;
    static void get_person_num()
        cout << person_num << endl;

    string name;
    int age;
    double weight;
    int rank;

int person::person_num = 0; // 初始化静态变量

void usage_of_class_static()
    person p1("123师兄", 26, 70);
    person p2("234师兄", 27, 67);
    person p3("456师姐", 26, 51);
    person p4("567师弟", 24, 70);
    person p5;




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


