IB pastPaper 16M P2


public class Main {
    public static class Client {
        private int customerID;
        private String name;
        private Dates arrive;
        private Dates leave;
        private Room bedroom;

        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {

        public int getCustomerID() {
            return customerID;

        public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
            this.customerID = customerID;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public Dates getArrive() {
            return arrive;

        public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
            this.arrive = arrive;

        public Dates getLeave() {
            return leave;

        public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
            this.leave = leave;

        public Room getBedroom() {
            return bedroom;

        public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
            this.bedroom = bedroom;

        public void bill() {
            int nightsStayed = Dates.StayDays(arrive, leave);
            double totalCost = nightsStayed * bedroom.getPrice();

            System.out.println("Client's Name: " + getName());
            System.out.println("Room Number: " + bedroom.getRoomNumber());
            System.out.println("Arrival Date: " + arrive.getDay() + "/" + arrive.getMonth() + "/" + arrive.getYear());
            System.out.println("Departure Date: " + leave.getDay() + "/" + leave.getMonth() + "/" + leave.getYear());
            System.out.println("Total Nights Stayed: " + nightsStayed);
            System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost);
    public class GClient extends Client {
    private String groupName;
    public GClient(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r, String groupName) {
        super(id, c, dateIn, dateOut, r);
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public String getGroupName() {
        return groupName;
    public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public static class Dates {
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;

        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
            this.day = day;
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;

        public int getDay() {
            return day;

        public void setDay(int day) {
            this.day = day;

        public int getMonth() {
            return month;

        public void setMonth(int month) {
            this.month = month;

        public int getYear() {
            return year;

        public void setYear(int year) {
            this.year = year;

        public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
            // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
            int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
            int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
            return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);
    public static class Room {
        private int roomNumber;
        private int beds;
        private double price;
        private boolean empty;

        public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.beds = beds;
            this.price = price;
            this.empty = empty;

        public int getRoomNumber() {
            return roomNumber;

        public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

        public int getBeds() {
            return beds;

        public void setBeds(int beds) {
            this.beds = beds;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return empty;

        public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
            this.empty = empty;
    public static class Group {
        private String name; // name of group
        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group
        int[] gRooms; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public Group(String name, int number) {
            this.name = name;
            this.number = number;
            gRooms = new int[number]; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getNumber() {
            return number;
        public double bill() {
            // Calculate the total bill for the group's allocated rooms for one day
            double totalCost = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<number; i++){
                for(int j=0; j<100; j++){
                    if(gRooms[i] == Hotel.getAllRooms()[j].getRoomNumber()){
                        totalCost += Hotel.getAllRooms()[j].getPrice();
            return totalCost;
    public static class Hotel {
        private static Room[] allRooms; // Assume this array contains all the available rooms in the hotel
        public static Room[] getAllRooms(){
            return allRooms;
        public int[] findRooms() {
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<allRooms.length; i++) {
                if (allRooms[i].isEmpty() && allRooms[i].getBeds() == 2) {
                    emptyTwoRooms[index] = allRooms[i].getRoomNumber();
            return emptyTwoRooms;
        public void allocateRooms(Group group){
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            emptyTwoRooms = findRooms();
            int index = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<emptyTwoRooms.length; i++){
                if(index<group.getNumber() && emptyTwoRooms[i] != 0){
                    allRooms[emptyTwoRooms[i]].empty = true;
                    group.gRooms[index] = emptyTwoRooms[i];
                    index = index+1;
            if(index < group.getNumber()){
                System.out.println("empty room is not sufficient");
                for(int i=0; i<group.gRooms.length; i++){
                    System.out.print(group.gRooms[i]+" ");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Room[] rooms = new Room[100]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            boolean isEmpty = i % 2 == 0;
            rooms[i] = new Room(i + 1, 2, 100.0, isEmpty);
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        hotel.allRooms = rooms;
        // Testing the findRooms() method
        System.out.println("\nTesting the findRooms() method======================");
        int[] emptyTwoBedRooms = hotel.findRooms();
        System.out.println("Empty rooms with 2 beds:");
        for (int roomNumber : emptyTwoBedRooms) {
            if (roomNumber != 0) {
                System.out.print(roomNumber + " ");
        // Testing the bill() method
        System.out.println("\nTesting the bill() method======================");
        Dates arrivalDate = new Dates(1, 11, 2023); 
        Dates departureDate = new Dates(10, 11, 2023); 
        Room clientRoom = new Room(101, 2, 120.0, false); 
        Client client = new Client(1, "John Doe", arrivalDate, departureDate, clientRoom);
        // Testing the allocateRooms() method
        System.out.println("\nTesting the allocateRooms() method======================");
        Group group = new Group("Happy Travellers", 15);
        // Testing the Group.bill() method
        System.out.println("\nTesting the Group.bill() method======================");



14(d)  findRooms()

public class Main {
    public static class Client {
        private int customerID;
        private String name;
        private Dates arrive;
        private Dates leave;
        private Room bedroom;

        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {

        public int getCustomerID() {
            return customerID;

        public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
            this.customerID = customerID;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public Dates getArrive() {
            return arrive;

        public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
            this.arrive = arrive;

        public Dates getLeave() {
            return leave;

        public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
            this.leave = leave;

        public Room getBedroom() {
            return bedroom;

        public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
            this.bedroom = bedroom;

        public void bill() {
    public class GClient extends Client {
    private String groupName;
    public GClient(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r, String groupName) {
        super(id, c, dateIn, dateOut, r);
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public String getGroupName() {
        return groupName;
    public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public static class Dates {
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;

        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
            this.day = day;
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;

        public int getDay() {
            return day;

        public void setDay(int day) {
            this.day = day;

        public int getMonth() {
            return month;

        public void setMonth(int month) {
            this.month = month;

        public int getYear() {
            return year;

        public void setYear(int year) {
            this.year = year;

        public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
            // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
            int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
            int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
            return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);
    public static class Room {
        private int roomNumber;
        private int beds;
        private double price;
        private boolean empty;

        public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.beds = beds;
            this.price = price;
            this.empty = empty;

        public int getRoomNumber() {
            return roomNumber;

        public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

        public int getBeds() {
            return beds;

        public void setBeds(int beds) {
            this.beds = beds;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return empty;

        public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
            this.empty = empty;
    public static class Group {
        private String name; // name of group
        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group
        int[] gRooms; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public Group(String name, int number) {
            this.name = name;
            this.number = number;
            gRooms = new int[number]; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getNumber() {
            return number;
        public double bill() {
            return 0.0;
    public static class Hotel {
        private static Room[] allRooms; // Assume this array contains all the available rooms in the hotel
        public static Room[] getAllRooms(){
            return allRooms;
        public int[] findRooms() {
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<allRooms.length; i++) {
                if (allRooms[i].isEmpty() && allRooms[i].getBeds() == 2) {
                    emptyTwoRooms[index] = allRooms[i].getRoomNumber();
            return emptyTwoRooms;
        public void allocateRooms(Group group){
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Room[] rooms = new Room[100]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            boolean isEmpty = i % 2 == 0;
            rooms[i] = new Room(i + 1, 2, 100.0, isEmpty);
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        hotel.allRooms = rooms;
        // Testing the findRooms() method
        System.out.println("Testing the findRooms() method======================");
        int[] emptyTwoBedRooms = hotel.findRooms();
        System.out.println("Empty rooms with 2 beds:");
        for (int roomNumber : emptyTwoBedRooms) {
            if (roomNumber != 0) {
                System.out.print(roomNumber + " ");


14(e) client.bill()

public class Main {
    public static class Client {
        private int customerID;
        private String name;
        private Dates arrive;
        private Dates leave;
        private Room bedroom;

        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {

        public int getCustomerID() {
            return customerID;

        public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
            this.customerID = customerID;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public Dates getArrive() {
            return arrive;

        public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
            this.arrive = arrive;

        public Dates getLeave() {
            return leave;

        public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
            this.leave = leave;

        public Room getBedroom() {
            return bedroom;

        public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
            this.bedroom = bedroom;

        public void bill() {
            int nightsStayed = Dates.StayDays(arrive, leave);
            double totalCost = nightsStayed * bedroom.getPrice();

            System.out.println("Client's Name: " + getName());
            System.out.println("Room Number: " + bedroom.getRoomNumber());
            System.out.println("Arrival Date: " + arrive.getDay() + "/" + arrive.getMonth() + "/" + arrive.getYear());
            System.out.println("Departure Date: " + leave.getDay() + "/" + leave.getMonth() + "/" + leave.getYear());
            System.out.println("Total Nights Stayed: " + nightsStayed);
            System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost);
    public class GClient extends Client {
    private String groupName;
    public GClient(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r, String groupName) {
        super(id, c, dateIn, dateOut, r);
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public String getGroupName() {
        return groupName;
    public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public static class Dates {
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;

        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
            this.day = day;
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;

        public int getDay() {
            return day;

        public void setDay(int day) {
            this.day = day;

        public int getMonth() {
            return month;

        public void setMonth(int month) {
            this.month = month;

        public int getYear() {
            return year;

        public void setYear(int year) {
            this.year = year;

        public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
            // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
            int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
            int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
            return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);
    public static class Room {
        private int roomNumber;
        private int beds;
        private double price;
        private boolean empty;

        public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.beds = beds;
            this.price = price;
            this.empty = empty;

        public int getRoomNumber() {
            return roomNumber;

        public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

        public int getBeds() {
            return beds;

        public void setBeds(int beds) {
            this.beds = beds;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return empty;

        public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
            this.empty = empty;
    public static class Group {
        private String name; // name of group
        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group
        int[] gRooms; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public Group(String name, int number) {
            this.name = name;
            this.number = number;
            gRooms = new int[number]; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getNumber() {
            return number;
        public double bill() {
            return 0.0;
    public static class Hotel {
        private static Room[] allRooms; // Assume this array contains all the available rooms in the hotel
        public static Room[] getAllRooms(){
            return allRooms;
        public int[] findRooms() {
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<allRooms.length; i++) {
                if (allRooms[i].isEmpty() && allRooms[i].getBeds() == 2) {
                    emptyTwoRooms[index] = allRooms[i].getRoomNumber();
            return emptyTwoRooms;
        public void allocateRooms(Group group){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Room[] rooms = new Room[100]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            boolean isEmpty = i % 2 == 0;
            rooms[i] = new Room(i + 1, 2, 100.0, isEmpty);
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        hotel.allRooms = rooms;
        // Testing the client.bill() method
        System.out.println("Testing the client.bill() method======================");
        Dates arrivalDate = new Dates(1, 11, 2023); 
        Dates departureDate = new Dates(10, 11, 2023); 
        Room clientRoom = new Room(101, 2, 120.0, false); 
        Client client = new Client(1, "John Doe", arrivalDate, departureDate, clientRoom);


15(b) allocateRooms()

public class Main {
    public static class Client {
        private int customerID;
        private String name;
        private Dates arrive;
        private Dates leave;
        private Room bedroom;

        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {

        public int getCustomerID() {
            return customerID;

        public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
            this.customerID = customerID;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public Dates getArrive() {
            return arrive;

        public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
            this.arrive = arrive;

        public Dates getLeave() {
            return leave;

        public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
            this.leave = leave;

        public Room getBedroom() {
            return bedroom;

        public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
            this.bedroom = bedroom;

        public void bill() {
            YOUR CODE HERE
    public class GClient extends Client {
    private String groupName;
    public GClient(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r, String groupName) {
        super(id, c, dateIn, dateOut, r);
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public String getGroupName() {
        return groupName;
    public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public static class Dates {
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;

        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
            this.day = day;
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;

        public int getDay() {
            return day;

        public void setDay(int day) {
            this.day = day;

        public int getMonth() {
            return month;

        public void setMonth(int month) {
            this.month = month;

        public int getYear() {
            return year;

        public void setYear(int year) {
            this.year = year;

        public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
            // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
            int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
            int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
            return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);
    public static class Room {
        private int roomNumber;
        private int beds;
        private double price;
        private boolean empty;

        public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.beds = beds;
            this.price = price;
            this.empty = empty;

        public int getRoomNumber() {
            return roomNumber;

        public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

        public int getBeds() {
            return beds;

        public void setBeds(int beds) {
            this.beds = beds;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return empty;

        public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
            this.empty = empty;
    public static class Group {
        private String name; // name of group
        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group
        int[] gRooms; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public Group(String name, int number) {
            this.name = name;
            this.number = number;
            gRooms = new int[number]; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getNumber() {
            return number;
        public double bill() {
            YOUR CODE HERE
            return 0.0;
    public static class Hotel {
        private static Room[] allRooms; // Assume this array contains all the available rooms in the hotel
        public static Room[] getAllRooms(){
            return allRooms;
        public int[] findRooms() {
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<allRooms.length; i++) {
                if (allRooms[i].isEmpty() && allRooms[i].getBeds() == 2) {
                    emptyTwoRooms[index] = allRooms[i].getRoomNumber();
            return emptyTwoRooms;
        public void allocateRooms(Group group){
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            emptyTwoRooms = findRooms();
            int index = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<emptyTwoRooms.length; i++){
                if(index<group.getNumber() && emptyTwoRooms[i] != 0){
                    allRooms[emptyTwoRooms[i]].empty = true;
                    group.gRooms[index] = emptyTwoRooms[i];
                    index = index+1;
            if(index < group.getNumber()){
                System.out.println("empty room is not sufficient");
                for(int i=0; i<group.gRooms.length; i++){
                    System.out.print(group.gRooms[i]+" ");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Room[] rooms = new Room[100]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            boolean isEmpty = i % 2 == 0;
            rooms[i] = new Room(i + 1, 2, 100.0, isEmpty);
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        hotel.allRooms = rooms;
        // Testing the allocateRooms() method
        System.out.println("Testing the allocateRooms() method======================");
        Group group = new Group("Happy Travellers", 15);

15(c) Group.bill()

public class Main {
    public static class Client {
        private int customerID;
        private String name;
        private Dates arrive;
        private Dates leave;
        private Room bedroom;

        public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {

        public int getCustomerID() {
            return customerID;

        public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
            this.customerID = customerID;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

        public Dates getArrive() {
            return arrive;

        public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
            this.arrive = arrive;

        public Dates getLeave() {
            return leave;

        public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
            this.leave = leave;

        public Room getBedroom() {
            return bedroom;

        public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
            this.bedroom = bedroom;

        public void bill() {
            /*YOUR CODE HERE*/
    public class GClient extends Client {
    private String groupName;
    public GClient(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r, String groupName) {
        super(id, c, dateIn, dateOut, r);
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public String getGroupName() {
        return groupName;
    public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
        this.groupName = groupName;
    public static class Dates {
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;

        public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
            this.day = day;
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;

        public int getDay() {
            return day;

        public void setDay(int day) {
            this.day = day;

        public int getMonth() {
            return month;

        public void setMonth(int month) {
            this.month = month;

        public int getYear() {
            return year;

        public void setYear(int year) {
            this.year = year;

        public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
            // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
            int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
            int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
            return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);
    public static class Room {
        private int roomNumber;
        private int beds;
        private double price;
        private boolean empty;

        public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.beds = beds;
            this.price = price;
            this.empty = empty;

        public int getRoomNumber() {
            return roomNumber;

        public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
            this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

        public int getBeds() {
            return beds;

        public void setBeds(int beds) {
            this.beds = beds;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return empty;

        public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
            this.empty = empty;
    public static class Group {
        private String name; // name of group
        private int number; // number of rooms allocated to the group
        int[] gRooms; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public Group(String name, int number) {
            this.name = name;
            this.number = number;
            gRooms = new int[number]; // array to hold room numbers allocated to the group
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getNumber() {
            return number;
        public double bill() {
            // Calculate the total bill for the group's allocated rooms for one day
            double totalCost = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<number; i++){
                for(int j=0; j<100; j++){
                    if(gRooms[i] == Hotel.getAllRooms()[j].getRoomNumber()){
                        totalCost += Hotel.getAllRooms()[j].getPrice();
            return totalCost;
    public static class Hotel {
        private static Room[] allRooms; // Assume this array contains all the available rooms in the hotel
        public static Room[] getAllRooms(){
            return allRooms;
        public int[] findRooms() {
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<allRooms.length; i++) {
                if (allRooms[i].isEmpty() && allRooms[i].getBeds() == 2) {
                    emptyTwoRooms[index] = allRooms[i].getRoomNumber();
            return emptyTwoRooms;
        public void allocateRooms(Group group){
            int[] emptyTwoRooms = new int[100];
            emptyTwoRooms = findRooms();
            int index = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<emptyTwoRooms.length; i++){
                if(index<group.getNumber() && emptyTwoRooms[i] != 0){
                    allRooms[emptyTwoRooms[i]].empty = true;
                    group.gRooms[index] = emptyTwoRooms[i];
                    index = index+1;
            // if(index < group.getNumber()){
            //     System.out.println("empty room is not sufficient");
            // }else{
            //     for(int i=0; i<group.gRooms.length; i++){
            //         System.out.print(group.gRooms[i]+" ");
            //     }
            // }
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Room[] rooms = new Room[100]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            boolean isEmpty = i % 2 == 0;
            rooms[i] = new Room(i + 1, 2, 100.0, isEmpty);
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        hotel.allRooms = rooms;
        // Testing the Group.bill() method
        Group group = new Group("Happy Travellers", 15);
        System.out.println("Testing the Group.bill() method======================");



import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class Main {
    public static class Dates {
    private int day;
    private int month;
    private int year;

    public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
        this.day = day;
        this.month = month;
        this.year = year;
    public int getDay() {
        return day;

    public void setDay(int day) {
        this.day = day;

    public int getMonth() {
        return month;

    public void setMonth(int month) {
        this.month = month;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        this.year = year;

    public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
        // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
        int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
        int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
        return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);

    public static Dates compareDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        if (x.year < y.year) {
            return x;
        } else if (x.year > y.year) {
            return y;
        } else {
            if (x.month < y.month) {
                return x;
            } else if (x.month > y.month) {
                return y;
            } else {
                if (x.day <= y.day) { // Updated condition to handle equal days
                    return x;
                } else {
                    return y;

    public static boolean equalDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        return (x.year == y.year && x.month == y.month && x.day == y.day);


    public static class Room {
            private int roomNumber;
            private int beds;
            private double price;
            private boolean empty;
            public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
                this.beds = beds;
                this.price = price;
                this.empty = empty;
            public int getRoomNumber() {
                return roomNumber;
            public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            public int getBeds() {
                return beds;
            public void setBeds(int beds) {
                this.beds = beds;
            public double getPrice() {
                return price;
            public void setPrice(double price) {
                this.price = price;
            public boolean isEmpty() {
                return empty;
            public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
                this.empty = empty;
    public static class Client {
            private int customerID;
            private String name;
            private Dates arrive;
            private Dates leave;
            private Room bedroom;
            public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {
            public int getCustomerID() {
                return customerID;
            public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
                this.customerID = customerID;
            public String getName() {
                return name;
            public void setName(String name) {
                this.name = name;
            public Dates getArrive() {
                return arrive;
            public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
                this.arrive = arrive;
            public Dates getLeave() {
                return leave;
            public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
                this.leave = leave;
            public Room getBedroom() {
                return bedroom;
            public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
                this.bedroom = bedroom;
            public void bill() {
                int nightsStayed = Dates.StayDays(arrive, leave);
                double totalCost = nightsStayed * bedroom.getPrice();
                System.out.println("Client's Name: " + getName());
                System.out.println("Room Number: " + bedroom.getRoomNumber());
                System.out.println("Arrival Date: " + arrive.getDay() + "/" + arrive.getMonth() + "/" + arrive.getYear());
                System.out.println("Departure Date: " + leave.getDay() + "/" + leave.getMonth() + "/" + leave.getYear());
                System.out.println("Total Nights Stayed: " + nightsStayed);
                System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost);
    public static class Hotel {
        private LinkedList<Client> bookings;
        public Hotel() {
            bookings = new LinkedList<>();
        public void newClient(Client newClient) {
            if(bookings.isEmpty() == true){
                ListIterator<Client> iterator = bookings.listIterator();
                int index = 0;
                boolean found = false;
                while(iterator.hasNext() && found == false){
                    Client current = iterator.next();
                    if(Dates.equalDate(Dates.compareDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive()), newClient.getArrive()) 
                    || Dates.equalDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive())){
                        bookings.add(index, newClient);
                        found = true;
                        index = index+1;
                if(found == false) bookings.addLast(newClient);

        public Client[] todayClients(Dates today) {
            Client[] arrivalsToday = new Client[bookings.size()]; // 创建一个数组来存储今日到达的客户
            int lengthOfArray = 0;
            ListIterator<Client> iterator = bookings.listIterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Client current = iterator.next();
                if (Dates.equalDate(current.getArrive(), today)) {
                    iterator.remove(); // 移除当前元素
                    int i;
                    for (i = lengthOfArray - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        if (Dates.equalDate(Dates.compareDate(arrivalsToday[i].getLeave(), 
                        current.getLeave()), current.getLeave())) {
                            arrivalsToday[i + 1] = arrivalsToday[i];
                        } else {
                    arrivalsToday[i + 1] = current; // 插入新的到达客户
                    lengthOfArray = lengthOfArray + 1;
            Client[] arrivalsArray = new Client[lengthOfArray]; // 创建一个新的数组来存储今日到达的客户
            System.arraycopy(arrivalsToday, 0, arrivalsArray, 0, lengthOfArray); // 将结果复制到新数组中
            return arrivalsArray;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        // Create dates
        Dates date1 = new Dates(1, 1, 2023);
        Dates date2 = new Dates(2, 1, 2023);
        Dates date3 = new Dates(3, 1, 2023);
        Dates date4 = new Dates(4, 1, 2023);
        Dates date5 = new Dates(5, 1, 2023);
        Dates date6 = new Dates(6, 1, 2023);
        // Create rooms
        Room room1 = new Room(101, 2, 100, true);
        Room room2 = new Room(102, 3, 150, true);
        Room room3 = new Room(103, 2, 120, true);
        Room room4 = new Room(104, 2, 110, true);
        Room room5 = new Room(105, 1, 90, true);

        // Create clients
        Client client1 = new Client(1, "Alice", date2, date2, room1);
        Client client2 = new Client(2, "Bob", date2, date3, room2);
        Client client3 = new Client(3, "Charlie", date3, date3, room3);
        Client client4 = new Client(4, "David", date2, date4, room4);
        Client client5 = new Client(5, "Emma", date4, date5, room5);
        Client client6 = new Client(5, "Lily", date2, date4, room4);
        // Add clients to the hotel
        // Display all clients after sorting
        System.out.println("Clients after sorting:");
        for (Client client : hotel.bookings) {
            System.out.println("Name: " + client.getName() + ", Arrival: " +
                    client.getArrive().getDay() + "/" + client.getArrive().getMonth() + "/" + client.getArrive().getYear());
        Dates today = new Dates(2, 1, 2023); // Assuming today's date is 1st Jan 2023
        // Display clients today's arrivals
        System.out.println("\nClients today's arrivals:");
        for (Client client : hotel.todayClients(today)) {
            System.out.println("Name: " + client.getName() + ", Arrival: " +
                    client.getArrive().getDay() + "/" + client.getArrive().getMonth() + "/" + client.getArrive().getYear()+
                    ", Leave: " +
                    client.getLeave().getDay() + "/" + client.getLeave().getMonth() + "/" + client.getLeave().getYear());

17(a) newClient()

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class Main {
    public static class Dates {
    private int day;
    private int month;
    private int year;

    public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
        this.day = day;
        this.month = month;
        this.year = year;
    public int getDay() {
        return day;

    public void setDay(int day) {
        this.day = day;

    public int getMonth() {
        return month;

    public void setMonth(int month) {
        this.month = month;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        this.year = year;

    public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
        // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
        int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
        int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
        return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);

    public static Dates compareDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        if (x.year < y.year) {
            return x;
        } else if (x.year > y.year) {
            return y;
        } else {
            if (x.month < y.month) {
                return x;
            } else if (x.month > y.month) {
                return y;
            } else {
                if (x.day <= y.day) { // Updated condition to handle equal days
                    return x;
                } else {
                    return y;

    public static boolean equalDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        return (x.year == y.year && x.month == y.month && x.day == y.day);


    public static class Room {
            private int roomNumber;
            private int beds;
            private double price;
            private boolean empty;
            public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
                this.beds = beds;
                this.price = price;
                this.empty = empty;
            public int getRoomNumber() {
                return roomNumber;
            public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            public int getBeds() {
                return beds;
            public void setBeds(int beds) {
                this.beds = beds;
            public double getPrice() {
                return price;
            public void setPrice(double price) {
                this.price = price;
            public boolean isEmpty() {
                return empty;
            public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
                this.empty = empty;
    public static class Client {
            private int customerID;
            private String name;
            private Dates arrive;
            private Dates leave;
            private Room bedroom;
            public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {
            public int getCustomerID() {
                return customerID;
            public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
                this.customerID = customerID;
            public String getName() {
                return name;
            public void setName(String name) {
                this.name = name;
            public Dates getArrive() {
                return arrive;
            public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
                this.arrive = arrive;
            public Dates getLeave() {
                return leave;
            public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
                this.leave = leave;
            public Room getBedroom() {
                return bedroom;
            public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
                this.bedroom = bedroom;
            public void bill() {
                int nightsStayed = Dates.StayDays(arrive, leave);
                double totalCost = nightsStayed * bedroom.getPrice();
                System.out.println("Client's Name: " + getName());
                System.out.println("Room Number: " + bedroom.getRoomNumber());
                System.out.println("Arrival Date: " + arrive.getDay() + "/" + arrive.getMonth() + "/" + arrive.getYear());
                System.out.println("Departure Date: " + leave.getDay() + "/" + leave.getMonth() + "/" + leave.getYear());
                System.out.println("Total Nights Stayed: " + nightsStayed);
                System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost);
    public static class Hotel {
        private LinkedList<Client> bookings;
        public Hotel() {
            bookings = new LinkedList<>();
        public void newClient(Client newClient) {
            if(bookings.isEmpty() == true){
                ListIterator<Client> iterator = bookings.listIterator();
                int index = 0;
                boolean found = false;
                while(iterator.hasNext() && found == false){
                    Client current = iterator.next();
                    if(Dates.equalDate(Dates.compareDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive()), newClient.getArrive()) 
                    || Dates.equalDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive())){
                        bookings.add(index, newClient);
                        found = true;
                        index = index+1;
                if(found == false) bookings.addLast(newClient);

        public Client[] todayClients(Dates today) {
            Client[] arrivalsToday = new Client[bookings.size()]; // 创建一个数组来存储今日到达的客户
            return arrivalsToday;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        // Create dates
        Dates date1 = new Dates(1, 1, 2023);
        Dates date2 = new Dates(2, 1, 2023);
        Dates date3 = new Dates(3, 1, 2023);
        Dates date4 = new Dates(4, 1, 2023);
        Dates date5 = new Dates(5, 1, 2023);
        Dates date6 = new Dates(6, 1, 2023);
        // Create rooms
        Room room1 = new Room(101, 2, 100, true);
        Room room2 = new Room(102, 3, 150, true);
        Room room3 = new Room(103, 2, 120, true);
        Room room4 = new Room(104, 2, 110, true);
        Room room5 = new Room(105, 1, 90, true);

        // Create clients
        Client client1 = new Client(1, "Alice", date2, date2, room1);
        Client client2 = new Client(2, "Bob", date2, date3, room2);
        Client client3 = new Client(3, "Charlie", date3, date3, room3);
        Client client4 = new Client(4, "David", date2, date4, room4);
        Client client5 = new Client(5, "Emma", date4, date5, room5);
        Client client6 = new Client(5, "Lily", date2, date4, room4);
        // Add clients to the hotel
        // Display all clients after sorting
        System.out.println("Clients after sorting:");
        for (Client client : hotel.bookings) {
            System.out.println("Name: " + client.getName() + ", Arrival: " +
                    client.getArrive().getDay() + "/" + client.getArrive().getMonth() + "/" + client.getArrive().getYear());

17(b) todayClients

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class Main {
    public static class Dates {
    private int day;
    private int month;
    private int year;

    public Dates(int day, int month, int year) {
        this.day = day;
        this.month = month;
        this.year = year;
    public int getDay() {
        return day;

    public void setDay(int day) {
        this.day = day;

    public int getMonth() {
        return month;

    public void setMonth(int month) {
        this.month = month;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        this.year = year;

    public static int StayDays(Dates x, Dates y) {
        // Calculate the number of days between two provided dates (x and y)
        int daysInX = x.getDay() + x.getMonth() * 30 + x.getYear() * 365;
        int daysInY = y.getDay() + y.getMonth() * 30 + y.getYear() * 365;
        return Math.abs(daysInX - daysInY);

    public static Dates compareDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        if (x.year < y.year) {
            return x;
        } else if (x.year > y.year) {
            return y;
        } else {
            if (x.month < y.month) {
                return x;
            } else if (x.month > y.month) {
                return y;
            } else {
                if (x.day <= y.day) { // Updated condition to handle equal days
                    return x;
                } else {
                    return y;

    public static boolean equalDate(Dates x, Dates y) {
        return (x.year == y.year && x.month == y.month && x.day == y.day);


    public static class Room {
            private int roomNumber;
            private int beds;
            private double price;
            private boolean empty;
            public Room(int roomNumber, int beds, double price, boolean empty) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
                this.beds = beds;
                this.price = price;
                this.empty = empty;
            public int getRoomNumber() {
                return roomNumber;
            public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
                this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
            public int getBeds() {
                return beds;
            public void setBeds(int beds) {
                this.beds = beds;
            public double getPrice() {
                return price;
            public void setPrice(double price) {
                this.price = price;
            public boolean isEmpty() {
                return empty;
            public void setEmpty(boolean empty) {
                this.empty = empty;
    public static class Client {
            private int customerID;
            private String name;
            private Dates arrive;
            private Dates leave;
            private Room bedroom;
            public Client(int id, String c, Dates dateIn, Dates dateOut, Room r) {
            public int getCustomerID() {
                return customerID;
            public void setCustomerID(int customerID) {
                this.customerID = customerID;
            public String getName() {
                return name;
            public void setName(String name) {
                this.name = name;
            public Dates getArrive() {
                return arrive;
            public void setArrive(Dates arrive) {
                this.arrive = arrive;
            public Dates getLeave() {
                return leave;
            public void setLeave(Dates leave) {
                this.leave = leave;
            public Room getBedroom() {
                return bedroom;
            public void setBedroom(Room bedroom) {
                this.bedroom = bedroom;
            public void bill() {
                int nightsStayed = Dates.StayDays(arrive, leave);
                double totalCost = nightsStayed * bedroom.getPrice();
                System.out.println("Client's Name: " + getName());
                System.out.println("Room Number: " + bedroom.getRoomNumber());
                System.out.println("Arrival Date: " + arrive.getDay() + "/" + arrive.getMonth() + "/" + arrive.getYear());
                System.out.println("Departure Date: " + leave.getDay() + "/" + leave.getMonth() + "/" + leave.getYear());
                System.out.println("Total Nights Stayed: " + nightsStayed);
                System.out.println("Total Cost: " + totalCost);
    public static class Hotel {
        private LinkedList<Client> bookings;
        public Hotel() {
            bookings = new LinkedList<>();
        public void newClient(Client newClient) {
            if(bookings.isEmpty() == true){
                ListIterator<Client> iterator = bookings.listIterator();
                int index = 0;
                boolean found = false;
                while(iterator.hasNext() && found == false){
                    Client current = iterator.next();
                    if(Dates.equalDate(Dates.compareDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive()), newClient.getArrive()) 
                    || Dates.equalDate(newClient.getArrive(), current.getArrive())){
                        bookings.add(index, newClient);
                        found = true;
                        index = index+1;
                if(found == false) bookings.addLast(newClient);

        public Client[] todayClients(Dates today) {
            Client[] arrivalsToday = new Client[bookings.size()]; // 创建一个数组来存储今日到达的客户
            int lengthOfArray = 0;
            ListIterator<Client> iterator = bookings.listIterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Client current = iterator.next();
                if (Dates.equalDate(current.getArrive(), today)) {
                    iterator.remove(); // 移除当前元素
                    int i;
                    for (i = lengthOfArray - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        if (Dates.equalDate(Dates.compareDate(arrivalsToday[i].getLeave(), 
                        current.getLeave()), current.getLeave())) {
                            arrivalsToday[i + 1] = arrivalsToday[i];
                        } else {
                    arrivalsToday[i + 1] = current; // 插入新的到达客户
                    lengthOfArray = lengthOfArray + 1;
            Client[] arrivalsArray = new Client[lengthOfArray]; // 创建一个新的数组来存储今日到达的客户
            System.arraycopy(arrivalsToday, 0, arrivalsArray, 0, lengthOfArray); // 将结果复制到新数组中
            return arrivalsArray;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
        // Create dates
        Dates date1 = new Dates(1, 1, 2023);
        Dates date2 = new Dates(2, 1, 2023);
        Dates date3 = new Dates(3, 1, 2023);
        Dates date4 = new Dates(4, 1, 2023);
        Dates date5 = new Dates(5, 1, 2023);
        Dates date6 = new Dates(6, 1, 2023);
        // Create rooms
        Room room1 = new Room(101, 2, 100, true);
        Room room2 = new Room(102, 3, 150, true);
        Room room3 = new Room(103, 2, 120, true);
        Room room4 = new Room(104, 2, 110, true);
        Room room5 = new Room(105, 1, 90, true);

        // Create clients
        Client client1 = new Client(1, "Alice", date2, date2, room1);
        Client client2 = new Client(2, "Bob", date2, date3, room2);
        Client client3 = new Client(3, "Charlie", date3, date3, room3);
        Client client4 = new Client(4, "David", date2, date4, room4);
        Client client5 = new Client(5, "Emma", date4, date5, room5);
        Client client6 = new Client(5, "Lily", date2, date4, room4);
        // Add clients to the hotel
        Dates today = new Dates(2, 1, 2023); // Assuming today's date is 1st Jan 2023
        // Display clients today's arrivals
        System.out.println("Clients today's arrivals:");
        for (Client client : hotel.todayClients(today)) {
            System.out.println("Name: " + client.getName() + ", Arrival: " +
                    client.getArrive().getDay() + "/" + client.getArrive().getMonth() + "/" + client.getArrive().getYear()+
                    ", Leave: " +
                    client.getLeave().getDay() + "/" + client.getLeave().getMonth() + "/" + client.getLeave().getYear());

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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