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原创 用 POI 处理 Excel 中的保护功能

使用 POI 在 Excel 中添加保护功能。

2023-07-21 16:05:25 683 1

原创 Windows下获取loopback上的包

添加一条到网关的路由即可> route add mask> windump -i1 host

2010-01-04 16:04:00 622

原创 IIS

重建IUSR_*、IWAM_*用户> iisreset显示IIS原数据中密码字段修改/Inetpub/AdminScripts/adsutil.vbs中IsSecureProperty函数返回值为False

2009-09-15 15:10:00 505

原创 设置DNS

# 清空本地DN缓存$ dscacheutil -flushcache# 设置DNS$ sudo scutil# 查询接口标识> list State:/Network/Service/.*/DNS# 设置en1接口DHCP分配的DNS> get State:/Network/Service/E8E1B147-D5E9-48B7-A5C1-FFE32C70CAFB/

2009-06-25 17:35:00 1051

转载 如何执行应用程序

作为长期的UNIX用户,我通常有一些排除系统故障的工具。最近,我正在开发软件并新增了对苹果公司的OSX系统的支持。但是和其他传统UNIX变种不同,OSX不支持许多与加载、链接和执行程序相关的工具。例如,当共享库重定位出错时,我所做的首要事情就是对可执行文件运行ldd。ldd工具列出了可执行文件所依赖的共享库(包括所在路径)。但是在OSX上,试图运行ldd将报错。evil:~ mohit$

2009-06-16 20:46:00 1391

原创 虚拟化(Virtualization)

VirtualizationFull virtualizationVirtualBoxVirtual PCVMware...Partial virtualizationHyper-VXen...虚拟机比较

2009-03-18 12:59:00 499

转载 二十五大软件编程错误

错误的输入验证不正确的编码或转义输出维持SQL查询结构(SQL注入)错误维持网页结构(跨站点脚本)错误维持操作系统命令结果(操作系统命令注入)错误明文传送敏感信息跨站点请求伪造资源竞争(Race condition)错误信息泄露限定缓冲区内操作失败外部控制重要状态数据外部控制文件名或路径不可信搜索路

2009-01-14 14:53:00 560

转载 Installing and configuring Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Internet (Remote) access

折腾了一天,终于在下班的时候搞定了^_^感谢Alin!!Installing and configuring Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Internet (Remote) access

2008-09-25 17:39:00 588

转载 细说字体 Sans Serif 与 Serif

原文:http://yx.takeback.net/121/serif-font.html拜读了 LGJ Font Notes 的 Serif VS. Sans Serif 注1 一文,顿时胸中豁然开朗,终于明白了什么是Sans Serif字体,什么是Serif字体,什么地方应该使用Sans Serif字体,什么地方又应该使用Serif字体。这些问题,不管是对Web Designer还是普通用

2008-05-05 12:07:00 7416 1

原创 修改SQL Server Express登陆模式

SQL Server Express安装后,登陆模式默认选择为Windows认证。若要修改为混合登陆,修改如下键“HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL.1/MSSQLServer”中的“LoginMode”为“2”即可。

2008-03-07 12:05:00 1027

转载 ASP.NET LeftCycle

ASP.NET 页生命周期概述 ASP.NET 应用程序生命周期概述

2007-12-23 16:00:00 747

原创 使用 LinqDataSource 实现 DropDownList 联动

asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1" DataValueField="ID" DataTextField="Data" AutoPostBack="true" />asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" runat="server

2007-10-15 16:16:00 1439

原创 用GooglePlayer在线播放视频文件

把视频文件转换为FLV文件使用MEncoder mencoder input.avi -o output.flv -of lavf /    -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -srate 22050 -ovc lavc /    -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_

2006-12-23 20:59:00 3878 1

原创 IE提示“操作已终止”

类似这样的情况就会出现“操作终止”提示:html>head>    script type="text/javascript">    function appendToBody() {        var span = document.createElement(span);        document.body.appendChild(span);    }    scri

2006-12-21 12:34:00 1425

原创 XP下安装Debian

下载Debian网络安装镜像、硬盘引导内核下的所有文件、BootGRUB,到某一FAT32格式分区根目录下。解压bootgrub.rar中bootgrub、grldr到系统根目录,编辑boot.ini文件(运行中输入“sysdm.cpl”,高级 -> “启动和故障故障恢复”设置 -> 编辑),在文件末尾添加“c:/bootgrub="GRUB"”,保存退出,重启系统。在系统选择界面中,选择

2006-08-06 17:52:00 1692

原创 ARP 欺骗

#include  #include  #include  #define EPT_ARP      0x0806 #define EPT_IP       0x0800 #define ARP_HARDWARE 0x0001 #define ARP_REQUEST  0x0001 #define ARP_REPLY    0x0002 #pra

2006-04-26 12:58:00 994

Annotated C# Standard

By Jon Jagger, Nigel Perry, Peter Sestoft Paperback: 864 pages Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (August 3, 2007) ISBN-10: 0123725119 ISBN-13: 978-0123725110 ·Written by members of the standards committee ·Annotates the standard with practical implementation advice ·The definitive reference to the C# International Standard


Python for Unix and Linux System Administration



Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition

Completely revised and updated, this smart collection of insider tips and tricks covers the XP operating system from start to finish, including all the new features that come with Service Pack 2 (SP2). You'll also find timesaving hacks for security, file distribution, digital media, web browsing, and more. An ideal all-in-one resource for XP beginners, as well as more experienced power users.


Windows XP Hacks

Now power users can rejoice! Windows XP Hacks offers tips, tools, and know-how to bend Windows XP to your will. The book delves into XP topics such as controlling the control panel, changing unchangeable icons, removing uninstallable XP components, stopping pop-up ads, taking a bite out of cookies, speeding up file downloads, protecting yourself with firewalls and proxy servers, and more. Users of both Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Pro Edition will find smart, timesaving, fun, and useful hacks for virtually every feature in their operating system. Even if you\'re not a power user yet, this book will have you well on your way.


Windows Server Hacks

The tools, or hacks in this book reveal techniques that go well beyond basic management tasks found in most handbooks. Hacks range from those that deal with general administration to more esoteric hacks in the areas of network deployment, patch management, performance, security, and backup and recovery. No matter which Windows Server you use--NT, IIS, 2000, or 2003--Windows Server Hacks will put the knowledge and expertise of veteran system administrators to work for you.


Linux Server Hacks v2

Linux Server Hacks is a collection of 100 industrial-strength hacks, providing tips and tools that solve practical problems for Linux system administrators. Every hack can be read in just a few minutes but will save hours of searching for the right answer. Some of the hacks are subtle, many of them are non-obvious, and all of them demonstrate the power and flexibility of a Linux system. You\'ll find hacks devoted to tuning the Linux kernel to make your system run more efficiently, as well as using CVS or RCS to track the revision to system files. You\'ll learn alternative ways to do backups, how to use system monitoring tools to track system performance and a variety of secure networking solutions. Linux Server Hacks also helps you manage large-scale Web installations running Apache, MySQL, and other open source tools that are typically part of a Linux system.


Linux Server Hacks v1

Linux Server Hacks is a collection of 100 industrial-strength hacks, providing tips and tools that solve practical problems for Linux system administrators. Every hack can be read in just a few minutes but will save hours of searching for the right answer. Some of the hacks are subtle, many of them are non-obvious, and all of them demonstrate the power and flexibility of a Linux system. You\'ll find hacks devoted to tuning the Linux kernel to make your system run more efficiently, as well as using CVS or RCS to track the revision to system files. You\'ll learn alternative ways to do backups, how to use system monitoring tools to track system performance and a variety of secure networking solutions. Linux Server Hacks also helps you manage large-scale Web installations running Apache, MySQL, and other open source tools that are typically part of a Linux system.


Linux Desktop Hacks

With hacks that any user can follow, Linux Desktop Hacks demonstrates how easy it is to modify Linux to suit your desires. The book is packed with tips on customizing and improving the interface, boosting performance, administering your desktop, and generally making the most out of what X, KDE, Gnome, and the console have to offer.


Visual SourceSafe 使用说明

本文的阅读对象包括VSS的管理员和普通用户,以及希望利用VSS进行软件版本控制的人员。<br>本文的"管理员指南"部分是管理员必读的,如果管理员在除履行其自身职责之外,还兼任普通用户的角色,则可参阅教程中的"普通用户指南"部分。对普通用户,只需阅读"普通用户指南"部分。<br><br>本文内容主要译自VSS 6.0联机帮助。某些内容做了说明,另一些内容未作说明,对未作说明部分的内容请查看联机帮助。


Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform 3/3

This book explains how to write .NET 2.0 applications and services. It provides you with a clean slate, erasing the need for developing the COM, DCOM, COM+, or ActiveX components that used to be a necessity. Instead, youll learn how to write .NET applications using C++/CLI.This book is based on its highly successful predecessor, and bridges the gap between classic C++ and C++/CLI. Furthermore, this edition is based on the newest version of Visual Studio .NET (2005) and .NET Platform version 2.0. And all topic areas include specific code examples. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in developing .NET applications and services for both the Windows desktop and the Web.


Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform 2/3

This book explains how to write .NET 2.0 applications and services. It provides you with a clean slate, erasing the need for developing the COM, DCOM, COM+, or ActiveX components that used to be a necessity. Instead, youll learn how to write .NET applications using C++/CLI.This book is based on its highly successful predecessor, and bridges the gap between classic C++ and C++/CLI. Furthermore, this edition is based on the newest version of Visual Studio .NET (2005) and .NET Platform version 2.0. And all topic areas include specific code examples. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in developing .NET applications and services for both the Windows desktop and the Web.


Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform 1/3

This book explains how to write .NET 2.0 applications and services. It provides you with a clean slate, erasing the need for developing the COM, DCOM, COM+, or ActiveX components that used to be a necessity. Instead, youll learn how to write .NET applications using C++/CLI.This book is based


Expert Visual C++/CLI

C++/CLI is Microsofts latest extension to C++ that targets the heart of .NET 2.0, the common language runtime. Expert Visual C++/CLI is written by visual C++ MVP Marcus Heege, who examines the core of the C++/CLI language. He explains both how the language elements work and how Microsoft intends them to be used.<br><br>Even if youre new to C++/CLI but are planning to migrate to it from another language, this book will ground you in the core language elements and give you the confidence to explore further and migrate effectively. It provides concise, yet in-depth coverage of all major C++/CLI features: short code examples succinctly illustrate syntax and concepts, and more elaborate examples show how C++/CLI should be used.


Writing GNU Emacs Extensions

This book introduces Emacs Lisp and tells you how to make the editor do whatever you want, whether it's altering the way text scrolls or inventing a whole new "major mode." Topics progress from simple to complex, from lists, symbols, and keyboard commands to syntax tables, macro templates, and error recovery.


GNU Emacs Pocket Reference

O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs covers the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. The GNU Emacs Pocket Reference is a companion volume to Learning GNU Emacs. This small book, covering Emacs version 20, is a handy reference guide to the basic elements of this powerful editor, presenting the Emacs commands in an easy-to-use tabular format.


《Word 排版艺术》5/5

《Word 排版艺术》简体影印版<br><br>电子书虽好,看久伤眼!<br>请支持正版!


《Word 排版艺术》4/5

《Word 排版艺术》简体影印版<br><br>电子书虽好,看久伤眼!<br>请支持正版!


《Word 排版艺术》3/5

《Word 排版艺术》简体影印版<br><br>电子书虽好,看久伤眼!<br>请支持正版!


《Word 排版艺术》2/5

《Word 排版艺术》简体影印版<br><br>电子书虽好,看久伤眼!<br>请支持正版!


《Word 排版艺术》1/5

《Word 排版艺术》简体影印版<br><br>电子书虽好,看久伤眼!<br>请支持正版!


C# in Depth

This is a book about C#2 and 3—it’s as simple as that.








Essential Windows Workflow Foundation




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