ORACLE 错误一览表(3)

ORA-09751: pw_attachPorts: 服务器调用 pws_attach 失败
ORA-09752: pw_attachPorts: port_allocate 失败
ORA-09753: spwat: 无效的进程号
ORA-09754: sppst: 传送给 sppst 的进程号无效
ORA-09755: osngpn: 端口配置失败
ORA-09756: osnpns: 名服务器中没有端口
ORA-09757: osnipn: 端口配置失败
ORA-09758: osnipn: 无法检查名服务器中的端口
ORA-09759: osnsbt: 收到的信息错误
ORA-09760: osnpui: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09761: pw_destroyPorts: 服务器调用 pws_stop_instance 失败
ORA-09762: sNeXT_instanceName: 转换错误
ORA-09763: osnmpx: 交换 Mach 端口时出现发送/接收错误
ORA-09764: osnmop: oracle 可执行(代码)访问错误
ORA-09765: osnmop: 分叉失败
ORA-09766: osnmop: 缓冲区分配失败
ORA-09767: osnmfs: msg_send 的返回代码错误
ORA-09768: osnmgetmsg: 无法读信息
ORA-09769: osnmbr: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09770: pws_look_up: 转换失败
ORA-09771: osnmwrtbrkmsg: msg_send 的返回代码错误
ORA-09772: osnpmetbrkmsg: 来自主机的信息类型错误
ORA-09773: osnmgetdatmsg: 来自主机的信息类型错误
ORA-09774: osnmui: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09775: osnmrs: 重置协议错误
ORA-09776: pws_look_up: (Oracle 帮助程序) 可执行 (代码) 访问错误
ORA-09777: osnpbr: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09778: snynfyport: 无法配置通知端口
ORA-09779: snyGetPort: 无法分配端口
ORA-09786: sllfop: 打开错误,无法打开文件
ORA-09787: sllfop: 不可识别的处理选项,格式错误
ORA-09788: sllfrb: 无法读文件
ORA-09789: sllfsk: 无法读文件
ORA-09790: sllfcf: 无法关闭文件
ORA-09791: slembdf: 转换错误,无法转换错误文件名
ORA-09792: sllfop: 无法分配读缓冲区
ORA-09793: szguns: 用户名的长度大于缓冲区的长度
ORA-09794: szrbuild: 角色名的长度大于缓冲区的长度
ORA-09795: szrbuild: 无法 malloc 角色结构
ORA-09796: szrbuild: 无法 malloc 角色名
ORA-09797: 无法获得 O/S MAC 权限
ORA-09798: 标记比较失败
ORA-09799: 文件标记检索失败
ORA-09800: 进程阅读权限标记检索失败。
ORA-09801: 无法获得来自连接的用户 ID
ORA-09802: 无法转换二进制标记为字符串
ORA-09803: 无法分配字符串缓冲区
ORA-09804: 从二进制到 ORACLE 的类转换失败
ORA-09805: 无法转换类别编号为字符串
ORA-09806: 无法分配标记字符串缓冲区
ORA-09807: 从字符串到二进制的标记转换失败
ORA-09808: 无法获得用户清除
ORA-09809: 无法从连接获得用户组 ID
ORA-09810: 无法从连接获得进程 ID
ORA-09811: 无法初始化程序包
ORA-09812: 无法从连接获得用户清除
ORA-09813: 无法获得目录状态
ORA-09814: 无法扩展文件名
ORA-09815: 文件名缓冲区溢出
ORA-09816: 无法设置有效权限
ORA-09817: 无法写入审计文件
ORA-09818: 数字过大
ORA-09819: 数字超出最大合法值
ORA-09820: 无法转换类字符串为数字表示法
ORA-09821: 数字标记无效
ORA-09822: 无法转换审计文件名
ORA-09823: 设备名过长
ORA-09824: 无法启用 allowmacaccess 权限
ORA-09825: 无法禁用 allowmacaccess 权限
ORA-09826: SCLIN: 无法初始化原子锁栓
ORA-09827: sclgt: 原子锁栓返回未知的错误
ORA-09828: SCLFR: 原子锁栓返回错误
ORA-09829: pw_createPorts: 服务器调用 pws_start_instance 失败
ORA-09830: snyAddPort: 无法执行远程过程调用
ORA-09831: snyStartThread: 无法建立服务器端口设置
ORA-09832: infoCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09833: addCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09834: snyGetPortSet: 无法获得端口信息
ORA-09835: addCallback: 回调端口已经设置
ORA-09836: addCallback: 无法添加端口到回调设置
ORA-09837: addCallback: 无法添加分配到回调链接
ORA-09838: removeCallback: 无法删除回调端口
ORA-09839: removeCallback: 回调端口不在回调设置中
ORA-09840: soacon: 名称转换失败
ORA-09841: soacon: 名称转换失败
ORA-09842: soacon: Archmon 无法创建指定管道
ORA-09843: soacon: Archmon 无法创建命名管道
ORA-09844: soacon: Archmon 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09845: soacon: Archmon 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09846: soacon: ARCH 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09847: soacon: ARCH 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09848: soawrt: 无法写入命名管道
ORA-09849: soarcv: 无法从命名管道读取
ORA-09850: soacon: Archmon 无法锁定命名管道
ORA-09851: soacon: Archmon 无法锁定命名管道
ORA-09853: snyRemovePort: 从请求返回的代码错误
ORA-09854: snyPortInfo: 从请求返回的代码错误
ORA-09855: removeCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09856: smpalo: 在分配 pga 时出现 vm_allocate 错误
ORA-09857: smprset: 在保护 pga 时出现 vm_protect 错误
ORA-09870: spini: 无法初始化最大数的打开文件
ORA-09871: TASDEF_NAME: 扩展 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 时出现转换错误
ORA-09872: TASDEF_CREATE: 无法创建 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf
ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: 打开 tasdef@.dbf 文件时出现打开错误
ORA-09874: TASDEF_READ: 读错误,无法读 tasdef@.dbf 文件
ORA-09875: TASDEF_WRITE: 在写 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 文件时出现写错误
ORA-09876: TASDEF_CLOSE: 无法关闭 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 文件
ORA-09877: sstascre: shmget 错误,无法获得共享内存段
ORA-09878: sstascre/sstasat: shmat 错误,无法连接 tas 写入页
ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat 错误,无法连接 tas 读取页
ORA-09880: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt 错误,无法分离写入页
ORA-09881: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt 错误,无法分离读取页
ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl 错误,无法删除 tas shm 页
ORA-09883: 双工接口: oratab 文件不存在
ORA-09884: 双工接口: SID 没有配置当前 PU
ORA-09885: osnTXtt: 无法创建 TXIPC 通道
ORA-09886: osnTXtt: 在扩展 txipc@.trc 时出现转换错误
ORA-09887: osnTXtt: 无法创建/打开调试通道
ORA-09888: osnTXtt: 无法创建 txipc 通道
ORA-09889: osnTXtt: oracle 可执行 (代码) 访问错误
ORA-09890: osnTXtt: malloc 失败
ORA-09908: slkmnm: gethostname 返回错误代码
ORA-09909: 无法 Malloc 暂存缓冲区
ORA-09910: 无法找到用户的 ORACLE 口令文件条目
ORA-09911: 用户口令错误
ORA-09912: 无法 Malloc 名称缓冲区
ORA-09913: 无法 Malloc 转储名
ORA-09914: 无法打开 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09915: 口令加密失败
ORA-09916: 未指定要求的口令
ORA-09918: 无法从 SQL*Net 获得用户权限
ORA-09919: 无法设置专用服务器的标记
ORA-09920: 无法从连接获得阅读权限标记
ORA-09921: 无法从连接获得信息标记
ORA-09922: 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建背景日志目录
ORA-09923: 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建用户日志目录
ORA-09924: 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建磁心转储目录
ORA-09925: 无法创建审计线索文件
ORA-09926: 无法设置服务器的有效权限集
ORA-09927: 无法设置服务器标记
ORA-09928: 无法恢复服务器标记
ORA-09929: 两个标记的 GLB 无效
ORA-09930: 两个标记的 LUB 无效
ORA-09931: 无法打开要读取的 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09932: 无法关闭 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09933: 无法删除旧的口令文件
ORA-09934: 无法将当前口令文件链接到旧文件
ORA-09935: 无法撤消链接当前口令文件
ORA-09936: 无法打开要写入的 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09937: ORACLE 口令文件的 Chmod 失败
ORA-09938: 无法保存信号处理程序
ORA-09939: 无法恢复信号处理程序
ORA-09940: ORACLE 口令文件标题损坏
ORA-09941: orapasswd 或安装程序的版本比文件更旧
ORA-09942: ORACLE 口令文件标题写失败
ORA-09943: 无法分配口令列表组件的内存
ORA-09944: 口令条目损坏
ORA-09945: 无法初始化审计线索文件
ORA-09946: 缓冲区的文件名过长
ORA-09947: 无法配置连接属性结构
ORA-09948: 无法检索进程信息标记
ORA-09949: 无法获得客户操作系统权限
ORA-09950: 无法获得服务器操作系统权限
ORA-09951: 无法创建文件
ORA-09952: scgcmn: lk_open_convert 返回未预期的值: 无法打开
ORA-09953: scggc: 锁定转换时返回未预期的值
ORA-09954: scgcc: 回调锁定关闭时返回未预期的状态
ORA-09955: scgcan: 取消锁定时返回未预期的状态
ORA-09956: scgcm: 未预期的锁定状态条件
ORA-09957: 无法发送结束请求到 IMON
ORA-09958: IMON: 具有相同 ORACLE pid 的两个进程处于活动状态
ORA-09959: IMON: 无法删除进程
ORA-09960: 无法建立终止信号的信号处理程序
ORA-09961: 无法恢复终止信号处理程序
ORA-09962: scggrc 中的 lk_group_create 错误
ORA-09963: scggra 中的 lk_group_attach 错误
ORA-09964: scggrd 中的 lk_group_detach 错误
ORA-09966: scumnt: 在扩展 ?/dbs/lk 时出现转换错误
ORA-09967: scumnt: 无法创建或打开文件
ORA-09968: scumnt: 无法锁定文件
ORA-09969: scurls: 无法关闭锁定文件
ORA-09974: skxfidini: 初始化 SDI 通道时出错
ORA-09975: kxfspini: 初始化 SDI 进程时出错
ORA-09976: skxfqdini: 创建端口时出错
ORA-09977: skxfqhini: 连接时出错
ORA-09978: skxfqhdel: 从另一终端断开连接时出错
ORA-09979: skxfqhsnd: 发送信息到另一终端时出错
ORA-09980: skxfqdrcv: 从另一终端接收信息时出错
ORA-09981: skxfqdreg: 添加页到 SDI 缓冲池时出错
ORA-09982: skxfqddrg: 从 SDI 缓冲池删除页时出错
ORA-09983: skxfidsht: 关闭 SDI 通道时出错
ORA-09985: 无法读取 SGA 定义文件
ORA-09986: 从 SGA 定义文件读取的字节数错误
ORA-09987: 在 READ-ONLY 模式下无法连接到 SGA
ORA-09988: 分离 SGA 时出错
ORA-09989: 尝试使用无效的 skgmsdef 结构指针
ORA-10000: controlfile debug event, name 'control_file'
ORA-10001: controlfile crash event1
ORA-10002: controlfile crash event2
ORA-10003: controlfile crash event3
ORA-10004: controlfile crash event4
ORA-10005: trace latch operations for debugging
ORA-10006: testing - block recovery forced
ORA-10008: log switch debug crash after new log header write, thread 
ORA-10009: log switch debug crash after old log header write, thread 
ORA-10010: Begin Transaction
ORA-10011: End   Transaction
ORA-10012: Abort Transaction
ORA-10013: Instance Recovery
ORA-10014: Roll Back to Save Point
ORA-10015: Undo Segment Recovery
ORA-10016: Undo Segment extend
ORA-10017: Undo Segment Wrap
ORA-10018: Data Segment Create
ORA-10019: Data Segment Recovery
ORA-10020: partial link restored to linked list (KSG)
ORA-10021: latch cleanup for state objects (KSS)
ORA-10022: trace ktsgsp
ORA-10023: Create Save Undo Segment
ORA-10024: Write to Save Undo
ORA-10025: Extend Save Undo Segment
ORA-10026: Apply Save Undo
ORA-10027: latch cleanup for enqueue locks (KSQ)
ORA-10028: latch cleanup for enqueue resources (KSQ)
ORA-10029: session logon (KSU)
ORA-10030: session logoff (KSU)
ORA-10031: sort debug event (S*)
ORA-10032: sort statistics (SOR*)
ORA-10033: sort run information (SRD*/SRS*)
ORA-10035: parse SQL statement (OPIPRS)
ORA-10036: create remote row source (QKANET)
ORA-10037: allocate remote row source (QKARWS)
ORA-10038: dump row source tree (QBADRV)
ORA-10039: type checking (OPITCA)
ORA-10040: dirty cache list
ORA-10041: dump undo records skipped
ORA-10042: trap error during undo application
ORA-10043: check consistency of owner/waiter/converter lists in KSQ
ORA-10044: free list undo operations
ORA-10045: free list update operations - ktsrsp, ktsunl
ORA-10046: enable SQL statement timing
ORA-10047: trace switching of sessions
ORA-10048: Undo segment shrink
ORA-10049: protect library cache memory heaps
ORA-10050: sniper trace
ORA-10051: trace OPI calls
ORA-10052: don't clean up obj$
ORA-10053: CBO Enable optimizer trace
ORA-10054: trace UNDO handling in MLS
ORA-10055: trace UNDO handing
ORA-10056: dump analyze stats (kdg)
ORA-10057: suppress file names in error messages
ORA-10058: use table scan cost in tab$.spare1
ORA-10059: simulate error in logfile create/clear
ORA-10060: CBO Enable predicate dump
ORA-10061: disable SMON from cleaning temp segment
ORA-10062: disable usage of OS Roles in osds
ORA-10063: disable usage of DBA and OPER privileges in osds
ORA-10064: thread enable debug crash level , thread 
ORA-10065: limit library cache dump information for state object dump
ORA-10066: simulate failure to verify file
ORA-10067: force redo log checksum errors - block number
ORA-10068: force redo log checksum errors - file number
ORA-10069: Trusted Oracle test event
ORA-10070: force datafile checksum errors - block number
ORA-10071: force datafile checksum errors - file number
ORA-10072: protect latch recovery memory
ORA-10073: have PMON dump info before latch cleanup
ORA-10074: default trace function mask for kst
ORA-10076: CBO Enable cartesian product join costing
ORA-10078: CBO Disable constant predicate elimination optimization
ORA-10079: trace data sent/received via SQL*Net
ORA-10080: dump a block on a segment list which cannot be exchanged
ORA-10081: segment High Water Mark has been advanced
ORA-10083: a brand new block has been requested from space management
ORA-10084: free list becomes empty
ORA-10085: free lists have been merged
ORA-10087: disable repair of media corrupt data blocks
ORA-10088: CBO Disable new NOT IN optimization
ORA-10089: CBO Disable index sorting
ORA-10090: invoke other events before crash recovery
ORA-10091: CBO Disable constant predicate merging
ORA-10092: CBO Disable hash join
ORA-10093: CBO Enable force hash joins
ORA-10094: before resizing a data file
ORA-10095: dump debugger commands to trace file
ORA-10096: after the cross instance call when resizing a data file
ORA-10097: after generating redo when resizing a data file
ORA-10101: atomic redo write recovery
ORA-10102: switch off anti-joins
ORA-10103: CBO Disable hash join swapping
ORA-10104: dump hash join statistics to trace file
ORA-10106: CBO Disable evaluating correlation pred last for NOT IN
ORA-10107: CBO Always use bitmap index
ORA-10108: CBO Don't use bitmap index
ORA-10109: CBO Disable move of negated predicates
ORA-10110: CBO Try index rowid range scans
ORA-10111: Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10112: Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10113: Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10114: Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10115: CBO Bitmap optimization use maximal expression
ORA-10116: CBO Bitmap optimization switch
ORA-10117: CBO Disable new parallel cost model 
ORA-10118: CBO Enable hash join costing 
ORA-10119: QKA Disable GBY sort elimination
ORA-10120: generate relative file # different from absolute
ORA-10121: CBO Don't sort bitmap chains
ORA-10122: Disable transformation of count(col) to count(*)
ORA-10123: QKA Disable Bitmap And-EQuals
ORA-10125: Disable remote sort elimination
ORA-10126: Debug oracle java xa
ORA-10127: Disable remote query block operation
ORA-10128: Dump Partition Pruning Information
ORA-10129: Alter histogram lookup for remote queries
ORA-10130: sort disable readaheads
ORA-10131: use v$sql_plan code path for explain plan
ORA-10132: dump plan after compilation
ORA-10133: testing for SQL Memory Management
ORA-10134: tracing for SQL Memory Management for session
ORA-10135: CBO do not count 0 rows partitions
ORA-10136: CBO turn off fix for bug 1089848
ORA-10137: CBO turn off fix for bug 1344111
ORA-10138: CBO turn off fix for bug 1577003
ORA-10139: CBO turn off fix for bug 1386119
ORA-10140: CBO turn off fix for bug 1332980
ORA-10141: CBO disable additional keys for inlist in bitmap optimization
ORA-10142: CBO turn off advanced OR-expansion checks
ORA-10143: CBO turn off hints
ORA-10144: CBO turn off cost based selection of bji over bsj subquery
ORA-10145: test auditing network errors
ORA-10146: enable Oracle TRACE collection
ORA-10147: enable join push through UNION view
ORA-10148: Use pre-7.3.3 random generator
ORA-10149: allow the creation of constraints with illegal date constants
ORA-10150: import exceptions
ORA-10151: Force duplicate dependency removal
ORA-10152: CBO don't consider function costs in plans
ORA-10153: Switch to use public synonym if private one does not translate
ORA-10154: Switch to disallow synonyms in DDL statements
ORA-10155: CBO disable generation of transitive OR-chains
ORA-10156: CBO disable index fast full scan
ORA-10157: CBO disable index access path for in-list
ORA-10158: CBO preserve predicate order in post-filters
ORA-10159: CBO disable order-by sort pushdown into domain indexes
ORA-10160: CBO disable use of join index
ORA-10161: CBO recursive semi-join on/off-switch
ORA-10162: CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
ORA-10163: CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
ORA-10164: CBO disable subquery-adjusted cardinality fix
ORA-10166: trace long operation statistics updates
ORA-10167: CBO use old index MIN/MAX optimization
ORA-10168: CBO disable single-table predicate predicate generation
ORA-10169: CBO disable histograms for multi partitions
ORA-10170: CBO use old bitmap costing
ORA-10171: CBO disable transitive join predicates
ORA-10172: CBO force hash join back
ORA-10173: CBO no constraint-based join-back elimination
ORA-10174: view join-back elimination switch
ORA-10175: CBO star transformation switch
ORA-10176: CBO colocated join switch
ORA-10177: CBO colocated join switch
ORA-10179: CBO turn off transitive predicate replacement
ORA-10180: temp table transformation print error messages
ORA-10181: CBO disable multi-column in-list processing
ORA-10182: CBO disable generation of implied predicates
ORA-10183: CBO disable cost rounding
ORA-10185: CBO force index joins
ORA-10186: CBO disable index join
ORA-10187: CBO additional index join switch
ORA-10188: CBO additional index join switch
ORA-10189: CBO turn off FFS null fix
ORA-10190: Analyze use old frequency histogram collection and density
ORA-10192: nopushdown when number of groups exceed number of rows
ORA-10193: Force repeatable sampling with specified seed
ORA-10194: CBO disable new LIKE selectivity heuristic
ORA-10195: CBO don't use check constraints for transitive predicates
ORA-10196: CBO disable index skip scan
ORA-10197: CBO force index skip scan
ORA-10198: check undo record
ORA-10199: set parameter in session
ORA-10200: consistent read buffer status
ORA-10201: consistent read undo application
ORA-10202: consistent read block header
ORA-10203: block cleanout
ORA-10204: signal recursive extend
ORA-10205: row cache debugging
ORA-10206: transaction table consistent read
ORA-10207: consistent read transactions' status report
ORA-10208: consistent read loop check
ORA-10209: enable simulated error on controlfile
ORA-10210: check data block integrity
ORA-10211: check index block integrity
ORA-10212: check cluster integrity
ORA-10213: crash after controlfile write
ORA-10214: simulate write errors on controlfile
ORA-10215: simulate read errors on controlfile
ORA-10216: dump controlfile header
ORA-10217: debug sequence numbers
ORA-10218: dump uba of applied undo
ORA-10219: monitor multi-pass row locking
ORA-10220: show updates to the transaction table
ORA-10221: show changes done with undo
ORA-10222: row cache
ORA-10223: transaction layer - turn on verification codes
ORA-10224: index block split/delete trace
ORA-10225: free/used extent row cache
ORA-10227: verify (multi-piece) row structure
ORA-10228: trace application of redo by kcocbk
ORA-10229: simulate I/O error against datafiles
ORA-10230: check redo generation by copying before applying
ORA-10231: skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_
ORA-10233: skip corrupted blocks on index operations
ORA-10235: check memory manager internal structures
ORA-10236: library cache manager
ORA-10237: simulate ^C (for testing purposes)
ORA-10238: instantiation manager
ORA-10239: multi-instance library cache manager
ORA-10240: dump dba's of blocks that we wait for
ORA-10241: remote SQL execution tracing/validation
ORA-10242: suppress OER 2063 (for testing distrib w/o different error log)
ORA-10244: make tranids in error msgs print as 0.0.0 (for testing)
ORA-10245: simulate lock conflict error for testing PMON
ORA-10246: print trace of PMON actions to trace file
ORA-10247: Turn on scgcmn tracing. (VMS ONLY)
ORA-10248: turn on tracing for dispatchers
ORA-10249: turn on tracing for multi-stated servers
ORA-10250: Trace all allocate and free calls to the topmost SGA heap
ORA-10252: simulate write error to data file header
ORA-10253: simulate write error to redo log
ORA-10254: trace cross-instance calls
ORA-10255: pl/sql parse checking
ORA-10256: turn off shared server load balancing
ORA-10257: trace shared server load balancing
ORA-10258: force shared servers to be chosen round-robin
ORA-10259: get error message text from remote using explicit call
ORA-10260: Trace calls to SMPRSET (VMS ONLY)
ORA-10261: Limit the size of the PGA heap
ORA-10262: Don't check for memory leaks
ORA-10263: Don't free empty PGA heap extents
ORA-10265: Keep random system generated output out of error messages
ORA-10266: Trace OSD stack usage
ORA-10267: Inhibit KSEDMP for testing
ORA-10268: Don't do forward coalesce when deleting extents
ORA-10269: Don't do coalesces of free space in SMON
ORA-10270: Debug shared cursors
ORA-10271: distributed transaction after COLLECT
ORA-10272: distributed transaction before PREPARE
ORA-10273: distributed transaction after PREPARE
ORA-10274: distributed transaction before COMMIT
ORA-10275: distributed transaction after COMMIT
ORA-10276: distributed transaction before FORGET
ORA-10277: Cursor sharing (or not) related event (used for testing)
ORA-10278: Internal testing
ORA-10279: Simulate block corruption in kdb4chk
ORA-10280: Internal testing - segmentation fault during crash recovery
ORA-10281: maximum time to wait for process creation
ORA-10283: simulate asynch I/O never completing
ORA-10284: simulate zero/infinite asynch I/O buffering
ORA-10285: Simulate controlfile header corruption
ORA-10286: Simulate controlfile open error
ORA-10287: Simulate archiver error
ORA-10288: Do not check block type in ktrget
ORA-10289: Do block dumps to trace file in hex rather than fromatted
ORA-10290: kdnchk - checkvalid event - not for general purpose use.
ORA-10291: die in tbsdrv to test controlfile undo
ORA-10292: dump uet entries on a 1561 from dtsdrv
ORA-10294: enable PERSISTENT DLM operations on non-compliant systems
ORA-10295: die after file header update durning cf xact
ORA-10296: disable ORA-379
ORA-10297: customize dictionary object number cache
ORA-10298: ksfd i/o tracing
ORA-10299: Trace prefetch tracking decisions made by CKPT
ORA-10301: Enable LCK timeout table consistency check
ORA-10302: trace create or drop internal trigger
ORA-10304: trace replication trigger
ORA-10305: trace updatable materialized view trigger
ORA-10306: trace materialized view log trigger
ORA-10307: trace RepCat execution
ORA-10308: replication testing event
ORA-10309: Trigger Debug event
ORA-10310: trace synchronous change table trigger
ORA-10311: Disable Flashback Table Timestamp checking
ORA-10312: Allow disable to log rows into the mapping table
ORA-10313: Allow Row CR operations for single instance
ORA-10314: Enable extra stats gathering for CR
ORA-10315: Turn on Row CR for all row sources, by default
ORA-10316: Events for extensible txn header, non zero ext header size
ORA-10317: Events for extensible txn header, zero ext header size
ORA-10318: Trace extensible txn header movements
ORA-10319: Trace PGA statistics maintenance
ORA-10320: Enable data layer (kdtgrs) tracing of space management calls
ORA-10321: Datafile header verification debug failure.
ORA-10322: CBO don't simplify inlist predicates
ORA-10323: before committing an add datafile command
ORA-10324: Enable better checking of redo logs errors
ORA-10325: Trace control file record section expand and shrink operations
ORA-10326: clear logfile debug crash at , log 
ORA-10327: simulate ORA-00235 error for testing
ORA-10329: simulate lost write, test detection by two-pass recovery
ORA-10331: simulate resilvering during recovery
ORA-10333: dump MTTR statistics each time it is updated
ORA-10334: force FG to wait to be killed during MTTR advisory simulation
ORA-10336: Do remote object transfer using remote SQL
ORA-10337: enable padding owner name in slave sql
ORA-10338: CBO don't use inlist iterator with function-based indexes
ORA-10339: CBO disable DECODE simplification
ORA-10340: Buffer queues sanity check for corrupted buffers
ORA-10341: Simulate out of PGA memory in DBWR during object reuse
ORA-10344: Simulate kghxal returning 0 in ACQ_ADD but no exception
ORA-10346: check that all buffers for checkpoint have been written
ORA-10348: test abnormal termination of process initiating file checkpoint
ORA-10349: do not allow ckpt to complete
ORA-10350: Simulate more than one object & tsn id in object reuse
ORA-10351: size of slots
ORA-10352: report direct path statistics
ORA-10353: number of slots
ORA-10354: turn on direct read path for parallel query
ORA-10355: turn on direct read path for scans
ORA-10356: turn on hint usage for direct read
ORA-10357: turn on debug information for direct path
ORA-10360: enable dbwr consistency checking
ORA-10370: parallel query server kill event
ORA-10371: disable TQ hint
ORA-10372: parallel query server kill event proc
ORA-10373: parallel query server kill event
ORA-10375: turn on checks for statistics rollups
ORA-10376: turn on table queue statistics
ORA-10377: turn off load balancing
ORA-10378: force hard process/range affinity
ORA-10380: kxfp latch cleanup testing event
ORA-10381: kxfp latch cleanup testing event
ORA-10382: parallel query server interrupt (reset)
ORA-10383: auto parallelization testing event
ORA-10384: parallel dataflow scheduler tracing
ORA-10385: parallel table scan range sampling method
ORA-10386: parallel SQL hash and range statistics
ORA-10387: parallel query server interrupt (normal)
ORA-10388: parallel query server interrupt (failure)
ORA-10389: parallel query server interrupt (cleanup)
ORA-10390: Trace parallel query slave execution
ORA-10391: trace PX granule allocation/assignment
ORA-10392: parallel query debugging bits
ORA-10393: print parallel query statistics
ORA-10394: generate a fake load to test adaptive and load balancing
ORA-10395: adjust sample size for range table queues
ORA-10396: circumvent range table queues for queries
ORA-10398: enable timeouts in parallel query threads
ORA-10399: trace buffer allocation
ORA-10401: turn on IPC (ksxp) debugging
ORA-10402: turn on IPC (skgxp) debugging
ORA-10404: crash dbwr after write
ORA-10405: emulate broken mirrors
ORA-10407: enable datetime TIME datatype creation
ORA-10408: disable OLAP builtin window function usage
ORA-10409: enable granule memset and block invalidation at startup
ORA-10410: trigger simulated communications errors in KSXP
ORA-10411: simulate errors in IMR
ORA-10412: trigger simulated errors in CGS/CM interface
ORA-10413: force simulated error for testing purposes
ORA-10414: simulated error from event  level 
ORA-10425: enable global enqueue service open event trace
ORA-10427: enable global enqueue service traffic controller event trace
ORA-10428: enable tracing of global enqueue service distributed resource
ORA-10431: enable verification messages on pi consistency
ORA-10433: global enqueue service testing event
ORA-10435: enable tracing of global enqueue service deadlock detetction
ORA-10437: enable trace of global enqueue service S optimized resources
ORA-10442: enable trace of kst for ORA-01555 diagnostics
ORA-10500: turn on traces for SMON
ORA-10501: periodically check selected heap
ORA-10502: CBO disable the fix for bug 2098120
ORA-10510: turn off SMON check to offline pending offline rollback segment
ORA-10511: turn off SMON check to cleanup undo dictionary
ORA-10512: turn off SMON check to shrink rollback segments
ORA-10513: turn off wrap source compression
ORA-10515: turn on event to use physical cleanout
ORA-10520: recreate package/procedure/view only if definition has changed
ORA-10550: signal error during create as select/create index after n rows
ORA-10560: block type ''
ORA-10561: block type '', data object# 
ORA-10562: Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# , block# )
ORA-10563: Test recovery had to corrupt data block (file# , block# ) in order to proceed
ORA-10564: tablespace 
ORA-10565: Another test recovery session is active
ORA-10566: Test recovery has used all the memory it can use
ORA-10567: Redo is inconsistent with data block (file# , block# )
ORA-10568: Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory
ORA-10570: Test recovery complete
ORA-10571: Test recovery canceled
ORA-10572: Test recovery canceled due to errors
ORA-10573: Test recovery tested redo from change  to 
ORA-10574: Test recovery did not corrupt any data block
ORA-10575: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: out of memory
ORA-10576: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: some error occurred
ORA-10577: Can not invoke test recovery for managed standby database recovery
ORA-10578: Can not allow corruption for managed standby database recovery
ORA-10579: Can not modify control file during test recovery
ORA-10582: The control file is not a backup control file
ORA-10583: Can not recovery file  renamed as missing during test recovery
ORA-10585: Test recovery can not apply redo that may modify control file
ORA-10586: Test recovery had to corrupt 1 data block in order to proceed
ORA-10587: Invalid count for ALLOW n CORRUPTION option
ORA-10588: Can only allow 1 corruption for normal media/standby recovery
ORA-10589: Test recovery had to corrupt  data blocks in order to proceed
ORA-10590: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10591: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10592: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10593: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10594: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10595: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10596: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10597: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10598: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10599: kga (argus debugger) test flags
ORA-10600: check cursor frame allocation
ORA-10601: turn on debugging for cursor_sharing (literal replacement)
ORA-10602: cause an access violation (for testing purposes)
ORA-10603: cause an error to occur during truncate (for testing purposes)
ORA-10604: trace parallel create index
ORA-10605: enable parallel create index by default
ORA-10606: trace parallel create index
ORA-10607: trace index rowid partition scan
ORA-10608: trace create bitmap index
ORA-10609: trace for array index insertion
ORA-10610: trace create index pseudo optimizer
ORA-10611: causes migration to fail - testing only
ORA-10612: prints debug information for auto-space managed segments
ORA-10613: prints debug information for auto-space managed segments
ORA-10614: Operation not allowed on this segment
ORA-10615: Invalid tablespace type for temporary tablespace
ORA-10616: Operation not allowed on this tablespace
ORA-10617: Cannot create rollback segment in dictionary managed tablespace
ORA-10618: Operation not allowed on this segment
ORA-10619: Avoid assertions when possible
ORA-10620: Operation not allowed on this segment
ORA-10621: data block does not belong to the segment
ORA-10622: test/trace online index (re)build
ORA-10623: Enable Index range scan Prefetch - testing only
ORA-10624: Disable UJV invalidation on drop index
ORA-10640: Operation not permitted during SYSTEM tablespace migration
ORA-10641: Cannot find a rollback segment to bind to
ORA-10642: Found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces
ORA-10643: Database should be mounted in restricted mode and Exclusive mode
ORA-10644: SYSTEM tablespace cannot be default temporary tablespace
ORA-10645: Recursive Extension in SYSTEM tablespace during migration
ORA-10646: Too many recursive extensions during SYSTEM tablespace migration
ORA-10647: Tablespace other than SYSTEM,,  not found in read only mode
ORA-10650: disable cache-callback optimisation
ORA-10651: incorrect file number block number specified
ORA-10666: Do not get database enqueue name
ORA-10667: Cause sppst to check for valid process ids
ORA-10700: Alter access violation exception handler
ORA-10701: Dump direct loader index keys
ORA-10702: Enable histogram data generation
ORA-10703: Simulate process death during enqueue get
ORA-10704: Print out information about what enqueues are being obtained
ORA-10705: Print Out Tracing information for every I/O done by ODSs
ORA-10706: Print out information about global enqueue manipulation
ORA-10707: Simulate process death for instance registration
ORA-10710: trace bitmap index access
ORA-10711: trace bitmap index merge
ORA-10712: trace bitmap index or
ORA-10713: trace bitmap index and
ORA-10714: trace bitmap index minus
ORA-10715: trace bitmap index conversion to rowids
ORA-10716: trace bitmap index compress/decompress
ORA-10717: trace bitmap index compaction trace for index creation
ORA-10718: event to disable automatic compaction after index creation
ORA-10719: trace bitmap index dml
ORA-10720: trace db scheduling
ORA-10721: Internal testing - temp table transformation
ORA-10723: Internal testing - release buffer for buffer cache shrink
ORA-10724: trace cross-instance broadcast
ORA-10730: trace row level security policy predicates
ORA-10731: dump SQL for CURSOR expressions
ORA-10740: disables fix for bug 598861
ORA-10750: test rollback segment blksize guessing for index array insert
ORA-10800: disable Smart Disk scan
ORA-10801: enable Smart Disk trace
ORA-10802: reserved for Smart Disk
ORA-10803: write timing statistics on cluster database recovery scan
ORA-10804: reserved for ksxb
ORA-10806: Switch to 7.3 mode when detaching sessions
ORA-10807: Disable user id check when switching to a global transaction
ORA-10810: Trace snapshot too old
ORA-10811: Trace block cleanouts
ORA-10812: Trace Consistent Reads
ORA-10826: enable upgrade/downgrade error message trace
ORA-10827: database must be opened with MIGRATE option
ORA-10830: Trace group by sort row source
ORA-10831: Trace group by rollup row source
ORA-10841: Default un-inintialized charact set form to SQLCS_IMPLICIT
ORA-10842: Event for OCI Tracing and Statistics Info
ORA-10850: Enable time manager tracing
ORA-10851: Allow Drop command to drop queue tables
ORA-10852: Enable dumping of the AQ statistics hash table
ORA-10853: event for AQ statistics latch cleanup testing
ORA-10856: Disable AQ propagator from using streaming
ORA-10857: Force AQ propagator to use two-phase commit
ORA-10859: Disable updates of message retry count
ORA-10860: event for AQ admin disable new name parser
ORA-10861: disable storing extended message properties
ORA-10862: resolve default queue owner to current user in enqueue/dequeue
ORA-10900: extent manager fault insertion event #
ORA-10902: disable seghdr conversion for ro operation
ORA-10903: Force tablespaces to become locally managed
ORA-10904: Allow locally managed tablespaces to have user allocation
ORA-10907: Trace extent management events
ORA-10908: Trace temp tablespace events
ORA-10909: Trace free list events
ORA-10911: Locally managed SYSTEM tablespace bitmaps can be modified only under the supervision of Oracle Support
ORA-10912: Used to perform admin operations on locally managed SYSTEM tablespace
ORA-10913: Create locally managed database if compatible > 920 by default
ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event
ORA-10925: trace name context forever
ORA-10926: trace name context forever
ORA-10927: trace name context forever
ORA-10928: trace name context forever
ORA-10929: trace name context forever
ORA-10930: trace name context forever
ORA-10931: trace name context forever
ORA-10932: trace name context forever
ORA-10933: trace name context forever
ORA-10934: Reserved.  Used only in version 7.x.
ORA-10935: Reserved.  Used only in version 7.x.
ORA-10936: trace name context forever
ORA-10937: trace name context forever
ORA-10938: trace name context forever
ORA-10939: trace name context forever
ORA-10940: trace name context forever
ORA-10941: trace name context forever
ORA-10943: trace name context forever
ORA-10944: trace name context forever
ORA-10945: trace name context forever
ORA-10975: trace execution of parallel propagation
ORA-10976: internal package related tracing
ORA-10977: trace event for RepAPI
ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation
ORA-10980: prevent sharing of parsed query during Materialized View query generation
ORA-10981: dscn computation-related event in replication
ORA-10982: event to turn off CDC-format MV Logs
ORA-10983: event to enable Create_Change_Table debugging
ORA-10984: subquery materialized view-related event
ORA-10985: event for NULL refresh of materialized views
ORA-10986: donot use HASH_AJ in refresh
ORA-10987: event for the support of caching table with object feature
ORA-10988: event to get exclusive lock during materialized view refresh in IAS
ORA-10989: event to internally create statistics MV
ORA-10996: event to make a process hold a latch in ksu
ORA-10999: do not get database enqueue name
ORA-12000: 实体化视图日志已经存在于表 '' 上
ORA-12001: 无法创建日志: 表''已经具有触发器
ORA-12002: 表 ""."" 上不存在任何实体化视图日志
ORA-12003: 实体化视图 ""."" 不存在
ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST 不能用于实体化视图 "".""
ORA-12005: 不可以安排过去时间的自动刷新
ORA-12006: 具有相同 的实体化视图已经存在
ORA-12007: 实体化视图重新使用的参数不一致
ORA-12008: 实体化视图的刷新路径中存在错误
ORA-12009: 实体化视图不能包含 long 列
ORA-12010: 不能在 SYS 拥有的表上创建实体化视图日志
ORA-12011: 无法执行  作业
ORA-12012: 自动执行作业  出错
ORA-12013: 可更新实体化视图必须足够简单, 以进行快速刷新
ORA-12014: 表''不包含主键约束条件
ORA-12015: 不能从复杂查询中创建一个可快速刷新的实体化视图
ORA-12016: 实体化视图并未包含所有主键列
ORA-12017: 不能将主键实体化视图 '' 更改为 rowid 实体化视图
ORA-12018: 在创建""."" 的代码时出现以下错误
ORA-12019: 主表与远程对象同义
ORA-12020: 实体化视图  未注册
ORA-12021: 实体化视图 ""."" 已损坏
ORA-12022: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志已具有 rowid
ORA-12023: 实体化视图 ""."" 上缺少索引
ORA-12024: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志没有主键列
ORA-12025: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志已有主键
ORA-12026: 检测到无效的过滤器列
ORA-12027: 过滤器列重复
ORA-12028: 主体站点  不支持实体化视图类型
ORA-12029: LOB 列不可以用作过滤评感
ORA-12030: 不能创建可快速刷新的实体化视图
ORA-12031: 不能使用 ""."" 上实体化视图日志中的主键列
ORA-12032: 不能使用 ""."" 上实体化视图日志中的 rowid 列
ORA-12033: 不能使用 ""."" 上实体化视图日志中的过滤器列
ORA-12034: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志比上次刷新后的内容新
ORA-12035: 无法使用 ""."" 上的实体化视图日志
ORA-12036: 可更新的实体化视图日志非空, 请刷新实体化视图
ORA-12037: 未知的导出格式
ORA-12038: 文字字符串具有未预期的长度
ORA-12039: 无法使用本地回退段""
ORA-12040: 主地点  不支持主回退段选项
ORA-12041: 无法记录索引编排表"".""的 ROWID 
ORA-12042: 在单一进程模式下无法更改 job_queue_processes
ORA-12051: ON COMMIT 属性与其它选项不兼容
ORA-12052: 无法快速刷新实体化视图 .
ORA-12053: 这不是一个有效的嵌套实体化视图
ORA-12054: 无法为实体化视图设置 ON COMMIT 刷新属性
ORA-12055: 实体化视图定义与现有实体化视图具有循环相关性
ORA-12056: 无效的 REFRESH 方式
ORA-12057: 实体化视图 ""."" 无效, 必须进行完全刷新
ORA-12058: 实体化视图不能使用预建表
ORA-12059: 预建表 ""."" 不存在
ORA-12060: 预建表的形式与定义查询不匹配
ORA-12062: 接收到的事务处理  在来自站点  的事务处理序列之外
ORA-12063: 无法从站点  应用事务处理
ORA-12064: 无效的刷新序列编号:  
ORA-12065: 未知的刷新组标识符 
ORA-12067: 不允许刷新组为空
ORA-12068: 用于实体化视图 ""."" 的可更新实体化视图日志不存在
ORA-12069: 无效的脱机例程的对象
ORA-12070: 无法对实体化视图 ""."" 进行脱机实例化
ORA-12071: ""."" 的定义查询对脱机示例化无效
ORA-12072: 无法创建 ""."" 的可更新实体化视图日志数据。
ORA-12073: 无法处理请求
ORA-12074: 无效的内存地址
ORA-12075: 无效的对象或字段
ORA-12076: 无效的阈值
ORA-12077: 临时可更新实体化视图日志不存在
ORA-12078: 对刷新组 ID  的快速刷新失败
ORA-12079: 实体化视图选项要求 COMPATIBLE 参数为  或更大的值
ORA-12081: 不允许对表 ""."" 进行更新操作
ORA-12082: ""."" 无法按索引组织
ORA-12083: 必须使用 DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW 来删除 "".""
ORA-12084: 必须使用 ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW 来更改 "".""
ORA-12085: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志已有对象 ID
ORA-12086: 表 ""."" 不是对象表
ORA-12087: 在 "" 拥有的表上不允许联机重新定义
ORA-12088: 不能联机重新定义具有不受支持数据类型的表 "".""
ORA-12089: 不能联机重新定义无主键的表 "".""
ORA-12090: 不能联机重新定义表 "".""
ORA-12091: 不能联机重新定义具有实体化视图的表 "".""
ORA-12092: 不能联机重新定义复制的表 "".""
ORA-12093: 中间表 ""."" 无效
ORA-12094: 联机重新定义过程中出错
ORA-12096: ""."" 上的实体化视图日志中存在错误
ORA-12097: changes in the master tables during refresh, try refresh again
ORA-12150: TNS: 无法发送数据
ORA-12151: TNS: 从网络层收到错误类型的信息包
ORA-12152: TNS: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-12153: TNS: 未连接
ORA-12154: TNS: 无法处理服务名
ORA-12155: TNS: 在 NSWMARKER 包中收到错误的数据类型
ORA-12156: TNS: 尝试在错误状态之下重置线路
ORA-12157: TNS: 内部网络通信错误
ORA-12158: TNS: 无法初始化参数子系统
ORA-12159: TNS: 跟踪文件不可写
ORA-12160: TNS: 内部错误: 错误编号不正确
ORA-12161: TNS: 内部错误: 收到部分数据
ORA-12162: TNS: 指定的服务名不正确
ORA-12163: TNS: 连接描述符过长
ORA-12164: TNS: Sqlnet.fdf 文件不存在
ORA-12165: TNS: 尝试将跟踪文件写入交换空间。
ORA-12166: TNS: 客户无法连接到 HO 代理
ORA-12168: TNS: 无法联系目录服务器。
ORA-12169: TNS: 给定的 net_service_name 太长
ORA-12170: TNS: 出现连接超时
ORA-12196: TNS: 从 TNS 收到一则错误信息
ORA-12197: TNS: 关键字值分解错误
ORA-12198: TNS: 无法找到到达目标的路径
ORA-12200: TNS: 无法分配内存
ORA-12201: TNS: 连接缓冲区过小
ORA-12202: TNS: 内部定位 (navigation) 错误
ORA-12203: TNS: 无法连接目标
ORA-12204: TNS: 从应用程序中收到拒绝的数据
ORA-12205: TNS: 无法获得失败地址
ORA-12206: TNS:导航时收到 TNS 错误
ORA-12207: TNS:无法执行导航
ORA-12208: TNS: 无法找到 TNSNAV.ORA 文件
ORA-12209: TNS: 出现未初始化全局错误
ORA-12210: TNS: 查找浏览器数据时出错
ORA-12212: TNS: TNSNAV.ORA 中连结 (binding) 的 PREFERRED_CMANAGERS 不完整
ORA-12213: TNS: TNSNAV.ORA 中连结 (binding) 的 PREFERRED_CMANAGERS 不完整
ORA-12214: TNS: TNSNAV.ORA 中缺少本地共用条目
ORA-12218: TNS: 无法接受的网络配置数据
ORA-12219: TNS: ADDRESS_LIST 中的地址缺少共用名
ORA-12221: TNS: 非法的 ADDRESS 参数
ORA-12222: TNS: 没有这样的协议适配器
ORA-12223: TNS: 超出内部限制
ORA-12224: TNS: 没有监听器
ORA-12225: TNS: 无法到达目的地主机
ORA-12226: TNS: 超出操作系统资源限量
ORA-12227: TNS: 语法错误
ORA-12228: TNS: 协议适配器不可加载
ORA-12229: TNS: 交换没有其它的可用连接
ORA-12230: TNS: 进行此连接时出现严重的网络错误
ORA-12231: TNS: 无法连接到目的地
ORA-12232: TNS: 没有达到目的地的可用路径
ORA-12233: TNS: 无法接受连接
ORA-12234: TNS: 重定向到目的地
ORA-12235: TNS: 无法重定向到目的地
ORA-12236: TNS: 未加载协议适配器
ORA-12315: ALTER DATABASE 语句的数据库链接类型无效
ORA-12316: 数据库链接连接字符串语法错误
ORA-12317: 连接数据库 (链接名称 ) 被拒绝
ORA-12318: 已经装载数据库 (链接名称 )
ORA-12319: 数据库 (链接名称 ) 已经打开
ORA-12321: 数据库 (链接名称 ) 没打开,并且  AUTO_MOUNTING=FALSE
ORA-12322: 无法装载数据库 (链接名称  )
ORA-12323: 无法打开数据库 (链接名称 )
ORA-12324: 不能使用 ROM: 在个人数据库链接上的链接类型
ORA-12326: 将立即关闭数据库  ;不允许任何操作
ORA-12329: 数据库  已关闭; 不允许任何操作
ORA-12333: 没装载数据库 (链接名称 )
ORA-12334: 数据库 (链接名称 ) 仍然打开
ORA-12335: 数据库 (链接名称 ) 没打开
ORA-12336: 不能连接到数据库 (链接名称 ) 
ORA-12341: 超出敞开装载最大数
ORA-12342: 敞开装载超出 OPEN_MOUNTS 参数的限制
ORA-12345: 用户  不具有在数据库链 (链接名称 ) 上的  CREATE SESSION 权限
ORA-12350: 正在丢弃的数据链仍然装载
ORA-12351: 无法用引用远程对象的远程对象创建视图
ORA-12352: 对象 .@ 无效
ORA-12353: 二次存储对象无法引用远程对象
ORA-12354: 正在丢弃次要对象
ORA-12400: 无效的功能错误处理参数
ORA-12401: 无效的标记字符串: 
ORA-12402: 无效的格式字符串: 
ORA-12403: 无法的内容标签
ORA-12404: 无效的权限字符串: 
ORA-12405: 无效的标记列表
ORA-12406: 未经策略  授权的 SQL 语句
ORA-12407: 未经策略  授权的操作
ORA-12408: 不被支持的操作: 
ORA-12409:   策略的策略启动故障
ORA-12410: 策略:  的内部策略错误
ORA-12411: 无效的标记值
ORA-12412: 未安装策略程序包 
ORA-12413: 标记不属于同一个策略
ORA-12414: 内部 LBAC 错误: 
ORA-12415: 指定的表中存在另一个数据类型列
ORA-12416: 策略  未发现
ORA-12417: 未找到数据库对象 "" 
ORA-12418: 未找到用户  
ORA-12419: 空二进制标签值
ORA-12420: 需要的过程和函数不在策略程序包 "" 中
ORA-12421: 不同大小的二进制标签
ORA-12422: 超过最大策略数
ORA-12423: 指定的位置无效
ORA-12424: 长度超出二进制标签的大小
ORA-12425: 不能为系统方案应用策略或设置授权
ORA-12426: 无效的审计选项
ORA-12427:  参数的无效输入值
ORA-12429: 超出标签范围列表
ORA-12430: 无效的权限号
ORA-12431: 无效的审计操作
ORA-12432: LBAC 错误: 
ORA-12433: 创建触发器失败,策略未应用
ORA-12434: 无效的审计类型: 
ORA-12435: 无效的审计成功: 
ORA-12436: 未指定策略选项
ORA-12437: 无效的策略选项: 
ORA-12438: 重复的策略选项: 
ORA-12439: 策略选项的无效组合
ORA-12440: 无足够的权限使用 SYSDBA 程序包
ORA-12441: 策略  已经存在
ORA-12442: 策略列 "" 已经被现有策略使用
ORA-12443: 策略未应用于方案中的某些表
ORA-12444: 策略已经应用于表
ORA-12445: 不能更改列的 HIDDEN 属性
ORA-12446: 无足够的权限对策略  进行管理
ORA-12447: 策略  的策略角色已经存在
ORA-12448: 策略  未应用于方案 
ORA-12449: 为用户指定的标签必须是 USER 类型的
ORA-12450: 在 LBAC 初始化文件中禁用 LOB 数据类型
ORA-12451: 未将标签指定为 USER 或 DATA
ORA-12452: 标签标记  已经存在
ORA-12453: 标签  已经存在
ORA-12454: 标签  (用于策略  的) 不存在
ORA-12461: 未定义的级别  (用于策略  的)
ORA-12462: 未定义的隔室  (用于策略  的)
ORA-12463: 未定义的组  (用于策略  的)
ORA-12464: 标签组件  中有非法字符
ORA-12465: 无权在指定组或划分上执行读取或写入操作
ORA-12466: 默认级别大于用户的最大值
ORA-12467: 最小值标签只能包含一个级别
ORA-12468: 最大写入级别不等于最大读取级别
ORA-12469: 未找到用于用户  或策略  的用户级别
ORA-12470: NULL 或无效的用户标签: 
ORA-12471: 未授予用户访问指定划分或组的权限
ORA-12476: 最小上界产生无效的 OS 标记
ORA-12477: 最大下界产生无效的 OS 标记
ORA-12479: 文件标记  必须等于 DBHIGH 
ORA-12480: 指定的清除标记不在有效的清除以内
ORA-12481: 有效的标记不在程序单元清除范围以内
ORA-12482: 内部 MLS 错误: 
ORA-12483: 标记不在 OS 系统信任范围内
ORA-12484: 无效 OS 标记
ORA-12485: 新的有效标记不在有效清除范围内
ORA-12486: 无法更改有效的最大和最小标记
ORA-12487: 清除标记不在 DBHIGH 和 DBLOW 之间
ORA-12488: 最大标记数不支配最小标记数
ORA-12489: 默认标记不在清除范围内
ORA-12490: DBHIGH 无法降低
ORA-12491: DBHIGH 值不支配 DBLOW
ORA-12492: DBLOW 无法更改
ORA-12493: 无效的 MLS 二进制标记
ORA-12494: 无法插入或删除一个级别,目录,或版本目录
ORA-12495: 无法禁用已经启用的级别,目录,或版本目录
ORA-12496: 无法更改现有级别,目录,或版本号
ORA-12497: 最大合并目录数超过 
ORA-12500: TNS: 监听程序无法启动专用服务器进程
ORA-12501: TNS: 监听程序无法衍生进程
ORA-12502: TNS: 监听程序没有从客户机收到 CONNECT_DATA
ORA-12504: TNS: 监听器在 CONNECT_DATA 中未获得 SID
ORA-12505: TNS: 监听器无法处理连接描述符中所给出的 SID 
ORA-12506: TNS: 监听器在 CONNECT_DATA 中未获得 ALIAS
ORA-12507: TNS: 监听器无法处理给定的 ALIAS
ORA-12508: TNS: 监听器无法处理给定的 COMMAND
ORA-12509: TNS: 监听器无法将客户重定向到服务处理程序
ORA-12510: TNS: 临时数据库缺少资源 处理请求
ORA-12511: TNS: 服务处理程序已找到但它并不接受连接
ORA-12512: TNS: 服务处理程序已找到但它并未注册重定向地址
ORA-12513: TNS: 服务处理程序已找到但它并未注册不同的协议
ORA-12514: TNS: 监听进程不能解析在连接描述符中给出的 SERVICE_NAME
ORA-12515: TNS: 监听进程无法找到该演示文稿的句柄
ORA-12516: TNS: 监听程序无法找到匹配协议栈的可用句柄
ORA-12517: TNS: 监听程序无法找到支持直接分发的服务处理程序
ORA-12518: TNS: 监听程序无法分发客户机连接
ORA-12519: TNS: 没有发现适用的服务处理程序
ORA-12520: TNS: 监听程序无法找到需要的服务器类型的可用句柄
ORA-12521: TNS: 监听程序无法解析连接描述符中给定的 INSTANCE_NAME
ORA-12522: TNS: 监听程序未找到具有给定 INSTANCE_ROLE 的可用例程
ORA-12523: TNS: 监听程序未找到适用于客户机连接的例程
ORA-12524: TNS: 监听程序无法解析在连接描述符中指定的HANDLER_NAME
ORA-12531: TNS: 无法分配内存
ORA-12532: TNS: 无效的参数
ORA-12533: TNS: 非法的 ADDRESS 参数
ORA-12534: TNS: 操作不受支持
ORA-12535: TNS: 操作超时
ORA-12536: TNS: 操作可能阻塞
ORA-12537: TNS: 连接已关闭
ORA-12538: TNS: 没有这样的协议适配器
ORA-12539: TNS: 缓冲区上溢或下溢
ORA-12540: TNS: 超出内部限制
ORA-12541: TNS: 没有监听器
ORA-12542: TNS: 地址已被占用
ORA-12543: TNS: 无法到达目的地主机
ORA-12544: TNS: 上下文具有不同的 wait/test 函数
ORA-12545: 因目标主机或对象不存在,连接失败
ORA-12546: TNS: 许可被拒绝
ORA-12547: TNS: 丢失联系
ORA-12548: TNS: 不完整的读或写
ORA-12549: TNS: 超出操作系统资源限量
ORA-12550: TNS: 语法错误
ORA-12551: TNS: 缺少关键字
ORA-12552: TNS: 操作被中断
ORA-12554: TNS: 当前操作仍在进行中
ORA-12555: TNS: 许可被拒绝
ORA-12556: TNS: 没有调用程序
ORA-12557: TNS: 协议适配器不可加载
ORA-12558: TNS: 未加载协议适配器
ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误
ORA-12561: TNS: 未知错误
ORA-12562: TNS: 全局句柄错误
ORA-12564: TNS: 拒绝连接
ORA-12566: TNS: 协议错误
ORA-12569: TNS: 包校验和失败
ORA-12570: TNS: 包阅读程序失败
ORA-12571: TNS: 包写入程序失败
ORA-12574: TNS: 重定向被拒绝
ORA-12582: TNS: 无效的操作
ORA-12583: TNS: 没有阅读程序
ORA-12585: TNS: 数据截断
ORA-12589: TNS: 连接无法保留
ORA-12590: TNS: 没有 I/O 缓冲区
ORA-12591: TNS: 事件信号失败
ORA-12592: TNS: 包错误
ORA-12593: TNS: 没有注册连接
ORA-12595: TNS: 没有确认
ORA-12596: TNS: 内部不一致
ORA-12597: TNS: 连接描述符已被占用
ORA-12598: TNS: 标帜注册失败
ORA-12599: TNS: 口令校验和不匹配
ORA-12600: TNS: 字符串打开失败
ORA-12601: TNS: 信息标志检查失败
ORA-12602: TNS: 已经达到了连接共享的限制
ORA-12604: TNS: 出现应用程序超时
ORA-12611: TNS:操作不可移植
ORA-12612: TNS:连接正忙
ORA-12615: TNS:抢先错误
ORA-12616: TNS: 没有事件信号
ORA-12618: TNS: 版本不兼容
ORA-12619: TNS: 无法授权请求的服务
ORA-12620: TNS: 请求的特性不可用
ORA-12622: TNS: 事件通知非同类
ORA-12623: TNS: 此状态的操作非法
ORA-12624: TNS: 连接已经注册
ORA-12625: TNS: 缺少参数
ORA-12626: TNS: 事件类型错误
ORA-12628: TNS: 没有事件回调
ORA-12629: TNS: 没有事件测试
ORA-12630: 不支持本机服务操作
ORA-12631: TNS: 用户名检索失败
ORA-12632: 角色提取失败
ORA-12633: 没有共享的验证服务
ORA-12634: 内存分配失败
ORA-12635: 没有可用的验证适配器
ORA-12636: 包发送失败
ORA-12637: 包接收失败
ORA-12638: 身份证明检索失败
ORA-12639: 验证服务协商失败
ORA-12640: 验证适配器初始化失败
ORA-12641: 验证服务无法初始化
ORA-12642: 没有会话关键字
ORA-12643: 客户机收到来自服务器的内部错误
ORA-12644: 验证服务初始化失败
ORA-12645: 参数不存在。
ORA-12646: 指定用于布尔参数的值无效
ORA-12647: 要求验证
ORA-12648: 加密或数据完整性算法列表为空
ORA-12649: 未知的加密或数据完整性算法
ORA-12650: 没有共用的加密或数据完整性算法
ORA-12651: 不能接受加密或数据完整性算法
ORA-12652: 字符串被截断
ORA-12653: 验证控制函数失败
ORA-12654: 验证转换失败
ORA-12655: 口令检查失败
ORA-12656: 口令校验和不匹配
ORA-12657: 未安装算法
ORA-12658: 需要 ANO 服务但与 TNS 版本不兼容
ORA-12659: 收到来自其他进程的错误
ORA-12660: 加密或口令校验和参数不兼容
ORA-12661: 将使用协议验证
ORA-12662: 代理服务器记录单检索失败
ORA-12663: 服务器未提供客户机要求的服务
ORA-12664: 客户机未提供服务器要求的服务
ORA-12665: NLS 字符串打开失败
ORA-12666: 专用服务器: 出站传输协议不同于入站传输协议
ORA-12667: 共享服务器:出站传输协议与入站传输协议不相同
ORA-12668: 专用服务器: 出站协议不支持代理服务器
ORA-12669: 共享服务器: 出站协议不支持代理服务器
ORA-12670: 错误的角色口令
ORA-12671: 共享服务器: 适配器无法保存上下文
ORA-12672: 数据库登录失败
ORA-12673: 专用服务器: 未保存上下文
ORA-12674: 共享服务器: 未保存代理服务器上下文
ORA-12675: 尚未提供外部用户名
ORA-12676: 服务器收到来自客户机的内部错误
ORA-12677: 数据库链接不支持验证服务
ORA-12678: 验证已禁用, 但要求验证
ORA-12679: 其他进程禁用本地服务, 但需要此服务
ORA-12680: 本机服务已停止,但需要此服务
ORA-12681: 登录失败: SecurID 卡尚无个人标识代码
ORA-12682: 登录失败: SecurID 卡处于下一个 PRN 模式
ORA-12683: 加密/口令校验和: 没有 Diffie-Hellman 源数据
ORA-12684: 加密/口令校验和: Diffie-Hellman 源数据过小
ORA-12685: 远程需要本机服务,但在本地已禁用
ORA-12686: 为服务指定了无效的命令
ORA-12687: 数据库链接失败: 身份证明失效
ORA-12688: 登录失败: SecurID 服务器已拒绝新的个人标识代码
ORA-12689: 需要服务器验证, 但不支持此验证
ORA-12690: 服务器验证失败, 登录已被取消
ORA-12696: 双重加密已启用,禁止登录
ORA-12699: 本机服务内部错误
ORA-12700: 无效的 NLS 参数值 ()
ORA-12702: SQL 函数中使用了无效的 NLS 参数字符串
ORA-12703: 不支持此字符集转换
ORA-12704: 字符集不匹配
ORA-12705: 指定了无效或未知的 NLS 参数值
ORA-12706: 不允许此 CREATE DATABASE 字符集
ORA-12707: 获得创建数据库 NLS 参数  时出错
ORA-12708: 加载创建数据库 NLS 参数  时出错
ORA-12709: 加载创建数据库字符集时出错
ORA-12712: 新字符集必须为旧字符集的超集
ORA-12713: 在 NCHAR/CHAR 转换过程中字符数据丢失
ORA-12714: 指定的国家字符集无效
ORA-12715: 指定的字符集无效
ORA-12718: 操作要求以 SYS 身份连接
ORA-12719: 操作要求数据库处于 RESTRICTED 模式下
ORA-12720: 操作要求数据库处于 EXCLUSIVE 模式下
ORA-12721: 当其他会话处于活动状态时, 无法执行操作
ORA-12800: 系统对于并行查询执行显示过忙
ORA-12801: 并行查询服务器  中发出错误信号
ORA-12802: 并行查询服务器与协调程序失去联系
ORA-12803: 并行查询服务器与另一服务器失去联系
ORA-12804: 并行查询服务器可能停止
ORA-12805: 并行查询服务器意外停止
ORA-12806: 无法获得要挂起入队的背景进程
ORA-12807: 进程队列无法接收并行查询信息
ORA-12808: 设置的 _INSTANCES 不能大于例程数 
ORA-12809: 无法在独立模式下安装时设置 _INSTANCES
ORA-12812: 仅可以指定一个 PARALLEL 或 NOPARALLEL 子句
ORA-12813: PARALLEL 或 DEGREE 的值必须大于 0
ORA-12814: 只能指定一个 CACHE 或 NOCACHE 子句
ORA-12815: INSTANCES 的值必须大于 0
ORA-12816: 并行创建索引快速路径操作
ORA-12817: 必须启用并行查询选项
ORA-12818: PARALLEL 子句中的选项无效
ORA-12819: PARALLEL 子句中缺少选项
ORA-12820: DEGREE 的值无效
ORA-12821: INSTANCES 的值无效
ORA-12822: PARALLEL 子句中的选项重复
ORA-12823: 不可以在此处指定默认并行化程度
ORA-12825: 必须在此处指定明确的并行化程度
ORA-12826: 挂起的并行查询服务器已停止
ORA-12827: 可用并行查询从属项目不足
ORA-12828: 无法启动远程站点的并行事务处理 
ORA-12829: 死锁 - 由 siblings 占用的 itls 位于块 , 文件  中
ORA-12832: 无法分配所有指定例程中的从属项目
ORA-12833: 协调程序例程不是 parallel_instance_group 的成员
ORA-12834: 例程组名''过长,必须少于  个字符
ORA-12836: 控制延迟的索引维护事件
ORA-12837: 延迟的索引维护调试事件
ORA-12838: 无法在并行模式下修改之后读/修改对象
ORA-12839: 无法在修改之后在并行模式下修改对象
ORA-12840: 在并行/插入直接加载 txn 之后无法访问远程表
ORA-12841: 无法改变事务处理中的会话并行 DML 状态
ORA-12842: 在并行执行过程中方案发生改变
ORA-12843: 对表的 pdml 锁定不再完好
ORA-12900: 必须为本地管理的数据库指定一个默认的临时表空间
ORA-12901: 默认的临时表空间必须属 TEMPORARY 类型
ORA-12902: 默认的临时表空间必须属 SYSTEM 或 TEMPORARY 类型
ORA-12903: 默认的临时表空间必须是 ONLINE 表空间
ORA-12904: 默认的临时表空间不能更改为 PERMANENT 类型
ORA-12905: 默认的临时表空间不能脱机
ORA-12906: 不能删除默认的临时表空间
ORA-12907: 表空间  已经是默认的临时表空间
ORA-12908: 在创建数据库时, 不能指定 SYSTEM 为默认的临时表空间
ORA-12909: 需要 TEMPORARY 关键字
ORA-12910: 无法将临时表空间指定为默认表空间
ORA-12911: 永久表空间不能是临时表空间
ORA-12912: 字典托管表空间指定为临时表空间
ORA-12913: 无法创建字典管理的表空间
ORA-12914: 无法将表空间移植到字典管理的类型中
ORA-12915: 无法将字典管理的表空间变更为可读写
ORA-12920: 数据库已经处于强制记录模式
ORA-12921: 数据库未处于强制记录模式
ORA-12923: 表空间  处于强制记录模式
ORA-12924: 表空间  已经处于强制记录模式
ORA-12925: 表空间  未处于强制记录模式
ORA-12926: FORCE LOGGING 选项已指定
ORA-12980: 检查点选项不允许 SET UNUSED
ORA-12981: 无法从对象类型表中删除列
ORA-12982: 无法从嵌套的表中删除列
ORA-12983: 无法删除表的全部列
ORA-12984: 无法删除分区列
ORA-12985: 表空间 '' 为只读,无法删除列
ORA-12987: 无法与其它操作合并删除列
ORA-12988: 无法删除属于 SYS 的表中的列
ORA-12989: 检查点间隔的无效值
ORA-12990: 指定的选项重复
ORA-12991: 引用的列处于多列约束条件
ORA-12992: 无法删除父项关键字列
ORA-12993: 表空间 '' 脱机,无法删除列
ORA-12994: 语句中删除列选项仅允许一次
ORA-12995: 没有列处于部分删除状态
ORA-12996: 无法删除系统生成的虚拟列
ORA-12997: 无法从索引组织的表中删除主键
ORA-13000: 维数超出范围
ORA-13001: 维数不匹配错误
ORA-13002: 指定的层次超出范围
ORA-13003: 维数的指定范围无效
ORA-13004: 指定的缓冲区大小无效
ORA-13005: 递归 HHCODE 函数错误
ORA-13006: 指定的单元格数无效
ORA-13007: 检测到无效的 HEX 字符
ORA-13008: 指定的日期格式中具有无效的要素
ORA-13009: 指定的日期字符串无效
ORA-13010: 指定的参数个数无效
ORA-13011: 值超出范围
ORA-13012: 指定了无效的窗口类型
ORA-13013: 指定的拓扑不是 INTERIOR 或 BOUNDARY
ORA-13014: 拓扑标识超出指定的 1 到 8 范围
ORA-13015: 窗口定义无效
ORA-13016: 分区定义错误
ORA-13017: 不可识别的行分区形状
ORA-13018: 距离类型错误
ORA-13019: 座标超出界限
ORA-13020: 座标为 NULL
ORA-13021: 元素不连续
ORA-13022: 多边形自身交叉
ORA-13023: 内部元素与外部元素交互作用
ORA-13024: 多边形少于三段
ORA-13025: 多边形没有关闭
ORA-13026: 元素 .. 的元素类型未知
ORA-13027: 无法从  读取维定义
ORA-13028: SDO_GEOMETRY 对象中的 Gtype 无效
ORA-13029: SDO_GEOMETRY 对象中的 SRID 无效
ORA-13030: SDO_GEOMETRY 对象的维无效
ORA-13031: SDO_GEOMETRY 对象中用于点对象的 Gtype 无效
ORA-13035: SDO_GEOMETRY 对象中的数据 (测量数据中的弧) 无效
ORA-13036: 对于点数据, 不支持操作 []
ORA-13037: 两个几何对象的 SRID 不匹配
ORA-13039: 无法更新元素 .. 的空间索引
ORA-13040: 无法细分铺砌
ORA-13041: 无法比较铺砌与元素 ..
ORA-13043: 无法从 <layer>_SDOLAYER 表读取元数据
ORA-13044: 指定的铺砌大小超出最大分辨率
ORA-13045: 无效的兼容标志
ORA-13046: 参数个数无效
ORA-13047: 无法从表 <层>_SDOLAYER 确定纵座标数
ORA-13048: 递归 SQL 取数错误
ORA-13049: 无法从表 <layer>_SDODIM 确定容限值
ORA-13050: 无法构造空间对象
ORA-13051: 无法初始化空间对象
ORA-13052: 不受支持的几何 . 的几何类型
ORA-13053: 超出参数列表中的最大几何元素数
ORA-13054: 递归 SQL 语法分析错误
ORA-13055: 指定表中不存在 Oracle 对象 
ORA-13108: 未找到空间表 
ORA-13109: 存在空间表 
ORA-13110: 空间表  未分区
ORA-13111: 空间表  没有定义的分区关键字
ORA-13112: 无效的计数模式 
ORA-13113: Oracle 表  不存在
ORA-13114: 未找到表空间 
ORA-13115: 已分配表空间 
ORA-13116: 表空间  未指定到表 
ORA-13117: 未找到分区 
ORA-13119: 源和目标表空间相同
ORA-13121: 无法创建子分区
ORA-13122: 未找到子分区 
ORA-13123: 已经定义列 
ORA-13124: 无法确定列  的列标识
ORA-13125: 已经设置分区关键字
ORA-13126: 无法确定空间表  的分类
ORA-13127: 无法生成目标分区
ORA-13128: 当前铺砌层超出用户指定的铺砌层
ORA-13129: 未找到 HHCODE 列 
ORA-13135: 无法更改空间表
ORA-13136: 生成了空的公用代码
ORA-13137: 无法生成表空间序号
ORA-13138: 无法确定对象  的名称
ORA-13139: 无法获得  的列定义
ORA-13140: 无效的目标类型
ORA-13141: 无效的 RANGE 窗口定义
ORA-13142: 无效的 PROXIMITY 窗口定义
ORA-13143: 无效的 POLYGON 窗口定义
ORA-13144: 未找到目标表 
ORA-13145: 无法生成范围列表
ORA-13146: 无法找到表替代变量 
ORA-13147: 无法生成 MBR
ORA-13148: 无法生成 SQL 过滤器
ORA-13149: 无法生成空间表  的下一序号
ORA-13150: 无法插入例外记录
ORA-13151: 无法删除异常事件记录
ORA-13152: 无效的 HHCODE 类型
ORA-13153: 指定的高水印无效
ORA-13154: 指定的精确度无效
ORA-13155: 指定的维数无效
ORA-13156: 要注册的表 . 非空
ORA-13157: Oracle 错误 ORA 出现在  时
ORA-13158: Oracle 对象  不存在
ORA-13159: Oracle 表  已经存在
ORA-13181: 无法确定列 _SDOINDEX.SDO_CODE 的长度
ORA-13182: 无法读取元素 ..
ORA-13183: 不受支持的几何 . 的几何类型
ORA-13184: 无法初始化嵌套程序包
ORA-13185: 无法生成初始 HHCODE
ORA-13186: 固定铺砌大小嵌套失败
ORA-13187: 细分失败
ORA-13188: 单元格译码失败
ORA-13189: 递归 SQL 语法分析失败
ORA-13190: 递归 SQL 取数失败
ORA-13191: 无法读取 SDO_ORDCNT 值
ORA-13192: 无法读取元素行数
ORA-13193: 无法分配几何空间
ORA-13194: 无法解码超单元格
ORA-13195: 无法生成最大的铺砌值
ORA-13196: 无法计算元素 .. 的超单元格
ORA-13197: 元素 .. 超出范围
ORA-13198: 空间插件错误: 
ORA-13200: 空间索引建立中出现内部错误 []
ORA-13201: 在 CREATE INDEX 语句中提供的参数无效
ORA-13202: 创建或插入 SDO_INDEX_METADATA 表失败
ORA-13204: 创建空间索引表失败
ORA-13205: 对空间参数进行语法分析时出现内部错误
ORA-13206: 创建空间索引时出现内部错误 []
ORA-13207: 运算符 [] 使用不正确
ORA-13208: 对运算符 [] 求值时出现内部错误
ORA-13209: 读取 SDO_INDEX_METADATA 表时出现内部错误
ORA-13210: 将数据插入索引表时出错
ORA-13211: 嵌装窗口对象失败
ORA-13212: 无法与窗口对象比较铺砌
ORA-13213: 为窗口对象生成空间索引失败
ORA-13214: 无法为窗口对象计算超单元格
ORA-13215: 窗口对象超出范围
ORA-13216: 无法更新空间索引
ORA-13217: ALTER INDEX 语句中提供的参数无效
ORA-13218: 索引表达到 [] 索引所支持的最大值
ORA-13219: 无法创建空间索引表 []
ORA-13220: 无法与几何比较铺砌
ORA-13221: 几何对象中未知的几何类型
ORA-13222: 无法为几何在中计算超单元格
ORA-13223: SDO_GEOM_METADATA 表中有重复的项
ORA-13224: 为空间索引指定的索引名太长
ORA-13225: 为空间索引指定的索引表名太长 
ORA-13226: 在没有空间索引的情况下不支持此界面
ORA-13227: 两个索引表的 SDO_LEVEL 值不一致
ORA-13228: 由于无效的类型,空间索引创建失败
ORA-13230: 在创建 R-tree 期间无法创建临时表 []
ORA-13231: 在创建 R-tree 期间无法创建索引表 []
ORA-13232: 在创建 R-tree 期间无法分配内存
ORA-13233: 无法创建 R-tree 的序列号 []
ORA-13234: 无法访问 R-tree-index 表 []
ORA-13236: R-tree 处理中的内部错误: []
ORA-13237: 在 R-tree 并发更新期间的内部错误: []
ORA-13239: 在 n-d R-tree 创建期间未指定 sdo_dimensionality
ORA-13240: 指定的维度大于查询 mbr 的维度
ORA-13241: 指定的维度与数据的维度不匹配
ORA-13242: 无法读取 n-d R-tree 的容限值
ORA-13243: n-d R-tree 不支持指定的操作符: []
ORA-13250: 权限不足,无法修改元数据表项
ORA-13251: 元数据表中有重复的项 
ORA-13260: 层次表  不存在
ORA-13261: 几何表  不存在
ORA-13262: 几何列  没有存在于表  中
ORA-13263: 列  (在表  中) 不是 SDO_GEOMETRY 类型
ORA-13264: 几何标识符列  没有存在于表  中
ORA-13265: 几何标识符列  (在表  中) 不是 NUMBER 类型
ORA-13266: 插入数据到表  时出错
ORA-13267: 从层次表  读取数据出错
ORA-13269: 处理几何表时遇到内部错误 []
ORA-13270: OCI 错误 
ORA-13271: 给几何对象分配内存时出错
ORA-13272: 几何对象  (在表  中) 无效
ORA-13273: 维元数据表  不存在
ORA-13274: 用不兼容的 SRID 调用了运算符
ORA-13275: 在不受支持的类型上创建空间索引失败
ORA-13276: 坐标转换中的内部错误 []
ORA-13278: 把 SRID 转换到本地格式中出现故障
ORA-13281: 检索 WKT 的 sql 语句在执行中出现故障
ORA-13282: 坐标转换的初始化出现故障
ORA-13283: 无法获得新的位置转换的几何对象
ORA-13284: 无法拷贝位置转换的几何对象
ORA-13285: 几何坐标转换错误
ORA-13287: 无法转换未知的 gtype
ORA-13288: 点坐标转换错误
ORA-13290: 不支持指定的单位
ORA-13291: 在指定单位和标准单位之间转换时出错
ORA-13292: ARC_TOLERANCE 的说明不正确
ORA-13293: 不能为没有测量参照 SRID 的几何对象指定单位
ORA-13294: 无法转换包含圆弧的几何结构
ORA-13295: 几何对象位于不同的坐标系统中
ORA-13296: 坐标系统的说明不正确
ORA-13300: 单点转换错误
ORA-13303: 无法从表中检索几何对象
ORA-13304: 无法在表中插入转换的几何对象
ORA-13330: 无效的 MASK
ORA-13331: LRS 段无效
ORA-13332: LRS 点无效
ORA-13333: LRS 度量无效
ORA-13334: 未连接 LRS 段
ORA-13335: 未定义 LRS 度量信息
ORA-13336: 无法将标准维信息/几何对象转换为 LRS 维/几何对象
ORA-13337: 连接 LRS 多边形失败
ORA-13338: 翻转 LRS 多边形/收集几何对象失败
ORA-13339: LRS 多边形剪贴操作涉及到多个环
ORA-13340: 几何点的坐标多于一个
ORA-13341: 几何线的坐标少于两个
ORA-13342: 几何弧的坐标少于三个
ORA-13343: 几何多边形的坐标少于四个
ORA-13344: 几何弧多边形的坐标少于五个
ORA-13345: 几何复合多边形的坐标少于五个
ORA-13346: 定义弧的坐标在同一直线上
ORA-13347: 定义弧的坐标未分开
ORA-13348: 多边形边界未封闭
ORA-13349: 多边形边界自身交叉
ORA-13350: 复杂多边形的两个或多个环相接
ORA-13351: 复杂多边形的两个或多个环重叠
ORA-13352: 坐标未描述出一个圆
ORA-13353: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY 未按三的倍数组合
ORA-13354: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY 中出现不正确的偏移量
ORA-13355: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY 没有按指定的维数组合
ORA-13356: 几何中的相邻点多余
ORA-13357: 扩充区块类型未包含两点
ORA-13358: 圆类型未包含三点
ORA-13359: 扩充区块没有区域
ORA-13360: 复合类型中无效的子类型
ORA-13361: 复合 ETYPE 中没有足够的子元素
ORA-13362: 复合多边形中的子元素未连接
ORA-13363: 几何中没有有效的 ETYPE
ORA-13364: 层维度与几何对象维数不匹配
ORA-13365: 层 SRID 与几何对象 SRID 不匹配
ORA-13366: 内环和外环的组合无效
ORA-13367: 内环/外环的方向错误
ORA-13368: 简单多边形类型有多个外环
ORA-13369: 4 位数字的 etype 值无效
ORA-13370: 应用 3D LRS 函数失败
ORA-13371: 度量维的位置无效
ORA-13372: 修改具有空间索引的表的元数据失败
ORA-13373: 测量数据不支持类型为 Extent 的元素
ORA-13374: 测量数据不支持 SDO_MBR
ORA-13375: 层属于 [] 类型, 而插入的几何对象的类型为 []
ORA-13376: 为 layer_gtype 参数指定的类型名无效
ORA-13377: 元素组合的方向无效
ORA-13378: 所要抽取的元素索引无效
ORA-13379: 所要抽取的子元素索引无效
ORA-13400: Oracle GeoImage 内部错误, 参数: [],[], [], [], []
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