3.2. 边互换启发式算法LK2opt和LK3opt原理介绍
3.3 Easyopt.jar中的LK2opt和LK3opt方法
3.1 TSP问题概述
旅行商问题(Travelling Salesman Problem,TSP)可描述为一个商人需要到n个城市推销商品,每两个城市i和j之间的距离为,商人从其居所城市出发,经过每个城市一次后再返回居所城市,确定其城市行走顺序以实现所走路径总里程最短的优化问题。TSP还可以细分为对称和非对称两大类问题,当时,称为对称旅行商问题STSP,否则称非对称旅行商问题ATSP。如果旅行商问题没有其他约束,可以使用下列数学模型对其进行描述:
表3.1 TSP问题示例城市之间的相对距离
城市 | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 |
C1 | 0 | 15 | 19 | 30 | 6 | 11 | 18 | 14 | 24 |
C2 | 15 | 0 | 34 | 44 | 14 | 23 | 29 | 4 | 38 |
C3 | 19 | 34 | 0 | 16 | 22 | 15 | 19 | 32 | 9 |
C4 | 30 | 44 | 16 | 0 | 35 | 30 | 18 | 44 | 7 |
C5 | 6 | 14 | 22 | 35 | 0 | 9 | 24 | 11 | 28 |
C6 | 11 | 23 | 15 | 30 | 9 | 0 | 24 | 20 | 23 |
C7 | 18 | 29 | 19 | 18 | 24 | 24 | 0 | 30 | 15 |
C8 | 14 | 4 | 32 | 44 | 11 | 20 | 30 | 0 | 37 |
C9 | 24 | 38 | 9 | 7 | 28 | 23 | 15 | 37 | 0 |
3.2. 边互换启发式算法LK2opt和LK3opt原理介绍
3.2.1 边互换算法概述
3.2.2 两对边互换算法LK2opt
(a) (b)
图1 Lin2-opt两边互换的两种情况
Step1:随机生成路径T Step2:improved=true Step3:while(improved) Step3.1: improved=false,生成全部节点的一个随机排序S,然后对路径T通过如下步骤进行两条边的互换操作 Step3.2: 令i=1 Step3.3: 对S中的第i个节点t1的关联边x1进行2-opt操作,边x1可能有两个,一个是节点t1同其紧前关联节点t11之间的边,一个是节点t1同其紧后关联节点t2之间的边。令j=1时,x1为t1-t11之间的边;当j =-1时,x1为t1 - t2之间的边。令j=1,执行Step3.4; Step3.4:根据i和j确定x1; Step3.5:令k=1 Step3.6:当前边为x1,另一个节点为t2,找出以t2为一个端点,另一个端点为t1之后的第k个端点,如果该端点不是t1、t2和t12,两条边互换后得到新解T',如果f(T')<f(T),则执行Step3.7;否则执行step3.8; Step3.7: 令T=T',improved=true; Step3.8:k=k+1,如果k<n-3,执行Step3.6;否则执行Step3.9; Step3.9:如果j=-1,执行Step3.10;否则j=-1,执行Step3.4; Step3.10: 令i=i+1,如果i≤n,执行Step3.3;否则执行Step4; Step4: 输出结果 |
3.2.3 三对边互换算法LK3opt
图2 LK3-opt中t2在t1顺时针方向时解的可行性分析总结图
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
图3 LK3-opt中t2在t1顺时针方向时解可行性分析详解图
图4 LK3-opt中t2在t1逆时针方向时解的可行性分析总结图
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
图5 LK3-opt中t2在t1逆时针方向时解可行性分析详解图
3.3 Easyopt.jar中的LK2opt和LK3opt方法
3.3.1 算法程序
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
| getTSPDist 根据输入的城市之间距离矩阵和旅行商行走路线,获取该路线的总长度 |
| leftShift 对一维数组向左偏移n个位数,不包含第一个数字 |
| optByEnumerate 根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用枚举法对全部可能的路径进行枚举比较,并返回输出最优里程和路径顺序,只适合于城市数量较少的问题, 否则运算时间太长 |
| optByLin2opt 根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用Lin和Kernighan的2-opt【2对边交换】方法进行优化,并返回输出最优里程的路径顺序 |
| optByLin3opt 根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用Lin和Kernighan的3-opt【3对边交换】方法进行优化,并返回输出最优里程的路径顺序 |
| optByNearNeighbor 根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用最近邻法求出TSP近似最优解,并返回输出近似最优里程和路径顺序,可适用于大规模的问题,但是近似最优解的质量难以得到保障 |
| optTSPBy2opt 根据输入的参数:各个节点之间的相互距离,获得该TSP问题距离最短的路径顺序 |
| optTSPBy3opt 根据输入的参数:各个节点之间的相互距离,采用3点交换的优化策略获得该TSP问题距离最短的路径顺序 |
| optTSPByTabu 根据输入的参数:各个节点之间的相互距离,使用禁忌搜索算法获得该TSP问题距离最短的路径 ----与optTSPByTabu2的区别:optTSPByTabu2每次迭代比较指定特定数量的候选解;本方法每次迭代比较全部邻域解 |
3.3.2 算法源代码
3.3.2 optByLin2opt和optByLin3opt方法使用示例
TestLKopt.class源代码 |
import java.util.Arrays; import easyopt.common.EasyMath; import easyopt.instances.TSPinstances; import easyopt.tsp.TSP; public class TestLKopt { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("----------简单算例求解结果----------"); simpleTSP(); System.out.println("----------稍微复杂算例求解结果----------"); complexTSP(); }
public static void simpleTSP(){ double[][] distsDouble={{0,15,19,30,6,11,18,14,24},{15,0,34,44,14,23,29,4,38}, {19,34,0,16,22,15,19,32,9},{30,44,16,0,35,30,18,44,7},{6,14,22,35,0,9,24,11,28}, {11,23,15,30,9,0,24,20,23},{18,29,19,18,24,24,0,30,15},{14,4,32,44,11,20,30,0,37}, {24,38,9,7,28,23,15,37,0}}; int[] route1 = TSP.optByLin2opt(distsDouble); int[] route2 = TSP.optByLin3opt(distsDouble); double dist1 = TSP.getTSPDist(distsDouble, route1); double dist2 = TSP.getTSPDist(distsDouble, route2); System.out.println("the optimal distance by Lin2opt: "+ dist1); System.out.println("the optimal route by Lin2opt: "+ Arrays.toString(route1)); System.out.println("the optimal distance by Lin3opt: "+ dist2); System.out.println("the optimal route by Lin3opt: "+ Arrays.toString(route2)); } /**稍微复杂一些的TSP问题数据示例,使用*/ public static void complexTSP(){ TSPinstances tspObj = new TSPinstances();//构建算例对象 tspObj.init_eil51();//使用eil51的算例初始化tspObj对象 double[][] xy = tspObj.getPosXY();//将tspObj中的数据提取出来,主要是各个节点的xy平面坐标值 double[][] distsDouble=EasyMath.calDist(xy, 0);//根据xy值生成点之间的距离矩阵 int[] route1 = TSP.optByLin2opt(distsDouble); int[] route2 = TSP.optByLin3opt(distsDouble); double dist1 = TSP.getTSPDist(distsDouble, route1); double dist2 = TSP.getTSPDist(distsDouble, route2); System.out.println("the optimal distance by Lin2opt: "+ dist1); System.out.println("the optimal route by Lin2opt: "+ Arrays.toString(route1)); System.out.println("the optimal distance by Lin3opt: "+ dist2); System.out.println("the optimal route by Lin3opt: "+ Arrays.toString(route2)); }
} |
----------简单算例求解结果---------- the optimal distance by Lin2opt: 108.0 the optimal route by Lin2opt: [0, 6, 3, 8, 2, 5, 4, 1, 7] the optimal distance by Lin3opt: 111.0 the optimal route by Lin3opt: [0, 4, 5, 2, 8, 3, 6, 1, 7] ----------稍微复杂算例求解结果---------- the optimal distance by Lin2opt: 468.0 the optimal route by Lin2opt: [23, 13, 24, 12, 18, 41, 39, 40, 3, 17, 46, 50, 45, 10, 31, 21, 1, 15, 49, 8, 48, 37, 4, 11, 36, 16, 43, 14, 44, 32, 38, 9, 29, 33, 20, 28, 19, 34, 35, 2, 27, 30, 25, 6, 7, 0, 26, 5, 47, 22, 42] the optimal distance by Lin3opt: 441.0 the optimal route by Lin3opt: [39, 40, 12, 24, 13, 23, 42, 6, 22, 5, 47, 7, 25, 30, 27, 2, 19, 34, 35, 21, 0, 26, 50, 45, 31, 10, 37, 4, 48, 8, 49, 15, 1, 28, 20, 33, 29, 9, 38, 32, 44, 14, 43, 36, 16, 11, 46, 17, 3, 41, 18] |
附录 Easyopt.jar中的LK2opt和LK3opt方法源代码
import java.util.Arrays; import easyopt.common.EasyMath; import easyopt.tsp.TSP; public class LK2optAndLK3opt { /**根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用Lin和Kernighan的2-opt【2条边交换】方法进行优化, * 并返回输出最优里程的路径顺序 * @param dist 各个节点之间的距离矩阵,行列相同的二维数组 * @return 路径中各个顺序的城市编号【从0开始编号】;如果dist中出现数据错误,则返回值的城市编号均为-1 * */ public static int[] optByLin2opt(double[][] dist){ //算法步骤是先根据城市的数量,生成全部城市的全排列,然后对每个排列计算其路径总里程 int row = dist.length; int col =dist[0].length; int[] route = new int[row]; //判断距离矩阵行列长度是否相同 if(row!= col){ for(int i=0;i<row;i++){ route[i]=-1; } System.out.println("TSP问题中城市距离矩阵dist的行列长度不相等"); return route; } if(row<9){//如果节点数量少于9个,则直接使用枚举法获得最优解 route = TSP.optByEnumerate(dist); return route; } //以最后一个城市为始终点,来减少排列数量 int cityQty = row; //step1 :随机生成一个路径 route = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty); route=TSP.optByNearNeighbor(dist); // System.out.println("init route: "+Arrays.toString(route)); double bestFit = TSP.getTSPDist(dist, route); int[] bestRoute = Arrays.copyOf(route, cityQty); boolean improved = true; int[][] routeEdges = new int[cityQty][cityQty];//record whether the edges include in the present route routeEdges = getTheEdgeValue(route); int nowLoop=0; //step2: 循环迭代进行两条边的互换和更新 while(improved||nowLoop<20){ if(!improved){ route = Arrays.copyOf(bestRoute, cityQty); } improved = false; int[] randCities = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty);//随机各个城市节点的乱序,从0开始,控制每次以哪个城市为其实节点t1【第一条边的一个顶点】 for(int i=0;i<cityQty;i++){ int t1node = route[randCities[i]];//相当于算法中的节点t1 for(int j=-1;j<2;j=j+2){//当前节点左联边或右联边作为交换的x1 int[] cityPositions =getCityPositionFromRoute(route);//各个城市在当前路径中的索引位置,从0开始编号 routeEdges = getTheEdgeValue(route); int t1pos = cityPositions[t1node];// [0,n-1] int t2pos = t1pos +j;//the t2pos may be less than 0 while the t1pos equals 0; //the t2pos may be bigger than cityQty-1 while the t1pos equals cityQty-1 //[-1,n] int t2node = route[Math.floorMod(t2pos, cityQty)]; //now the two nodes of the broken edge are determined, // then we should find the t3 and the link edge y1 double x1Dist = dist[t1node][t2node]; int[] randCity2 = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty); for(int k=0;k<cityQty;k++){ int t3node = randCity2[k]; if(routeEdges[t2node][t3node]==0&&t2node!=t3node){//edge: t2node-k is not in the present route double y1Dist = dist[t2node][t3node]; if(x1Dist>y1Dist){//condition 1 int t3pos = cityPositions[t3node];//[0,n-1] int preT3pos = t3pos-1; int nextT3pos = t3pos+1; //now we have t1pos,t2pos,t3pos,preT3pos,nextT3pos, then we need judge and decide the t4node // all of them are in [-1,cityQty], how to decide the right t4 int t4pos;//[-1,n] if(t2pos<t1pos){ t4pos = nextT3pos; }else{ t4pos = preT3pos; } //t4pos is not equal to t1pos, or t2pos double y2dist = dist[route[Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty)]][route[t1pos]]; double x2dist =dist[t2node][t3node]; if(Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty)!=Math.floorMod(t1pos, cityQty) &&Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty)!=Math.floorMod(t2pos, cityQty) &&y2dist<x2dist){ //System.out.println(k+ " t1 t2 t3 t4: "+ t1pos+" "+ t2pos+" "+ t3pos+" "+ t4pos+" "); //get the right t4 node, so change the route if(t2pos<t1pos){//in reversing process, t2pos clockwise to t4pos int midPos = t2pos; if(t2pos<t4pos) midPos+=cityQty; int gapNum = midPos-t4pos+1;// the quantity of the reverse nodes int pairQty = (int) Math.floor(gapNum/2);
for(int p=0;p<pairQty;p++){ int t2_t4Idx = Math.floorMod(t2pos-p, cityQty); int t4_t2Idx = Math.floorMod(t4pos+p, cityQty); int midVal = route[t2_t4Idx]; route[t2_t4Idx]=route[t4_t2Idx]; route[t4_t2Idx]=midVal; } //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(route)+" pairQty: "+pairQty); }else{//in reversing process, t2pos anti-clockwise to t4pos int midPos = t4pos; if(t4pos<t2pos) midPos+=cityQty; int gapNum = midPos-t2pos+1;// the quantity of the reverse nodes int pairQty = (int) Math.floor(gapNum/2); for(int p=0;p<pairQty;p++){ int t2_t4Idx = Math.floorMod(t2pos+p, cityQty); int t4_t2Idx = Math.floorMod(t4pos-p, cityQty); int midVal = route[t2_t4Idx]; route[t2_t4Idx]=route[t4_t2Idx]; route[t4_t2Idx]=midVal; } } double nowFit = TSP.getTSPDist(dist, route); if(nowFit<bestFit){ bestFit = nowFit; bestRoute = Arrays.copyOf(route, cityQty); nowLoop--; } improved = true; break; } } } }
} } //System.out.println(getTSPDist(dist, route)); nowLoop++; } return bestRoute; } /**根据输入的TSP各个节点间的距离矩阵,运用Lin和Kernighan的3-opt【3条边交换】方法进行优化, * 并返回输出最优里程的路径顺序 * @param dist 各个节点之间的距离矩阵,行列相同的二维数组 * @return 路径中各个顺序的城市编号【从0开始编号】;如果dist中出现数据错误,则返回值的城市编号均为-1 * */ public static int[] optByLin3opt(double[][] dist){ //算法步骤是先根据城市的数量,生成全部城市的全排列,然后对每个排列计算其路径总里程 int row = dist.length; int col =dist[0].length; int[] route = new int[row]; //判断距离矩阵行列长度是否相同 if(row!= col){ for(int i=0;i<row;i++){ route[i]=-1; } System.out.println("TSP问题中城市距离矩阵dist的行列长度不相等"); return route; } if(row<8){//如果节点数量少于8个,则直接使用枚举法获得最优解 route = TSP.optByEnumerate(dist); return route; } int cityQty = row; //step1 :随机生成一个路径 route = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty); route=TSP.optByNearNeighbor(dist); double bestFit = TSP.getTSPDist(dist, route); int[] bestRoute = Arrays.copyOf(route, cityQty); boolean improved = true; int nowLoop=0; //step2: 循环迭代进行两条边的互换和更新 while(improved||nowLoop<10){ improved = false; int[] randCities = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty);//随机各个城市节点的乱序,从0开始,控制每次以哪个城市为其实节点t1【第一条边的一个顶点】 for(int i=0;i<cityQty;i++){//t1 for loop int[] randCities2 = EasyMath.randPerm(cityQty); int t1pos = randCities[i]; int t2pos,t2posGood;//t2pos is in range of [-1,n], t2pos is in range of [0,n-1] // **************** t2pos is after t1pos ******************* t2pos = t1pos+1; t2posGood = Math.floorMod(t2pos, cityQty); int t1nodeIdx = route[t1pos]; int t2nodeIdx = route[t2posGood]; double x1dist = dist[t1nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx];// the length of edge X1 for(int j=0;j<cityQty;j++){//t3-t4 for loop boolean t5t6Break = false;//when t5t6 get an improved result, break the t3t4 for loop int t3pos = randCities2[j]; int t4pos, t4posGood; //--------------t4pos is after t3pos t4pos=t3pos+1; t4posGood = Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty); int t3nodeIdx = route[t3pos]; int t4nodeIdx = route[t4posGood]; double x2dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t4nodeIdx]; double y1dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx]; int t2posNext = t2pos+1; int t2posNextGood = Math.floorMod(t2posNext, cityQty); if(x1dist>y1dist&&t1pos!=t3pos&&t1pos!=t4posGood&&t2posGood!=t3pos &&t2posNextGood!=t3pos){//include the condition: t2posGood!=t4posGood //t5pos must be between t3pos and t2pos, otherwise the new route is not feasible int gap_t2pos_t3pos = t3pos -t2posGood -1;// the remain points between t3pos and t2pos if(t3pos<t2posGood){ gap_t2pos_t3pos = cityQty - (t2posGood - t3pos +1); } if(gap_t2pos_t3pos==2){//only two points between t2pos and t3pos, this branch is included by >2 branch int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //case 1, t6pos is after t5pos t5pos = t2posGood +1; t6pos = t5pos +1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t3..t2..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t3_t6 = t3pos - t6posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t6 if(t3pos<t6posGood){ nodes_t3_t6 = cityQty -(t6posGood - t3pos - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t1pos - t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t1-t4 if(t1pos<t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t5 = t5pos - t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t2 if(t5pos<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t5 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t5pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t5;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t2posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); improved = true; break; } //case 2, t6pos is before t5pos t5pos = t2posGood +1; t6pos = t5pos - 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t2..t3..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t2_t6 = t6posGood -t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t6 if(t6posGood<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t6 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t6posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t5_t3 = t3pos - t5posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t3 if(t3pos<t5posGood){ nodes_t5_t3 = cityQty -(t5posGood - t3pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t5_t3;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t3pos - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t1pos - t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t1 if(t1pos<t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); improved = true; break; } }else if(gap_t2pos_t3pos>2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t2pos_t3pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //case 1, t6pos is after t5pos t5pos = t2posGood +1+h; t6pos = t5pos +1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t3pos){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t3..t2..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t3_t6 = t3pos - t6posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t6 if(t3pos<t6posGood){ nodes_t3_t6 = cityQty -(t6posGood - t3pos - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t1pos - t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t1-t4 if(t1pos<t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t5 = t5pos - t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t2 if(t5pos<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t5 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t5pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t5;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t2posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } //case 2, t6pos is before t5pos t5pos = t2posGood +1+h; t6pos = t5pos - 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t2posGood){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t2..t3..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t2_t6 = t6posGood -t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t6 if(t6posGood<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t6 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t6posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t5_t3 = t3pos - t5posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t3 if(t3pos<t5posGood){ nodes_t5_t3 = cityQty -(t5posGood - t3pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t5_t3;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t3pos - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t1pos - t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t1 if(t1pos<t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } } }
} if(t5t6Break) break;// break the t3t4 for loop
//----------------------t4pos is before t3pos t4pos=t3pos-1; t4posGood = Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty); t3nodeIdx = route[t3pos]; t4nodeIdx = route[t4posGood]; x2dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t4nodeIdx]; y1dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx]; if(x1dist>y1dist&&t1pos!=t3pos&&t1pos!=t4posGood&&t2posGood!=t3pos &&t2posGood!=t4posGood){ //case 1 : t5pos is between t3pos and t1pos, and t6pos is between t5pos and t3pos int gap_t1pos_t3pos = t1pos -t3pos -1;// the remain points between t3pos and t1pos if(t1pos<t3pos){ gap_t1pos_t3pos = cityQty - (t3pos - t1pos +1); } if(gap_t1pos_t3pos>=2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t1pos_t3pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //t6pos must be before t5pos t5pos = t3pos + 1 + h; t6pos = t5pos - 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t3pos){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t3..t2..t4..t5..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t3_t6 = t6posGood -t3pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t6 if(t6posGood<t3pos){ nodes_t3_t6 = cityQty -(t3pos - t6posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t4 = t4posGood - t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t4 if(t4posGood<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t4 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t4posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t4;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t2posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t5_t1 = t1pos - t5posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t1 if(t1pos<t5posGood){ nodes_t5_t1 = cityQty -(t5posGood - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t5_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t5posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } }
} if(t5t6Break){break;}; //case 2 : t5pos is between t4pos and t2pos, and t6pos is between t5pos and t4pos int gap_t2pos_t4pos = t4posGood -t2posGood -1;// the remain points between t2pos and t4pos if(t4posGood<t2posGood){ gap_t2pos_t4pos = cityQty - (t2posGood - t4posGood +1); } if(gap_t2pos_t4pos>=2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t2pos_t4pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //t6pos must be after t5pos t5pos = t2pos + 1 + h; t6pos = t5pos + 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t4posGood){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t4..t5..t2..t3..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t4_t6 = t4posGood -t6posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t6 if(t4posGood<t6posGood){ nodes_t4_t6 = cityQty -(t6posGood - t4posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t5 = t5posGood - t2posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t5 if(t5posGood<t2posGood){ nodes_t2_t5 = cityQty -(t2posGood - t5posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t5;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t5posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t3_t1 = t1pos - t3pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t1 if(t1pos<t3pos){ nodes_t3_t1 = cityQty -(t3pos - t1pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t3pos + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } }
} if(t5t6Break) break; //break the t3t4 for loop }
//*********t2pos is before t1pos t2pos = t1pos-1; t2posGood = Math.floorMod(t2pos, cityQty); t1nodeIdx = route[t1pos]; t2nodeIdx = route[t2posGood]; x1dist = dist[t1nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx];// the length of edge X1 for(int j=0;j<cityQty;j++){//t3-t4 for loop boolean t5t6Break = false;//when t5t6 get an improved result, break the t3t4 for loop int t3pos = randCities2[j]; int t4pos, t4posGood; //--------------t4pos is before t3pos t4pos=t3pos - 1; t4posGood = Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty); int t3nodeIdx = route[t3pos]; int t4nodeIdx = route[t4posGood]; double x2dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t4nodeIdx]; double y1dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx]; int t2posPre = t2pos+1; int t2posPreGood = Math.floorMod(t2posPre, cityQty); if(x1dist>y1dist&&t1pos!=t3pos&&t1pos!=t4posGood&&t2posGood!=t3pos &&t2posPreGood!=t3pos){//include the condition: t2posGood!=t4posGood //t5pos must be between t3pos and t2pos, otherwise the new route is not feasible int gap_t2pos_t3pos = t2posGood -t3pos -1;// the remain points between t3pos and t2pos if(t3pos>t2posGood){ gap_t2pos_t3pos = cityQty - (t3pos-t2posGood +1); } if(gap_t2pos_t3pos>=2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t2pos_t3pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //case 1, t6pos is after t5pos t5pos = t3pos +1+h; t6pos = t5pos +1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t2posGood){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t2..t3..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t2_t6 = t2posGood - t6posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t6 if(t2posGood<t6posGood){ nodes_t2_t6 = cityQty -(t6posGood - t2posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t3_t5 = t5posGood - t3pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t5 if(t5posGood<t3pos){ nodes_t3_t5 = cityQty -(t3pos - t5posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t5;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t3pos + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t4posGood - t1pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t1 if(t4posGood<t1pos){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t1pos - t4posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; }
//case 2, t6pos is before t5pos t6pos = t5pos - 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t3pos){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t3..t2..t5..t4..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t3_t6 = t6posGood -t3pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t6 if(t6posGood<t3pos){ nodes_t3_t6 = cityQty -(t3pos - t6posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t5_t2 = t2posGood - t5posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t2 if(t2posGood<t5posGood){ nodes_t5_t2 = cityQty -(t5posGood - t2posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t5_t2;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t2posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t4_t1 = t4posGood - t1pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t1 if(t1pos>t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t1 = cityQty -(t1pos - t4posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t4posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } }
} if(t5t6Break) break;// break the t3t4 for loop
//----------------------t4pos is after t3pos t4pos=t3pos+1; t4posGood = Math.floorMod(t4pos, cityQty); t3nodeIdx = route[t3pos]; t4nodeIdx = route[t4posGood]; x2dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t4nodeIdx]; y1dist = dist[t3nodeIdx][t2nodeIdx]; if(x1dist>y1dist&&t1pos!=t3pos&&t1pos!=t4posGood&&t2posGood!=t3pos &&t2posGood!=t4posGood){ //case 1 : t5pos is between t3pos and t1pos, and t6pos is between t5pos and t3pos int gap_t1pos_t3pos = t3pos -t1pos -1;// the remain points between t3pos and t1pos if(t1pos>t3pos){ gap_t1pos_t3pos = cityQty - (t1pos - t3pos +1); } if(gap_t1pos_t3pos>=2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t1pos_t3pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //t6pos must be before t5pos t5pos = t1pos + 1 + h; t6pos = t5pos + 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t3pos){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t3..t2..t4..t5..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t3_t6 = t3pos - t6posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t6 if(t6posGood>t3pos){ nodes_t3_t6 = cityQty -(t6posGood - t3pos - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t4 = t2posGood - t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t4 if(t2posGood<t4posGood){ nodes_t2_t4 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t2posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t4;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t2posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t5_t1 = t5posGood - t1pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t5-t1 if(t1pos>t5posGood){ nodes_t5_t1 = cityQty -(t1pos - t5posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t5_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t5posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } }
} if(t5t6Break){break;}; //case 2 : t5pos is between t4pos and t2pos, and t6pos is between t5pos and t4pos int gap_t2pos_t4pos = t2posGood - t4posGood -1;// the remain points between t2pos and t4pos if(t2posGood < t4posGood){ gap_t2pos_t4pos = cityQty - (t4posGood - t2posGood +1); } if(gap_t2pos_t4pos>=2){ for(int h=0;h<gap_t2pos_t4pos;h++){ int t5pos,t6pos,t5posGood,t6posGood; //t6pos must be after t5pos t5pos = t4posGood + 1 + h; t6pos = t5pos - 1; t5posGood = Math.floorMod(t5pos, cityQty); t6posGood = Math.floorMod(t6pos, cityQty); int t5nodeIdx = route[t5posGood]; int t6nodeIdx = route[t6posGood]; double y2dist = dist[t4nodeIdx][t5nodeIdx]; double x3dist = dist[t5nodeIdx][t6nodeIdx]; double y3dist = dist[t6nodeIdx][t1nodeIdx]; if(x1dist +x2dist +x3dist>y1dist+y2dist+y3dist&&t6posGood!=t4posGood){//can exchange the three pair edges //t1...t6..t4..t5..t2..t3..t1 int[] newRoute = new int[cityQty]; int nodes_t4_t6 = t6posGood -t4posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t4-t6 if(t6posGood<t4posGood){ nodes_t4_t6 = cityQty -(t4posGood - t6posGood - 1); } int newIdx =0; for(int k=0;k<nodes_t4_t6;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t6posGood - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t2_t5 = t2posGood - t5posGood +1;// the nodes in the segment of t2-t5 if(t2posGood<t5posGood){ nodes_t2_t5 = cityQty -(t5posGood - t2posGood - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t2_t5;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t5posGood + k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } int nodes_t3_t1 = t3pos - t1pos +1;// the nodes in the segment of t3-t1 if(t1pos>t3pos){ nodes_t3_t1 = cityQty -(t1pos - t3pos - 1); } for(int k=0;k<nodes_t3_t1;k++){ newRoute[newIdx] = route[Math.floorMod(t3pos - k,cityQty)]; newIdx++; } route = Arrays.copyOf(newRoute, cityQty); t5t6Break = true; improved = true; break; } }
} if(t5t6Break) break; //break the t3t4 for loop }
} //System.out.println(getTSPDist(dist, route)); nowLoop++; } bestRoute = Arrays.copyOf(route, cityQty); return bestRoute; } /**根据路径中各个城市的位置,获取每个城市在路径数组中的索引号【从0开始编号】 * @param route 长度为n的一维数组,内容为0到n-1之间的乱序,表示TSP问题中各个城市前后关联形成的一种路径 * @return 一维数组,为0到n-1这些数在route中的索引 * */ private static int[] getCityPositionFromRoute(int[] route) { int cityQty = route.length; int[] positions = new int[cityQty]; for(int i=0;i<cityQty;i++){ positions[route[i]]=i; } return positions; } /**根据当前的路径信息,生成各条边是否存在于当前路径中的数组 * @param route 长度为n的一维数组,内容为0到n-1之间的乱序,表示TSP问题中各个城市前后关联形成的一种路径 * @return 行列均为n的二维数组,交叉处为对应行列表示的边是否存在于当前路径,如果在则为1,否则则为0 * */ private static int[][] getTheEdgeValue(int[] route) { int n= route.length; int[][] inEdges = new int[n][n]; for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){ inEdges[route[i]][route[i+1]] =1; inEdges[route[i+1]][route[i]] =1; } inEdges[route[0]][route[n-1]] =1; inEdges[route[n-1]][route[0]] =1; return inEdges; } } |