VC++/MFC 教程1(英文)

Lesson 1: Behind the Scenes with Handles and Messages

Though you think you want to dive right into the code, you really don't. Windows programming is overwhelming at first. Let's take a quick look at how Windows works. The backbone of all of your programming will be responding to and sending messages. What are messages? Messages are simply a 32bit number designating some event. Example: You move the mouse, a message (defined as WM_MOUSEMOVE) is 'posted' to the active window. You press a key, a message ( WM_KEYDOWN) is 'posted' to the active window. You resize the window, a message ( WM_SIZE) is 'posted' to the active window. Get the picture?

Now where do these messages go? They get queued up and a window eventually takes them out of the queue and reacts to them. For instance when a window gets the WM_MOVE message it changes the coordinates of the window and redraws it on the screen.

Let's move on to Handles. Windows is very much object oriented. You have several window objects (like the desktop, the program your reading this with, etc...). How does the programmer distinguish all of these things in an non-object-oriented language? He uses handles.  Handles are a way to reference different windows objects. You can have handles to windows, handles to files, handles to allocated memory, handles to images, etc.  You can think of them as pointers. You must create them some how. And when you are done with them, you must destroy them. If you don't you will end up with what is called a resource leak. This could bring your system to a grinding halt. So take care to always make sure they are destroyed at sometime.

Now lets tie these two things together.  Say you have a window. You will have a handle to it (called an HWND). Lets name your handle your_HWND. The operating system wants to tell you to redraw your window because it was just uncovered by some other window. Windoze passes you a message like this:

PostMessage(your_HWND, WM_PAINT, 0,0);

This function posts a paint messages to the window with handle your_HWND. The last two parameters are used for extra information about the message. Don't worry about them for now.

Now your application will have a function with a big case statement in it to handle all of the messages. For example:

void  HandleTheMessage(long Message) 
  case WM_PAINT: 
  case WM_KEYDOWN: 


Ok that is basically how windows works under the hood. That should be enough to get you going when we start talking about MFC.

VC++MFC教程 第一部分 基础知识 第1章 窗口 2 1.1 窗口和API环境 2 1.1.1 三种类型窗口 2 1.1.2 客户区和非客户区 3 1.2 窗口和MFC环境 4 1.3 怎样应用MFC创建一个窗口 5 1.4 怎样使用MFC销毁一个窗口 9 1.4.1 捆绑到一个已有的窗口 9 1.4.2 窗口类 10 1.4.3 窗口进程 10 1.5 怎样使用MFC创建一个窗口类 11 1.5.1 使用AfxRegisterWndClass () 函数注册一个窗口类 11 1.5.2 使用AfxRegisterClass ()函数 创建一个窗口类 12 1.6 怎样销毁一个MFC窗口类 14 1.7 厂商安装的窗口类 14 1.8 其他类型窗口 15 1.9 桌面窗口 16 1.10 小结 16 第2章 类 18 2.1 基类 18 2.1.1 CObject 18 2.1.2 CCmdTarget 19 2.1.3 CWnd 19 2.2 应用程序、框架、文档和视图类 19 2.2.1 CWinApp(O/C/W) 20 2.2.2 CView (O/C/W) 21 2.3 其他用户界面类 22 2.3.1 通用控件类 23 2.3.2 菜单类 23 2.3.3 对话框类 24 2.3.4 控制条类 24 2.3.5 属性类 25 2.4 绘图类 25 2.4.1 设备环境类 25 2.4.2 图形对象类 25 2.5 文件类 26 2.6 数据库类 26 2.6.1 ODBC类 26 2.6.2 DAO类 27 2.7 数据集类 27 2.8 其他数据类 27 2.9 通信类 28 2.10 其他类 29 2.11 小结 31 第3章 消息处理 32 3.1 发送或寄送一个消息 32 3.1.1 发送一个消息 32 3.1.2 寄送一个消息 32 3.1.3 发送一个消息与寄送一个消息 的比较 32 3.2 怎样使用MFC发送一个消息 33 3.3 怎样用MFC寄送一个消息 33 3.4 三种类型的消息 34 3.4.1 窗口消息 34 3.4.2 命令消息 34 3.4.3 控件通知 34 3.5 MFC怎样接收一个寄送的消息 36 3.6 MFC怎样处理一个接收到的消息 36 3.7 处理用户界面的对象 44 3.8 创建自定义窗口消息 45 3.8.1 静态分配的窗口消息 45 3.8.2 动态分配的窗口消息 46 3.9 重定向消息 47 3.9.1 子分类和超分类 47 3.9.2 用MFC子分类窗口 48 3.9.3 重载OnCmdMsg ( ) 49 3.9.4 使用SetWindowsHookEx ( ) 49 3.9.5 使用SetCapture ( ) 49 3.9.6 专有的消息泵 50 3.10 小结 50 第4章 绘图 51 4.1 设备环境 51 4.2 在MFC环境中创建一个设备环境 52 4.2.1 屏幕 52 4.2.2 打印机 53 4.2.3 内存 54 4.2.4 信息 54 4.3 绘图例程 55 4.3.1 画点 55 4.3.2 画线 55 4.3.3 画形状 55 4.3.4 形状填充和翻转 55 4.3.5 滚动 56 4.3.6 绘制文本 56 4.3.7 绘制位图和图标 56 4.4 绘图属性 56 4.4.1 设备环境属性 57 4.4.2 画线属性 58 4.4.3 形状填充属性 58 4.4.4 文本绘制属性 58 4.4.5 映像模式 59 4.4.6 调色板属性 62 4.4.7 混合属性 62 4.4.8 剪裁属性 63 4.4.9 位图绘制属性 64 4.5 元文件和路径 65 4.5.1 元文件 65 4.5.2 路径 66 4.6 颜色和调色板 66 4.6.1 抖动色 67 4.6.2 未经抖动色 67




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